Krystae Stormcrow |
Krystae gathers the others around, hidden within the boughs of the forest. "There are 4 bandits bedridden with a fever in a room on the south end of the building. There are a few others as well, whose conversation I overheard. I did not recognize any of them as sentinels." She glances around at the others with a grim expression. "I say we attack swiftly, as far as I can tell they are not aware of our presence. We should strike quick and hard... Brynjar, Droviz, and Ragnar should lead the attack into melee. Myself and Witch will remain near the doors to lend ranged support. Havelock and Helios, feel free to place yourselves wherever you feel is best. These men have murdered innocent people and deserve no mercy... If they surrender then we will question them, if not, then we still have the sick ones to question after we cleanup. Thoughts?"
She looks around, but especially at Brynjar.
Elen Emerwen |
"Their conversation was nothing of great importance, except that one mentioned a name, 'Rohkar' -- sound familiar to any of you?"
Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Droviz |
"Well, as for mercy," Droviz says. "Any chance any of them have a bounty on their heads? Because sometimes, when folks write 'wanted dead or alive' on the poster, they're actually willing to shill out more cash for alive than -- You're looking at me funny. Did I say something wrong?"
The masked warrior blinks once, then shrugs and puts his shield on his back, exchanging it with a short sword of unusual make. "Figure we'll need more cutting power," he says as he limbers up his arms, briefly twirling his two weapons around. "Just keep the healing magic coming, if you'd be so kind. We can take down the ones still up and healthy, then question the sick, right?"
Havelock Iacton |
Havelock listens a little to the conversation before shrugging.
"We COULD just force their hands you know, set up a nice little half circle around the door and then allow me to set fire to the hut, they will have little choice but to come out the door and be cut down swiftly lest they surrender."
Elen Emerwen |
"That would result in the sick people burning to death! That's horrible! Let us kill them if we must but let us not be unnecessarily cruel."
Droviz |
"Rabbits don't know how to put out fires," Droviz says, off-handedly. "And you won't catch them running through smoke to gut the bastard who set their home on fire. Humans, though...?"
Havelock Iacton |
"No, but a beings natural instinct, man or beast, is to get away from the source of the smoke.
I imagine these men are no different.
Either way, it is a pragmatic solution, but if someone have a moral objection then I do not mind going with a different plan."
Droviz |
"Not moral, just practical," Droviz says. "These are mercenaries; they'll know about smoking people out, too. And when some bastard tries to smoke you out, you turn the tables on them and hit them in the face, where they don't expect it."
Helios Sunstreaker |
"I'm not entirely certain I'm in fighting condition, my friends. I've been blessed with some abilities that could prove useful if we were thinking of a more covert entry..." He shrugs and gives a friendly smile. "But somehow in don't think a good night's sleep is in the offing."
Helios leans back on his haunches and contemplates. "An attack via the front door could work...perhaps I could draw their attention to the rear of the house? I've a particular trick that I've been thinking of, it will lend my aspect the horrible likeness of a fey demon. Add to it my own twist on an Osirion drama I once read... If they're looking my way, you'll have a moment of surprise when you burst through the front door."
With Krystae he pats his now and points to hers. "Once they come to the rear we can feather them with arrows along with anything Elen and Havelock can toss in their direction." Helios points to Brynjar, Ragnar and Drovitz. "Then our resident warriors can crash through the front door. If we hold up our end of the bargain, the arrows and explosions and spellcraft will send them right fleeing right into their blades."
Sorry for the delay gang!
Krystae Stormcrow |
Krystae ponders over all the proposed ideas. She dislikes the idea of setting the building aflame, though the idea of smoke... "I'd rather avoid setting the building on fire; it would make for a great place to retreat back to in the event we find ourselves overwhelmed. Not to mention with this crazy weather, we could suddenly be in the middle of a blizzard and shelter is often the difference between life and death."
She nods at Helios' suggestion. "The only issue I foresee with that plan is if the bandits charge towards the rear, rather than flee towards the front we may well find ourselves in a very deadly situation without our best swordsmen. Perhaps a modified version... "
She looks at the building once more... "What if Brynjar and Droviz take the front door and hold position there to keep a simple frontline, this will hopefully keep the bandits from flanking. This will draw their attention while the rest of us came enter from the rear and we can flank the bandits, or cause them to split their forces."
