Hali Gearalt |
*enters and salutes*
Party scavenger, reportin' in!
Thanks for the selection, Default! Severely hyped.
Keldor Whisthawk |
Keldor Whisthawk here.
Keldor is mostly a semi-skilled damage sponge at this stage.
Thanks for another chance DM!
Basil NaN |
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
Greetings and salutations all, lovely day is it not?
Rasellia Seraphaelis here, but you can all call me Rasellia if you would like.
I will be damage dealing from range with my powers of Chaokinesis. I will likely pick up technologist at third for a tad more utility as well.
Basil NaN |
Yes, Silvester Roland. You will ensure our collective safety by interposing yourself between us and piercing, slashing and bludgeoning implements brought to bear in close combat by our adversaries.
Keldor is likely to assist in this course of action.
Gameplay is also open, btw. Dotting+inmediately deleting your dot post still registers you as active character so the game shows up on campaign overview, while keeping gameplay uncluttered. Just thought I mention that as personally I like to keep track of my games via campaign overview, but at the time of this post, am the only registered player.
DM Default |
Alright folks, I think I've chosen some of the more interesting personalities offered in recruitment. That said, the party composition is missing a few generally key roles, but hey, that'll make things interesting.
The AP assumes that you all already met (even if briefly) and have established a group of sorts to help with Khonnir Khonnir retrieval party, whether he be dead or alive.
I'll put up the first gameplay post relatively soon, so have fun!
Hali Gearalt |
Aye like, Roland. Am sure that point-ear and his iron-man geddup'll be about there with ye. It'll be grand. Pleasure t' make yer acquaintances, all the same. Just don't be expecting me to be too up close an' personal, right? Combat just ain't much my vocation, lads and ladies; but if it's built, y' can bet I know a good few ways t' tear it down.
...Though I'd be doin' a bit better about it if I could find m' damn picks...
Ah, I wouldn't worry about it, Default. Am sure we'll be fiiiine.
On that note, for those of us interested, I know our Android colleague and I are considering association by a mutual machinesmith by the name of Drovan [Basil's discoverer and Hali's would-be mentor on mechanics]. Familiar by name and job, I'd imagine; makes a decent starting point.
I'm all for knowing your allies before being thrown into things, GM and campaign permitting. For example, Ember could know Hali from her time lugging up scrap or asking for healing advice for her forever-busted knee. Locals being local and all that, y'know?
Basil NaN |
Hali already mentioned it: We'll be connected via Basil's dicoverer/foster father/master, being her mentor on mechanics, Drovan Blackhand, a Dwarven Machinesmith(It's an NPC anyway so I figured 3pp is fine)
And he may well have been a customer of Ember's mom, with Basil running errands/fetch quests - and before Basil, Hali would have done that while apprenticed to him.
Since he is a machinesmith, he would likely be interested in quite a number of salvaged baubles, do retroengineer and include the technology in his own gizmos...or, where not possible, to get working samples of stuff to use in his designs.
That gives us a core element of Hali/Ember/Basil - Silvester and Rasellia are not residents...Rasellia seems to lack a background, but going by Silvesters, they recently came to Numeria and don't really have contacts in town. Depending on their reason to come here, there's a good number of possible connection points - i did not find silvesters campaign trait, but Rasellia seems to be interested in the ruins, as well. With the increased danger, in the form of several parties gone missing, it may have been prudent to try and team up with locals, rather than suicidally push forward alone.
Keldor has ties with the missing Khonnir, and could have looked into potential allies much for the same reason as Silvester and Rasellia...not wanting to push alone, but with the town short on "adventurers" who have gone missing, finding himself with the odd pair from a neighbouring country and a few locals willing to risk their lives.
Basil also has a (Unchained Summoner) hostile NPC, a guy all about purity despising machines. With Gauntlets manifestation, he may also extend some hatred to Keldor, to provide another connection point.
My thoughts, sorry if they are too long :)
Ember Firesong |
Ember's father runs an alchemy shop and is a scholarly type/longtime friend of Khonnir, maybe Ember met them if they've visited his shop?
There could also have been a severe lack of seats at the busy inn, which could also be why they are at out table. :)
Keldor Whisthawk |
Keldor is coming fresh from Kyonin, but he was training with the gnomes of Omesta when he started his correspondence with Khonnir. So Ember and I may have some basic connections there...if nothing else.
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
Oh, terribly sorry, I did have a background up but only just realized that I must have deleted it whilst changing a few things in my crunch. I'm a little new to the forums and unfortunately just made a small error. Background will be back up later today (I just have to re-write it), but here are the key points.
- Born with a mysterious illness that magic could not seem to cure.
- Raised indoors, reading about Numeria in books and tomes.
- Illness caused by parent's close connections to the plane of negative energy(both necromancers)
- Eventually cured due to a rigorous exercise regime and diet, also gaining the powers of Chaokenesis
- Sent to Numeria by parents to get me out of the house.
