Vitarri Tyrim |
Presenting a Cleric of Gorum or Magus (Kensai, Bladebound, Dervish Dancer style) if needed. He needs to be retooled to pathfinder but his personality and appearance will mostly remain the same.
Race Aasimar or Human is fine with me. Will update when I get a response, thank you for your consideration! :)
He came to Falcon's Hollow under orders of the consortium and as a hired mercenary. Seeking to fulfill his contract he has since guarded logging sites from intrusive fey and worse. Calling on the Lord of Iron only when a truly worthy foe appears. When the troubles start to arise in Falcon's hollow he is reassigned to protecting their assests in the town and is now bored out of his mind. Protecting a building from sickly townsfolk wasn't what he signed up for as it displeases the Lord of Iron...
Despite his tragic loss as a Magus he seeks to find rare herbs to enhance his magical progress, word of the disease intrigues him alongwith the Darkmoon Vales ominous reputation. It's an oppourtunity he could ill afford to miss.
Vitarri Tyrim |
Apologies, Vitarri is not complete at all for Pathfinder yet. He is an old 3.5 Cleric that never got off the ground in a previous campaign. I mainly posted as him for his appearance and personality, he is somewhat broken inside but not enough where he cannot function.
I will build him to be a Cleric of Gorum, Aasimar or Human which ever is acceptable. Where he can provide Healing/Buff's and Combat Support (Will focus on being a hitter type)
As a Magus he would be very much for active fitting. Bladebound Kensai with Dervish style would allow him to focus on his dex and intelligence and make him a decent enough combatee. Coupled with Magical Lineage and Intensify spell he could continue to make shocking grasp a useful attack in his manuevers.
Both Classes would be able to provide combat support, the magus more then the cleric of course. I attempted to set the reasoning on why he would go their around something to do as a Merc for the Lumber Consortium or the interesting tales the Darkmoon Vale holds along with rare spell reagents. Simple but effective. =/
I haven't prepared any other crunch just yet. Sorry for the mix up :(
But I do appreciate the tip Hecktor ;)
@GM Niles: I assumed as a new player/character joining the game he wouldn't know the party, if I assumed wrong I can make a more fitting background.
Arama Blackclaw |
I guess my Oracle Gilmork might know the party from roaming around Falcon's Hollow then, but has not yet spoken to them.
As an Oracle of Wood and servant of Gozreh (at least what he believes), Gilmork will also have a thing against the Lumber Consortium and might have had a few run-ins with their lumberjacks, they might think him a wood spirit, a wolf face in wooden armor tends to do that.
Also seeing that a new elven NPC was mentioned, Idris Eavewalker from Nirmathas, can I also assume it's okay Gilmork might have come from the same country? Perhaps even from the same town, but not likely. Gilmork would probably be from Kassen, a town along the Barondel River.
Spidre |
A hooded figure a few desks away broke his silence for the first time. "Darkmoon Vale is where you'll want to go." Sarmonet pushed in his chair and addressed the stranger. "Darkmoon Vale, you say?" "The town of Falcon's Hollow, more precisely. Beseiged by the undead this same moon, they say." the man responded. "Darkmoon Vale... nearly a week's journey by horse, if I've heard right." Sarmonet considered aloud. "Stick to the road. Avoid the trees. Don't travel at night." the man advised as he stood to leave. "Anything else?" Sarmonet asked, listening intently.
The man paused at the door for a few moments, then turned to speak over his shoulder, "If you meet Eior Ramels..."
"Don't shake his hand."
With that, the stranger disappeared into the streets. Sarmonet settled his accounts at the library and quickly went home to pack for an immediate journey to Falcon's Hollow.
Combat: Sarmonet will be able to offer support melee, not being as hardy or lethal as a fighter, but offering a decent curve blade and some summoned Nature's Allies to the mix. Also, his eidolon is melee-focused. Of course the crossbow is going to be worthless in most close-combat situations.