Brynjar Kilaanti |
"A direct assault to bait them into a flank will do, but we'll need ranged support...something the witch can provide, she can remain away from their blades here and fling her spells at them" An overly serious stare turned towards Helios "You should stay with her as well, your wounds have yet to heal" He added Bluntly, before going about drawing a rough outline of the plan in the cold snow.
"Droviz and I will take them from the front" He began "Then the giant, the professor and you will stab their backs, and let the giant lead the charge that should put fear into their hearts...before they stop beating" The last words Brynjar spoke burned with a hostilaty that could not be ignored.
Ragnar Deathspeaker |
Ragnar stood quiet while the group discussed whatever had them so excited about the house. He was catching every few words, but they were talking so quickly he couldn't make much sense out of it.
He scratched the raven on his shoulder and sighed.
Elen Emerwen |
Elen blinks, and realizes they are excluding Ragnar from the conversation. She translates:
She pauses, a bit uncertain of part of the plan. "Brynjar, where do you want Helios and I? Near you or near Krystae, Havelock, and Ragnar?"
Ragnar Deathspeaker |
Ragnar nodded, not really knowing why they were attacking, but not really concerned about it either. Clearly there were things in the building that needed killing. That was good enough for him. He moved to stand near Krystae, waiting to move with her.
Brynjar Kilaanti |
Elen blinks, and realizes they are excluding Ragnar from the conversation. She translates:
** spoiler omitted **
She pauses, a bit uncertain of part of the plan. "Brynjar, where do you want Helios and I? Near you or near Krystae, Havelock, and Ragnar?"
"I want you both to be at least thirty feet behind Krystae's unit, shower them with spells, arrows, and if you run out then start using whatever you can get your hands on...even your cat if you think that will do us any good" Brynjar's eyes shift to the feline momentarily before looking back to the group "Any other ideas?" He asked in a tone that would have been more fitting for an order than a question.
Droviz |
Elen blinks, and realizes they are excluding Ragnar from the conversation. She translates:
** spoiler omitted **
She pauses, a bit uncertain of part of the plan. "Brynjar, where do you want Helios and I? Near you or near Krystae, Havelock, and Ragnar?"
Helios Sunstreaker |
Helios grins and agrees to the plan. "Sounds like a solid plan, my friends. After all, we have the element of surprise on our hands. How hard could it be?"
Havelock Iacton |
Havelock quickly turns his face away, muffling a snort of amusement in his hand.
He quickly tries to cover up by covering his beak and making soft cough sounds.
Levity...that was unexpected, nearly lost my composure there for a moment.
Elen Emerwen |
"I must be within 30 feet of the foes for my magic to work effectively, so I'll be a little closer than that. But I'll be behind Krystae and the others, as you say. As for the cat... she'll be watching for a way she can help." Well, she could deliver shocking grasp for me... if she avoids attacks of opportunity... not gonna risk it, frankly.
Havelock Iacton |
A Tengu can normally be counted on learning a new language with a month or so of practice, and *I* am a genius Tengu."
Krystae Stormcrow |
Krystae looks around to ensure everyone understands the plan. Once she is sure everyone understands their part of the attack she nods to Brynjar. She takes a deep, steadying breath as she brushes her hand against the crow feather dangling around her neck. "Let's do this... no time like the present."
She directs her gaze to Droviz and Brynjar. "Use the treeline to the north to mask your approach. Give us a shout when you're in position and we will assault the rear of the building. Good hunting, gentlemen." She draws an arrow and prepares herself for the attack.
Droviz |
"Don't worry, you'll hear when we get started," Droviz says, nodding. "Ready?" he asks Brynjar.
Stealth 1d20 ⇒ 19. I have -3 ACP, so... yeah. :-\
Havelock Iacton |
Havelock digs into his fur coat for a moment, retrieving a small glass phial.
It seems like such an elementary discovery, how to infuse these with just enough energy to allow others to drink them...
Strange I had not realized the process before...
But as they say, nothing beats empirical proof.
"Here, drink this Helios, it will mend your wounds."
Helios Sunstreaker |
Assuming a CLW, thanks!
Helios takes the offered potion and tips it in salute to the Tengu. "My thanks, good Professor."
1d8 ⇒ 7 Right on the money...
His muscles loosen and his bruised body knits itself to rights with the aid of Havelock's potion. The half-elf takes in a deep breath and works his shoulders with a broad smile. "Put me in the front, commander of the guard. I do believe I'm ready for battle."