As for how I know you all, I spent plenty of time indoors as a child, so I could easily have communicated with any Torch natives by letter, what with my interests in the area. Perhaps Ember?
Silvester Roland |
Something worth mentioning (I should have done so sooner), Rasellia's player and I both live in South Australia, so there's a good chance we'll be asleep during the more traditionally active hours.
Silvester is pretty narrow-minded in his goal - he's here as Rasellia's personal guard, but would be looking forward to meeting the friends she's talked about. I also only realized after Basil pointed it out that I forgot to pick his traits - I've gone for Stargazer for the campaign trait and Fencer for the other; I'll update his profile shortly, then get to gameplay.
Ember Firesong |
No worries about the background Rasellia. This site is tricky and things get deleted/lost with annoying frequency. I couldn't even tell you how many times I've lost sections of my own character sheets when trying to update them.
Ember would be up for correspondence. She is eternally curious about everything and everyone.
Hali Gearalt |
Tell me about it. I lost the entirety of Hali's background during the application process. Heck of an evening I had putting it back together, believe me.
And on that note, greetings from distant England! Except I work incredibly silly shifts in a job that gives me full internet access and reign so long as nothing is immediately on proverbial fire. Needless to say I try and stay prompt with my posting schedules.
DM Default |
Introductions huh. Well I'm in the US, and am attending college while working to pay for next semester. It's gotten a bit busy this last month but I hope to keep the going running at a smooth pace.
A job with internet access use? Wish my workplace allowed that sort of thing.
Hali Gearalt |
Such is the wonderful world of Technical Consultancy! Which is a glorified name for IT support with a few caveats thrown in. Of course when you have access to (and are managing the servers for) half a country's medical records, things tend to find themselves on fire quite a bit. Having two screens and multitasking is a neccesity for one's sanity.
DM Default |
No kidding? I'm actually studying network and cyber security. I'm currently interning at my college's IT team, though it's mostly dealing with people complaining why they can't have admin rights to school laptops.
Hali Gearalt |
Y' don't say? I'm a BSc in Computer Forensics. Local high tech crime unit (yes, this is actually what paralegal forensic labs were called here until about a year ago) decided to economically kill itself though so...here I am, telling doctors and reception staff how to do password resets and how to undo accidentally marking patients as "deceased". Loved the academic material at the time. Less so the case examples for obvious reasons.
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
I'm also in university currently. I actually studied IT for two years myself, although I've changed degrees now. As Silvester's player mentioned I'm also in Australia, but shouldn't have any issues posting regularly, if at slightly different times.
Also, background, appearance and personality are back up on the Alias. Included a small mention of you Ember since you're my link to Torch. Sorry again for them being gone momentarily.
Keldor Whisthawk |
I'm in the US myself...I work odd hours by choice and I tend to post at least once a day (if not more) from either home or work if I can help it.
However, I am married and have a fresh faced 3 year old...so life intervenes sometimes.
OPEN DISCLAIMER NOTE: GM Default and I were PCs in a previous version of Iron Gods that died early due various difficulties, and GM Default is obviously willing to give Keldor another chance here in this game. I do not intend to let him, or you guys, down if I can help it. This is one AP I really want to see through to the end if I can.
Basil NaN |
No worries on those parts...but perhaps we could spread the love out a bit...maybe Hali was Rasellias pen friend, if Ember was Keldors? Just so we're working with multiple connection points, rather than focusing on a single character.
@Introductions: I'm working in IT as well. Well, in Logistic IT, and am from central Europe(Hi from Austria). I am married, too, and have a soon-to-be 1-year old at home, and part of that IT job is Project Management including travelling to other countries(and regular travels to corporate HQ for reporting in person, or trainings), so I tend to have phases where things are more or less stressful.
Luckily, Internet at work is a thing. Time is the constraint, but I dare say I managed to keep up with all my games without problems, so far.
Looking forward to game with you all.
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
That sounds like a good idea Basil, I'll have to edit my post slightly but I don't mind doing that if you don't GM. I wouldn't usually like to but game-play went up pretty fast and I didn't want to leave the party hanging too long.
Hali Gearalt |
@Introductions: Well if nothing else, I suppose we all round off as a decent table of Technologists one way or another. *tosses into bad pun bin*
As for fixing some introductions, consider it fine by me. If it helps, it's actually fairly probable that Hali would come across a hell of a lot more eloquently and concisely in written correspondence, and she'd avoid mention of her leg purely because it wouldn't be immediately relevant. All-in-all Rasellia's initial response wouldn't be too odd in those circumstances.
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
Cool, thanks Hali. I'll wait for Default to confirm that he's okay with me doing a small edit (always better to ask I think), but I think it is better for me to be your pen-pal rather than Ember's from a plot point of view.
