Johanna Atsuko |
Round 1 Still
Parry: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 2 = 22
Riposte: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 2 = 24
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 = 8
Johanna parries the bite attack and stabs the spider in return.
Round 2
Attack 1: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9
Attack 2: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7
Johanna assaults the creature with both blades wounding it further.
[ood]If any of the attacks drop the creature she will 5ft step and attack blue[/ooc]
Freya Velson |
"Come on, Fenrir." Freya says, getting in position to cast another spell, this time sending waves of flame to wash over the spiders.
Burning Hands - Targeting Green and Blue; DC 14 Reflex for half.
Burning Hands: 5d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 4, 4) = 14
The party quickly and efficiently disposes of the large pests. The cave is filled with webbing, but after a few moments clearing is safe to travel through.
You do find a desiccated corpse in one webbing bundle, what the unfortunate was doing her will remain a mystery.
A bag containing 3061gp worth of gems and precious stones.
1 Oil of Magic Stone (cr, 50 gp)
1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds (cr, 50 gp)
1 Scroll of Summon Monster I (cr, 25 gp)
Where to now?
Darian Aulamaxa |
Once the spiders are dealt with, Darian works quietly clearing webbing for a moment. He was trying to not snap out about the ribbing the others had been giving him over his decision to check this chamber. But when they find the corpse, he can’t restrain himself any longer. In an even voice that poorly veils his frustration, he says ”You all may not agree with my insistence on being thorough in searching these lands and their holdings,” before pointing at the body with his blade, ”but THIS is why I am doing it. So more of our people don’t end up like this poor soul. It’s not for some sense of adventure or bravado. It’s to keep people safe. Call it stupid if you want, but at least know my reason for being the imbecile you accuse me of being!”
Without waiting for a reply, he turns to the far passage that seems to wrap around to the second northern cavern, and raises his shield again as he takes point. ”Let’s move,” he says sternly before heading onward.
On to V7! Hehehe
Freya Velson |
"Darian, the foolishness is not in the searching but your insistence of rushing headlong in." the Ulfen woman says, gently at first before adding more forcefully, "You must think of the larger picture. Yes, these things must be dealt with, but at the same time it will be rather difficult for you to lead the growth of Silverhold from the grave." regardless of whether the man can hear her or not.
Darian Aulamaxa |
”And I won’t ask others to risk of themselves what I am not willing to do myself,” he answers. ”That is part of the responsibility,” he adds as he thinks back to asking Jory to assassinate the Stag Lord, and the toll it took on him.
Lisl Morozov |
"When we decided to align ourselves with this venture it became our responsibility," says Lisl soothingly. "Leadership includes understanding that you must share the risks with your team. We work together and we advance into danger together."
She glances over at Isabel, then looks back to Darian and says, "Having a child and a family has predisposed you to throw yourself in harm's way in order to protect them, but you must remember that we are not children. We can and will fend for ourselves, and we are stronger together."
"The urge to hurl yourself headlong into danger and take all of its risks upon your shoulders is noble but rash. We have many talents and we should use them wisely together."
"No-one is questioning your commitment. We simply ask to be considered equals in this - equals in responsibility, equals in the share of the risk."
"Besides..." she finishes somberly, "... what would we do if you did face that final test of valor? What legacy would you leave? If you were gone... what would that do to the rest of us?"
Josef Orlovsky |
"Besides, old man, rushing into the heat of battle is what young, brave souls are for! Leaders are supposed to be around to provide the strategy, and sometimes the tactics, but, Dude . . .. Always rushing in headlong isn't tactics. It's foolish. Never put yourself against an opponent's strength if you can do otherwise. That gives them their best chance to beat you instead of you your best chance to beat them. Most duels are won by selectively YIELDING ground, and creating opportunities."
Isabel Rhelian |
Isabel doesn't get involved in the conversation, but that night as the group are getting ready for bed she stays away from her husband, keeping to the centre of the group and offering help to anyone and everyone.
When he finally manages to coax her towards bed Isabel remains cold, "I do call it stupid." She says, not even looking at Darian. "We are surrounded by brilliant people, capable people. You have bigger responsibilities than killing the most spiders - you have a responsibility to our people. You have a responsibility to Ma-mag-Magnus. You have a responsibility to me! So stop being so damn stupid Darian Aulamaxa! We need you!"
Her voice is breaking by the final couple of sentences and her shoulders shake as she begins to cry in the darkness.
Nice role playing guys. Keep it up, I'm happy to wait for the drama to play. Once you're ready to move on.
