It's Cold Outside - PbP RP-focused game (Inactive)

Game Master IejirIsk

Greetings one and all. Have your travels made you weary? Do you wish to relax at a tavern where the people are all friendly?

Then come on down to Ecland's Burning Tavern, and have a nice warm drink on me.

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Greetings one and all. Have your travels made you weary? Do you wish to relax at a tavern where the people are all friendly?

Then come on down to Ecland's Burning Tavern, and have a nice warm drink on me.

:You are a group of adventurers taken out of your comfort zone into a place a little less hospitable, with a bit of a curse and a mystery behind it.

Character guidelines::

18 point buy
1st level
2 traits (not of the same group)
Race: core, Aasimars, catfolk, Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Tieflings, Undines, Sulis, fetchlings
Alignment: Non-evil (or psychotic murderous neutral)
NO PVP: It is very rare that I would allow something like this; possibly duels (non-lethal)
class: no gunslinger (without a strong case)
no 3pp
max hp
max gold
You will start in a warm clime, but not for long. (yes, is a tad meta, but...)

I would like you to post regularly, myself am more likely to post from 1130pm-9am CST
I do utilize hidden rolls (though potentially in a spoiler)

I would like to see some backstory, what are the little things leading your character to this point.
If your character could have one wish, what would it be?
What does your character believe his strongest strength to be?
His(or her) greatest weakness.
How does your character see himself in the wider world?

I appreciate you giving me a chance.

18PBS? That is odd...

I am fond of stuff a little odd. Think its a bit too far out there?

Now if it was 18 on a 1-For-1 basis then it would probably go over better...

So a total of 78 Points in Stats. I have done 80 before and had no trouble.

For reference, the standard Heroic NPC Stat Array is 72 Points.

It favors S.A.D. Builds a lot but also helps with M.A.D. Builds.

Interesting, editting has a timelimit...

I can live with 20 point buy. May be better with 20, to be honest.

Alright, that makes sense.

Baseline of 10 points, 1 stat at a minimum of 8, maximum of 18
18 points to add to stats like level 4/8/12 upgrade

Exactly. It allows the Level Upgrades without players feeling cheated or such.

No psychotic murderous neutral characters? Phooey.

On a serious note, is point-buy 20 point buy as normal, or 20 points on a one-for-one basis?

One for 1.

not that experienced of a dm, to handle all that roughhandling

I thought the same thing Loup Blanc...

I'm very interested...
So, all stats begin at 10 and we can expend 20 points on a one-for-one basis to improve them?

or drop 1 stat to 8 for 2 more points all before racials, and no more than 8 in any one stat.

When would be starting? How often should we need to be able to post? And any more setting or background info available?

Seems to be Golarion Based...

I might submit one of my characters once I finish updating her.

Lvl 1? And what does 3PP mean...

3rd Party Publisher.

3PP is third-party publisher. So, only Paizo stuff is allowed.

Dotting for interest. I'll be submitting a Dwarf Armor Master sometime tomorrow once I edit his stats to match your requirements. He's your standard defensive tank type, but his backstory is (I think) what makes him unique. As I said, I'll put him up tomorrow for your consideration.

I might have something but a little more on the game wuld be helpful. such as where is this tavern located? is this an Ap or your own creation?

just need some info to help create the back story.

the character I have in mind is also a submission to a reign of winter AP if he isn't accepted in that game I can submit him here.

Shadoven wrote:
When would be starting? How often should we need to be able to post? And any more setting or background info available?

I'd like you to post at least daily, if you can. As far as setting, you will start somewhere in the Inner Sea proper at some tavern (maybe sandpoint, just because I have some idea of the area), then moved to an area far to the north, near the Crown of the World, in response to a an unknown border town needing assistance. You wont be starting in Ecland, but you will not be long elsewhere beforehand.

This is my own creation with some help on the forums, that I hope will be successful and interesting.

Golarion based, so I have some kind of backbone and don't have to invent everything anew, and it has a good bit written about it, but where I might be able to slip in more things besides.

You don't have to start being all knowing each other, but you will get a different way to introduce your characters.

One thing I like about online play, and i think it would translate even better to PbP, is that I don't do well RP in person/voices, etc but I can do alot of things with written word when the mood strikes me, so I hope to bring an interesting world and location.

and No, I did not rip off of the winter AP, i didnt realize there was such a thing when i wrote alot of this.

Hmm... The Rusty Dragon would be a perfect starting place... I even have a perfect character for it...

I would also strongly recommend against any char planning on having undead walking around with them.

Stupid edit timeout... As far as when starting, I would like to get 5-7 people together, then I can start after that without too much issue.

I'm interested, but I don't I'ld be able to meet your daily post requirement. I work nights every Thurs - Fri and the odd Wed, and it's the only place I get internet access. Living in the boonies sucks as far as that is concerned.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Hmm... The Rusty Dragon would be a perfect starting place... I even have a perfect character for it...

looking up more on the Rusty Dragon, yea, it would be a good place to start it I think.

well this character was built for a jade regent AP and never got in.

stuff in the profile just need to tweek stats for this game a bit.
see profile for info.