Hali Gearalt |
Probably true. Plus, any excuse Hali has to ramble about her vocation and the potential of Numeria's technologies, generally speaking, is a good one.
Completely Unrelated: You'll have to forgive me in advance, but there is going to at least be one joke pertaining to calling Ms. Seraphaelis 'The ol' Rasel-Dazzle'.
I know, I'm terrible.
Ember Firesong |
Kids are off to school now, which is one of the best times for me to post during the day.
I'm east coast US, currently stay at home mom to two little boys and at some point today I need to scrub some life size drawings in marker off the bedroom wall.
Silvester Roland |
All you people with your jobs, kids, and studies. :P I'm Veronica, goes by Ronnie, 26 years old, unemployed and trying to find work with nothing more than a bachelor of visual arts in a god-awful job market. At least it means I should have plenty of time to post!
Hali Gearalt |
Funny you should say that, Ronnie. Today I've been told ~10% of my department is getting made redundant. Charming. (Oh, yes, my name's Abbie for the record. Feel free to use whichever handle you see fit.)
On the more pleasant topic of destinations, Hali would be interested in following up on whatever notes/'thing' Khonnir brought back initially, if the opportunity's there, or else would be planning to get what she can from the Council proper. Knowledge is power and all that. She's long resigned to volunteering, naturally, but it's always best to know what you're getting in for before you, uh, take the plunge. (Don't usually mean that so literally, but there you have it.)
EDIT: Also more than happy to toss out a Knowledge (local) if it would help towards an informed decision. ;D
Basil NaN |
Well, Basil has her own missing Mentor to look for.
Plus Hali's brothers. She has no lack of motivation, but that whole "lets go ask around some more stuff", not really her thing, so she will simply tag along. If we go someplace dangerous, she'd retrieve her equipment before doing so.(I think that one is obvious, but pointing that out regardless.)
DM Default |
Would you guys rather I wait for a general agreement or assume that when someone says they're doing something, you all go.
[For example: Keldor just said he wanted to check out the actual Torch first. Should I move the scene along now, wait for at least 1-2 others agree, or wait for a more unanimous agreement.]
Hali Gearalt |
Ayep, half is usually a good measure to go by. Exceptions, as with anything, might be pertinent for character specific input I guess...but typically? Yeah.
Basil NaN |
I concur. Half the team to trigger an action unless someone disagrees(in which case let everybody chime in and discuss).
Keldor Whisthawk |
Over half the team agrees...sounds like the motion carried!
Basil NaN |
Aye, and I just previewed my post, it seems -_- I learned to ALWAYS copy before previewing/submitting, board goblins and profile edit timeouts imprinted that.
But I still, regularily, end up only previewing a post, then going and doing something else :P
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
Hey Basil, what question is it that you asked me? I must have missed it and can seem to locate it on re-reading. Let me know cause Rasellia would be happy to answer questions and I'll hold off on posting till then.
Basil NaN |
Here, you straight up ask her if she's an Android.
She was sitting awkwardly and talking a bit weird, but it still seemed a very spontaneous question that most people would not want to ask wrongly.(Much like "Are you pregnant?" IRL...no one wants to risk "No, I just gained some weight" as an answer, so it's usually only asked if there's some serious hints towards it)
So in her next post, Basil asked "What gave it away?", inbetween confirming and expressing dissatisfaction at being found out so early by people she did not know - she is aware spending more time will have that effect but right then, she tried to "fit in".
If you don't really have a good answer, Hali could have mentioned Basil in a letter of yours, as well. Maybe in relation to Master Drovan, or her quirk of always using full names when adressing someone(she does not know your middle names yet).
Rasellia Seraphaelis |
Cool, sorry, didn't seem to spot that. I had an answer lined up and I'll put it in my next post. Sorry for the confusion.
Basil NaN |
Ha, no worries, she is being obnoxious about it ^_^
Personally, I would have been willing to let it go and not bring it up, but Basil insisted on asking.
Silvester Roland |
Hi guys, something's happened with life, and I may be spotty for a few days/a week while I get my head sorted. I'm safe and well, but I need some time to adjust, so I'm taking a step back for a bit. I'll still be around, and may post in discussion if something needs my input, but I can't make promises for gameplay.
I'm happy to be botted if combat breaks out, and I'm keeping regular contact with Rasellia's player, so if you don't want to bot me, GM, you have someone to delegate to. (Silvester is her bodyguard, after all.)
DM Default |
Thanks for the notice, I think I'll just let your character drift in and out of the "aether" for now.
Hali Gearalt |
Woop! No worries mate. Just making sure these extracts batteries don't go to waste ;D
Edit: Alsooo...I'm pretty sure Knowledge (Engineering) is Knowledge (Technology), going by IG Player's Guide and Technology Guide. The difference is the presence of the Technologist feat, plus what I'm sure is a less-than arbitrary DC increase for it being rare and unknown. If not...that really makes the Technologist feat rather odd.