It was the Best of times; it was the worst of times.... (Inactive)

Game Master Kewl Modie

This is a Star Wars Saga Edition campaign set during the time immediately following the conclusion of the Clone Wars.

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Male Human Noble 3

The noble will continue to snore blissfully away waking himself up at one of the larger snores. Smacking his lips he will take a look at Corven who is helping him along. Its been one hella of a party he smiles dumbly and his chin hits his chest as he sleeps again.

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Jak sighs as he tells the others, "It was kind of my fault. I wasn't in a good position to fire a stun blast so I switched to blaster. I opened fire when she didn't comply, and it all just escalated quick."

With a shake of his head, he adds, "Let me at that transponder. I got pretty good at that during the war."

Mechanics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

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HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Forgot the Int roll.

Intelligence: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

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Renlo Tacksa wrote:

GM, I'm going to the Administration building. Since none of the clones saw me, I think I should be good.

As Renlo entered the administration building, he looked about for a secretary who could tell Huuna he was here.

It's going to be sticky leaving the group - timing wise - but we'll give it a go. If things don't mesh we may have to realign.

Renlo heads over to the squat, four story building that is the administration building for Burgger. He enters through the front door and sees a guard sitting behind a desk. The guard looks at you as you enter, "May I help you." he says in a statement that seems to indicate that he want to do anything but help.

Time is 1630 local

Jak Kato wrote:

Jak sighs as he tells the others, "It was kind of my fault. I wasn't in a good position to fire a stun blast so I switched to blaster. I opened fire when she didn't comply, and it all just escalated quick."

With a shake of his head, he adds, "Let me at that transponder. I got pretty good at that during the war."


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Jak walks off towards hanger bay 4D to get a look at the borrowed ship and see if he can work on the transponder codes.

by the time you arrive at 4D and enter, it will be 1615 local time.

Jak Kato wrote:

Forgot the Int roll.


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Intelligence Roll

DC10 Success:
It occurs to you that there are a lot of stunned imperials laying around the area... they will likely wake up soon.

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Before he heads off, Jak mentions, "By the by, someone should move the bodies. I recommend taking their weapons, comms, and tying 'em up, too."

He then snaps his fingers as he remembers.

"Don't forget their helmets. Danggone troopers, got comms built in 'em."

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I've put a map of bay 4D on the Roll20 Site. No a lot of detail, but the ship you all are going to use is shown.

Male HP 23/30 | R 13, F 12, W 15 | DT 12 | Per +9 | FP 4/5 | DP 1/1 | DSP 1 Umbaran Jedi

Gotal looks to Corven, "Jak is right, can you handle that? I fear if I do not get Jaska assistance he will perish here in my arms".

Gotal heads to the medical bay to get assistance for Jaska with Moroka following behind I would think.

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

Sorry for the timing issue. I didn't realize that would happen, figuring the administration building would be near the spaceport. If Huuna gave us his comlink channel, I could update him via that instead.

Walking up to the guard, Renlo said, "Good day to you, sir. I was hoping to speak with Huuna. We met in Fischer's Place earlier, and he hired me to do a task for him. I was hoping to update him on the status of that task. Do you think you could let me up to see him?"

Persuasion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

"We'll get the engines hot as soon as we can, Gotal, in case you're in dire need of thrilling heroics. But try to avoid that if possible. Anyone else here a pilot?"

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Male Human (Chelaxian) Monk (Unchained) 2; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14, CMD 22 (24 vs. grapple); HP 7/23; Ki 0/0; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear, +2 vs. paralysis and sleep); Initiative +7; Perception +8, Sense Motive +8

Currently Corven is more or less carrying Donavaan -with a little help from the Force- and is ready to move towards the ship in bay 4D. I do not think he can take care of the stunned troopers as well.

Male HP 23/30 | R 13, F 12, W 15 | DT 12 | Per +9 | FP 4/5 | DP 1/1 | DSP 1 Umbaran Jedi

Gotal pauses, "Moroka can you handle carrying Jaska? If so I shall handle these troopers".

