Jorvik: A Land of Snow & Ice

Game Master DSXMachina

A dark mystery in the ancient city of York.

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Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Ragadolf wrote:

LOL, again,

"Well, assuming Danny is at least half as clever as he thinks he is."

If he was only half as clever as he THINKS he is, he'd still be the smartiest smarty-pants to to ever walk the earth. :)

(He has no shortage of self-confidence) ;P

Oh please, he was just having a crisis of faith like an hour ago. :P

Tilnar wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

LOL, again,

"Well, assuming Danny is at least half as clever as he thinks he is."

If he was only half as clever as he THINKS he is, he'd still be the smartiest smarty-pants to to ever walk the earth. :)

(He has no shortage of self-confidence) ;P

Oh please, he was just having a crisis of faith like an hour ago. :P

ROFL, Was he?

Dangit, now I have to go re read and remind myself of what I said! ;P

Still, moments of minor self-doubt aside, he's USUALLY the most self-confident person in the room.

Whether he really is, or he's just pretending, is up to the audience to decide. ;P

Either way, he'll be starting $#!% someone has to finish!


And yet another brief foray of introspection for Danny.

Man, that guy is ALL over the place 'today'!


And Sal gets strait to the crux of the matter.

Treppa wrote:
And Sal gets strait to the crux of the matter.

"Strait?" Ugh. Straight.

I know how to spell. I just can't type.

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I know right? ;P

If I type ONE MORE 'teh' when I'm trying to type 'the' I'll scream. :(

As proof that Sal and I are nothing alike, I didn't want to be Black Widow.

I wanted to be Emma Peel (the Diana Rigg version).

Gah, I'll try and get something up tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks for the amazing posts and enthusiasm.

And who didn't ♥ Mrs Peel

We can babble on for days.

Of course, Kenneth and Edwyn are kinda stuck without you.

Yet another reason NOT to split the party. ;)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Not true. I can just keep mixing potions and broguing at the little sister of my lost love, who I'm convinced has a crush on me.


Though, I confess, it's quite a bit less interactive.


Hmm.. Maybe I'll call Edwyn and ask what he's doing. :)


Also, side note - fully agree with the Diana Rigg version of Mrs. Peel. But it's hard not to enjoy leather catsuits and minidresses... with attitude.

As I've mentioned to Treppa before, one of my bosses friends went out with her at Uni (purportedly).

But yeah, I'll get everyone some action soon. :)

LOL, No worries here,

Yeah, the original is always awesome, BUuuut,

As Tilnar said, hard NOT to enjoy mini dresses and leather catsuits with 'attitude'.

Just a reminder, starting as early as Sunday, I will be out of town for 2 whole weeks.

I will be checking on my 'stuff', including my PbP games, but I likely will not be posting EVERY day, or posting as long mini-novels as I usually do. :)

Happy weekend to all!

It's raining here, and I have leaks in my auditorium!

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Have fun on the out-of-town trip, Rags!

Two weeks! I hope it's for something fun and restful.

Well,... MOSTLY fun and restful,... ;P

Had a brief but fun week with family, NOW dropping off son to go to Space Camp for the week.

A week alone with wife in Huntsville and surrounding area. :)

AND a brief moment online with an aging laptop that is deciding to behave. For now. :/

Hope everyone is having/had a good 4th of July and/or weekend?

I worked Friday, and my going-home packing routine was interrupted by the client's goofy 2-month-old puppy (Drax the Destroyer :) ) so I was distracted and managed to NOT pack my laptop's power cord. I had a bunch of art to work on this weekend, so that wasn't a problem, but my internet addiction withdrawal has been awful. There's only about 2 hours on this battery. D: Just enough to post and edit and post and edit and post and edit and...



Whelp, had to cut my 'vacation' short a day, to race home to try and beat the eminent danger that is 'Barry'.


I'm glad i DID drive Friday (I got home just after midnight) because otherwise I would have been driving through a $#*% ton of rain, but where I live, we are still waiting for the 'storm' to get here. :P

It;s pretty bad all below and to the east of us, but I've only had a couple of gusts and a lil' bit of rain so far. (Knocks on wood. Repeatedly.)

ANYway, I'm back now. More or less. :)

(More of me, a LOT less money!) :/

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Yay for being back, boo for the storm, yay for the storm not being bad in your area. ;)

Barry is still full of moisture and is expected to drop 20" - 30" of rain in some areas, so keep your head above water. :/ And glad you checked in. I was wondering how you were doing down there.

Gratz on the Cricket World Cup win, DSX! I hadn't realized it would be England's first win.

What a crazy match! I've become a cricket fan.

Now DSX knows exactly how I felt when the Cubs won the Worlds Series. :)

Glad you had a lovely holiday Rags, and I hope that the storm (or whatever crazy weather) missed you.

And yep, it was a crazy cricket final. Now roll on the Ashes.

Yep, the only bad thing about the vacation was that it had to END.

Annnnd,... how much money I spent.

Like, more than I should have.

Like,... WAY more than I should have,...

