GM Mustache |

Zeke is horrified by their story. "What kind of conditions could make a man decide to eat another? You folks have certainly been through a terror and no mistake."
GM Mustache
"No conditions drove them to this. They enjoy it. It gives them... pleasure. A twisted and cruel group, up til now sticking to within the walls of Scrapwall."
Wouldn't be surprised if their ...proclivities led to their ouster from Scrapwall. Honor among thieves usually doesn't include eating each other. Also points to a change in power structure within Scrapwall. Our targets likely responsible. though usually a friendly goomba, Sammy had been the first and main recipient of his fathers' knowledge about organized crime.
GM Mustache
Meanwhile, Garfaulk has secured the two prisoners.
Zeke uses the wand again on Wulf. 2 hp regained, boo.
Sammy turns to the prisoners. I won't deny you your vengeance. But ...it won't feel like you want it to."

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
The woman who first spoke up hesitates, and then shakes her head. "I want them dead but I don't want to do it myself.... Captain, what do we do now? We can't stay here. Surely Scrapwall will send another batch of Smilers here to learn what has happened to this lot."
The two Smiler prisoners shake off the color spray spell and come to. One of them hears what the woman has said. He speaks in a harsh lisp. "Release ushhh now, pigsh. Marrow will shhurely shend more of our brothershh to shee you all dead!"
Garfaulk shudders at the words of the townsfolk-cannibals. Just what they needed. Well perhaps we can help with tha. We've been known to help save a town or so, would be up fer addin a fort to the list of people helped. the dwarf looked to the bound prisoner, aiming his weapon at the smiler's head. Perhaps you hush, of you wanna keep tha mouth of yours though with a 7 Intimidate, it's probably obvious I'm a softie
Then inspiration struck. If we know they're comin, perhaps a trap is in order?
continues to use the wand on Wulf. "What do you have in mind, Garfaulk?" he asks. 4 hp healed.
He looks to Zeke, then around at the fort itself for good positions to shoot from, line vantage points and the like. "Well if we get these good people to somewhere safe nearby, we could tie up these fools in the center ere. Maybe have some nets we hang like awnings, rigged to fall when a role is cut. Then I figure we do what we do best. Take bad guys down"
GM Mustache
Before you go too far in plans, give me a sense motive :)

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
He's lying. There will, in all liklihood, not be any reinforcements.
aww, I got so gung ho to defend a fort lol Garfaulk discreetly winks at the party before turning back to the smilers. "Though I think then we'll need to prep then as bait. Maybe pull their tongues out - I'd rather go fer sewing the lips shut, but given their faces..." he turned to the townsfolk, winking at them as well" then we leave em out in the sun tied to a post till their backup arrives. Hopefully they're not more than a day or so away." He turns back to the smilers, grinning his own maniacal grin "unless ya know somethin worthwhile" bluff? Intimidate? Diplomacy?
GM Mustache
Ton primes the inferno pistol and holds it close to the heads of one of the horrid Smilers. I say we just put them down. Did they show these people any mercy? I don't see why we should be any kinder to these bastards.
Ton isn't bluffing. He is fully on board with executing these guys on the basis that there is no law around here.
Reckon it's your call Captain, seems like the fort is under military control.
Sam nods.
GM Mustache
One of them pipes up. "Wait! Wait! Don't killshhh ushh. Don't leave ushh out in the shhun tied to a posshht. Marrow didn't shend us here; Hatchet-Handsh brought us here becaushh we were shick and tird of the Lordshh of Rusht pushing ush around in Shcrapwall. Shhurely you wouldn't deny ushh a home?" He smiles at you; a terrible grimace.
The Hell you say! Ton roars, pressing the barrel of the pistol painfully into the Smiler's temple. You come here and kill and eat these poor people and set the place to flame! You show no mercy and now you plead for it?
His finger begins to squeeze on the trigger.
You better do a lot f#$#ing better than that or I'm going to splatter your buddy with your brains. Who are the Lords of Rust? SPIT IT OUT!

