Bonewright |

Around the fire, when all had gathered, Bonewright recounts
“Five Times” the chief said “Five times the orcs left their holes in the Northern Mountains, crossed the Burning Rivers and attacked. Five times they have been driven back.”
“But now they come for a sixth time. This time they come with iron. The bravery of men is countered by the strength of iron. We must fight with cunning. We must know more. We must have allies. Brave men must go out into danger. Who will stand?”
“I will stand!” Cried Garrilk chiefs-son, his eyes filled with lust for glory. “I will go to the Mistwoods seeking Orcs.”
“I will stand!” Cried Sallan underchiefs-son “I will go further north, and find how they cross the burning rivers.”
“I will stand!” Cried Harat swift-as-wind “I will go east to the Dwarves and look for Orc allies - or ours.”
“I will stand.” Said Asheru addle-pate “The orcs may use the mudpits to pass by the mistwoods”
“Phah!” mocked Garrilk “who would stand with you?”
Now four outsiders had come to the gathering, and when they saw this they were moved to answer - a dwarf, a bonewright, a mammoth rider and a man raided by elves.
“I will stand with him” said Caedmon elf-raised
“I will stand too” said Moklik the hunter quietly
“Pikuveli and I will go with him” nodded Tupilek Pikuveli-rider
“I also” said Wheatbeard the dwarf
“Yes” finished the bonewright.
With the chief’s blessing the scouting parties waited for the sky to lighten, then left.
Asheru, Caedmon, Wheatbeard, Tupilek, Pikuveli and the Bonewright did not know each other - but they would face death and more in each other’s company.