Holy Guide

Rusty Emmett's page

1 post. Alias of Euan.

Full Name

Rusty Emmett


Human Cleric 5 | AC 15 FF 15 T 10 | HP 29/29 | F +6 R +2 W +8 | Init +0 | Percep +8




Neutral Good



Strength 11
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 15

About Rusty Emmett

Rusty Emmett
Male Human Cleric (Cardinal) 5
NG Medium humanoid (human), Age ~54
Init +0; Senses Perception +8
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 Chain Shirt)
HP 29 (5d8 + 1 Favored Class/Level)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8
+2 (resistance) vs continuing effects, +1 (trait) vs emotion, special abilities with fear
Speed 40 ft.
Melee: Starknife +2 (1d4, 20/x3)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +2 (1d8, 19-20/x2), Starknife +2 (1d4, 20/x3)
Cleric (Cardinal) Spells Memorized (Caster Level 5, Concentration +8)
. . 3rd (16): Fly (D), Locate Object, Prayer
. . 2nd (15): Locate Object (D), Aid, Burst of Radiance, Pilfering Hand
. . 1st (14): Expeditious Retreat (D), Bless, Diagnose Disease, Dream Feast, Obscuring Mist,
. . 0 (13): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending
. . 0 (13): Prestidigitation (1/day)
Str 11, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 12

Rostlander (Kingmakter)(+1 fort save)
Affable (Social)(+2 Gather Information, Diplomacy/Knowledge local class skills)
Apprentice (prestidigitation 1/day) (faith)
Armored Rider (+1 ride and class skill) (combat)

Additional Traits (human)
Black Market Sleuth (first)
Fearless Curiosity (third)
Voice of they Sibyl (+1 bluff, diplomacy, perform oration) (fifth)

Skills (6 + 1 Int +1 human)(2 background skills)
Acrobatics = +0*
Appraise = +1
Bluff = +3 (+2 cha +1 feat)
Climb = +1* (1 rank)
Craft Carpentry = +5 (1 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Diplomacy = +11 (5 ranks +3 class +2 cha +1 feat)
Disguise = +2
Fly = +0*
Heal = +7 (1 rank +3 class +3 wis)
Intimidate = +2
Knowledge Arcana = +6 (2 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge Geography = +7 (3 ranks† +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge History = +7 (3 ranks† +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge Local = +6 (2 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge Nobility = +7 (3 ranks† +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge Planes = +6 (2 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Knowledge Religion = +6 (2 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Linguistics = 5 (1 rank +3 class +1 int)
Perception = +8 (5 ranks +3 wis)
Perform Oratory = +6 (3 ranks +2 cha +1 feat)
Profession Scribe = +7 (1 rank† +3 class +3 wis)
Ride = +6* (2 ranks +3 class +1 trait)
Sense Motive = +11 (5 ranks +3 class +3 wis)
Spellcraft = +9 (5 ranks +3 class +1 int)
Stealth = +0*
Survival = +5 (2 ranks +3 wis)
Swim = +1* (1 rank)
*Armor Check Penalty -0
† Background Skill

Languages Common (Taldane), Celestial, Draconic

Gear (10,500gp)
Comfortable Priests Robes in blue and white
Sleeves of Many Garments (200gp)
Chain Shirt, Mithral +1 (2,100gp)(+5AC, +6maxdex, 13#)
Starknife, MW (324gp)(3#) x2
Light Crossbow, MW (335gp)(4#)
Quiver of 10 bolts, cold iron with silver blanch (22gp)(1#)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000gp)
Pearl of Power (first)(1,000gp) x2
Spell Component Pouch (5gp)(2#)
Potiion of Cure Light Wounds (1) (50gp)
Potion of Touch of the Sea (3) (75gp) (normal caster level 1)
Aegis of Recovery (1,500gp)
Versitile Vest (2,000gp)(4#)
- Empty pocket
- Rations x4 (1#), waterkin (4#), candles x4, tinder twigs x4
- Rations x4 (1#), waterkin (4#), candles x4, tinder twigs x4
- Bedroll, winter blanket, steel flagon, and wooden bowl (3gp)(5#)

