DM Thron |

Welcome and congratulations to those who were selected. A new task lies before each of you. I will get into individualized points/questions/comments as the next few days develop, but for now, here is what I need from each of you.
1) Sign in to the Official Roll20 Page for this campaign. It will be where I host our combat maps, and do my editing for the overall kingdom map.
2) I know you guys already have your aliases made and such, but this is a personal request. Please edit your aliases to follow the basic formatting of this Alias of mine, Darian Aulamaxa. Note some of that stuff in the spoilers is campaign specific, but you should easily be able to get the gist of the overall format I'm wanting.
3) Start discussing who or what your cohort is. Are they a spouse? Sibling? Loyal follower? Keep in mind this is NOT an adventuring buddy. The cohort and followers will be remaining behind and helping manage your lands while you are off doing your own things.
4) Be braced for some potential background adjustments as I trickle out more information to you guys bit by bit as to the state of things in the campaign.
There will be more to follow, but headache and tall grass are calling me away. Again, congratulations to each of you for making it in!

Govannon Gittins |

Greetings all - and thank you for selecting me. I hope to be a good contributor to the game! I'm really looking forward to this campaign.
I've signed up for the maps, and I'll update my alias layout to conform to your desires.
I'm stuck on the cohort, but now that I know I'm in, I'll give it more effort. I had an idea, but I think it has been absorbed into another campaign... So I'm back to a clear slate. Won't be a relative though, they're entirely to greedy by half. On my fathers side anyway.

Govannon Gittins |

Happy to unless someone else prefers to.
I've setup the treasure sheet (link) I use. If anyone wants to be able to edit, please PM me your email address and I'll happily add you in.
- - -
So, I didn’t want to bother you during recruitment, but I do need a ruling on one of my spells and how it interacts with spell combat. I’m fine with whatever ruling you make, though it may effect my feat selection.
You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.
…whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell…
So in round 1, I cast the spell, get a free attack with spell combat using my blade. That much is clear. Now we get into options.
Option 1A
My next attack, as part of a full round action, gets the Frostbite added to it per Spellstrike as it says “deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as pat of a melee attack.”. So I make my melee attack with Frostbite attached, using a second use of the spell. This reading is supported by this FAQ (link).
Option 1B
My next attack, as part of a full round action, doe NOT get the Frostbite added to it because it says, “a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon…”. I think this is incorrect as it’s simply referring to the ‘free’ attack, not all attacks, but I can see how a DM might rule this way, so please let me know your thoughts.
OK, if 1A is correct, we have another issue to address. Am I concentrating on the Frostbite to maintain those melee touch attacks? If I am, and I cast another spell, I lose the remaining Frostbites I may have in reserve. The wording of the spell seems to indicate I am not still concentrating which makes it an exception to the rule, and a powerful one. As a DM I tend to lean toward fairness and balance and feel I should be concentrating, so another spell cancels the remaining Frostbites I may have unused.
Please let me know your thoughts on this so I can plan. Thanks!

DM Thron |

Normally with spells that include an attack roll, it is part of the action to cast the spell. The only difference here is, instead of just the spell attack, it gets your weapon attack included.
So basically you have the chance to do 1d6+4 more damage on top of the spell.
And yes, if you cast another spell, you lose concentration on the frostbite.

DM Thron |

If I don't see a check in from the other two that were initially selected by the time 24 hours has elapsed, I am likely going to move on to select the next two on my list. I made my choices based on potential reliability in posting, and am expecting posts from the players at least once per day if not more.
Anywho. On to more stuff related to the campaign. Do any of you have any particular background questions or anything to go over, or have anything of note in your own background you want me particularly aware of? If it is a secret, feel free to PM it to me.

Govannon Gittins |

I'm narrowing down my cohort to a priest of Desna - an old friend of Govannon's. Perhaps even the parish priest from his old home he bribed to come and preach to the huddled masses. Govannon plans to build him a mighty church!
Still working on him though, so who knows where the creativity will take me.
Hopefully the others chime in soon.

Dolgrin Girndmar |

This will be the DMPC I will be including in the campaign. Disregard everything in his Alias as I haven’t adjusted anything yet. Even so, his crunch will be, as stated previously, focused around item crafting and healing support. He is being presented to the group to offer a source of customizing items instead of the stereotypical thig I’ve seen in campaigns that goes as follows:
Player: “I am playing Johnny Doe, eldest son of House Doe. My father was a great swordsman and I carry the families ancestral sword into battle proudly!”
1 Adventure Later:
DM: You fins some magical armor, a bag of holding, and a magical hammer of awesomeness.
Player: I take the hammer! How much can I sell the sword I have for?
And yes, I’ve seen that type of nonsense more than I’d care to admit.

