Winter-Touched Sprite

Tinkerblade's page

22 posts. Alias of Philo Pharynx.


Active powers: Concealment 6, Imp Invis 2, Imp reflexes 2

About Tinkerblade

Tinkerblade (Pixie Mystic Adept)
B 2/7, A 3, R 6, S 1, C 7, I 5, L 2, W 7, E 2, Ess 6, M 6, M 3, M 3, Init 11, IP 1
Condition Monitor boxes (Physical/Stun): 12/12
Novatech Airwave Commlink Condition Monitor: 10
Sony Emperor Commlink Condition Monitor: 9
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 5/4
Skills: Assensing 1, Counterspelling 2, Infiltration 1 (Urban +2), Influence Group 1, Intimidation 1, Perception 1, Shadowing 1, Spellcasting 5
Knowledge Skills: Chinese 1, Dance Music 2, English N, Gaelic 1, Japanese 1, Local Gangs 4, Or'Zet 2, Security Companies 2, Slamball 1, Spanish 1, Sperethiel 2, Street Gossip 4
Critter Powers: Concealment (-6dicepool) (Self Only), Enhanced Senses: Astral Perception, Sapience, Vanish
Qualities: Addiction (Mild): Betel, Astral Chameleon, Changeling (Class II SURGE), Exravagant Eyes, Glamour, Mania/Phobia, Uncommon (Mild): Forests, Mystic Adept, Ogre Stomach, Poor Self Control - Thrill Seeker, Sensitive Neural Structure, Sensitive System, The Speaker's Way: Mind Over Matter (Wil -> Bod), Unusual Hair
Spells: Agony, Control Emotions, Heal, Improved Invisibility, Increase Reflexes, Magic Fingers, Manabolt, Mind Probe, Orgy, Powerbolt
Adept Powers: Commanding Voice (13dicepool vs. Willpower + Leadership), Kinesics (2), Mind Over Matter (Wil -> Bod): Willpower, Voice Control
. . Betel (CorpCandy, Jaw) x25
. . Bunker Helmet with Flare Compensation, Low Light Vision, Skinlink, Thermographic Vision, Ultrawideband Radar (4), Vision Magnification, Optical
. . Contact Lenses (2) with Image Link, Skinlink, Vision Enhancement (2)
. . Earbuds (3) with Audio Enhancement (2), Skinlink, Spatial Recognizer
. . Endoscope
. . Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit
. . Industrious Jumpsuit with Chemical Protection, Fire Resistance, Glowand Option, Nonconductivity (4), YNT Softweave Armor
. . Novatech Airwave Commlink with Analyze (2), Analyze (Viral Resistance) (3), Basic User Suite, Browse (2), Command (1), Edit (2), Iris Antivirus, Iris Orb Operating System, Purge (Viral Resistance) (3), Skinlink, Virtual Pet: Draco Adorablis, Virtual Surround Music: Club mix
. . Power Focus (2)
. . Safe house with Low Lifestyle
. . Sony Emperor Commlink with Analyze (Viral Resistance) (2), Iris Antivirus, Purge (Viral Resistance) (2), Renraku Ichi Operating System, Skinlink
. . Stimulant Patch (6) x3
. . Subvocal Microphone with Skinlink
. . Sustaining Focus: Health Spells (2)
. . Sustaining Focus: Illusion Spells (2)
. . Tinkerblade with Middle Lifestyle
. . Attack of Will (vs. Spirits) [DV 7P vs. I]
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, DV 1S vs. I]

Note: Novatech Commlink usually has comms off, and skinlinks to the Sony that has comms on when needed. The Novatech then connects to everything else I have.


Not many people can say that they exist primarily due to changing entertainment tastes.

The owner of Club le Fey, Allistair Archon, was looking for something new. He recruited pixies as dancers and singers. It was a risky move for the performers as it meant going to a place where they literally had no rights. But they were cared for and protected. Life was good for many years.

But trends change and pixie entertainment soon became déclassé. The whole neighborhood was less attractive. In order to survive, Club le Fey changed. Now their show was a pixie sex show. All of the performers were now locked in at night, and things were less good. A few escaped, but the rest thought forced sex was less of a threat than wandering a strange city alone.

And once again, the audience grew bored. The show changed to a pixie pain show. At this point, all pretenses of the pixies being guests vanished. Iron chains were the order of the day. Magical healing was provided to keep them healthy enough to continually torture. But once in a while, there were "accidents". Just often enough for the crowd to wonder if they would see death tonight.

Naturally, having pixies involved in a sex show leads to the usual repercussions. For Allistair, this was an advantage. A self-replicating group. Perhaps a bit slow, but with a little new blood brought in, it would work.

But having to worry about children gives people strength. There was a revolt that led to the death of Allistair and from then freedom. The group split up to avoid being captured. But they were in a strange city and unaccustomed to it's ways. This meant squatting in places too small for people. It also meant killing and eating lots of rat.

Travelling with a child on the run is not an easy task. So Bellsong, Swiftwing, and Neil settled down for a while. Wisp was their child and raised to hide and scurry like vermin. As she grew, they began travelling, working their way out of the city towards the wilds where they could be free.

Arriving there was a nightmare. It was always cold and wet and ... just wrong. The sounds at night were both too quiet and too creepy. Wisp couldn't take it. By then she was finding her way with the spirits. She was a teenager with magic. Obviously she could make her way back to the city and survive. So she did.

She was much happier in the city, but she knew she couldn't make it on her own. She stole prolifically, using her powers and set herself up. She found <Insert gang leader of PC's group> and she watched around him. He started getting mysterious texts of thing he should know about. Threats and problems in his turf. He didn't trust them, but they told him what he needed to know. Still he didn't always heed the warnings.

When he got jumped by a couple guys trying to take over, he was not alone. The voice from the shadows kept messing with the rebels. Making them do stuff, blasting them with magical bolts. <gang Leader> survived because of this. And the next day, she was one of them. Tinkerblade.

Dice Macros:

[dice=Initiative]11d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Initiative, improved]131d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Ballistic armor]12d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Impact armor]11d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Meele defense]6d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Ranged defense]6d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Body test]7d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Will test]7d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Body+Counterspelling]9d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Will+Counterspelling]9d6[/dice] hits

[dice=Composure]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Judge Intentions]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Assensing]6d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Counterspelling]7d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Infiltration]4d6[/dice] hits; -6 dice to perceive with concealment
[dice=Infiltration (urban)]6d6[/dice] hits; -6 dice to perceive with concealment
[dice=Con]13d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Etiquette]13d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Leadership]13d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Negotiation]13d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Intimidation]10d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Perception]6d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Perception (visual/audio)]8d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Shadowing]6d6[/dice] -6 dice to perceive with concealment hits
[dice=Spellcasting]10d6[/dice] hits

[dice=Dance Music]7d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Local Gangs]9d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Security Companies]7d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Slamball]6d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Street Gossip]9d6[/dice] hits

[dice=Commanding Voice]13d6[/dice] hits

[dice=Agony]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 1S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Control Emotions]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 1S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Heal]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 1S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Improved Invisibility]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 2S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Increase Reflexes]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 3S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Magic Fingers]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 2S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Manabolt]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 1S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Mind Probe]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 3S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Orgy]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 1S]14d6[/dice] hits
[dice=Powerbolt]10d6[/dice] hits [dice=Drain 2S]14d6[/dice] hits