Lou Kasuri wrote:

well this character was built for a jade regent AP and never got in.

stuff in the profile just need to tweek stats for this game a bit.
see profile for info.

Barkeep wrote:

I would like to see some backstory, what are the little things leading your character to this point. An interesting thought.
If your character could have one wish, what would it be?I think I can guess.
What does your character believe his strongest strength to be?
His(or her) greatest weakness.
How does your character see himself in the wider world?

I have a character that has recently come to mind that I would like to try.


Race = Undine
Class = Druid / Witch (will be having an otter, so if I can find otter in the animal companions then druid, if not then witch.

What do you think?

Neither of those would pose a problem. Might have cause for a bit of extra RP.

alot of snow, but not tons of swimming as of this second, but down the road that can change, certainly.

seems like may be more suited for familiar, but I'll allow you to have a dire otter if you choose to go with the druidic path.

Or take it as a witch's familiar.

I present to you Rogar the Beardless: Dwarven tank. I just need to purchase gear, and he's done. Any feedback would be appreciated. :-)

I would like to see some backstory, what are the little things leading your character to this point.
Rogar was had just come of age when his village was attacked by Orcs. Badly injured and left for dead, he blames himself for this tragedy. Shaving his beard, Rogar feels that he no longer deserved to be called "Dwarf" and has taken the title "the Beardless". He has since moved to Sandpoint where he is trying to forget the pain his memories bring him.

If your character could have one wish, what would it be?
To go back in time and either save his village or die with everyone else.

What does your character believe his strongest strength to be?
Rogar is physically tough and will use all of his resources to defend those around him. If an enemy wishes to harm any of Rogar's companions, they'll have to go through him first.

His(or her) greatest weakness.
Haunted by the memories of the village massacre, Rogar is experiencing severe depression (PTSD) and no longer identifies himself as a Dwarf. As a result, his ego/self-image couldn't be lower.

How does your character see himself in the wider world?
As a nobody, not deserving of anything. In fact, if Rogar died, he'd quite possibly be doing the world a favor (in his mind).

Rogar the Beardless
Level 1 Armor Master (going for Living Monolith PrC)
Alignment: NG
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Orc

STR 18
DEX 14
CON 17
INT 13
WIS 12

Darkvision 60ft
Speed: 20ft
Initiative: +2
HP: 17 (1d10 + 3CON + 1favored class + 3Toughness)

BAB: +1
AC: 12; Touch: 12; Flat-Footed: 10 (+4 AC vs. Giants)
CMB: +5; CMD: 17 (+4 vs. Bull Rush or Trip)
Saves: Fortitude +5; Reflex +3; Will +1 (+5 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)

Skills (2 + 1INT) (Armor Check Penalty)
Acrobatics +3 (+2 if balance-related), *Knowledge(engineering) +5, Perception +2 (+2 if related to stone)

Glory of Old (+1 saves vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Grounded (+2 balance-related Acrobatics, +1 Reflex saves)

Steel Soul

Money: 300gp

Armor/Weapons (+1 attack vs. Orcs or Goblins)

Other Gear:

Hmmm ... What would the Dire Stats be? I can't seem to find them anywhere, also if I was to go with a Dire version, could I keep the original appearance (so not the bumps and spikes)?

I am starting to toy with the idea of the Witch more now, even though the stats are more suited to the Druid. But I am never one to Power-game, I always create my characters for the flavour of them. So they are very rarely "min-max'd".

Ah hello Whack-a-Rogue, I saw you try your hand in "Follow the Flood Road", may we both have better luck this time around.

A Dire Otter I believe would use the Dire Weasel Stats...

Ah, okay ... now for another silly question. Where would I find the Dire Weasel? I have looked for it and maybe I just keep on overlooking it.

I have looked through the message boards and people have said to use the Wolverine Stats for a Dire Weasel (or Otter in my case). I am guessing instead of having a Climb and Burrow Speed, the Otter would have a Swim speed. But not sure what I would do with the Rage ability ... maybe just lose it?

Yes, I thought I recognized your name. We'll see what happens this time....

dwarf dwarf dwarf dwarf... :P definitely have things I can do to a ... I mean with a ... Dwarves should be fun!

Dire Template

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So glad I decided to go Human or some Human Scion not Dwarf...

sorry, just woke up with little sleep. Naa, no trouble with a dwarf.

Ah brilliant, thanks for that IejirIsk.

Now just wondering which you think would run better in this campaign, The Druid or the Witch? The Witch would be less modifying as there is already an Otter Familiar. I will let you decide which of the 2 classes you think would be best and then I shall create that class, with my Race and Otter :)

I must say I am still a little confused about the Stat Buy for this. Is it 20 points (as per the book) or this 1 for 1 thing? Also is it a maximum of 18 before or after Racial Modifiers?

I can see either working with this campaign just as easily. gonna look through the thread see if I can place all the people that have posted so far.

Limits are always pre-racials, and is a one for one, like if you gained 4th level. a straight bump.


Lou Kasuri Human monk, love-sick painter- Looks good so far. need to tweak stats a bit, still missing a couple points. a couple more questions to answer, and I'll work something with the trait.