Magic: Sarmonet can't cast Fireball, but a little Grease, Blur, and Haste will offer solid (if limited) arcane support.
Arknight |
@Arkknight, what spells would your magus be using? On the melee side, we're not shabby. Support from range is nifty to have, with our ranged chars gone NPC.
Thinking about taking Shocking Grasp, Ray of Enfeeblement, Web, Fire Breath, that sort of thing. Looking at Reach Spell and Elemental Spell (Acid) Metamagic Feats Which, in conjunction with Magical Lineage(Shocking Grasp), should give a variety of support capability. :)
I know he's a Halfling with a sling staff and the Warslinger ART....
Vitarri Tyrim |
He stood tall and imposing in his black plated plate mail, with the symbol of Gorum hammered into the breastplate of his armor. The spikes that adorned his shoulders plates were as much for show as the spikes that were on the front of his clenched gauntlet. He flexed his gauntleted fist before shaking off the blood from the first man he knocked down. He stared out through his thin visor at the fools who dared challenge the consortium's lumber rights in the Vale. Without so much of a pause he drew out his greatsword and took up a stance with his blade upraised. "Continue to challenge me Theives and by the Lord of Iron I will end you. NOW BE GONE!" The remaining pair of would-be thieves scattered like leaves in a fierce wind.
After sheathing his greatsword he regarded the last man with disdain, mere rabble, not worthy of his time and certainly not worthy of his blade. Not even worth punching again...
It seemed with each passing day his contract grew more burdensome. Were there no worthy foes to fight in this Vale? Was the consortium's men this incompetent and lazy?
The fat pompous windbag of the consortium, who had the audacity to carry himself like a warrior slid his way over like the lazy snake he was and chuckled at Vitarri's act of mercy. At least thats what he liked to call it. "I see ya let dis one live eh? Your a bit too soft for a man of Gor... HURGH!"
The man wheezed as Vitarri grabbed him by his throat, the spikes on his gauntlet were a mere inch away from piercing flesh. He was fed up with this man's mocking tone, he had half a mind to beat him within an inch of his miserable fat life and perhaps then he would no what mercy was. "Not worthy of my blade... Mock me further and you'll be on the ground with him dear piglet. If you want him dispatched then do it yourself coward. It's easy now that the work is done for you..." He released the fat man's throat, leaving him wheezing on the ground as he gasped for breath as Vitarri stalked away back to his post. Uncaring whether he was lectured by another representative of the Lumber Consortium.
:Cowards, Thieves, Weaklings! Is there not one worthy among them! JUST ONE! Challenge me Ironlord, lest I die of boredom among these pathetic wretches.: When no answer came he sighed and started sharpening his blades, waiting patiently for another day to pass so he could be done with this Guard Duty nonsense...
Vitarri Tyrim |
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) Cleric 3/Fighter 1
CN Medium outsider (native)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+8 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 28 (1d10+3d8+7)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +6
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 20 ft.
Melee armor spikes +6 (1d6+3) and
. . masterwork consecrated cold iron greatsword +6 (2d6+4/19-20)
Ranged masterwork composite longbow +5 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 13, 2d6), destructive smite (+1, 6/day), ferocious strike
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +6):
2nd—bull's strength [D], communal protection from evil, silence (DC 15)
1st—bleeding strike, bless, divine favor, enlarge person [D] (DC 14)
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, mending, read magic
[D] Domain spell; Domains Destruction, Ferocity, Strength
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+8 sunder); CMD 17 (19 vs. sunder)
Feats Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Traits armor expert, veteran of battle
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 jump), Climb +4, Fly +0, Heal +7, Sense Motive +7, Swim +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Fly
Languages Enochian, Trade Tongue
SQ aura, domains (destruction, ferocity), hero points, make a melee weapon holy
Combat Gear potion of shield of faith +2 (3), thistle arrows (50), weapon blanch (silver) (4); Other Gear +1 armor spikes field plate, masterwork buckler, masterwork composite longbow, masterwork consecrated cold iron greatsword, thistle arrows (50), muleback cords, holy symbol, silver, 150 GP
Special Abilities
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleave If you hit a foe, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus but take -2 AC.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (5/day) (DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Destruction) Granted Powers: You revel in ruin and devastation, and can deliver particularly destructive attacks.