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
"Well, shince you ashk shooo nicshe. I will tell you. Who are they? Who are they you assk? Ok, I will let you know."
FYI It's going to take a lot for Ton not to kill these guys. I mean murder and cannibalism? Damn.
GM Mustache
Hey man, they are tied up. What kind of barbarian are you? :D :D
Oh I'm sure if the roles were reversed they'd be all too happy to send me on my way with a Smile :D
I just picture Ton leaning over this guy, gun pressed into his face, long coat whipping in the wind with the smoke of the fires still rising into the air and possibly one of the group pulling him away if they feel so inclined
"Don't draw this out or I will." Sam visibly changes his dan bong to a nasty, serrated dagger.
GM Mustache
He smiles again. Clearly delaying.
"Lordsh of Rushht. Tough gang, run by the android Meyanda, though shhe's been mishhin for a while now. New leader, big orc named Kulgara, took over recshently. The've been controlling all over Shcrapwall the last few monthssh. Putting all the gangsh in their placsh. Ush Shmilers? Shweet, innochent shmilers? Never hurt a fly? Thoshe nashty Lordsh of Rusht, and thishhh... Hellion that they are worshhhip... trying to take over our buishness! Curshhe be on them."
'Intimidate 23'

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
"Ushh poor Shmilers, jusht trying to find a home."
His smile does disappear with the appearance of Charle's nasty knife.
Captain Andelin steps forward. "Get what you want and then do what you have to do. I am going to go into that building over there... and you can talk to me later." As a paladin, Andelin doesn't want to see what happens. He is stretching his oaths just walking away from the situation, but he deems this situation worth the risk of falling.
Wulf takes a few deep breaths and thanks Zeke as his cuts begin to mend up. I can't understand a thing this guy is saying. He swings his hammer on to his shoulder. Can anyone translate? He watch's as the paladin walks away and then he turns to look at the woman who lost so much. If we have what we need, let's just cut their ties, I'll stand at the gate and they can decide what they want to do. He smiles looking down at the men, making it very clear he doesn't like them.
Sam slits the first one's throat.
Garfaulk, who had been having a grand time threatening them and playing with them, winces as he watches Charles move his blade. As quickly as he can, he throws up an illusion that looks like the fort's wall behind them, hopefully blocking the view of those who moment ago called them heroes. "I'd agree fer regular folk, pup,but not fer a man-eatin creature. Don't put one of them down, and it's next meal is on you" and gives Ton a short, firm nod before looking away.
GM Mustache
The man chokes, makes helpless spitting noises, and slumps down, dead, in just a few seconds. The other looks more panicked than before... "Wait, no... I can tell you more... Ummm... ah... The Shhmilers. We kidnapped the brother of Redtooth, leader of the Redtooth Raiders. Whisshhkifishhh is hish name. Shhurely shhe would reward with thisshh information.. Now reward me, right? Let me go."
Sam gives Ton a "we done?" look.

GM Mustache |

Who are the Redtooth Raiders again? Where is this Whiskfish now?
GM Mustache
Ton has run across these names once before, but can't quite place them.
"Shhmiler HQ. A prishoner. Now you let me go, right? Tit for tat?"
I'll let you go a damned sight easier than you did these poor folks. and he pulls the trigger
He doesn't feel good about it, you'd have to be some kind of monster to, but he feels justified and turns to the woman who spoke first, giving her a curt nod before holstering his pistol. He walks away, hoping the roiling in his stomach would subside soon and if it didn't, he didn't want the others to see him throw up.(edited)
Sammy checks the bodies for anything useful and then starts dragging the bodies out of the fort.
GM Mustache
The Smilers each carry a beaten up pistol... They are of little worth for selling, though perhaps if anyone wants a backup gun, they will be useful. However, while the guns aren't much use, they are flush with ammunition. Together they carry more black powder, bullets, and shot than you will all likely be able to use.
They each carry the gunslingers starter pistol... those aren't worth very much money, just 20 gold on average. But from here on out, if you are shooting with powder and bullet or scattershot, you don't have to track ammo anymore or pay for it. You will have a large incoming supply so let's drop this bookkeeping. You still have to track battery use-- inferno pistol for example.(edited)
Hatchet-Hands was carrying two masterwork handaxes... And each of them is carrying a syringe of some unknown pharmaceutical...10 of them in total. (engineering check)

