Lonely Coast

Game Master The Lonely GM

Map of the Priory

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Lenvarion Flameblade - I just noticed you have your location listed as Oakhurst - for secret plot reasons I'd caution against this, but if you are set on Oakhurst just know that you may have some further reworking to do if you're chosen.

Dark Archive

The Lonely GM wrote:
Lenvarion Flameblade - I just noticed you have your location listed as Oakhurst - for secret plot reasons I'd caution against this, but if you are set on Oakhurst just know that you may have some further reworking to do if you're chosen.

Edited, but not yet done. Have a great day!

Since submissions to this thread have slowed, I thought I'd attempt to compile a list of what's been proposed. If I've missed you, I'm sorry! Just post below and we'll update the list. Thanks!

Full BAB
Elessa Tagoros - Fighter (ranged)
Kivyx - Paladin of Apsu

Three-Quarter BAB
Agana Besken - Kineticist (Blood)
Brevon Sabor - Oracle (Enlightened Philosopher) (Flame)
Lenvarion Flameblade - Rogue
Liath Gwenilian - Warpriest of Darlen

Half BAB

Expression of Interest/No Profile
Ghogron - Barbarian

I would be interested in putting together some kind of arcane caster if submissions are still open. I have 40 years of RPG starting with the original box set from the late 70's, however, I'm a total newbie to online campaigns.

I will put Myron the Magnificent together over the weekend and submit for consideration.

Submissions are absolutely open. Christmas is the deadline.

DM I am still working on fluff fo my submission and have a question or two;
1. Are there any naming day festivals
2. On the map there is a location called the babbling monolith, how did it get its name, does it talk or am I reading to much into it?

A anyway thanks for running this. It appears to be a very interesting setting.

Here is a link to the crunch Colwyn Dein

Picture Colwyn Dein


It’s going to be a bitter day Col thinks as he sits on the front porch of the home that he shares with his sister’s family. He takes pull off his pipe as he gazes at the wood pile in the front yard and groans, I better get moving soon that wood isn’t going to cut itself.” He takes another pull off his pipe as he stays seated and laments his situation. As he sits there smoking his pipe he gazes down the road hoping to catch a sign of Mellyn so he can have an excuse to take a break from the wood pile and perhaps go hunting with her.

To his surprise he doesn’t see Mellyn but rather a boy running down the road, I wonder where he is going on such a miserable day. The boy makes his way up the path toward the porch and as he gets closer Col realizes that the boy is carrying a letter in his hand. Out of breath the boy stops and hands Col the letter, explaining between labored breaths, “a man… left dis for ye… at da inn.”

Col examines the envelope and sees his name on the outside written in a fancy script. The letter is sealed with wax and the imprint of some seal he doesn’t recognize. He looks up to see the boy still standing there and asks the lad, “Is the man waiting for a reply?”

“No, e just dropped off de letter. Said e was in a rush to make Wolverton before nightfall.”

Col nods his head, “Right, off you go then.”

The boy looks puzzled and asks, “Ain’t ye goin to be openin it? What do it say?”

Col smiles at the lad saying, “It’s my letter, says so in fancy script, so it is my business not yours. Yours is to get back home before someone boxes your ears.”

As the boy heads back down the road Col opens the letter and reads:

A letter from Tahllian Liaiamne to Colwyn Dein of Swallowfeld

Master Dein Salutations, I hope this missive finds you in good health. I write you by way of recommendation from a mutual friend Anlyvr Tor. I require a man of quick wit as well as discretion for a task I am unable to perform myself and Sergeant Tor highly recommends you for the task.

Anlyvr, I haven’t seen him since he joined that mercenary company years ago. Begged me to go with him the fool. He considers a moment, Seems as he’s done well for himself Sergeant no less. He strokes his chin, I wonder what this is all about, and continues reading the letter.

Colwyn finishes the letter and concludes, So this Tahllian wants to know if is son Malvenos is at the Priory of Cymer. I wonder what all the secrecy is about.

He takes another pull off his pipe and forgets all about cutting wood for a while.