F human jedi/3

Moroka nods, taking Jaska's unconscious form, holding him up with her shoulder and grunting slightly at the weight. "I'll get him there. Probably best I'm the one seen with him in any case, since I work for him. Less questions, I'd imagine."

She heads off as quickly as she can without exacerbating Jaska's injury.

Should've spent less time tinkering and more time lifting...

Glancing around for a moment, she subtly applies some lift from the Force to offset Jaska's weight and lessen the strain without changing her carrying posture.

use the force, move object: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24 Stealin' somebody's idea, lol...

At least THIS training was worthwhile...

Renlo – Admin Building

”Huuna's gone for the day buddy” the guard smirks.
”SHE's probably over at Fischer's now” he continues; emphasizing the gender distinction.
”You can come back in the morning around ten.” with that he focuses on a datapad on his desk.
There is a kiosk to the right with scrolling information being displayed.

local time 1632

Jak, Corven & Donavaan – Dock 4D

The trio makes their way to hanger bay 4D. As they enter two of the three see a freighter sitting on the on the launch pad. This ship is slightly smaller that the one in 4F. The ramp is up and the engines are cold. One look and you understand, you'll need to “hack” your way in or you'll need a code cylinder to open the hatch remotely.

Corven relaxes slightly from the strain of (mostly) carrying the inebriated human, Donavaan. The unfamiliar weight of the code cylinder that Captain Byrn offered tugged silently in his pocket.

local time 1605

Moroka – Urgent Care & Blaster Repair

Moroka uses the Force to lighten the burden of carrying Jaska out of hanger 4 and down the through way to a corner medical treatment facility that specializes in workers injuries. While the Force helps, and the journey is easier, the Beasalisk is very bulky and ungainly. You approach the med center and a technician meets you at the door.
”What'ya got here?” the young human female asks.
local time 1605


Gotal watches as his companions of late all leave for their respective destinations. As he scans the battlefield, he sees a total of ten bodies that have to be dealt with... or left... or something. Of those ten, six showed life signs through the Force; the others did not. Just about that time, the engines to the freighter throttle up and the ship lifts off the pad; waves of heated air wash over the Umbaran as he follows the ship's trail through the bay opening in the roof.

local time 1602

Male HP 23/30 | R 13, F 12, W 15 | DT 12 | Per +9 | FP 4/5 | DP 1/1 | DSP 1 Umbaran Jedi

As Gotal is alone, he will Use the Force to strip away weapons, comlinks and helmets. Once that is done, he will gather the living into sitting positions back to back and tie them with any electrical cable (there must be some) lying around. Finally, he will look for a storage closet to hide the living and the dead (separately if possible).

I will take ten on all of these checks, giving me a 23 so all tasks should be easy to accomplish.

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

GM, how long will it take me to get to Fischer's, then back to the docking bay?

F human jedi/3

Moroka shifts Jaska's weight, nodding to the technician. "Beesalisk. Blaster wound, upper torso, no more than a few minutes ago. Unconscious since the shot. I've tried to treat him, but I'm no medic."

She takes the first opportunity to unload the inert bulk onto the nearest empty stretcher, exhaling and dismissing the Force as the weight is relieved. "Please do what you can. I have to go; there are others who need me right now."

As she turns to leave, a thought crosses her mind, furrowing her brow for a moment. She looks back to Jaska, then reaches into her pockets and produces a 100 credit chip, slipping it into a convenient pocket on Jaska's outfit. She shrugs as the technician gives her a confused look.

"It'd be rather callous to make him pay for this mess out of pocket, wouldn't it?"

She then turns to head back to the hangar.

Thank you Jaska. Just pull through and I'll make sure this was worth it...

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Jak helps Corven with Donavaan. After a while he says offhandedly, "That's funny. He looks like he'd be heavier." He then shrugs and continues on to Hanger 4D.

When they arrive, Jak can't help but smirk in appreciation. There before him lay a ship - his first step to freedom. And he already had a job lined up. A dangerous job that was sure to have him running afoul of the Empire again, but that suited him just fine.

