Azure_Zero |

Note: Average Wealth, Max HP
Race: 1d2 ⇒ 2 Human , Half-Elf*
Gender: 2d2 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
whipping of a female Half-elf bard of Johydee

GM Tribute |

Make sure to include a short background with your submission.
Add why the Keep on the Borderlands or a retro/old school adventure would interest you.
Note: 'I have never been in the Keep before and am curious about the word module and the use of a letter followed by a number to describe an adventure' is a good reason.
Posting requirements--daily posting on weekdays is the norm. A post every 48 hours on weekdays or 3/week is probably the minimum. I can move the story along without everyone posting at the same rate.

Conner Thinwhistle |

Background and work up in profile :) I recall Keep on the borderlands as being one of the first campaigns I played. The old school nostalgia of revisiting it would be awesome + I never got to play the rest of the series back then and would love the opportunity to take an epic trek into old school goodness!!

Meztli |

Meztli was born into the Jaguar People in the Amedio Jungle. From an early age, she felt the call to be a warrior, but among her people, women do not fight. So she trained in secret until she was as good as any male, but her prowess went unknown. Then came the day when strangers set foot in the jungle. They came in large ships and sought some of her people to journey with them to a distant land.
Meztli volunteered to go with them. Along the journey, she learned some of their language and a little of their culture. Now, recently departed from their company and in a strange land, she seeks to make her way as a warrior.
Why I am Interested
Always a GM; never a player. Seriously, I have run these modules dozens of times, but I've never had the opportunity to play through them. Despite that, I am very good at separating player and character knowledge and I solemnly promise not to use any information I happen to recall for my own benefit (or that of my party).
For me, these adventures are not just a blast from the past; they're a part of my childhood. The only thing that would be even cooler is if we happened to discover a map to long-lost Quasqueton (aka B1 In Search of the Unknown) and I got to experience another GM's interpretation of that classic adventure (since I've rewritten it so many times for so many settings that I nearly have the map memorized).
I can post at least once a day, and often more than that. My weekends tend to be pretty busy, but I can usually manage at least once per day then, as well.
About Me
I've been playing RPGs since 1978, mostly as a GM. I have run all five incarnations of D&D, as well as Pathfinder, Traveller, Savage Worlds, GURPS, and more minor systems than I can remember.

Azure_Zero |

I started on my fluff, and it was harder since I didn't have traits or certain other feats to help point out aspects of her persona, history, or how she might look.
So I decide to figure out what she looks like (based on stats and class) and use her looks and class to figure out her persona, which helps to paint parts of her backstory.
It was an interesting challenge in developing her fluff.
If there is a thief in the group, she'll be the distraction for him as she's a thief herself, though she uses words to get the target.

GM Tribute |

Background information about the area:
The Keep on the Borderlands in in the principality of Ulek in the southern part of the Suss forest. It allows vital trade routes to flow north and protect Ulek from the Orcs of the Pomarj to the east.
In short, the Keep on the Borderlands is a frontier outpost built in hostile territory to protect Ulek.
The modern Principality of Ulek is generally located in the southwestern portion of the Flanaess, and is considered part of the Sheldomar Valley region. It is bordered by the Lortmil Mountains to the east, by the Old River to the north and west, and by the Azure Sea to the south.
As of 591 CY, the most populous towns are Havenhill (pop. 32,100), Gryrax (pop. 27,300), Thunderstrike (pop. 17,400), and Eastpass (pop. 15,500).
As of 591 CY, the population of the Principality of Ulek totaled 538,400 persons, over half of whom are humans of mainly Suel and Oeridian stock. Dwarves make up the next largest group (around 30% of the total population), with hill dwarves outnumbering mountain dwarves by approximately 2-to-1. Halflings are also present is significant numbers (10%), while the remainder of the population is a mix of elves, gnomes, half-elves, and others.
The most popular deities among the Principality of Ulek's citizens are Ulaa, the dwarven pantheon, St. Cuthbert, Lydia, Phyton, Fharlanghn, Osprem, Ehlonna, Olidammara, and Norebo.
The most widely-spoken languages in the Principality of Ulek include Common, Dwarven, Keolandish, Halfling, and Gnomish.
The Principality of Ulek is an independent feudal monarchy with hereditary rulership, and currently ruled by His Serene Highness, Prince Olinstaad Corond of Ulek, Lord of the Peaks of Haven. All royal and noble houses in the realm are dwarven. The royal family (House Corond) owns the city Gryrax.
The national capital is Gryrax.
The Principality of Ulek's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Quarterly; first, purpure a base dancetty or; second and third, argent a battle-axe gules; fourth, the last a diamond argent.
The Principality of Ulek's standard coinage consists of the platinum high crown (pp), gold forge (gp), electrum anvil (ep), silver hammer (sp), and copper common (cp).
Maps and tactics will be important. Reach weapons won't be handwaved.

Azure_Zero |

Current updated character list
Meztli (WhtKnt) - Barbarian [melee]
Conner Thinwhistle (Dorgar) - Rogue [skill-monkey]
Lorcan Gimblesocket (Skorn) - Sorcerer [arcane]
Ingrid Vita Yuri (Azure Zero) - Bard [JoAT]
Zoros Kiirassi (Spazmodeus) - Cleric(?) [divine]
Unnamed (Lord Thasmudyan) - Paladin(?) [melee]

Azure_Zero |

Current updated character list
Meztli (WhtKnt) - Female Human Barbarian [melee]
Conner Thinwhistle (Dorgar) - Male Halfling Rogue [skill-monkey]
Lorcan Gimblesocket (Skorn) - Male Gnome Sorcerer [arcane]
Ingrid Vita Yuri (Azure Zero) - Female Half-elf Bard [JoAT]
Zoros Kiirassi (Spazmodeus) - Male Human Cleric(?) [divine]
Unnamed (Lord Thasmudyan) - Paladin(?) [melee]

Meztli |

Meztli is of average height and thin but toned with black hair, medium brown skin, and brown eyes. She is of medium bustline (about a 36C). Her features are definitely Aztec, with a broad, somewhat flat nose and high cheekbones. Her hair falls below her shoulders, but is unkempt (sort of like her avatar). Her armor is a well-used leather jerkin and skirt studded with obsidian, but over this she wears a leopard skin. Her club is embedded with flat plates of obsidian and her spear is tipped with the black glass-like substance. Her short bow is slung across her torso.
Is that detailed enough?