Cleric Domain (Ferocity) Associated Domain: Strength
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Destructive Smite +1 (6/day) (Su) You gain the destructive smite power: the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with a morale bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You must declare the destructive smite before making the attack. You can use
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Ferocious Strike (+1) (6/day) (Su) +1 damage for an attack.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Improved Sunder You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when sundering.
Make a Melee Weapon Holy (1/day) Grant wielded melee weapon the holy weapon property for 3 rds.
Muleback cords These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer’s biceps and shoulders; when worn, they make the muscles appear larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity (see Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook page 171). This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls except the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength; Cost 500 gp
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Veteran of Battle +1 Initiative, draw a weapon as a free action during the surprise round.
4950 - 6000n = 1050 gp remaining for build.
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Arama Blackclaw |
Vitarri, don't forget to buy the +2 Str upgrade for your Composite Longbow, elsewise you can't add Str mod to your damage on attacks.
As it seems putting more of a writing concept in is fashion.
it's been a trying time for this town, small as it is, they have survived this ordeal.
He skipped across the stones of the small brook that lay in front of him, all the while hearing whispers from his surroundings. Soft whispers and sometimes a giggle it seemed.
Must be faeries or fey-folk, I've seen them in my travels before.
The voices seemed to draw him nearer to a group of men with axes, looking for a few old trees that they could cut down. They looked like men of Falcon's Hollow to him, though careful with selecting their trees.
Not unlike several others I've seen doing here. Gozreh might consent with these lumberjacks but some actions here must be stopped. He thought back on that ancient tree he managed to find in the woods. It felt ancient and somehow powerful.
He crept closer to the men to hear what they had to say, his armor and gear only rustling and blending in with the sounds of the forest. A real advantage. he thought, metal armour would clink and rattle, his wooden armour merely made a scuffling sound as he went, at most it made a creaking sound as though a tree groaned under the effects of the wind.
Parts of the conversation he could hear, but his focus lay on his approach, rather than the words. "Did you hear it?" "Awful..." "Poor children..."
When he got closer he could hear more of the conversations, the group still didn't seem to hear him.
"Those werewolf sightings keep getting stranger though." one said. "Next to the gruesome scenes that were discovered, Ol'Tommen said he saw a wooden one, hunting the stray undead.". Laughing occurred throughout the group and they went on with their business until another group came long.
The second group contained a loudmouth man with a few better-armed thugs near him. He kept calling on the first group to give up their axes and a fight almost ensued right in front of Gilmork's eyes.
Well almost, were it not for two well-placed arrows in a tree trunk above the halfling's head. Both groups turned around to see Gilmork walking silently towards them, bow in hand and armored completely in wood except for his face.
The faint-hearted loudmouth ran away screaming "Demon, demon, the wood spirits have come for us!" His thugs soon followed.
The first group of lumberjacks though kept their arms and slowly backed away until Gilmork spoke to them. "I'm not here to hurt you. Just to keep this place safe. I saw the undead, I've heard the whispers of dark things in the woods. Be assured that I'm not one of those things." He stumbled on some of the words, but made his message quite clear. Though the men were initially as sceptic about him as the others who ran were, they started talking.
No doubt Falcon's Hollow will be divided about me, but having at least some people there to talk to would help.
Hecktor |
We're at a socially disposition as it is with the halfpint since an invited dinner. If he sees you together with us it's....a tad difficult to explain than without such an action.
Nathalia Greenmeadow |
This is a character that I posted in Reign of Winter campaign. She didn't get chosen and if I need to I can change the fluff.