"Hello, little lady, what's your name?" he said outloud with a chuckle.

He shouldered more of Donavaan's weight and said to Corven, "Fish out that cylinder and open her up. We need to get this bird singing."

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Male Human Noble 3

Hey, dont be making comments about his weight, he does a lot of work to look as good as he does :)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Monk (Unchained) 2; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14, CMD 22 (24 vs. grapple); HP 7/23; Ki 0/0; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear, +2 vs. paralysis and sleep); Initiative +7; Perception +8, Sense Motive +8

"Certainly," Corven says, smiling at Jak's apparent fondness for the ship. Shifting his own and Donavaan's weight a little, he reaches into his pocket and takes the code cylinder out. Taking a few moments to examine it, he activates it -or at least is pretty sure that is what he does- and points it towards the freighter. "I think this should do it..."

Moroka Janis wrote:

Moroka shifts Jaska's weight, nodding to the technician. "Beesalisk. Blaster wound, upper torso, no more than a few minutes ago. Unconscious since the shot. I've tried to treat him, but I'm no medic."

She takes the first opportunity to unload the inert bulk onto the nearest empty stretcher, exhaling and dismissing the Force as the weight is relieved. "Please do what you can. I have to go; there are others who need me right now."

As she turns to leave, a thought crosses her mind, furrowing her brow for a moment. She looks back to Jaska, then reaches into her pockets and produces a 100 credit chip, slipping it into a convenient pocket on Jaska's outfit. She shrugs as the technician gives her a confused look.

"It'd be rather callous to make him pay for this mess out of pocket, wouldn't it?"

She then turns to head back to the hangar.

Thank you Jaska. Just pull through and I'll make sure this was worth it...

Friggin excellent post! Thanks!

Renlo Tacksa wrote:
GM, how long will it take me to get to Fischer's, then back to the docking bay?

It is roughly triangular. It will take you approximately 15 minutes from Fischer's to the spaceport. You could potentially speed things up with a cab - or some other mode of transport. Steal a land speeder, etc and the trip is ~10 minutes total.

Corven activates the code cylinder. After a moment, four external lights illuminate the area just under the freighter and with a "ppssshhhhh" the boarding ramp gently descends.

local time 1604

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Cool. What checks do we need to get the ship going? Piloting? Mechanics?

I made a 21 mechanics check earlier for the trandponder.

Jak hustles along into the ship with Corven and Donavaan. They find a place to lay the inebriated companion down, and then Jak gets to work.

"First things first. What do we call you?" he asks the ship AI as he fiddles with dials in the cockpit.

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The code cylinder gives you what you need to start the ship.

As mentioned in the discussion thread, changing the transponder codes is more than just tinkering... you will likely have to take the ship to a "dark" spaceport for some good old fashioned outlaw tech.

As you enter the ship, the smell of sweat and close quarters in evident. On the bulkhead at the top of the ramp is the CIS crest.

One the superstructure about midway up the ramp, on the right side is a ship data plate. This vessel is a scout vessel built by Loronar Corp.

I've put an external view and a map of both decks on our Roll20 site in case you want to look around the ship. Since I had to set it as the active page to allow everyone to see it, it may become hidden again if we get into any action in the near future

Gotal of Umbara wrote:

As Gotal is alone, he will Use the Force to strip away weapons, comlinks and helmets. Once that is done, he will gather the living into sitting positions back to back and tie them with any electrical cable (there must be some) lying around. Finally, he will look for a storage closet to hide the living and the dead (separately if possible).

I will take ten on all of these checks, giving me a 23 so all tasks should be easy to accomplish.

My apologies for missing this post. I assume my miss is why things seem to have stalled.

In a novel display of Force prowess, Gotal collects that weapons from the battle field and moves them out of the immediate reach of the living. He then slides the bodies into two areas; with a slight "a-ha" expression, he scans the hanger bay for storage areas to place them. As Gotal scans the scene, he notices that the elevated pad has recesses at several points around the perimeter that would do the trick. Grouping the beings, living and non-living, he moves them into respective areas that will keep them out of sight for a while. He then ties them up. He finishes the task with a nod of satisfaction. He turns to head to hanger 4D and as he strides off he can hear stirring among the clones. Muffled "Ungh"'s can be heard as Gotal exits the bay.

