Kenneth Evander Finley |

With the Lady..
Kenneth smiles and bows his head, "That wid be right helpful and most appreciated, Lady."
As he suddenly finds himself moved, he blinks, How in the -- wait, I climbed the cliff? What a... strange feeling... And I'm bloody used tae being filled with magic...
Kenneth looks forward at the caravan park, and asks, "I think it'd be best tae try tae keep things more subtle if we can, if only tae try tae keep the other mortals away from danger.... And, honestly, keeping them in the dark, tae."

Edwyn Mulder |

The sudden transition to the park is not nearly as disorienting as Edwyn might have expected, if only because it is not a sudden transition at all. At least, that is what his memories seem to tell him. The detective frowns, finding it surprisingly difficult to chalk down as just being 'magic' like he has with so many other recent oddities.
He looks over at the Lady, only now realizing that she did not give them a name to call her by. That, and peculiar aura about her that awakens something in him, memories of a time not so long ago. The familiar scent of cigar smoke, the crackling of a fireplace, the feeling of a good leather-bound novel against his fingertips... Blinking, Edwyn finds that he is a little teary-eyed. I've really taken this whole 'being dead' thing in stride, haven't I?
"Subterfuge is more my style," he agrees, wiping his face off with a sleeve.

Adriana 'Sal' Salazar |

"If there's any way we can help your forces, we'll be happy to as well. Some of us are on good terms with the Big Guy and Friends," Sal tells Brother Bellcher a little less certainly, glancing at Danny for support. "I'm more used to dealing with physical fighting, but I'm learning about, um, less normal things. And Danny here and another friend are quite used to that stuff. So we may be able to help with the seal, somehow, if you need it."

Danny Kaye |

Danny grins and holds out his hand, palm down, then waggles it from side to side.
"Well. Quite used to it might be an BIT of an overstatement. But I have picked up a few things. Our big, burly friend on the other hand, IS more than passing familiar with such workings. If he can't help you, You'd be hard-pressed to find a, (what does he call them?), A 'Poxy Wizard' who can!" Danny agrees cheerfully.