Nathalia Greenmeadow was raised in Irrisen. Due to her talent for magic she was raised among the White Witches. However, her personality was one that was not one that embraced the cruelty that the daughters and kin of Baba Yaga demonstrated. As a result, she was cast out from the society. She found herself in Heldren where she began using her talents to make healing and love potions for villagers. A loner, she often is able to get her way with people with the blink of an eye (charm hex) or if they earn her ire they go away feeling ill (evil eye).
She stands about 5'5, and weighs a 120 lbs. Her hair is white and she is a quiet individual at first. She does love being around people though but due to her treatment in Irrisen can often be intimidated by strong personalities.
Her best friend is her grey lop eared rabbit named Chinchi. Chinchi has been her constant companion from her days in Irrisen. They talk and play with each other even with no one else around.
Edward Sobel |
I have a gnome druid I am working on but I am having trouble deciding on the best way to incorporate my idea into a story.
used the random background generator and came up with a druid that had died and was brought back by divine intervention. and as a result became a champion for that diety.
so now how to decide on how he/she died and how it can be connected to my vision of the character as an Earth donamin druid.
anyway if I don't get done on time, that is my loss.
BigBenClockTower |
BigBenClockTower here. I saw you needed another player or two (or three), and I decided I'd go ahead and give it a shot, even if somewhat late notice (you close the looking this Friday, right?).
Anyways, I have a character ready to go at Level 4.
However, this wealth was not theirs earned, but rather a gifted one, handed to them by powers related to what could only be described as the work of Demons. Several pacts and contracts gave the Reverstance family great wealth and power, but at a greater price.
By way of the contracts written, their first child was to be given to one of the Demons as an exchange. This Demon was the Succubus known to the mortals of the area as Tarasia.
So it passed that Alyssa Mona Reverstance was born, and as was agreed upon, Tarasia arrived that evening to collect her. However, her parents tried to defy the Demon, and attacked her when she showed. An unfortunate move, Tarasia swiftly killed the two, and took Alyssa anyways.
With Alyssa in her hands, she was to sacrifice her to fulfill the contract. However, when the ritual was performed, Alyssa was rejected as a suitable sacrifice, almost as if blessed by some higher, darker power. Unable to be sacrificed, Alyssa was instead raised by Tarasia instead.
When Tarasia felt her ready, she let Alyssa back onto the mortal planes, to be raised by her uncle and his wife, who were unscrupulous individuals. They taught her all about summoning fiends to do her bidding, and placed their meticulous hands in everything she did. For six years she studied the summoning arts, culminating with the relocation to her new home.
Her uncle moved with his wife to the small locale of Falcon's Hollow. Surely no suspicion would be placed on them, as everyone would be concerned with the recent plague and mysterious attacks. The perfect cover. They sent Alyssa to go and learn from the locals, receiving training when possible. However, Alyssa hated that she had to leave old friends behind, and in her haste to find more, almost ended up kidnapped by the small reptilian creatures called Kobolds.
Fortunately, she managed to summon a new friend to play with who also saved her at the same time; a fiendish serpentine insect hybrid that she named Scribbles. Scribbles tangled with many Kobolds, chasing them off, and Alyssa found him perfect as a new friend. Before he left, Alyssa bound him to herself with a strong hug and a nuzzle. Every night, she played games with the creature, and read bedtime stories with him.
When Alyssa finally turned twelve not but a short time ago, she received from her uncle as a present, one of his very old Tomes. Possessed by a spirit who views Spellcasters as Gods, the Tome took an immediate liking to Alyssa's still easily manipulated and youthful mind, and decided to stick with her as well. He camouflaged easily as her Spellbook, and travels with her everywhere as a family keepsake if anyone asked.
With Scribbles and her Luminous Tome at her side, she always plays around Falcon's Hollow every day, looking to bring her own brand of fun into the small locale, unaware of what she'd be involved in...