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
Captain Andelin returns, seeing Sam dragging the corpses out, and says nothing on that matter. "My thanks, strangers. We are but a half-day from Scrapwall, but this is the first time we have ever been bothered by residents from there. In fact, we don't even know much about it; seems rather insular, full of in-fighting, and mysterious. In any case, we'll manage here. I'll write for reinforcements and they will come. In the meantime, it is getting late. You can feel free to spend the night here in the courtyard... You won't want to go inside when darkness falls."
pauses in healing Wulf to examine the syringe. Knowledge (Engineering) check: 26
Seeing all that powder nearly brought a tear to the dwarf's eye, but this was hardly the time or place. Garfaulk typed his hat to the captain. "Glad to help, wish we could've gotten ere sooner. Thanks for the Intel-though if ya don't mind me askin, what's wrong with indoors at night?"
Wulf watches as Sam and Ton put the smilers down, his own resolve dulling as he decided not to kill them both instantly but knew it was the right thing to do. With everything dealt with for now he takes a few deep breaths moving over to the well and starting to splash himself with water attempting to clean the blood and scorch marks. Look like Scrapwall is holding more than we expected. He lets out as he wince over the pay.
With the bodies in a pile outside, Sam finds enough blood to paint "Bandits Unwelcome" on the outer wall.
Wulf watches as Sam moves the bodies and then begins to paint something, moving closer he see's the blood and what is written. Sam... What are you doing? He shouts not expecting his actions.
GM Mustache
A little experimentation with the syringes is enough to determine that they have a healing effect, but with a nasty side-effect... it leaves unsightly scars. The Smilers-- after ritualistically removing their lips, use this drug to appear more monstrous and intimidating. [Looking it up in Khonnir Baines tome, you see it is called Soothe].
I added it to the Technopedia
"Let the next a~+&@+!s that come by here think twice before hurting innocent folk."

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
Captain Andelin doesn't mind answering Garfaulk's question. "I didn't want to scare you unneccesarily, but since you ask... Aldronard's Grave is more than just a name. The legend goes, that way back during the second crusade against the Worldwound, a paladin of Sarenrae by the name of Aldronard stayed here on his way back home for severla months, recovering from a bad injury. Aldronard was eager to return home to marry his beloved, a woman named Justinia. But while stuck here resting, he received a letter from Justinia’s father, Eredian, informing him that his love had died during an attack on the farm by raiders. Eredian’s bitter, tersely worded missive made it clear that he blamed Aldronard—both because Justinia had been pining away for him and refused to leave her family home to start a new life, and because Aldronard hadn’t been at the farm to protect her. Unfair as that blame was, it cut Aldronard to the soul; robbed of the only glimmer of hope he had left in what had become an unrelentingly dark time in his life, the paladin lost his faith and committed suicide by leaping from the tallest tower of the chapel where he’d received the fateful letter."
"To be honest, bad luck has plagued this fort ever since. And at night, Aldronard's ghost wanders the chapel-- there that door to the south. He screams and moans, but never leaves the chapel. Righteous priests have done their best to calm him...to no avail. They say his armor and mighty sword still lie in room... but no one dares touch them, for fear the curse of the ghost will pass onto them."(edited)
Garfaulk whistles. "Aye, sounds like quite the tale. Shame yer cursed with such a problem." he turns to the rest of the party, though sees Wulf and Sam are outside still "If everyone's up fer it, maybe we can give that story a happier ending. Know anything about curses Zeke? How bout you Ton?"
Ton returns to the group a few minutes later, his limp pronounced and wiping the side of his mouth with the back of his hand.
He doesn't hear the full conversation but does pick up enough to put together that there is a ghost haunting the chapel. The story pricks something inside him. Maybe it's the thought of loss, of letting one's family down, but strangely he wants to talk to this ghost if such a thing is possible
Knowledge Arcana for curses?
Natural 20 for a total of 29
Wulf shakes his head not expecting something like this from Sam or Charles how ever this messed up thing works. It could just make them want revenge, don't over do it when you've beat someone I know all to well the burning drive to get revenge I won't stop. He pauses when thinking about who he's talking to and how it came about. ---- Movig back to the group Wulf picks up most of the story. A ghost, I don't know much about them but i know enough to not go running at them and swinging a hammer. He looks to Ton he always had a plan.