Galendir d'Arden |

I'm totes here. You may want to shoot a PM. I almost missed out as I have been posting all morning in my other games and just had the though wonder if selections had been made in this one :) Glad to be on board. Happy you selected based on posting. So many games have died because of players leaving and not posting :)
So I was thinking my cohort would be my wife. Since Galendir came from a love story. Seems fitting. Should we build the cohort? if so 15pt buy? I get they won't be adventuring just wondering if they need scores for the mechanics of kingdom roles.

Galendir d'Arden |

Yeah on the above. I really like the Ancestral Weapon feat from 3.5 it gave reason to not do the above. Weapons of Legacy was a cool book as well.
I took the Ancestral Weapon trait since you were doing this and I can have it magic'd up. :)

DM Thron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yes, they will be built with 15 Point Buy and as a PC.
100 Thron Cool points if you build them with a NPC class.
Thron Cool points can be spent on illustrious rewards such as:
50 points - a real thumbs up to you issued by Thron, directed at the screen he is currently posting from!
75 points - a digital Pat on the Back!
100 points - a digital High Five!
500 points - a digital Man Hug, with liberal manly back pounding!
And more!

DM Thron |

Some background things I wanted to post for each of you.
Flaith - The current head of House Medvyed is Lord Gurev. Mathan can be the middle brother and Phelan the youngest. Also, as Brevish society is very much classical patriarchal, ever since you were widowed, there has likely been significant pressure on you to get remarried, for political reasons. Though, given the way things went with the last one, your father has been a bit more lenient and hasn’t pushed the matter too hard.
Govannon - You state in your background you are from a small town near Restov. For connection to the campaign, I am going to say that is Nivatka’s Crossing.
Galendir - You mentioned at one point that your father was a nobleman, but then later that he was seeking to attain nobility. I’m gonna go with the latter, and that he was hoping to become a bannerman to House Lebeda, and then hopefully a Swordlord from there.
Lucius - In your background you don’t mention what part of Brevoy you were from. As such, I’m gonna plop you down in the minuscule land holdings of House Lodovka.
I am going to put the finishing touches on an introductory post to let you guys get into character a bit and help keep creative juices flowing.

Galendir d'Arden |

Yes, sorry it wasn't more clear. I must have worded it wrong will need to read backstory again. The gist was Father was a noble. He left for adventure or to sew his oats to prove himself to become a sword lord. Fell in love and did not return with wife or child for them to have claim to title and holdings. So Galendir is the bastard seeking to reestablish the D'Arden name and embrace his fathers dream to become a sword lord.
So the fathers claim wasn't really a claim but a homecoming with wife and child that never happened. :)
I'm all formatted. I will work on my Cohort/wife today.

DM Thron |

Alright. So House d’Arden was once Bannermen to House Lebeda, but with your father’s death and you and your mother likely unknown, the Houses lands were absorbed by House Lebeda outright with the passing of your grandfather, who failed to live by the “Heir and a Spare” mentality of most Brevish Houses.
That works for me if it works for you.
Also, to everyone, a bit of gameplay is up and running to let you all slowly begin becoming introduced to one another and get into the swing of your new characters. On the northern road into Restov are Lucius and Flaith, and on the western road from Nivatka’s Crossing are Govannon and Galendir. Though, none of you have formally met as of yet. So feel free to begin to mingle if you’d like.

DM Thron |

Apologies if my PC placements weren’t clear. But for future reference, if a scene only contains certain individuals, I will try and call out who is present for those scenes in either spoilers or in OOC text at the top of the write up.
Flaith: If you could get your Alias reformatted to the style I linked to above that would help me out greatly.
Current Stated Cohort Plans:
Govannon - Friend - Priest of Desna
Flaith - Bannerman - Dwarf Cavalier
Galendir - Wife - Unstated Class
Lucius - ???

Govannon Gittins |

No, your instructions were clear enough, I just followed them poorly. Sorry for that.
My priest is shaping up nicely but there's a bit of work to be done on him yet. His name is Rusty Emmett, a 54 year old human priest of Desna and devout follower of the faith. He is somewhat evangelical, but in his heart he just loves running the bureaucracy of a large church. He just picked up the ability to fly, and absolutely adores it - using almost any excuse to show off his newest spell.
Still, he fervently believes in helping all those who need it, especially the poor and those who have turned away from society (brigands and thieves). So he has a few connections in the underworld, to help those who don't even know how to ask for it and to find the truly lost.

Galendir d'Arden |

I finished Aayalla, She is formatted and spoilered in my profile as well. She is a Paladin of Sarenrae he met while on Pilgrimage in Qadira. She is his heart. She helps bring his fun loving nature down to earth and remember to care for the people. She is fearless combat medic/healer. She will keep their House healthy. She can even bring those that die before their time back to life.
Fun fact on Stolen lands. Even explored developed hexes have a 5% encounter rate. The encounters scale with our level so that is 5 of every 100 people that go out to say farm for the day die :( We had a chuckle about that when we first played kingmaker :)

Galendir d'Arden |

No it was one of those unfortunate strings of luck. Like 3 random encounters in a row. We were like man we though we made it safer out here. GM shared there was still a 5% just unfortunate rolls. We just did the quick match and were horrified at the number of people that would die just going to Olegs and back :)

Lucius Pence |

Sorry for lack of response. First two days of summer break means packing and cleaning and not being around a legit keyboard. The input for Lucious' house sounds good. I had an idea for the cohort but need to remind myself. As of tomorrow I'll be super poster again.

