Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master dunebugg

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Realized I had an old set of traits int eh profile, and fixed that.

Here are some initial thoughts!

Sorry I missed Krojun the Oracle, updated my list on my computer :)

Firebeard: How did you end up in Sandpoint? Backstory doesn't really tie you in to the campaign
Terry Listantabulous - No JR trait, or backstory tie in, and character is level 3 (will have to be de-leveled if selected)
Notus Evynder - Alias is still a cleric, and there's no backstory
Nakitu - Wha... Stats? Thats a little lopsided. What will your character do in combat if you run out of spells? Str 5 makes for a rough campaign.

Both applications for Arcane (Kriv + Hegfy) are riddled with spelling and grammar issues. I usually am not one to point it out so bluntly, but the party should have some sort of arcanist and I'm not quite satisfied with the state of the two that are there. So Kriv + Hegfy you have until the end of the day to fix it up, and app's will re-open for arcane caster only.

There are a lot of really good applicants, narrowing it down to 5-6 is going to be tough!

Again, dunebugg, thank you for your consideration. Good luck, everybody.

Are the "Shadows Under Sandpoint" traits from the APG available too? What about traits from Rise of the Runelords since it has to do with Sandpoint? :)

Alright yeah I was worried about the stats XP yeah I'm gonna go ahead and switch them up a little! ^^

Alright updated STATS, Weapons, skills, and flaws

Stats STR 12, DEX 10, Con 10, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 16

Weapon Quarterstaff +1 melee (1d6/1d6)

Instead of Noncombatant the flaw has been switched to Vulnerable

AC =9 (supplementing armor saves with Adoration spell)

Acr +2, Apr +5, Dip +7, Bluff +3, Climb +1, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal +3, Intimidate +3, Percep +3, Preform (oratory) +3, Ride +0, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +0, Survival +3, Swim +1

So sorry for the last minute changes ;_; I still hope I can be considered in the running for the campaign as I would really love to be a part of this one!

dunebugg wrote:

Hello lovely people! Applications are officially closed. Here is the list of applicants in this thread:

Lou Kasuri - Human Monk
Firebeard - Dwarf Monk
Terry Listantabulous - Halfling Oracle
Kelvor De'Mortis - Halfling Paladin
Notus Eyvendr - Half-Elf Ranger (Switch hitter?)
Caerwyn Callandriil - Half-elf Rogue
Eden Nightseed - Half-Elf Druid
Lipp Vishki - Halfling Bard
Ichiro Saito - Half-Elf Samurai
Farak Cloak - Human Barbarian
Keros Copperkettle - Dwarf Ranger
Kriv Sanguinarius - Human Sorcerer
Nakitu Jiyoki - Kitsune Cleric
Hegfy - Human Wizard
Louise Van Andel - Human Cavalier
Magnauk Hailstraum - Half-Orc Inquisitor

If you don't see your character in there please let me know, I went over the thread twice so hopefully I didn't miss anything. Half-elves and halflings are surprisingly abundant. I'm going to review all the applications carefully, and I will comment on any issues I see but they shouldn't affect chance for submission unless you've missed the campaign trait + backstory tie in. I will be picking characters at the end of the day today!

You missed the aasimar sorcerer I sent via PM.

Arknight wrote:
Are the "Shadows Under Sandpoint" traits from the APG available too? What about traits from Rise of the Runelords since it has to do with Sandpoint? :)

One JR campaign trait is required, as it will link you to one of the 4 main NPCs.

@Riftun, Flaws are something we won't be using. They are optional rules that I don't particularly care for. Like the updated stats though!

@Orf, see I knew I would forget... added :P

Shadow Lodge

I now have a background, and a link to the character sheet in as my homepage url. And yes, I was going to try switch hitter out for this game. ^-^

Notus Eyvendr wrote:
I now have a background, and a link to the character sheet in as my homepage url. And yes, I was going to try switch hitter out for this game. ^-^

Awesome, thanks :)

Poor Sandru, nobody ever likes him...

Shadow Lodge

It was tempting, if that helps.

dunebugg wrote:
Notus Eyvendr wrote:
I now have a background, and a link to the character sheet in as my homepage url. And yes, I was going to try switch hitter out for this game. ^-^

Awesome, thanks :)

Poor Sandru, nobody ever likes him...

Well, you know how those varisian men are, they'll hit on anything with a slender set of thighs.