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache
Based on Ton getting a natural 20 on his knowledge roll:
Ton considers the story. Usually a ghost sticks around because he has something... a vendetta or a regret typically... that prevents his spirit from passing on. If the ghost can be convinced (or maybe even tricked) that he need not hold this strong emotion, it can free him.
Of course, Ton knows that magic weapons also could do the trick.(edited)
Sammy shakes his head. "Nobody is going to come and avenge those low-lifes. Already kicked out of Scrapwall. Bottom-feeders aren't missed by anyone."
Ton relays the information he remembers. Maybe we can reason with it or find out what unfinished business it has. he shrugs
Sammy's eyes bug. "A ghost?! That's pretty outta my wheelhouse, fellas."

Ton'iel Wexley |

"We don't exactly know what we're dealing with Sammy, don't worry about it for now. But the way that story goes... it's tragic. I know a thing or two about loss so... well, I ain't the most persuasive I guess, but I'd like to talk to it."
So does the ghost only manifest at night?
"In the meantime, maybe we should take stock and help these folks tend to their dead." he adds. "Captain, you mentioned the smilers and the fact Scrapwall is pretty insular, but is there anythin' else you know about the place? Seriously, whatever little you know is gonna be useful. These Redtooth Raiders, what about them?"

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

"I'd like to come along, Mister Ton'iel, if that's all right with you. Might be that Groetus has a thought or two about those that die and don't stay dead, if the spirit turns against us."
He puts the syringes in his bag, but he shakes his head. "These Smilers are bad news. This salve they're putting on their wounds is addictive and leaves scars. Hope we don't ever become so desperate we have to use it."

GM Mustache |

Captain Andelin responds by indicating a gnome nearby. "Brother Roy has had more dealings than Scrapwall than I. He let me know earlier that if Scrapwall is your destination, he will guide you to the front gates tomorrow and give you what advice he can."
----Later That Night----------
The Heroes of Torch settle down in the courtyard, have a light meal of rations, and either doze or meditate until sometime shortly after midnight.
Eventually, you hear a whispering on the wind.... ".......Justinia.... Justinia....No! No!"
It becomes a loud moaning. "NOOOO! I'm sorry! NOOOOooooOOOOOO!"
Captain Andelin did not lie when telling you the story of Aldronard, it appears.

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

"Allright, magic boys. You're up. Not like I can wrestle a damn ghost."

Wulf Torstein |

"No one's going in there alone, I'm going to be with you both. But if that ghost turns how do I kill... kill it again. Can magic stop a ghost?" He scratches the back of his head as he thinking over what he said.
Wulf helps out where he can cleaning up the body's and keeping an eye on Sam, still not sure what is up with him and maybe he just didn't know the kid. As the night closes in he drinks from his waterskin and bites down on poor rations, already missing Val's cooking and the free alcohol.
When the ghostly cry ring out Wulf jumps up reaching for his hammer. "That's messed up, we would hear cries of the dead out in the sands at night you learn early to run from them and not try and talk to them out there."

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

What does Zeke know about ghosts? Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
"If there really is a ghost, we can harm it with magical weapons, if it comes to that. Wulf, I believe I can enchant your weapon with magic for a short time."
Zeke takes the time to prepare magic weapon in his empty 1st-level spell slot, and to heal Wulf up to full strength with the wand.
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Is that enough? :)
When they hear the ghostly moan, Zeke sits up, tense. "Let's protect ourselves with magical armor, just in case. I'd hate for anything to happen if things turn bad."
Zeke will at least use a scroll of mage armor on himself, Wulf, and Ton'iel. Is anyone else coming?

Ton'iel Wexley |

"You need magic to do anything to a ghost I think, Wulf. Zeke, do you have any prayers that can help?"
He turns to the others and says;
"Anyone else coming in? If it turns on us be prepared to run like Hell though. I don't think we need to do this so no one feel like they have to. But... I think I know a little bit about what it's going through."

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Got ya covered! I can only do one though, or two if we are desperate and want to use my divine gun's power to cast any spell on my spell list.