Rusty Emmett |

Hello, this is Govannon's holy man, Rusty Emmett. I want to flesh out his background a little more, but the juices aren't flowing just now and he's close enough that I wanted to get him in front of DM Thron for commentary.
Thron, how does he look? I built him as a PC, 2 levels behind me following the guidelines you set out for us. Let me know if you'd like me to edit/alter/whatever. Thanks!

DM Thron |

Note: You don’t need to provide new Aliases for each of your Cohorts. Placing their statblock in a spoiler will be sufficient.
Lucius: still need your check in on Roll20.
Also, that last post of mine was done entirely by iPhone while at work. So pardon any gross grammatical errors or odd autocorrects I may have missed. Also, there were three other posts made during the writing of it. So please don’t feel like I purposely ignored anything you may have said. Ha

DM Thron |

So, here has been my major hang-up on Kingmaker and the Kingdom building rules, and why I'm going to try this radical style at the process:
In my opinion, the rules as presented puts almost everything in the hands of the Ruler. The other roles are important, sure. But when it comes time to make a decision on a hex claim or a city upgrade it ultimately, in character, gets to be one player consistently making that call.
So, here's what we are going to be trying here.
Everyone will start with 30 BP. You will pick a city seat to develop, and will effectively act as Ruler there, with various NPC's filling in as the other leadership roles as I discussed in the Recruitment thread. However, each of the PC's (except Flaith) will also be providing her nation the bonuses detailed in the Viceroy Role, slightly modified. AKA, Half of either your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier to her Economy score for her Lands. This will represent your lands "taxes" to her without actually detracting from your own earnings each month.
Lucius: +1 from Charisma
Galendir: +2 from Charisma
Govannon: +1 from Intelligence
Dolgrin: +2 from Wisdom
Total: +6 to Flaith's Economy Score
Each Kingdom Turn, you guys will each make your own actions as if you were your own Kingdom. Claim hexes, develop cities, yadda yadda yadda.
I'm also going to be going on the assumption that Flaith, being the Ruler, will be choosing the central location on the map that dang near everyone chooses when this time comes in Kingmaker. However, plopping you guys all around her claiming your own lands are going to very much limit her ability to expand. As such, since she is effectively "Ruling" over all of you, every hex you claim counts towards her total for determining her amount of bonuses she can give out to her own lands. So if you each claim 6 hexes, that will put her tally to 30, and she can then add her Ruling Modifier to a second score, despite her own "Houses Lands" only holding 6 hexes. I figure the map is going to get eaten up quickly due to you guys expanding basically 5 times faster than others, so the person in the center is going to need something to boost them along. I expect later on, Flaith (again assuming she chooses the city sight beside the Tuskwater) will have to focus more on city development of the capital rather than land expansion.
However, I also expect you guys to possibly be negotiating with one another over border territories, possibly even trading your claim to certain areas in order to gain others. Also, there are going to be NPC and even monstrous clans out there that will be trying to have claim to areas (which will be getting into in character shortly). Keep in mind this is going to potentially be quite heavily modified. If you have expectations of what will happen in the campaign based on previous books, you can shelf those. I've ran this campaign from beginning to end in my home group, and don't feel like doing a repeat. This is going to be something new.
If you all have any questions, feel free to post them and I will try and elaborate.

DM Thron |

The starting gate for each settlement site I’ll detail in thread when the topic comes up, but as to the former city site, it was totally demolished and will need rebuilt from scratch. Though, the castle that was there can be rebuilt for half price (same starting bonus as written in campaign basically, including the stat bumps of +1 each).

Flaith Aredhel |

Is there a link with the costs?
I found this Link
Is this correct?

Galendir d'Arden |

Sounds awesome. So should we flesh out follower then to fill roles?
So let me make and example. So looking at leadership. My current score is 11, base of operations will make it 13. That will give 10 1st level and on 2nd level follower. Probably fair to assume these would be made up of Sarenrae worshipers/dervish dancers. So Bards, Rogues, Magus, maybe a cleric and or paladin in there. So should I just stat these out and fill leadership roles for my house? I'm just wondering how Vacancy negative will play out if we don't fill the roles this way. Thanks. :)

DM Thron |

For simplicities sake, I will say to universally just use a statblock presented in the NPC Codex section of the PRD found at this link here..
That will standardize and streamline everything except where you assign people to roles.

Flaith Aredhel |

I fear with 30 Buildpoints we do not have much of a city.
Flaith will rebuild the castle. Makes sense for many reasons, especially in such dangerous lands.
Can we make some minor adjustments with the statblocks.
Mainly with alignment. Level 1 fighter is for example Evil :-(