Which is why I am now back at work, pretending to be productive.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

I've been managing to spend money like crazy recently without even the benefit of a vacation as an excuse.. ;)

Though I did book a week in Mexico in March..

A Paizo Person is coming to Denver in October for a weekend, so my vacation will probably be showing him around downtown (Saturday) and the mountains (Sunday). Funny how you never go places in your own town until somebody comes to visit!

Its TOO easy to spend money like crazy, I have to try real hard to keep it under control.
-During vacation I just quit pretending that I care,... or can actually count. :P

Sounds like fun Treppa!
-During our escape, I hiked all over downtown historic Huntsville (one day) then hiked and drove all over 'lookout mountain' in Chattanooga TN (second day) The 3rd day I told my wife I wasnt hiking ANYwhere that day!
(Yeah, that didn't last long,...) >_<

But when we spoke to locals, they said the same thing, there was lots to do, they just never bothered to do them, because, locals,... :)

Treppa wrote:
A Paizo Person is coming to Denver in October for a weekend, so my vacation will probably be showing him around downtown (Saturday) and the mountains (Sunday). Funny how you never go places in your own town until somebody comes to visit!

Funnily enough last time I was in York (barring birthday pub crawl), was showing a friend & his GF around. Which was fun, although I realised I quite a few places have changed.

RE: Money, fortunately I've been doing the opposite & saving money for a bit - however it's never as much as you'd hope.

It never is.

And it GOES a whole lot faster than it comes in!!! ;P


Kenneth definitely makes Danny looks like a newb!

According to the STORIES at any rate,...


Sorry I havent been on much, been busy, rehearsals, work,... yaddayadda,...

How is everyone?

Exactly, anyway hope everyone is doing well and staying cool.

Sorry if it's not moving too fast here :D

I'll get a post for all 4 of you guys soon.

I'm tired.

Hey, Tilnar, don't you use a supah-spreadsheet to help build PF characters?

If so, do you know if there's one for Starfinder? HeroLab is only doing online Starfinder, and it's $35 for 6 months and $25 annually after that. No buying a module for your HeroLab PC software. We're looking for solutions, and I know you've been happy with the spreadsheet tools. Any recommendations for SF?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

I usually use PCGen (for PF) -- because it's free and the datafiles are editable; which is super-snazzy when you're doing your own campaign.. or just want to implement something from a new book.

I know they've got a Starfinder dataset, but I've never looked at it.

The Pathbuilder app (android) is also not too bad -- at least as a way to plan out a character. Not sure if they have a Starfinder version.

Thank you! I couldn't recall the name.

Cool, something ELSE for me to waste far too much time on! :)

With the online only PF2 and Starfinder charges, I figure as slow as pbps go and as few as I have, that's like paying $35 for Level 1 and $50/level after that!

I was willing to buy HeroLab PC modules - that seems fair - but this subscription model is for the birds. The twin birds I'm letting fly in the general direction of Lone Wolf.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

I just could never bring myself to buying the Herolab modules. Felt too much like buying the books again.

Plus, as I said, editing files is snazzy and helpful -- for instance, did a low-magic campaign where there were dozens of special materials that people made weapons and armour out of (with special abilities) and alloys -- once I built the tables the right way, I could crank out Nullmetal Longswords and Rose Steel Shields and Blood Crystal Armour by the crate load.

Also useful when you're house ruling something, adding new spells or item properties, etc.

So, between the "being free" and "being more flexible" and the ability to fix things if there's an error in the dataset... *shrug* (To be fair, I'd used PCGen way back when I was playing 3e, too).

Sorry Tilnar, having a bit of a block on Kenneth (And also how to get you guys linked up again). I'll try to get something ASAP

I think we're meeting up tonight to compare notes, so you don't have to do anything major in the reunion department.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

It's all good, we all know Kenneth's a pain in the posterior. ;)

Treppa's right, though - we'd already planned to get together, so just time will do it. In fact, Kenneth would have texted a "Done mixing, grabbing a pint and some info" message to Sal and Danny, if only so they know he's no longer ignoring the phone.

LOL, Is all good.
Danny (and admittedly his player) have no problem with TALKING to pass teh time.

In fact it's more like that line from Shrek,...

"Yah He talks. But The REAL trick is gettin' him to shut up!"


I'm trying to figure out how to ditch Mr. Helpful without stabbing him.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Offer to set him up with your brother? ;)

OH lol please no!

I have NO idea where Danny would run with that as an opener!

But it would be,... entertaining,... at least for everyone else. ;P

Stabbing might be kinder.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Don't be silly. Danny'll only shiv a guy when he's doing his Cockney accent. ;)

I thought Cockney was when he did energetic dances with a top hat and chimney brush.

Um,... Yes?!?

"I said STEP!" *stab* "IN!" *stab* "TIME!" *stabstabstabstabstabstabstabstabstab*

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Votes for women? ;)

I confess, I was thinking much more Sweeney Todd than Mary Poppins, but I could totally imagine Danny tripping a little light fantastic..

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