Alyssa Mona Reverstance is a Chaotic Neutral twelve year old Summoner prodigy with an intelligent Tome (of low Ego) and an Eidolon (affectionately named Scribbles). At your guys' request, she could have the Tome removed if it would cause problems with magic item values (it's a 5715gp Ego 7 Lawful Neutral Intelligent Item, and while breaching the 1500gp single item limit, is within the 6000gp total for characters).
I posted her backstory, with extras added on to fit the Campaign and make sense. I hope it's all right. Let me know what you guys think!
Vitarri Tyrim |
Updated Backstory, appearance and personality.
Edit: removed +1 from armor to stay below 1500gp limit, also rolled my HP instead of averaging them~ Tried to keep combat gear costs within the reasonable limits. His Spiked Field PLate is the most expensive item at 1400 gp. with the second item being his muleback cords @ 1k.
[Gold used is 3950/6000] Will complete mundane gear when I know how it goes from here. :D
Using the variant rules he is Garuda Blooded Plumekith. And aside from cosmetic changes (No effect on gameplay I promise~) His only other change is exchanging his daylight spell for adding the holy effect to a blade for 3/r per day.
He will channel positive, despite the fun that channel negative would be.
@Arama Thanks for telling me! :D Hero Lab tends to forget bonuses and it was a +2 STR CL but Hero Lab didn't attach that when it was exported.
Thanks again. :)
It was nice however to update him, even if I don't get picked just love the character hehe. :)
Vitarri Tyrim |
The DM was only wanting background and specifics on why your character would go there and their relation with the party. Now that they are somewhat famous.
He wasn't overly concerned with the crunch and I did it mainly to get a feel for my character and because he was previously built for 3.5... And I am bored. :( So do what you need to do! :)
From GM Niles - You would start at level 4 with 6000GP worth of items. No 1 item more than 1500GP. I'll take submissions until Friday Feb 7th and my players will decide who they are interested in. Any race from core rulebook is ok check with me for anything else, no evil alignments please. 2 traits, 20 point buy. Any class is also ok. Check with me on archetypes. Good Luck! Looking forward to seeing what you make. :D
GM Niles |
So far the candidates to join are
Sarmonet 1/2 Elf Summoner
Alistus Ninja/Sorc arcane trickster
Arama Blackclaw Oracle of Wood
Vitarri Tyrim Cleric of Gorum
Arknight Magus of some sort
Nathalia Greenmeadow Witch of Irrisen
Bigben Summoner
That's seven in all. Edward Sobel has a character he might build but he hasn't posted the more specific details except that it would be a Gnome Druid that was resurrected due to divine intervention. So that makes it eight I guess.
I'll ask my players if they found someone they think is a great fit, if 3/4 cannot agree on one person or two then we continue recruitment.
Corerue |
@Arama A little but I have a feeling I won't be getting this one. Lol, my concept is too bland. Traded out Improved Sunder for Selective Channel, made more sense for a warrior cleric not to heal the enemy... Or at least not all of them. >:) Tried to stick with a Gorum warrior type. Really Like your wolf curse concept Arama. Very neat spirit of the wood theme. :) Still trying to decide if I should have gone full cleric or keep this one ftr lvl for the feat... Its hard building a warrior style cleric. lol
@Sarmonet Or you could be patient. Silly crazy summoner guy~ Lol
GM Niles & his players are carefully reviewing what we have to offer and they're not making a hasty decision as they need to pick someone who will more than likely bring balance to the party. Which takes some time, especially because they have a game to keep moving forward too. I know I wouldn't just pick a name out of a hat and hope for the best. :P
I would suggest really combing through your character and making sure there isn't something you missed or need shored up for a stronger CS. Just me anyway.
So I will check back tomorrow, i'm sure they will be done deliberating in a day or two.