You are travelling to Cymer at the behest of Tahllian Liaiamne. Tahllian (a powerful elven mercenary warrior) is searching for his wayward half-elven son, Malvenos. Tahllian, recently hearing stories of a half-elven warrior watching over the priests at Cymer, has dispatched you to investigate. Your mission is simple; to determine whether the half-elf is indeed Malvenos but not to alert him to his father's interest in the priory.

Found this little wiki about the Swallowfeld it answered my question. It gives good detail about the community, here is the link if anyone is interested Swallowfeld

Here is the fluf, sorry if too fluffy but i really got into the setting.


The year Colwyn was born the Babbling Monument spoke these words:

Winter’s darkest night brings future blight
A dark cold wind follows in its wake
Storm’s eye breaches with its might
Inhabitants of the coast to shutter and quake
The peaks will tremble as the coast is set right

Most villagers agree that this was a foretelling of the great storm that did indeed hit Swallowfeld on winter’s longest night that year. However, it was also the night Colwyn was born and some have said that the words were talking about his breach birth. They say that cold wind was actually Colwyn who was a breach birth on winter’s longest night. They also point to his storm colored eyes as further evidence that the monument spoke of him. Although they offer no opinion about what the last to lines point to.


It is a little after sunrise and Col has just finished watching Belen, his sisters oldest son, finish milking the cow. With that chore done Col decides to take a break on the front porch of the little house he shares with his sister and her family. As he sits there he takes out his pipe and fills it with a fine dark tobacco. After a few tries he manages to get the pipe lit and leans back to relax. He is startled by his sister’s shrill voice. “Get up off your arse boy. There be wood that needs cuttin,” she shrieks as she walks around to the back of the house with an apron full of eggs. Adding as she retreats, “And get that pipe outta yur mouth ye can’t even shave yet.”

He ignores his sister’s hounding and continues to sit there relaxing and reminisces about a time when he wasn’t a guest in his sister’s house.

Col thinks about a happier time when this house used to belong to his parents Belwyn and Selli. Col was raised in this house along with his two sisters Kera, the one with the shrill voice who was 6 years older, and Laimoni, 6 years his junior. His father Belwyn was a fisherman and occasional smuggler. Belwyn was a large man, with an even larger laugh, quiet and contemplative, and always restless on land. While his mother, Selli managed the small homestead that butted up against the river called Taran’s Run. His mother was a small woman who always wore a smile, was always humming or singing, loved to cook (her pies routine won the blue ribbon at Summers End festival), possessed a “green thumb” (biggest cucumbers since old man Crabtree was around) and was generous in giving hugs to me and my siblings. But most of all she enjoyed life and found joy even in the common drudgery of everyday life.

Life on the frontier was rough but his father carved out a living as a fishermen. The family also maintained a large garden but couldn’t be considered farmers. On the property there was a small pen with a handful of chickens, and a pig as well as a shed that housed a pair of milk cows. The next nearest home belonged to a family named Tor who had three boys Tym, Carlyn, and Anlyvr. The two eldest boys worked in the mine with their father. While Anlyvr, who was a few years older then Col, became his constant companion and best friend.

Col and Anlyver were like two peas in a pod, where one was the other was sure to follow. Both had an aversion to work and the two snuck off and had many misadventures together. They did everything together including building a raft and floating out to sea, trying to sneak up on Sowena, camping in the woods overnight, and exploring ruins. Col’s lack of work ethic as well as his smart mouth caused him to spend some time in the woodshed under his father’s ministrations.

Col was raised to take up his father’s trade and would eventually have his own small fishing boat. Col’s lessons began at a young age and his father was a hard task master. Col’s first lesson occurred when he was only two when his father threw him into the river telling him to swim or die. Fortunately, Col chose to swim. Ironically, Col and his friend Anlyvr spent much of their free time playing in Tarans Run. Unfortunately, Col did not take to being a fisherman with the same aptitude. Suffice to say that after one voyage it became clear to Col that he was not meant to be a fisherman. He was too much of a free spirit and time aboard the little ship chaffed at him. It seemed that he was always scrubbing, hoisting, battening, and belaying. When he would rather climb up the tiny mast imaging he was a Griffon Rider as the wind rushed through his hair.