Local time 1625

Male HP 23/30 | R 13, F 12, W 15 | DT 12 | Per +9 | FP 4/5 | DP 1/1 | DSP 1 Umbaran Jedi

Gotal will pause and meditate for a few minutes before finding Jack and Coven, should he accomplish the task too quickly questions may be raised.

Gotal searches his feelings to determine if joining these spacefarers is the wisest course of action.

Use the Force taking 10 for a 23

Jak Kato wrote:

Cool. What checks do we need to get the ship going? Piloting? Mechanics?

I made a 21 mechanics check earlier for the trandponder.

Jak hustles along into the ship with Corven and Donavaan. They find a place to lay the inebriated companion down, and then Jak gets to work.

"First things first. What do we call you?" he asks the ship AI as he fiddles with dials in the cockpit.

-Posted with Wayfinder

You're in the ship, you can make a "Use Computer Check" to attempt to gain access to the computer and get more information about the characteristics of the ship. Your mechanics skill check allows you to start the engines, verify that everything is good to go and prepare for leaving... which is what you do.

Jak starts the pre-flight warm up sequence and starts to explore the vessel. On first power up, one of the splash screens indicates the ship was manufactured by Loronar Systems. The second screen indicates that the ship is a E9 Scout vessel. The engines come on line with a subtle hum. Everything looks to be in order. The GUI indicates that all systems are "green." As the ship stabilizes Jak notices one beacon on the board that is blinking... it seems there is a message or broadcast that is in queue waiting to be reviewed.
Pressing the button to play the message, Jak notices the message was received two days ago... just before the end of the war. It was a call for additional ships to prepare for another assault on Coruscant.

local time 1615

"That guy wasn't very helpful" Renlo thinks as he walks outside and decides what his next action should be. As if on auto-pilot, he starts walking towards Fischer's Place to see if he can catch up with Huuna. After two blocks, Renlo check his chrono and considers which option is better... time is slipping away. He looks up as a speeder glides up to him. The rear driver side window opens and a small female Sullustan looks out.

"Deputy Gerrell gave me a heads up that you stopped by looking for me I was on my way home. Why don't you get in. We can talk on the way. Where are you staying? I'll have Hanz drop you off.

Renlo, you can make a perception check for additional information

local time 1636

Gotal of Umbara wrote:

Gotal will pause and meditate for a few minutes before finding Jack and Coven, should he accomplish the task too quickly questions may be raised.

Gotal searches his feelings to determine if joining these spacefarers is the wisest course of action.

Use the Force taking 10 for a 23

Thanks for the pointer. I adjusted the local time to reflect taking more time. Which is also helpful getting everyone back into the same time frame again.

Gotal meditates for several minutes, quieting his inner self. The ambient noise seems to slide into the background as he reflects peacefully on the will of the Force; the light side.

After a moment, you can sense the life around you. The energy of all those living beings visible to you as if connected by the Living Force. Some sparks are brighter than others and some are tainted the dark red of the Dark side. At the edge of your feelings you get the sense of a rapidly growing and terrifyingly dark storm of anger and hatred... the Dark Side. There is clearly danger in your future.

You search further seeking direction and reassurance from the Force. There is safety with these people. There is purpose with this group. You can feel that there is hope in your actions. You are a beacon for the Light Side.

As you feel at peace with your self and start to recede from you expansion into the Force, you sense a tentacle of darkness worm its way across the chasm that separates you from the storm at the edge of your vision. The tentacle if lightning fast and snaps at the shell of your psyche. You are not alone. A terrifying eye rimmed with the fire of hatred, anger and pain opens at the tentacles end and stares at your very soul.

You try to close off yourself from the Force to fend off the intrusion... but this dark power is too great and you are not yet strong enough in the Force to do much but stare in awe and fear.