I've rewritten my application. Yes, indeed, there was one spelling error. As for any grammatical mistakes I have made (except for the one in the message, which was intentional) I blame it on my lack of understanding of the English language, which I have to admit, is not my first language. I can assure you I am normally doing my best to post correctly but if my writing style doesn't suit your taste then, please, by all means, consider this application rejected and save yourself the time by not not reviewing it.

Rewritten background for Hegfy Zabin the Earth Elementalist:

Hegfy Zabin, was born in the small city of Sandpoint. His family was of the common sort, his father a carpenter and Hegfy's mother his trusty helper.

There, in Sandpoint he spent his childhood playing with the other boys and girls his age and of the same social status, with one exception: Ameiko the daughter of the noble Kaijitsu family. As soon as the young Hegfy saw her, she had drawn his interest. She was unlike all the other girls he met, strong, confident and if one wouldn't have known her name he or she would have sworn that Ameiko was of no blue blood. The first time they had a conversation was after she had saved poor Hegfy from some thugs and offered to give him some fighting lessons. He refused, embarrassed by his helplessness. They soon became good friends and Hegfy noticed she was becoming more restless as time passed by.

When she eventually left on her grand adventure, Hegfy was too scared to fallow: his weak physic was not build for adventure and he knew he had no way of protecting her if something wrong would have gone wrong. Heartbroken and in despair, he had chosen a path that would lead him to Galduria, seeking to obtain the power and courage he was missing through magical means.

However his dream of joining the Twilight Academy had turned to ashes when he saw the fees for the lessons . Just when he was about to return home the young man noticed a hastily written note offering a great some of money for the position of a caretaker.

This is not exactly as my original idea,(which I was aiming at message ambiguity and double reward ) but for heaven's sake let's go with this one and wrap things quickly.

He took care of an old archmage and his house and his activities extended to reading books for the ever-curious old man and even casting some simple spells he learned through the tomes he'd read. The salary was not as promised but since he'd taken a liking on the archmage he decided to stay.

The cunning archmage had a good heart and tutored his caretaker in the earth elemental school aiming to make him as strong as a rock. As a final reward for the kind treatment the archmage gave Hegfy a wizard's robe and a spell-book, even covering the ingredient cost for Hefty's owl familiar (Black-wing) .

Feeling slightly home sick Hefty decided to return to Sandpoint where he found Ameiko, the new patron of the Rusty Dragon Inn. At that moment Hegfy made a promise to himself that the next time an adventure arises he would not run away from it but would do his best to use his new knowledge in overcoming his weaknesses.

Oh, one thing about Ichiro. Despite being from Minkai, it's been nearly a decade so he's pretty unaware of the current political situation. Because he was a kid at the time as well, he wouldn't have had that much interest in the goings on in the wider areas of Minkai and because he was pretty much sequestered and/or sick on the journey across the path, he'd have absolutely no foreknowledge of anything there beyond a vague recollection of a few of the cities the party may travel through on their way to Tian Xia. It's not an in game attempt to have knowledge unavailable to him due to RP reasons, it's just my attempt to make a samurai in Varisia a viable choice. :D

Shadow Lodge

Dunebugg- I would just like to reiterate my interest in the campaign. Since there were not any errors I hope my submission Farak is still being considered. If you would like a slightly larger RP sample I would be happy to provide one.

dunebugg wrote:

Here are some initial thoughts!

Terry Listantabulous - No JR trait, or backstory tie in, and character is level 3 (will have to be de-leveled if selected)

All three things fixed! Good luck making a decision!

@dunebugg - Kols hisself's been leadin' me aroun' by th' nose fer years. Why hisself's brought me here, I cannae say, but here I am.

I worked a little more of sandpoint into the backstory. Firebeard is a champion of Kols, and goes where he is led by his god. There's something to do for him in Sandpoint, even if Kols is rationing out the specifics.

Okay! Here is my finalised list. I've been sitting here for close to an hour pondering who to pick, it wasn't easy.

Caerwyn Callandriil
Magnauk Hailstraum
Louise Van Andel
Khelvor De'Mortis
Nakitu Jiyoki

If you haven't done so already, throw your character up in an alias and I will go open a discussion thread. Game will start tuesday (after the long weekend and after my lab midterm on tuesday!) Thanks everyone for coming up with some creative stuff. If anybody drops I will post here again.. thanks :)

way to go guys hope yall have fun...

back to the kitchen with Lou then..
question what was Lou missing so he can try in another game...

Good luck, you guys!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Really excited!!!

Nm for some reason my Internet only loaded part of the thread and I didn't see who got in. Sorry lol

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