Drawing an arrow from his quiver, Helios whispers a quick prayer for luck to trusty Caiden and sets up near Krystae. "Once we're engaged, I'll see what I can do to keep everyone properly inspired."
Keolin Portara |
So the way we are going to do this is with block initiative. Because they are unaware of your presence you automatically win initiative. You can start your action from any edge of the map. The first square on the map counts as your first 5 feet of movement. Make sure to make any relevant stealth checks, etc. I will have the NPCs react accordingly after you have all had your first action. This will be treated as the first round, not a surprise round so you have a full round to work with.
Brynjar Kilaanti |
Brynjar does his best to stay in the cover offered by the trees, stealth was not his forte, that he knew very well, but there was little choice in the matter. Without warning a stray branch smacked him in the face as he tried to push through the greenery, he clenched his teeth and kept walking once in position he unsheathed his sword and waited for Droviz to follow.
Raw Dex instead of Stealth: 1d20 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (11) + 2 - 3 = 10
Ragnar Deathspeaker |
Waiting for the others to move since I'm supposed to be following them.
Helios Sunstreaker |
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Helios creeps along behind Krystae and sets up at the rear entrance, bow at the ready.
Readied Action
I'll fire at the first hostile available.
Longbow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 ...w00t!!
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 ...awww!
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Krystae Stormcrow |
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
So, I suppose Krystae should have been more detailed about which side of the building I considered to be the front and back lol! I meant for Brynjar's group to go around the other entrance while the rest stayed by the outhouse entrance. Oops! Oh well, this will work out just as well.
Krystae's steps through the wooded area were not nearly as quiet as she would have preferred. She was distracted by the plans of the upcoming assault...
Krystae Stormcrow |
Bah! Taking '10'... I didn't even think about that. I've always been stuck in this mindset that taking 10/20 is so limiting it's not worth it... And I don't know why.
Elen Emerwen |
Well, taking 10 in this case might not be allowed by the GM, it's kinda ambiguous. We're not in open combat, but he might rule that the danger of alerting the bandits might count as distraction.
Ragnar Deathspeaker |
Moving with Krystae. Unable to access the map at the moment. Please place me near her.
Havelock Iacton |
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Heh, look at me, skulking around like this, just like my kind is always accused of doing.
Mind you, I'm not planning on stealing anything here, well...not TECHNICALLY at least.
Not that I'll hesitate to pocked any shinnies I might find...
Keolin Portara |
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Perception2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Through the window, Krystae, Elen and Havelock can see a female half-orc working in the kitchen, chopping up vegetables with an oversize cleaver.
You hear voices from inside."D-d-did you see that? There's something moving in the trees!"
"Keep your voice down!"
"You go get Rohkar. Markus, go rouse the others." You also hear swords being drawn.
Krystae Stormcrow |
Dang... knew that was going to happen lol.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Oh c'mon!!!!!!!
Krystae spots the half-orc through the window, pauses a moment to see if she notices them; however, after a moment she notices nothing and continues moving through the woods...
Helios Sunstreaker |
Am I to assume I'm along with the group? Or am I in position to cover the exit should baddies come pouring out? If the latter, can I maintain my held action from above?
If I'm along with the group then apply the below...
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Helios holds up a hand to signal the group to halt. He points to his ear then to the cabin... "They've heard us...they're readying weapons."
Elen Emerwen |
I think the plan was for Helios to be with Krystae, Ragnar, and Elen, and Havelock, Droviz and Brynjar to be on the opposite side of the building. Maybe I'm wrong on that, but it seems like a good idea to me.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 "I don't hear anything but I trust you. Hurry! No point in being sneaky now!"
Droviz |
If we're in position...
"Ready?" the masked Elf asks Brynjar once they're in place. "If so, then it's time to stop being stealthy and start being stupid and obvious so's to draw attention." The masked warrior chuckles -- and ROARS as he charges the building.
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Brynjar Kilaanti |
Following the over eager masked man with a silent grunt, Brynjar runs across the snow with sword in hand, he saw Droviz head for the door so he went for the window instead planning to crash through it using his body as a leaping battering ram.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Strength Check to bust through the window: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Helios Sunstreaker |
Helios nods to Elen and steadies his aim, waiting for the first of their potential enemies to emerge from the house.
Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Readied Action
> Longbow Shot: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 ...W00t!!
> *Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8* ...awww...
> Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8