Lorcan Gimblesprocket |

Lets see. From the Alias: He boasts golden hair and eyes and dresses in outlandish colors that seem they would clash, but always look good on him. "
He has an 18 charisma. I see him as slightly tall for a gnome, of medium build (healthy with a 14 Con) and stylish. His hair would be on the long side of short for men of the area. Certainly no armor. He would like gold colors as a follower of Gnarl Glittergold. That is all I can think of. Give him a cudgel or a crossbow, or both is thats possible. :) Thanks!

Conner Thinwhistle |

Conner stands at 3'3", 38lbs. he looks like his picture blond wavy hair about shoulder length. His skin is weathered and a little leathery from his nomadic life mostly outdoors. He is of mixed hairfoot/stout parentage and like most of his folk disdain the thought of footwear. His armor is dark leather with large round studs of a tarnished copper. He has a leather long-coat of the same style. He wears a derby like style hat, a short sword, and several daggers on his person. Buck his pack dog is a big, shaggy, sheep dog that seems to take a liking to anyone Conner does.

Conner Thinwhistle |

Also GM I am not sure how you would like me to stat up Buck I paid the same price as a guard dog (25 gp), But am wanting A big ole' sheepdog that can serve as Conner's pack animal not necessarily a combatant. Is it ok to re-skin a donkey they are only 8 gp? I am fine with whatever you decide just wanted to ask.

Zoros Kiirassi |

OK fluffy bits done.
Answer for GM Tribute:
Like many of the others, B2 was where I cut my teeth with RPGs way back in Grade 5. My brother got the red box set for Christmas, ignored it and I stole it and never looked back. Been years since I played it so my recollections are fuzzy, but they're a good fuzzy.
@AZ: Zoros stands 6 feet tall, a barrel chested man of 205 pounds.
Wearing a Chainshirt he holds a steel shield in one hand and an heavy mac e in the other. Covering his armour is the sacred tabard of St Cuthbert.
His hair is black and his eyes are blue.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero |

I'm using Daz Studio for making the renders.
The program and base content are free, but any content above the base content requires payment.
Meztli and Ingrid are using Genesis 2 Female base with Gia, and a few other morphs. Ingrid having Caped Rogue and Ranger clothing, Meztli with just Ranger Clothing
Conner, Lorcan, and Zoros were made with the Genesis base, and a number of morphs. Conner and Zoros are in Defiant clothing, but some materials were switched to a different version.

Meztli |

A few more details for you; Meztli goes barefoot (yes, I know, but a lifetime of walking barefoot in the jungle has toughened the soles of her feet). I envision the armor and club actually having obsidian plates attached (think Aztec design). I realize that an exact render will be next to impossible, but you asked for more detail, so here you go.

Azure_Zero |

I have nothing with obsidian, so can't do it.
I was originally going to use Prehistoric Princess or Earth Warden for Meztli.
But after finding out what a jerkin was, I looked for something that looked like leather armour.
I'll see what clothes I have as an alternative for Meztli, since ranger boots and pants are one item, not two separate items.

Meztli |

GM Tribute, made a minor change to Metzli. I swapped her studded leather armor for padded armor, which makes more sense for her culture. She may decide to upgrade later when she learns how defensive studded leather (or better) can be, but for now, she'll stick with the tried and true. As for her weapons, I'm going to keep calling them obsidian, just for flavor. Although there are game mechanics for obsidian weapons, they are not core, so mechanically there will be no difference.

GM Tribute |

These five are good to go:
Meztli (WhtKnt) - Female Human Barbarian [melee]
Conner Thinwhistle (Dorgar) - Male Halfling Rogue [skill-monkey]
Lorcan Gimblesocket (Skorn) - Male Gnome Sorcerer [arcane]
Ingrid Vita Yuri (Azure Zero) - Female Half-elf Bard [JoAT]
Zoros Kiirassi (Spazmodeus) - Male Human Cleric(?) [divine]
Let's have some retro old school action. The above can post in discussion and gameplay after following the link above. Recruiting is closed for now. Thanks for doing the renders, AZ.
Unless I have an awesome full BAB 11th hour entry, the gates of the keep will be opening soon!

Mit'l Chi' Malli |

If you remember Mot was sent by the elders of his tribe from the Bright Desert on a mission of vengeance against some Kobolds that had killed live stalk and stolen goods from the. However, he felt the real reason he was sent away was because he had romantic interests in the same woman that the son of one of the elders was courting.
This other man tracked Mot with the plan to kill his rival and pass it off as Mot failing his mission. He was only a couple of days behind Mot when Mot was killed in the caves of Chaos.
Now, Mit'l Chi' Malli ... or "Chi" see this as an opportunity to "avenge" Mot's death as well as enact vengeance on the Kobolds that Mot tracked to here.
Chi is also a warrior cleric. Stronger, yet dumber than Mot was. He yields a black spear, the symbol of the god of vengeance, Vathris.