0V7. Tomb of the Fallen
A buzzing fills this cavern, which arches up to a height of twenty
feet. At the southern end of the cavern, a wide ledge runs along the cavern wall at a height of about fifteen feet.
Two tunnels exit the cavern to the north, one narrow and one wide. In the eastern portion of the cavern lies the giant carcass of some great beast, surrounded by at least half a dozen humanoid bodies.
The giant carcass is the body of the owlbear’s mate, slain by bandits. The corpses of the bandits are scattered around the carcass, killed by the owlbear before she was slain. The corpses of two owlbear cubs also
lie nearby, along with one surviving cub. It is starving and hoots pitifully next to the body of its dead mother.
The black hole is a hole in the ceiling leading to somewhere?
What are you doing now?
Isabel Rhelian |
"Oh you poor thing!" Isabel coos, moving across the room to the owlbear cub. She crouches down before it, making gentle humming noises similar to the cubs own and offers it a biscuit.
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
It's my pet now and I want it! My precious!
Darian Aulamaxa |
Darian also kneels down a short distance from the cub and talks soothingly to it, despite his own frustrations. ”Eeeasy there...little buddy...” he says softly beside Isabel.
He turns his head and calls out softly ”Freya. A little guy here could use your help...”
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
That night, in their tent...
Darian listens to his wife joining in with the others, he remains silent for a few moments in the dark. ”I’m sorry...I just...I can’t let it happen to them. Like it did with Phineas. And Galen. And Avrora. And...and Varian...” he pauses a moment before adding ”If I had been a better leader then, I’d have been able to protect them. And I failed. And now I’m helping you run a whole barony. I HAVE to be better, Issy. For your sake and Magnus’. I don’t give a damn about trying to prove I’m brave or whatever you and the others think I’m doing, and I definitely don’t have any intention of dieing. The only reason I’ve been bold enough to even try to take point is because I know I have the support of the rest of you...but now...” he paused again as he put a hand on Isabel’s shoulder briefly before withdrawing it and rolling over towards the tent wall as he added, ”I’m not so sure. So don’t worry, I’ll let whoever take point from now...”
Freya Velson |
Freya heads over toward the owlbear cub. "Fenrir, I'm going to give this guy a bit of your food, looks like he could use it."
Once over by the cub she says, "Come here, little you go, let Aunty Freya take care of you for now."
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (17) + 10 + (6) = 33 (free use of inspiration)
Food is all that is required to gain the cubs friendship, it nearly takes your fingers off as it gobbles all it can desperately.
Heal checks DC 15 needed to get it back to full health.
Aside from the hole in the ceiling leading somewhere that is all there is to this set of caves.
What now?
Loot from the bodies:
Leather armor 6.
Wooden shield (light) 6.
Longsword 6.
Dagger 6.
Shortbow 6.
Arrows 84.
Isabel Rhelian |
"It's not the first time I've been dealing with a little one with a lot of appetite!" Isabel replies, scooping the creature up with a slight grunt and continuing to feed it.
"We're going to be good friends aren't we little one?" She coos, clearly more than a bit in love with the furry ball of hunger.
Freya Velson |
"Are we going to explore that hole in the ceiling, or are we content with what we have done here?"
Josef Orlovsky |
"I'm not sure how we'll get up there to look around, but we should probably look, anyway. This cave's been a house of horrors so far. No reason to expect that part's any more friendly than the rest."
Darian Aulamaxa |
Still perturbed at his companions belittlement, he gives a gesture for someone else to take the lead.
That and I’m currently standing in the middle of Magic Kingdom so cant get too in-depth of a post. Lol
Josef Orlovsky |
"That's got to be 20 feet up. Even if we could lead on of the horses in here, that could only get us about 4 feet. One of you standing on my shoulders might get us another 10 feet in height, which is still basically a whole person too short. We might have to go home and get a grapple or ladder and come ba . . .."
He stops talking and starts looking around on the floor.
"Or we could find some spars or maybe take the time to cut down a tree and try to lash together a ladder? Should be faster than the round trip home, but would still be an awful lot of work just to get a look."
Josef Orlovsky |
Josef turns and looks at Lisl in obvious disbelief. "You could have mentioned that earlier. Wait. You showed that off earlier, didn't you?"
He buries his face in his hand. "Well, then." He looks up, verifying his ioun torch is in place. "Guess I'm ready. Anyone have a rope we could knot and I could tie to something, maybe?"