"Ahhh, Gotal of Umbara. I see you live still and cling to the "light side" like a babe at his mothers breast." a vacuous voice resonates through your mind. There is no future there. Come to me...

The voice fades and the tentacle retracts. Something else must have distracted the intruder - for you are sure, you did nothing to fend it off. Someone that is very dark and filled with hatred touched you through the Force. You got a sense of the world city - Coruscant. Perhaps the source of the tentacle came from there?

You ease back to your waking state; cold sweat beads running down your face. You have NEVER felt anything so powerful in the Force as that tentacle.

local time 1635

Male HP 23/30 | R 13, F 12, W 15 | DT 12 | Per +9 | FP 4/5 | DP 1/1 | DSP 1 Umbaran Jedi

Gotal though severely shaken by the encounter calms his nerve and heads to the ship to rendezvous with his new companions.

A Dark Side user of the Force, on Coruscant?! There must be more to the fall of the Jedi if what I have experienced is true. If only I could speak with my Master...

I would like Master Kruhk to have been Gotal's Master. (See link). According to Dark Times II, he is still alive after the Purge. Of course Gotal would not know that...

Gotal of Umbara wrote:

Gotal though severely shaken by the encounter calms his nerve and heads to the ship to rendezvous with his new companions.

A Dark Side user of the Force, on Coruscant?! There must be more to the fall of the Jedi if what I have experienced is true. If only I could speak with my Master...

I would like Master Kruhk to have been Gotal's Master. (See link). According to Dark Times II, he is still alive after the Purge. Of course Gotal would not know that...

Interesting idea. Let me ponder it for a bit. If he is not your master, perhaps you traveled with him for a time - similar to Vos travelling with Zao. I have a number of comics with K'Kruhk in them. One small series is directly related to our time period, so let me see how it could fit.

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None
GM Han Shot First wrote:

You're in the ship, you can make a "Use Computer Check" to attempt to gain access to the computer and get more information about the characteristics of the ship. Your mechanics skill check allows you to start the engines, verify that everything is good to go and prepare for leaving... which is what you do.

Jak starts the pre-flight warm up sequence and starts to explore the vessel. On first power up, one of the splash screens indicates the ship was manufactured by Loronar Systems. The second screen indicates that the ship is a E9 Scout vessel. The engines come on line with a subtle hum. Everything looks to be in order. The GUI indicates that all systems are "green." As the ship stabilizes Jak notices one beacon on the board that is blinking... it seems there is a message or broadcast that is in queue waiting to be reviewed.

Pressing the button to play the message, Jak notices the message was received two days ago... just before the end of the war. It was a call for additional ships to prepare for another assault on Coruscant.

local time 1615

Jak pauses at the message and shakes off a wave of anger at the reminder of the loss. There was nothing to be done. He had to focus on the here and now. People were relying on him.

Still he can't bring himself to erase the message. So he leaves it be.

"I reckon this boat is ready to sail."

To pass the time, he tries to access additional information on the ship. In particular, ship specs, name, if there were any hidden compartments.

Use Computer: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Ooh! Nice.

Male Human Noble 3

Kruk is a whippid isnt he that lives into the Legacy Era?

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

Thanks for the autopilot, GM. Wasn't sure what my next move should be.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

If all is clear:

As Huuna pulls up, Renlo says, "Yeah, I was looking to update you. We got to the docking bay and found Jaska shot up, along with several stunned clone troopers. The Captain's ship was powered up, but I snuck on board and deactivated it. We had the Captain cornered, but then we heard a lethal blaster shot outside and he ran onto his ship while we were distracted. But, we acquired a code cylinder to a confederate's ship, and I copied the coordinates he was going to jump to. We'll chase him down for you.

I'm good for a ride, I'm headed to the space port now."

If my Perception check gives me more info, that answer changes."

Donavaan Taar wrote:
Kruk is a whippid isnt he that lives into the Legacy Era?

He was one and the same.