Wulf Torstein |

I'm full I only needed 37 you healed 49 so if anyone else needs some. Thanks Zeke.
"Thanks Zeke, just like new." He washes off the dried blood, his pocked marked and scar skin still remained but it was healed. "I was told to look after you but your the one looking after me, I appreciate it. I'm already missing the easy life we had back in Torch, that sister of yours softened me up I better get my edge back before we get to Scrapwall." He laughs.
"Thanks for the protection Zeke, if my weapon can hurt it or at least damage it I feel a lot safer if things turn bad. If they do turn bad just get behind me."

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

Sammy shrugs. "I'll go. The string has to stick together."

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Does Wulf have a magic weapon? I thought it was only masterwork.
Zeke can give his pistol the ghost touch property.

Ton'iel Wexley |

After the group prepares as best they can, Ton cautiously opens the door to the chapel and Moves slowly inside, his heart pounding in his chest.
Using an Arcane Pool point to enchant the Inferno Pistol to +2. Doing this immediately before I move in as it only lasts 1 minute
PREPARED PER DAY: L0: 4 | L1:4 L2:2
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost
1: Mudball, Shield, Snowball, Snowball
2: Bull's Strength, Glitterdust
Arcane Pool 4/6
Current Buffs: Mage Armor
Current Debuffs: None
Current Battery: 3/10 remaining
Charged Batteries 7/7
Pearls of Power L1 2/2
Touch AC = 18

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Ah, got it, sorry! Oh, I just realized, I can use a pearl of power to get back magic weapon if we need another one. Maybe for Garfaulk?
Zeke will cast magic weapon on Wulf's hammer and then follow him and the elven mage into the chapel.

GM Mustache |

Fully prepared, the Heroes of Torch step in the the ruined chapel. There is a small foyer, and a double door. Opening this door, you step in and prepare yourselves to fight or reason with a ghost... either way, this will not be easy.
Aldronard turns and stops his gibbering upon your entry. He opens his mouth to scream!
We are entering combat! Up to you to do what you would like during your turn!
Aldronard: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Wulf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Ton'iel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Charles: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Zeke: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Zeke bonus: +2 when underground
Garfaulk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Wulf 21
Aldronard 18
Ton'iel 12
LaRA 12
Charles 8
Garfaulk 8
Zeke 6
Only Wulf is up!

Ton'iel Wexley |

My diplomacy is not good
Diplo: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
"Aldronard, wait! We are not your enemy, you're not angry at us! If you speak with us for a second we might be able to help you."

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

Sam's is pretty bad, too.Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 20"Whoa there, buddy. Relax. Reeeelaaaaaxxx."
Bahahahaa, nice!

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Zeke attempts to aid Ton'iel. "Listen to this man's words and heed, for ye who have fallen have left the world, and must not linger in the shadow ere longer."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

Upon hearing the sound of the ghost, he nodded at what Wulf was saying. "Aye, that sounds is kinda hauntin-no pun intended " he stood up with the rest of them, grabbing his weapons and holstering them, instead taking the mostly used wand of cure light wounds in hand. "I any afraid of no ghost"
As they entered each trying to talk the ghost down, Garfaulk chimes in as well. "We know yer in pain, we know yer trapped. We're thinkin maybe we can elp worth tha"
diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Wulf Torstein |

Delaying my action, Wulf said he would at least wait to see if this talking works. But he'll try.
"You ain't helping anyone being here Aldronard, you sure ain't going to see Jestinia again by haunting this place. Screw your god and just let go! Go to the other side and find your love." He shouts out. "I know what you're feeling if anything happened to the girl I loved I'd be broken but she wouldn't want you to be like this." He speaks from the heart wanting to give this man one last chance. But stepping in front of the group if he decides to attack.
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (4) - 3 = 1

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

"Maybe don't blaspheme in front of the ghost paladin ..."

GM Mustache |

"JUSTINIA! He screams and moves at you. The scream fills you with an mind-numbing fear!
Wulf Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Wulf bonus: +3 vs spells,SU,SLA when raging
Ton'iel Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Ton bonus: +2 v enchantment
Charles Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Charles bonuses: +2 vs fear
Zeke Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Zeke bonuses: +2 vs mind-affecting, +2 vs emotion or mind-affecting, +2 vs illusion, +2 vs enchantment
LaRA Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Garfaulk Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Wulf is frightened for 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 rounds! He has no choice but to run away from the source of his fear as fast as possible! The others stand their ground.
As the ghost approaches you, you see his sword and heavy armor lying behind him, on an altar.

