In Hell's Bright Shadow

Game Master Whiskey and a Bonesaw

Fair Fortune Livery Map

Discussion thread should be open

Male Human Paladin/1 [HP:7/10 AC: 16 (14T, 12FF) CMD:17 F:2 R:5 W:1 I:+4]

Alright, so posting in here should get Kieran as a char. It's Declan, BTW.

Seelie Disciple/1 [HP:11 AC: 15 (13T, 13FF) CMD:10 F:3 R:2 W:2 (4 vs Illusions) I:+2 Spell Points:5]

Here I am, just text me whats wrong with the Alias. I know he still needs equipment.

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

Alright, still finalizing some of the little stuff, but I am good to go!

Male Human MageKnight LVL1 [HP:12 AC: 20|17 (12T, 18|15FF) CMD:16 F:4 R:2 W:2 I:+2 SpellPool: 4/day]

Formatting sucks but everything's there.

Male Human Alchemist 1 [HP:6/10 AC: 16 (13T, 13FF) CMD:13 F:3 R:5 W:0 I:+3]


Male Human Alchemist 1 [HP:6/10 AC: 16 (13T, 13FF) CMD:13 F:3 R:5 W:0 I:+3]

Basically finished, just fixing inventory/carry weight.

Lets get started.

This first part of the AP uses special actions; each takes about an hour in-game. The skills next to them are the skills used in the check. Go ahead and introduce your characters, describe what they're doing in the protest, and make your first rolls. Instructions for the dice roller can be found in formatting; remember to "Bold!" in-character dialogue and Italicise in-character thoughts.

Listen for Rumors: (Diplomacy, Perception) - Try to learn more about what's going on in Kintargo's political landscape.

Pilfer: (Sleight of Hand) - Try to pick someone's pocket.

Rabble Rouse: (Diplomacy, Perform) - Try to help organize some part of the protest.

Silence Undesirable Elements: (Bluff, Intimidate) - With five factions all trying to shout over each other, the overall message of the protest is a jumbled mess. Try to silence a faction of your choice.

Watch the Crowd: (Perception, Sense Motive) - Simply watch the crowd for anything unusual.

Search for a Contact: (Perception) - This is only available to those who took 'Meeting a Contact'. You can try to find your contact, a man wearing one black leather glove on his right hand. If you fail, you default back to having taken 'Watch the Crowd'.

The Perception (DC 20) is a check anyone can make and it doesn't cost any action. Roll, if you beat the DC you can look inside the spoiler.

Again, it doesn't cost you your action - you still need to pick an action above and roll the appropriate skills. That means you may roll Perception twice.

Alright, our first combat! Let me go over how things work, really quickly.

- As previously discussed, I rolled initiative for both all of you and all of them and averaged the results. You all won, mostly thanks to Celik's keep perception having given him a bonus to reacting to the threat.

- Everywhere, at the moment, is difficult terrain as you're in the middle of a crowd. Speaking of, you're surrounded by people so be careful how you act. Bonus: Lucian's actions in taking control of the protest have made people recognize him as a bigwig. They won't help him fight, but for him - and him alone - the crowds don't count as difficult terrain.

- At the moment, Lucian is adjacent to the thugs; Celik and Tobais are 5ft away, and Lorelei and Kieran are 10ft away.

- Declare all your actions for the round in a spoiler; if you make any attacks roll both your attack and damage rolls - I'll tell you if they hit or not and narrate the result.

Male Human Paladin/1 [HP:7/10 AC: 16 (14T, 12FF) CMD:17 F:2 R:5 W:1 I:+4]

Go Away Bad Luck: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Would you have been happier if you had gotten a 20?

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

I figured it out. I'm siphoning the luck from your rolls. That's the second 20 I've gotten so far.

Now, if only I knew how to give it back to you......

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

For Declan: g

That's what

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

Just a heads up, Kieran is the only character with heal trained, so he'd be the only one who could actually do something to help the guy, but unless he's unstable and bleeding out, any help he could give would take at least 10 minutes, which isn't really a luxury right now.

Male Dwarf Unchained Monk/1 [HP:7/12 AC: 14 CMD:17 F:4 R:4 W:3 I:+2]

Woo Im here now! Its Tanor!

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

Confirming the crit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 164d12 + 4 ⇒ (9, 11, 9, 4) + 4 = 37

I'm thinking about opening up the Spheres of Might playtest for use. This wouldn't be allowed until the rebuild (which would come as you all hit level 2) and I haven't read all of it yet, but what I have read I've liked quite a bit. Give it a read-through and let me know what you think, especially with regards to allowing it in this campaign.

Seelie Disciple/1 [HP:11 AC: 15 (13T, 13FF) CMD:10 F:3 R:2 W:2 (4 vs Illusions) I:+2 Spell Points:5]

From what I've seen, I'm tentatively okay with it. I will need to spend more time checking the actual stuff obviously, but it seemed like a decent enough idea.

Male Dwarf Unchained Monk/1 [HP:7/12 AC: 14 CMD:17 F:4 R:4 W:3 I:+2]

Kadar also takes a 5ft step back. But can't edit the post.

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

you can always reply to your own thing. Kinda weird formatting, but it will at least display in the gameplay section.

I told him to drop it here, just to keep things flowing.

Female Half-Elf Musket Master/1 [HP:10/11 AC: 17 (14T, 13FF) CMD:14 F:3 R:6 W:2 I:+6 Grit:2/3]

gotcha. Just throwing out a suggestion. I wasn't sure if he knew he could reply

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