Rogar - beardless dwarf fighter, engineer - definitely tanky...
what kinda gear we looking at?

My Alias I will be modifying for this set-up.

IejirIsk wrote:
Lou Kasuri wrote:

well this character was built for a jade regent AP and never got in.

stuff in the profile just need to tweek stats for this game a bit.
see profile for info.

Barkeep wrote:

I would like to see some backstory, what are the little things leading your character to this point. An interesting thought.
If your character could have one wish, what would it be?I think I can guess.
What does your character believe his strongest strength to be?
His(or her) greatest weakness.
How does your character see himself in the wider world?

i believe the back story is included; I will be changing at least one of the traits since it can only be applied in a Jade regent Adv Path.

one wish/ well reagrdless on the trait it can easily be deduced from the backstory

greatest strength: a rounded character built to be helpful and fun. besides being an artist and a cook he can throw a punch or two. in abr fight he can be your best ally.

greatest weakness: game mechanics wise he isn't a real combat powerhouse but he can fight. also if he runs out of wine he can be pretty near useless.

in the wider world: eventually open his own bar / Inn and double as a dojo for martial arts training to selected students. he prefers a simple life not one of glory or fame.

Ah right, well I can see that Rogar is a combat based character, are there any other Arcane or Divine Casters in the group ... that have been submitted so far?

Oh ... That is making me think more towards Witch then, as I can balance out my scores still ... hmmm.

Edit : Nevermind, I have just seen the little list of created characters. Seeing as there are at least 2 Combat based characters, I have decided to create my Witch. That should give us a little Arcane assistance and will make having the Otter companion less necessary (as it won't be the only fighting type). I will still be having the Otter as a Familiar though. I shall get to creating the character after this work shift is over.


Thinking about archer paladin right now (or maybe try archer cleric/oracle? I've to think about it)

Feel free, the more the merrier. Though I'll admit the archer pally still makes me wince... not gameplay wise, just the breaking of concept... maybe I just play with too many LS pallys
is one thing I haven't seen yet is a divine caster.

If I could use Modular Spell Slots I would play a Cleric.

What do you mean Breaking of Concept?

modular spell slots?

and until a friend looked at it for PF, to me pally has always been in the thick of things. Most games, the pally is in the thick of things. Not saying I mind the paradigm shift, it just hasnt sunk in yet.

I think for some that is the reason why they like it. It is something that is Flavourful. I mean a Paladin of Abadar using a Crossbow or a Paladin of Erastil using a Longbow.

Explanation on Modular Spell Slots:

Modular Spell Slots is something me and one of my friends came up with while playing with the idea of a d20 Final Fantasy-Esque setting. We figured most of the Spells wouldn't be very high Level and it seemed like a waste. So...

We designed it to where you could take a spell slot and break it down into small spell slots on a 1-For-1 rate. And yes that comes up a lot in my groups.

Basically my Cleric can use his 3rd Level Spell Slot to prepare 3 Cure Light Wounds Spells. or 1 Cure Light Wounds Spell and 1 Bull's Strength Spell. As they add up to Level 3.

Or Vice Versa. So I could use 2 1st Level Spell Slots to prepare a Bull's Strength Spell.

You are still limited by your Max Spell Level. So the above Examples would require a Level 5 or Level 3 Cleric Respectively.

For a simple way of figuring it up:

Google Docs Spreadsheet for MSS Math.

In the Left Column you enter in your Spell Slots according to your Class Chart and Bonus Spells Per Day from your Attribute. The Right Side shows you the amount gained from each level while the bottom right cell tells you the over all total.

We have found it bumps up Casters a bit but it does allow them to use more lower level spells without feeling cheated. And it makes the Split Slot Arcane Discovery a bit more valuable. Though my Houserules also buff Martials a bit...

I admit, I like the concept of the modular, and does fit FF rather well I think. I may use it in another campaign, but don't have enough experience to try something like that this time.

Wow! I really like that Modular Spell idea ... do you mind if I borrow that for my next real-life campaign?

Nope. I keep meaning to open a Thread on it...

Believe it or not it is easy to add in. I mean it literally is rediculously easy.

Add hilarious when the Party encounters a Wizard 20 with Cantrips and nothing but Quickened & Standard Magic Missiles Prepared.

Oh Catrips are outside the MSS System. But I typically allow Casters to prepared 2 Cantrips in exchange for a 1st Level Slot.

I just am leery of Standard Vancian Casting. Though I guess it never hurts to try it out.

Scratch Azaelas, The Myrmidon. I will try to design a Good Cleric or Oracle. It might take me a bit. At least till tomorrow...

NOTE: It is 02:50 AM here in Missouri, USA.

you in the same timezone as I, my friend. I just happen to work this time on the weekends, and work is often mindrottingly simple.

i'll admit, also collecting info for things to tweak / add so nothing is left useless.

that, and fighting with maptools...

I'm in no real rush atm... just ecstatic that there is interest XD

i imagine I might try that, assuming this goes off relatively successfully.

as far as deities go, is why there's a wiki, for people like me to learn about them :D

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