Josef Orlovsky |
"That should do marvelously. Be right back." Josef goes out to the horses, checks to see they are okay and still reasonably secured before seeking out the rope and grapple. He hooks the grapple loosely over his forearm and begins putting double knots along the rope to use as foot holds for anyone who will climbing it, really just having got started on that as he returns to the cavern where everyone last was.
Johanna Atsuko |
"I am not a skilled climber. I would suggest saving the magic and using the rope first. Even with knots I wouldn't be able to climb easily."
Yeah unless its a DC 5. Johanna has an 8 taking 10.
Josef Orlovsky |
"If it turns out that I need enhanced strength, you've already given me a potion of that type."
5 is the DC of a knotted rope with a wall of some sort to brace against. You could always do what I sometimes have to, tie your pack (or armor) to the rope, send it up, and then climb up afterwards. Yes, there's risk, but it tends to be less risk than falling.
I figure if we're not leading with trap finders, then we're leading with the idiot kid (me).
Johanna Atsuko |
I assumed the whole is out in the middle so nothing to brace. I don't have any type of Armor Check penalty just a negative to strength so taking 10 gets me an 8 and climbing a knotted rope out in the open is a 10 or 15 I believe so Johanna is staying on the ground :)
Josef Orlovsky |
"Johanna? You not coming? Darian? Want to help me pull her up? I would hate to leave her with the horses . . .."
Dickwavign contest? I haven't even swashed my buckle at him once! Wait. I don't actually carry a buckler, do I? Hmmmm . . ..
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 6
You scramble upwards along the natural chimney until you see the light of another opening, as Josef moves to get out of the tunnel he is wrapped in thick webs as he is half out.
No save. :)
The two Ettercaps who have been waiting for the intruder to emerge take their chance and strike.
bite Red: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
bite yellow: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
damage + Poison: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
DC15 fort save please Josef, or lose 1d2 Dex.
You may now act. Josef is the only one who can though. Darian is behind him in the passage.
DC10 to climb the rope to the passage, then DC5 climb to move along it.
Josef Orlovsky |
Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 :facepalm:
Dex Damage: 1d2 ⇒ 1 Okay, no NET effect, yet.
Concerned about whether or not I entangled. You don't explicitly say so, so I'm going to go with not . . ..
Seeing that he is suddenly "surrounded" by things he didn't actually expect, while he was climbing, Josef has to start with pulling his blade. Not having the time to do much else, he attempts to keep them at bay even as he strikes at the one to his right.
Dueling Sword w/ Combat Expertise: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 - 2 = 21
Slashing: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Moves AC to 22/16/17, HP is 43, Dex is -1
"Uhhh . . .. Spider people?"
Isabel Rhelian |
"Well that's not good." Isabel comments, completely unable to act from her position on the cave floor with an owlbear cub in her arms.
Pass, I'm worse than useless here!
Darian Aulamaxa |
Climb: 1d20 + 3 - 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 - 3 = 15
Darian tried to finish climbing up the passage behind Josef. If he makes it to the top, he readies his sword and calls down to the others, ”Spider people up here! Attacking Josef!”
Josef Orlovsky |
Perception DC20 to spot the webbing over the opening. So the one with perception +0 led the way. :)
Every character needs a weakness. Josef has several to help make up for the married couple. <grin>
Isabel Rhelian |
GM_DBH wrote:Perception DC20 to spot the webbing over the opening. So the one with perception +0 led the way. :)Every character needs a weakness. Josef has several to help make up for the married couple. <grin>
And we're very appreciative :) This can make up for all the hits my glitterdust saved you from.
Josef Orlovsky |
Josef, are you going to attack, or get out of the entrance to let more people through?
D'oh! Got caught in the silly and missed we were back to me . . ..
Josef steps forward, between the two, before continuing to work an assault against the one he has already made contact with.
Combat Expertise & Full Attack
Dueling Sword w/ Combat Expertise vs Red: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 - 2 = 29
Slashing: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Dueling Sword Iterative w/ Combat Expertise vs Red: 1d20 + 11 - 5 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 11 - 5 - 2 = 21
Slashing: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Confirm first strike: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 2 = 13
Crit Bonus damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Well, IF that confirmed (Yeah, right!), that will be 23 points of damage to red with the first shot, for 30 so far! Should Red drop, I hope it is obvious that the second attack will transfer to Yellow.
Between the Combat Expertise and Defensive Parry (full attack), Josef's AC vs melee attacks is currently 23/17/17. Status: 43 HP, -1 Dex