Backpack (~51gp)(5#)
- Alchemist’s Fire (20gp)(1#)
- Chalk x5
- Charcoal x5
- Flint & steel (1gp)
- Holy Water (25gp)(1#)
- Spell Component Pouch (5gp)(2#)

Heavy War Horse (300gp)(~21gp & 71# in gear & ~200# with Rusty)(medium load >402#, heavy load >801#)
- Saddle (10gp)(25#)
- Saddle Blanket (1gp)(2#)
- Saddle bags (5gp)(8#)
- Grain x2 (1gp)(20#)
- Waterskin x4 (4gp)(16#)

Weight: 32# (medium load >39#, heavy load > 77#)
Total Cash: 190gp (+10,310gp in gear)

Special Abilities
Channel Energy (Su): Regardless of alignment, any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted.

A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. An evil cleric (or one who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. A neutral cleric who worships a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the cleric casts spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting).

Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (3d6). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier (DC 15). Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (5). This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

Domains: A cleric's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies.

Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependent upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells. A cleric gains one domain spell slot for each level of cleric spell she can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a cleric can prepare one of the spells from her two domains in that slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in her domain spell slot. Domain spells cannot be used to cast spells spontaneously.

In addition, a cleric gains the listed powers from both of her domains, if she is of a high enough level. Unless otherwise noted, using a domain power is a standard action.

Travel (Exploration): You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Door Sight (Su): You can lay your hand upon any surface and see what is on the other side, as if using clairvoyance. Using this power takes 1 minute, during which time you must be touching the surface you want to see through. You can keep looking for as long as 10 minutes with each use of this power, but must touch the surface and take no other action the entire time. The surface cannot be thicker than 6 inches plus 1 inch per cleric level you possess. You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (6).

Rusty may not be a strong man, but he carries himself well and tall. He may not be smooth in his movements, so he slows down a bit and comes across as methodical. He is however, ready to help from his fiery red hair and beard (though some grey is creeping in, especially in the beard) to his ready laugh.

He tends to dress for whatever the occasion, but his preferred outfit is a simple set of priests robes in blue and white - the colors of his beloved Desna. He wears a substantial holy symbol to the lady, and her butterfly tends to be woven in somewhere on whatever garb he is wearing.

He carries a pair of starknives and a crossbow, but they show little wear. HIs backpack also seems light and mostly vacant - though Rusty does seem to struggle some with its weight when it’s not lashed to his horse.

Rusty Emmett is a priest of Desna and devout follower of the faith. He is somewhat evangelical, but in his heart he just loves running the bureaucracy of a large church. He just picked up the ability to fly, and absolutely adores it - using almost any excuse to show off his newest spell, granted by his goddess.

Still, he fervently believes in helping all those who need it, especially the poor and those who have turned away from society (brigands and thieves). So he has a few connections in the underworld, to help those who don't even know how to ask for it and to find the truly lost.

He has bounced around a number of villages around Brevoy, each time moving up in the church hierarchy (such as it is) and being granted more responsibility.

Rusty is not an adventurer per se. He would not do well in combat. I'm sure he's seen some, marauders, thieves, and the like, but he tends to aid those in the front when such things happen rather than stand in the front himself. It's not that he's afraid - he just knows his own limitations.

He took the young Govannon in when his family had to move to Nivatka’s Crossing near Restov where he was head of the local parish. Not a large parish perhaps, but Rusty ran it with enthusiasm, honesty, and hard work until it blossomed. Govannon was impressed by Rusty’s attention to details, however mundane, and his expansive knowledge.

Govannon invited him to join his southern adventure, promising to build him a church to Desna - a proper cathedral. Rusty was unsure at first, but eventually warmed to the idea - particularly as Govannon was relentless in his pursuit of the parish priest.