As fortune had it when he was ten Col was saved from the life of a fisherman. His father’s ship failed to return home after a severe storm. His family patiently waited as they held out hope for his father’s return. A few weeks turned into a few months and their hope dwindled. The reality of the situation finally sunk in, that his father was never coming back.

As a result of his father’s death the family debts mounted and with creditors calling his family was left to their own devices. Mother eagerly tripled the size of the garden hoping to sell the excess produce. She began brewing ale and making pies to sell to the Inn. His sister quickly married Gregor Kelen, a quick tempered heavy handed man, who worked in the mines and had little liking for his brides little brother. As result of these actions the family climbed out of debt but because of the rough life they never had any coins to spare.

The families string of bad luck continued four years later. Col remembers the night of the goblin raid. Thunder rumbled in the distance as rain beat off the slate roof of the small house. At first they thought the screams coming from the homes closest to the woods were a trick of the storm. Before they knew it the front door of their home burst open and the home was infested with goblins. Thanks to the efforst of the family the goblins were beaten off. However, the celebration was short lived as they realized that Col’s younger sister, Lamoni, and several other young villagers had been taken by the goblins in the raid. In the aftermath the town put together a party to find and rescue these young ones. They had no success as the storm covered there tracks and Col’s sister and the others taken was lost to them.

After the goblin raid Col started pestering Mellyn Vosper who lived across the street. Mellyn was a renowned hunter and marksman and Col constantly begged her to teach him woodcraft so he could track down and kill the goblins that had taken his sister. Col was a quick learner and spent every spare moment at her side. After six months under her tutelage Col and his best friend Anlyvr went to Woverton to join a mercenary company. To Col’s great chagrin the company accepted Anlyver but rejected Col as being too young at 14. Dejectedly Col returned home and continued his studies under Mellyn. This remarkable woman taught him how to shoot a bow, the art of woodcraft, how to hunt, fish, skin and clean game, and how to look for sign when tracking, but most of all she taught him about the sweet dignity of living free on the frontier and respecting others. Although she was many years his senior Col couldn’t help but fall in love with her and looks for any opportunity to spend time with her.

His mother died heartbroken two months later and Col was left in the care of his eldest sister and her husband. Col is sixteen now and over the years her sister’s family grew. Recently she and her husband have been hinting that Col needs to move out to make room for baby number five.


Anlyver Tor – Col’s best friend who left Sporrowfeld two years ago to become a mercenary.
Selli – Mother deceased. Died heartbroken when her daughter was taken in a goblin raid.
Lamoni - presumed dead, takin in a goblin raid two years ago.
Belwyn – Father deceased. Died in a storm while fishing.
Kera – Col’s older sister, married to Gregor Kellen with whom she has four children and one more on the way. Recently has been hinting that Col needs to move out.
Gregor Kellen - Col’s brother in law. Recently has been hinting that Col needs to move out.
Bellen - Col’s six year old nephew.
Mellyn Vosper – Col’s reluctant mentor in wood craft. Gave him the nick name “little thorn.”


Colwyn, Col to his friends, is a fun loving free spirit quick of tongue and wit which often lands him in trouble. He also has a short temper and little tolerance for bullies. Col is a fair hand at woodcraft as well as with a blade and a bow and is not shy about letting people know about it. He works hard at getting out of work and would rather be sitting in the shade smoking his pipe or around a camp fire with friends singing loud and off key.


Colwyn stands a little under six feet tall with a lean but well-muscled build, he looks older than his years and carries himself with an air of confidence. He is well tanned with grey eyes, the same color of the sky right before a storm, and has shoulder length dark black hair. He is clean shaven as he is unable to grow a beard. No matter the weather he is always wearing a dark long cloak and favors green, brown, and grey colors in his dress and attire. He is usually clad in well-worn leather armor which is fading to grey and has a dagger with- in easy reach.