Male Human Noble 3

Quinlan Vos is my favorite.

Waking up not really aware of anything the noble will reach for his flask. Finding it empty he will throw it across the room, just dropping it and will ask no one in particular where the spice is before he slumps over asleep again.

Renlo's Perception Check

DC15 Success:
You didn't introduce yourself to Deputy Gerrell, how did Huuna know it was YOU who was looking for her? She smells of alcohol. "Hanz", the chauffeur, I a wicked looking Wookie with a Bantha hide patch on his right eye. There is a ragged pink scar running through the patch; no fur grows in the scar.

Jak Kato wrote:
GM Han Shot First wrote:

You're in the ship, you can make a "Use Computer Check" to attempt to gain access to the computer and get more information about the characteristics of the ship. Your mechanics skill check allows you to start the engines, verify that everything is good to go and prepare for leaving... which is what you do.

Jak starts the pre-flight warm up sequence and starts to explore the vessel. On first power up, one of the splash screens indicates the ship was manufactured by Loronar Systems. The second screen indicates that the ship is a E9 Scout vessel. The engines come on line with a subtle hum. Everything looks to be in order. The GUI indicates that all systems are "green." As the ship stabilizes Jak notices one beacon on the board that is blinking... it seems there is a message or broadcast that is in queue waiting to be reviewed.

Pressing the button to play the message, Jak notices the message was received two days ago... just before the end of the war. It was a call for additional ships to prepare for another assault on Coruscant.

local time 1615

Jak pauses at the message and shakes off a wave of anger at the reminder of the loss. There was nothing to be done. He had to focus on the here and now. People were relying on him.

Still he can't bring himself to erase the message. So he leaves it be.

"I reckon this boat is ready to sail."

To pass the time, he tries to access additional information on the ship. In particular, ship specs, name, if there were any hidden compartments.

[dice=Use Computer]1d20+2

Ooh! Nice.

Nice roll

Jak starts to skim through the ships information. The normal complement for a Scout ship includes various sensor arrays and environmental scanners for discovering new planets... this ship has been modified. The forward sensor globes have been replaced by two short range ion cannon's - one port and one starboard.
There is one turbo-laser bank on the top and one on the belly. The ship has rudimentary cloaking ability. It would seem that this ship was used for blockade running... perhaps.

The "cloaking" grants a +5 bonus to avoid detection when the ship is trying to go unnoticed. It is not truly "cloaking" the ship is fully visible - just hidden to sensors.

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Jak's eyes widen.

"This puppy has teeth."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human (Chelaxian) Monk (Unchained) 2; AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14, CMD 22 (24 vs. grapple); HP 7/23; Ki 0/0; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear, +2 vs. paralysis and sleep); Initiative +7; Perception +8, Sense Motive +8

"Teeth?" The question is asked almost absentmindedly, as Corven's attention is more on the drunk Donavaan and less on Jak's fidgeting with the ship controls. "I think he is out of his... medicine. Which is probably a good thing really. It would be nice if he wakes up. I am not entirely certain he knows what he has gotten himself into actually."

HP 31/31 | FORT 14 REF 18 WILL 14 | DT 14
Init. +4 | Perc. +6 | Speed 6 | Force 6/6 | blaster +5 (3d8+1)
Human Scoundrel 3 | 1,251 credits | Effects: None

Jak smirks at that.

"Blaster cannons," he clarified. "Port and starboard. A couple turrets on the head and belly. She might not be able to take much of a punch, but she'll sure as certain blacken a few eyes."

"Even has limited stealth so she can fly under sensors a ways. Too small for troop transport. Probably used for smuggling in really dangerous areas. If you look in the back you might find some hidden compartments."

"She's a beauty. A real find."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

Taking a step back, Renlo said, "Well, I think it can wait until you're a bit more sober. I don't need a ride, I don't have far to go. I'll talk to you later."

Turning, Renlo begins walking away, alert for any attempt by Huuna or the Wookie to grab him.

Renlo Tacksa wrote:

Taking a step back, Renlo said, "Well, I think it can wait until you're a bit more sober. I don't need a ride, I don't have far to go. I'll talk to you later."

