Bonewright |
@waynemarkstubbs, is there something shorter I can call you please?
Anyway, now we've got the group I figure is time to finalise characters, right? Is there anything problematic with Bonewright?
Given we've got an oracle and a druid I'll try to steer clear of their classic spells, as well as the big flashy spells. Thinking therefore maybe evocation and conjuration as prohibited schools?
waynemarkstubbs |
I had a Snowy Owlbear once, but it was eaten by a Winter Wolf in Sheep's Clothing...
I'll give our missing player a few more hours. If he doesn't appear, then I'll take a replacement from the recruitment thread. Rololutundro is refactoring his cannibal elf as a cleric.
In the meantime, I'll start up the game thread, which will give you all a chance to introduce your characters to each other.
Bonewright |
Is Bonewright okay now? Will pick up Linguistics later, for now is Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Thassilonian.
Thassilonian is my placeholder for the Bonewright magical language (so speak Draconic to cast, but can read and write Bonewright). Happy to play with this.
Justification is these are the major cultures that used to write, and the languages used to communicate.
If Thassilonian is a problem would like to take Trog.
Wow. Losing Conjuration and Evocation really hurts.
Bonewright |
@GM thanks was only in class features. If you're happy with it I'll put it in the standard formatting, but I think it is easier to check it when everything is less compact.
Yeah, I guess Scribe Scroll then Cypher Magic. Honestly I'm hoping to maybe go Cypher Mage later on and that was a pre-req. That relies onme finding another way to get spells though! At the moment I can only get spells from levelling!
Wheatbeard |
I'm in the whereabouts of Detroit, which is EST (GMT - 5).
I should easily be able to post daily during weekdays, probably more than that if there is activity between 8:00 - 16:00 my time. I can also get in posts on the weekends, though not to the same frequency.
As of now, the only two days I can see having issues posting will be 2/3 and 2/17. Trip & birthday, respectively.
Caedmon The Hunter |
Central Time Zone USA. So I think I am as Moklik The Hunter. I am near Springfield, Missouri.
I can get on nearly everyday barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Tupilek |
I know we're all doing the get-to-know each other RP thing at the moment...but what exactly are we waiting on?
I'd just caution against letting the RP session go on too long. Slowness is often the death of PBP games in my experience. I'm happy to move on to some plot if everyone else is.
Caedmon The Hunter |
I know we're all doing the get-to-know each other RP thing at the moment...but what exactly are we waiting on?
I'd just caution against letting the RP session go on too long. Slowness is often the death of PBP games in my experience. I'm happy to move on to some plot if everyone else is.
My post might help with this.
waynemarkstubbs |
Question roundup
Remind me if I miss anything
1) When is it?: It's the middle of spring. You've had to wait a while for the snows to melt enough to travel.
2) The etomology of Finland: unless it has a CR, we'll assume it doesn't bother you too much.
3) Sleeping in the snow - I've never bought this idea that Endure Elements acts like an environment suit - it just stops you taking damage. I reckon you'd still be a bit chilly. And wet. However, having reviewed the wording, it does say that affected creatures can "exist comfortably" at cold temperatures, so I guess it's fine for RP purposes.
4) Ravenesque Psychopomp - coming soon to a goth club near you.
5) All the ravens stuff is fine, as long as it's RP stuff. If they start mixing it up in combat ("Kill!") they are liable to be hurt.
6) What is a Sorceror's Kit? I can't find a reference, and Bonewright has 7 of them.
7) Skull-on-a-stick-counts-as-lucern-hammer is fine. You hit on a natural 20 only, amIright?
8) Foraging for food. I need the group to decide if they're living off rations, or foraging as they go, as this might affect the travel speed.
9) Healing kit for the oracle is fine.
Tupilek |
I can take ten on survival to hunt for a 15. That lets me provide for three of us each day, and slows me to 20' a round. Since I'm sure at least one of you is wearing medium armor, and not everyone is mounted that means we're already moving at 20' a round most likely. That would at least reduce the amount of rations we go through.
Caedmon The Hunter |
If you scroll down you will see the Sorcerer's Kit. It is basically a one stop shop for a Sorcerer's needs.
It is a Class Kit. They really help with Kitting out a 1st Level Character or a NPC.
I vote for Foraging and saving our Rations for when we can't forage.
I also have a Survival Take 10 of 15. So we should have enough Foraged Food to supply our small band.
Tupilek |
Are you mounted Caedmon? Otherwise you hunting will slow the party to half your speed (10 or 15'), which is really slow. We shouldn't be traveling less than 20' if we can help it. Maybe you could hunt from Pikkuveli's back with me to avoid the speed loss? DM?
Tupilek |
You'd still be dropped to 15' then. 5' slower adds up to a lot in overland movement. I know this because I DM wilderness stuff a lot. I believe 40' over forest/hills/mountains can cover 14 miles in a day (from memory, might be off). So imagine how slow 15' is going to be.
How far away are these mud pits? Do we know that GM?