Here is a link to the crunch again to it is all in one post Colwyn Dein

Picture Colwyn Dein

Pardon me for not swiftly attending to your questions Gaming Ranger (I'll be travelling from now until Christmas, so my posting will be light), but that wiki you found is a great resource!

I'll check out Colwyn a little later tonight.

I'm new to these boards but Tis campaign has piqued my interest. I'm cooking up a concept for a melee character, still looking at options though. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

How would you feel about a character who's old (as in the age category), but without any aging changes to ability scores? I think playing an old character could be fun, but I'm interested in it for role-playing purposes without any mechanical effect.

Edit: Oh! I should also mention that I, too, post mostly from my phone, so having access to the map at all times will be a problem. Would you be willing to work around that when necessary? Such as working off of descriptive actions (e.g. I charge the nearest rat!) or providing screen shots? I'm thinking about submitting an application, and I'll be sure to include my access issues on there so you can decide whether it's worth it. I'll make my application extra great to try to make up for that. ;D

Gaming Ranger - Colwyn looks good, no notes so far.

mechapoet - I wouldn't necessarily be averse, but I'd like to hear a bit more about the character first.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm thinking about an elderly bard or skald who has realized that they've reached the extent of lore, history, and song that they can learn without venturing out to seek great tales on their own (accompanying like minded adventurous others).

I've also quoted the edit to my last post. You responded much more quickly than I was expecting!

mechaPoet wrote:
Edit: Oh! I should also mention that I, too, post mostly from my phone, so having access to the map at all times will be a problem. Would you be willing to work around that when necessary? Such as working off of descriptive actions (e.g. I charge the nearest rat!) or providing screen shots? I'm thinking about submitting an application, and I'll be sure to include my access issues on there so you can decide whether it's worth it. I'll make my application extra great to try to make up for that. ;D

Okay, thanks.

Dark Archive

Complete. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

mechapoet - Character is fine (no mechanical changes for old age), but I will let you know that the access issues, while not an automatic deal-killer, will factor into my decision.

Lenvarion - Only question is where Lenny's family is from - somewhere close like Wolverton for example or further off the map?

Dark Archive

The Lonely GM wrote:
Lenvarion - Only question is where Lenny's family is from - somewhere close like Wolverton for example or further off the map?

Far off the map. Didn't want to get into great detail, but enough of a background that would seem satisfactory. Thanks.

I'm eager to see if there will be any more submissions. Considering the time of year, I'd be surprised, but there do tend to be people who wait for the last minute...

Happy Holidays, all. Darlen's light guide you.

Here, here!

By way of a reminder, recruitment closes Christmas, which will soon be upon us! Because of the holiday bustle, I won't announce the selections until the day after - the 26th - at which point I'll also open up the gameplay thread for some preliminary roleplaying and exposition and whatnot while we all make our final preparations. Once New Year has passed, hopefully we'll be ready to shift the game into full gear!

Liberty's Edge

Happy Holidays! "May the True Light forever burn."

While I can't help but think that this party ain't big enuff for two divine types, it's hard to deny that it -would- be fun playing off each other and explore the whole faith aspect. I mean, two divines talking is high philosophy. One divine talking is the scary guy on the bus you don't wanna sit next to. ;-)

Good luck all.

Wasn't the selection taking place today?

It was, but the GM mentioned he'd been doing some traveling, so he may have been busy.

Sorry folks - the travels are over but the weight of decision had me slowed down. With such a small pool of stellar applicants it's been really difficult for me to make the cut but I've at last narrowed it down to the final four:
Brevon Sabor
Liath Gwenilian
Colwyn Dein

All the best to the rest, but those four can head to the Gameplay thread!

EDIT: In all my prep it seems I overlooked perhaps the most obvious thing - pre-writing my first gameplay post - head to Discussion instead. As I mentioned, it is still the holidays a bit, so things will be nice and relaxed between now and New Years. Tomorrow I'll have Gameplay up for some character introductions.

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