Turning, Renlo begins walking away, alert for any attempt by Huuna or the Wookie to grab him.

The speeder glides forward slowly as Huuna continues to speak.

"The captain and his men are gone. The Republic is going to be upset that he got away..." She shakes her head briefly.
"The Empire" she self corrected.
"You and your friends were going to investigate the assassination and you were going to stop the captain from escaping... correct?"
Renlo pauses for a moment and glances at Huuna.
Without waiting for an answer, Huuna continues.
"The Empire may or may not come to Beggar's Moon looking for a different scapegoat. But I need to be prepared either way. I want to modify our arrangement. I need information..."
Renlo glances her way again.
"Look, get in, we'll talk on the way. I can make this worth your while"

I wasn't sure if you wanted to change your story or not - so I didn't address any of the topics you mentioned in your post. If you are good with giving the information, Huuna will take it and respond. It's obvious she's already aware that Captain Byrn has blasted off a few minutes ago.

local time 1633

Male Human Noble 3

Corven, you are such a good friend to Donavaan Taar. ;p

Male Human Woodsman 5 | HP 60/60 | Defense 19, T 19, FF 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 | Init +4 (+6 in the Blight) | Perception +10 (+12 in the Blight or vs Myrddraal; +14 vs Trollocs or Myrddraal in the Blight; +16 vs Trollocs in the Blight)

Let's go with that information.

With a sigh, Renlo explains what happened. "That's the deal. We might be able to chase him down."

Taking a deep breath, he thinks back to his training in the Temple, and considers whether to take Huuna up on his offer.

Use the Force (Search Your Feelings): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

F human jedi/3

Making her way back to the hangar bay as casually as possible without wasting time, Moroka looks for their new transport, eyes lighting up as she enters hangar 4D and spies the sleek scout ship with engines warmed and cargo ramp down.

"Classy," she muses with a smirk. She starts to call for a headcount, but then decides to rely on her training, reaching out for minds in the ship.

No point in all that time training if I don't practice, right Master?

use the force, sense surroundings: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18 wow. almost impossible to fail that and the dice STILL do their damndest to try...

As she does so, she also decides to make some rounds of the ship, inspecting it for spaceworthiness, damage or anything mechanically noteworthy.

Renlo Tacksa wrote:

Let's go with that information.

With a sigh, Renlo explains what happened. "That's the deal. We might be able to chase him down."

Taking a deep breath, he thinks back to his training in the Temple, and considers whether to take Huuna up on his offer.

[dice=Use the Force (Search Your Feelings)]1d20+7

As the speeder glides along turning left and right in route to Hanger Bay 4 Hunna nods as she contemplates Renlo's information.

"Information about the responsible parties for the assassination could be very valuable to my master. Other information can be equally valuable."
She twists slightly in her seat, and looks at Renlo.
"I would like you to work for me. Information is power. The right information will help keep the Gundarks at bay."

"I will make it worth your while. Consider it."

The speeder glides to a stop at the entrance to hanger bay 4 and the door opens.

Huuna hands Renlo a com-link.

"You can contact me on this.

Moroka Janis wrote:

Making her way back to the hangar bay as casually as possible without wasting time, Moroka looks for their new transport, eyes lighting up as she enters hangar 4D and spies the sleek scout ship with engines warmed and cargo ramp down.

"Classy," she muses with a smirk. She starts to call for a headcount, but then decides to rely on her training, reaching out for minds in the ship.

No point in all that time training if I don't practice, right Master?

[dice=use the force, sense surroundings]1d20+14 wow. almost impossible to fail that and the dice STILL do their damndest to try...

As she does so, she also decides to make some rounds of the ship, inspecting it for spaceworthiness, damage or anything mechanically noteworthy.

Use The Force:
Moroka eases into a peaceful state of mind as she controls her breathing and expands her self through the Force. She gets a sense of the lifeforms around the area. She can "see" five life signs aboard the ship in bay 4D.
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