Ton'iel Wexley |

Sammy can you get to the armour and the sword? Maybe they are binding him here or something, Hell I don't know!
Ton raises the Inferno Pistol and begins casting a spell.
Everyone get ready to back out if we need to... Wulf, not yet! Oh, for frek's sake....
Full round action spell combat and spellstrike
Shot 1: 1d20 + 3 + 4 - 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 4 - 2 - 2 + 2 = 15 (BAB+Dex-spell combat-deadly aim+Magic)
Gun Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 = 6
Shot 2, spellstrike: 1d20 + 3 + 4 - 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 4 - 2 - 2 + 2 = 25 (BAB+Dex-spell combat-deadly aim+Magic)
Gun damage: 1d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5 and Snowball damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 6) = 15
PREPARED PER DAY: L0: 4 | L1:4 L2:2
0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost
1: Mudball,
Arcane Pool 4/6
Current Buffs: None
Current Debuffs: None
Current Battery: 1/10 remaining
Charged Batteries 7/7
Pearls of Power L1 2/2
Touch AC = 18

Ton'iel Wexley |

Paul, can I crit this because of the spell? I know normally you can't but just thought I would clarify because it came through the Snowball spell
Confirmation just in case: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Wulf Torstein |

Wulf face contorts in fear as Aldronard screams out. "Frek this!" He shouts as he turns on the spot and sprints out of the church.
This was a very funny out come.

GM Mustache |

Impressive shot, Ton. I read about incorporeal, undead, and spellstrike. It seems to me there is nothing that stops a crit on a spellstrike, and you crit on both the weapon and the spell (x2 on each). So roll that damage and I'll give you a crit card too.
Card: Aura of protection: Your spell is off extra strength, and coats you with an aura, giving you +4 to your AC for the rest of the battle.
Wulf sprints out of the chapel, and makes it halfway to the front gate! He keeps going!

Samuel Caskgrip Jr |

Sammy tries to move the armor.

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Zeke considers the situation, and decides he must act boldly rather than safely. He activates the magic of his arcane gun, converting his tears to wine spell into an eldritch enchantment (swift action, give +1 enhancement bonus and ghost touch ability for 1 minute). He draws his pistol (move action) and casts coin shot on three platinum pieces (standard action), shooting one of them at the angry spirit (free action from spell).
ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 15 (BAB + DEX + enhancement bonus - Deadly Aim)
ghost touch platinum coin: 1d10 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 1 + 2 = 6 (caster level + enhancement bonus + Deadly Aim)

Garfaulk Sharpstone |

Garfaulk, seeing everyone rushing around, begins to sing loudly, a classic dwarven funeral song, partially in an effort to help the ghost move on, partially to inspire allies, and partially because it just seemed like a fitting time to sing it. It very much had a somber tone to it, but it was almost... soothing. Not a song for loss, but of passage from one adventure to the next.
Inspiring, though I dont think the rumbling of the ground will effect the AC of a ghost, so no Tremor-not waking the whole fort lol

GM Mustache |

Garfaulk's song gives you +3 damage on the creature this past round)
The ghost doesn't seem to recognize your words or your presence. His eyes sweep back and forth like he is looking for something. Without really even looking at him, he moves toward Ton with his handout stretched and tries to touch him.
touch attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 He misses!
EVERYONE can go again! Except Wulf keeps running!

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Zeke pushes down his worry for Wulf, hopeful that the big man will overcome his supernatural fear and return soon. He takes a short step back to keep some distance between him and the ghost, and waits for Ton'iel to step away as well (so he isn't shooting into melee). Then he lines up another platinum coin shot and fires!
ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 22 (BAB + DEX + enhancement + inspire courage - Deadly Aim)
platinum coin damage: 1d10 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 15 (caster level + enhancement + inspire courage + Deadly Aim)

Ton'iel Wexley |

Seeing the gauge on the side of his weapon nearly registering empty, Ton withdraws carefully pulling a fresh battery form his belt as he goes.