Azaelas Fayth |

I actually was going to switch the Sword to a couple of Axes...
Also what is your ruling on the Two-Weapon Warrior Archetype's Double Strike Ability and Vital Strike?
Sorry for the mass of questions...
It actually is easy to make a Longsword out of Obsidian especially when you take into account it was usually made lacquered with Resin made from tree sap for strength.
Also are we allowed to take any campaign traits?

Zack Muad'Dweeb |

The question is - could this realistically be made using stone age tech? I've no doubt that with sufficiently advanced tools, it's possible to make scalemail out of bone, or longswords out of obsidian. But could it be done with stone age tech?
There's the terbutje/macuahuitl from Ultimate Combat, which isn't so much a sword with an obsidian blade, but a club with pieces of obsidian embedded to create a cutting edge. It has the same stats as a longsword.
Also, here's the background for my ancestor oracle:
Asheru had heard that saying many times throughout his life. Whenever he had asked the shaman why the ghosts of deceased tribespeople flocked to him, that was always the answer.
From an early age, Asheru has never know true solitude. Ancestral spirits are drawn to him and accompany him wherever he goes, even while he sleeps. His tribe's shaman proclaimed him a "speaker for the dead," a repository of knowledge, a living history of his tribe. The tribe does not bury its dead; instead, bodies are left on elevated biers for the scavengers and elements to dispose. Thus, the speaker for the dead is the tribe's connection to its ancestors.
As he has gotten older, Asheru has grown increasingly dismayed with his situation. He wonders where his thoughts end and the ancestors' begin. The weight of a great club, crafted from the leg bone of some huge beast, feels comfortable in his hands, despite having never wielded it before in his life.
He feels caught between his duty to his tribe and the spirits who chose him, and his desire to be in full possession of his own life.

waynemarkstubbs |

@Tupilek Actually, having reconsidered this, this seems unnecessarily harsh. So, congratulations, you get the benefit of our first "house rule".
Mammoths, and aurochs, have the following additional ability
Large Framed (Ex) - This creature is considered one size category larger for the purposes of serving as a mount. All other stats are unchanged.
Also, you can have a mammoth instead of a horse. So your mammoth is actually medium, and has all the stats of a medium mammoth (which actually appear to be slightly worse than a horse). But you can sit on it.

GM Spugly Fuglet |

GM im thinking ill change my Catfolk Birran's class to Rogue Archetypes > Survivalist
I think its a much better fit, could you let me know if Catfolk is ok?

![]() |

Initial Character Sheet for Mogli, the shapeshifter ranger:
NG Human Male Ranger (Shapeshifter) 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 dex, +1 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+2 +1 FC)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2
Spd 30'
Melee Shortspear +4 (1d6+3)
Ranged Atlatl +3 (1d6+3)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
BAB +1; CMB +4; CMD 16 (18 vs trip)
Feats (2) Big game hunter (+1 to attack and +2 to damage vs Large or larger), Run
Skills (6 skills) Climb +7, knowledge (geography) +4, knowledge (nature) +4, perception +6, stealth +6 (+7 in ice or snow), survival +6 (7 to track; +1 in ice or snow)
Special Abilities: heart of the snows (+2 Fort vs cold, vs slipping and falling, acrobatics and climb in slippery conditions), favored enemies
(animals), track, wild empathy (+1)
Traits: animalistic affliction, winter warrior
Languages: Common
Possessions (300 gp) hide shirt (60 gp), light wooden shield (3 gp), atlatl (2 gp), 10 darts (10 gp), 2 shortspears (2 gp), spare cold weather outfit (8 gp), snowshoes (5 gp), climber's kit (80 gp), pathfinder's kit (12 gp), small tent (10 gp), winter blanket (5 sp), wrist sheath (1 gp)
Stat Math:
Str 17 (7 points +2 racial)
Dex 14 (5 points)
Con 14 (5 points)
Int 10 (0 points)
Wis 14 (5 points)
Cha 8 (-2 points)
Would it be possible to spend my remaining swag on a tiny piece of a petrified everburning torch that casts light as a candle? I love the idea of him having this secret treasure that he never tells anyone about. Also, I took a hide shirt, but I paid 3x for it to reflect the fact that it would take a lot of work to make. Will that work?

waynemarkstubbs |

@Spugly - That's fine. Can you maybe write a little more about catfolk in this world, what makes them different, and why they are not just "humans with funny faces"? Just a few paragraphs is fine.
@James - both items are fine
@Belle - Thanks for bringing this up - I am aware of this. It's another attempt to avoid overspecialization, which I dislike. If anyone has particular difficulties crafting a character because of it, please let me know. I'll be keeping this, and the low tech/magic nature of things, in mind when it comes to encounters.

Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

Here's Sidara's background. Craeting a profile now. Invulnerable Rager barbarian
It is said that in the northern-most tribes, the freezing cold and harsh winds have worked their way into the very bones of their warriors. True there are those few who seem unaffected by the cold, thriving in it, almost drawing strength from their icy environment.
Sidara was one so blessed, seemingly unaffected by the weather from the age of four. Her parents were outcasts, her mother, the daughter of a mighty chieftain, her father, a powerful warrior, born on a day of bad omen, a poor match despite his prowess and ability in the hunt. It was her mother's refusal to accept his fate that resulted in her being cast out, when her spurning of another warrior's approach erupted in a riot that killed a dozen warriors.
The wild tundra was the home of an immeasurable number of deadly creatures, one of the deadliest being the dreaded winter wolf. Scenting a child protected only by two adults, the pack descended upon the family's hovel, managing to kill Sidara’s mother before retreating with 4 of their number dead.
Left with his wife dead and a five year old girl child, Jagr was forced to make a hard decision. Placing an axe and a doll at equal distances, Jagr set his little girl down in the snow to see which she would go to. The world of the north was no place for innocent childhood, and with pain in his heart, the man resolved that should the girl choose the doll, he would end her life, sparing her the suffering that would inevitably fill her short life.
The years were hard, but Sidara was harder, the stoic child growing into a powerful and intense young woman, tough and focused, her father's pride and joy. No son could have done a father prouder, trained in the hunt, skilled in combat and prone to a devastating icy cold rage when in battle, the girl exhibited that in her the old blood was strong.
Alas the hard lessons of life were far from over, during a hunt, Sidara and Jagr were attacked by a trio of Ice trolls, a battle during which Sidara was rendered unconscious after being thrown into the trunk of a tree, her body buried in a snow bank. Believing his daughter dead, Jagr fought with no regard for himself, slaying two of the creatures before falling to the third, yet even in death he saved his daughter's life as the wounded troll took his body to feed upon, leaving the girl and its fellows in the snow.
Awakening hours later, she understood the scene, shedding tears for the first time since her mother's death. With no body to bury, there was nothing for her to do but pick up the father's mighty bronze axe and carry on, surviving through toughness, tenacity and cunning against all likelihood.

Bonewright |

If the wizard thing is a problem I can probably look at switching classes. I really like the flavour though. Sorry it is so long, but I really wanted to try to get across the idea and story behind the character.
If it is the Guest Laws idea, I'll see what I can do, but I really like the idea of Hospitality, and a lot of tribal societies have something similar.
I will always remember the first time I saw a Bonewright. My father saw it while out hunting in deep winter, and had immediately offered it hospitality - he knew that a Bonewright was bound by the Guest Laws, and my father was chief, so we were all safe as soon as he offered it food and shelter.

Bearded Ben |

For Uqalik the Angakkuq (shaman) it began with a vision. The Old Woman appeared to him in a dream and told him to "seek the iron". It was not until several weeks later that rumors of iron-armed orcs reached the community of Inuvik, and not until two moons had passed that the halfling wanderlust buried deep within him had roused enough that he started out to find the Men and fight for the legendary iron.
Inuit-themed halfing bard

waynemarkstubbs |

Summary post at bedtime
This is to keep track of everyone who has submitted a character so far, and to make sure I haven't missed anyone. Let me know if I have.
The following characters are pretty much complete, and I'm happy to have them as candidates:
Akron - Human Ranger (Belle Mythix)
Asheru - Human Oracle (Zack Muad'Dweeb)
Caedmon - Human Fighter (Azaelas)
Bonewright - Human Wizard (Harakani)
Moklik - Human Ranger (James Martin)
Sidara - Human Barbarian (Mark Thomas)
Tupilek - Human Cavalier
The following characters are not yet complete, or are being revised, or I've asked you for more info:
Druaggh - HalfOrc something or other (DaWay)
Dwarf Monk (Kastarr Eunson)
Wheatbeard - Dwarf Druid (Stratos)
Birran - Catfolk Rogue (Spugly)
Uqalik - Halfling Bard (Bearded Ben)

Alyln |

What do you know of Catfolk history?:
Once long ago, the machine lovers made the world a place of machines . machines that could fly and swim in the sea, they built great cites machines where they lived and and worshiped the great machine god who talked to them from the Rectangle, bu in doing this they did a grate crime, the rapped Mothercat earth, stole form her all that was good, water, air, metals and rocks, the plants and last of all animals.
You see machine lovers god talked to them from the Rectangle, it told them all was theirs and all was theirs to use. They should make and build in his name take no care about Mothercat earth for the machine god was greater. But when the machine god told the machine lovers to take mothercat earths animals and uses them as they will, the the crime became to much
"Don't let the animals do as mothercat wills, eat or be eaten, riding on the great cycle of life, being for ever born and reborn. Take them and bend them, shape, twist them, the them the love of machines like yourself so they to can be mine."
This they did, with the knowledge from the Rectangle they bent and shifting the forms of Fox, Cat, Lizard, bird and meany others making them them the stolen races, but our minds would not let mothercat earth go, so thy , now my kittens, in our hearts we never forgot whos children we where.
So they sort to make us forget with machines, ones that would make us do there bidding. That was a crime Even the Greatcat mother could not stand, from the skys she rained down fire and darkness and the machine lovers cities burned and fell.
Then and only then did the machine lovers lose their love of the machine god and they smashed the Rectangle windows so the machine god could tell them no more lies.
Now the machine lovers or mothercat earth lovers and live in tune with Mothercat earth, and we the stolen races live once more on the great wheel, one life on two legs next life on four. This is how it should be. and if ever the machine god comes back the mothercat earth will once more smash down her claws and this time none may live past the fall.
kind of planet of the apes meets The Island of Doctor Moreau

Tupilek |

Okay, I think I'm finished with Tupilek's crunch. Please let me know if you see anything that needs changing. I tried to keep the gear all reasonably neolithic.
I want to flavor my greatclub as a mammoth's tusk, but I don't want it to actually be bone (gets the fragile quality). Is that cool? If not I'll just say it's wood so it's not fragile.