Vitarri Tyrim |
Character Sheet (CS) of course~ ;)
Cover story: You have an introduction, great differential on what is verbal and not, but nothing else that conveys a blurb about Sarmonet.
Counter Strike: Great Game. Miss my old team. :(
Common Sense: To Be Determined (TBD), I am just kidding. ;)
I originally read you were making a barbarian and now your a summoner with a somewhat battle crazed Ghoulish trend?
But you don't have a background other then your Intro paragraph.
You came to study undead. Is that it? Who is Sarmonet? What drives him other then his strange need for Undead Knowledge. Does his Eidolin look like a ghoul? Is he planning on becoming a Lich? Who knows? These are the few questions I asked myself after reading what you have.
Don't get me wrong, I made a somewhat very bland Aasimar Battle Cleric of Gorum. I don't have much that I can personally add to him. I mean seriously, Gorumites live for battle! Lumber Consortium thugs? Fey? Undead and Were-beasts!? What better foes could there be and all of them rumored to be in the Vale! No better battleground exists, at least not for a lone 4th lvl cleric/ftr. I did some rolls on the alternate tables for Aasimar but there is little I can do to fluff up his exploits or ambitions.
I chose cleric however because the group appeared to be in need of a solid Arcane/Divine caster. Ftr gives me access to heavy armor and tower shields and more weapon proficiencies. So he rounds out as a decent frontliner who can buff/heal and hold the line if we need to retreat.
That's why over the days I looked him over and changed his feats, improved sunder was nice but Selective Channel was a smarter choice for the group aspect. So I dipped into ftr (which may have been a mistake) so that I could take cleave. So now he can dish out some pain, heal a select few and use his consecrated blades to channel his positive energy to destructive smite enemies(undead) with all the ferocity of a Gorumite!
Now Arama has a solid build, fun concept and troubling personal appearance that will add a lot to the setting and roleplay without being overly distracting. Since he is an Oracle, he can probably out heal my cleric. Especially if he took the Life Oracle Archetype.
But I digress, my only intent was to see what other awesome aspects you could add to your character to round them out. I like seeing what people come up with, creative thinking on these boards is awesome, most of the time. lol
D-Kal |
I assume you refer to the Life Oracle Mystery. I'd once considered using that for a Rage Prophet healer build. I dropped it when I was told it would suck, but I should revisit that concept some time...
As for clerics of Gorum, I must say, I'm a fan. Maybe not all that interesting, but terribly practical. At early levels they're like un-raging barbarians, and at later levels, well, clerics speak for themselves. I actually have a Gorum battle cleric in PFS that I really enjoy.
As for Sarmonet, I wouldn't want to give away everything about him. If he gets chosen, it's up to the PCs and/or GM to uncover any relevant history. Nobody sits down and reads someone's life story before deputizing them in the name of resisting a werewolf attack. I see no reason the players or their characters should know the deepest depths of Sarmonet's soul. I've defined his personality somewhat, and if anything else relevant emerges, so be it.
I will say that I'd envisioned him studying undead because some undead carry a vilified reflection of their past life personality. Sarmonet's own eidolon seems to carry a similar alter ego form while he is yet alive. It's a round-about way of learning more about his strange situation. Though any studies of nature, planes, religion, etc, may be applicable as time passes. And as for Iorn, he's the barbaric brute opposite to Sarmonet's graceful and charming personality. I wanted to give him a shadowy, ghost-like existence, like a haunting spirit lurking over Sarmonet's shoulder. That played into why I gave Sarmonet the Ghost Sight trait as well.
Vitarri Tyrim |
Oh I gotcha. Apologies, I am used to laying it out on the table. But that explanation makes perfect sense. Mystery factor~ :)
Yeah I had thought of shortening Vitarri's background to a head injury and fractured memories but I just felt he was becoming more bland and uninteresting. I had a hard time trying to figure it out description wise as well. :/
You have a cleric of Gorum? Hmmm Perhaps I need to hit you up on build questions haha. :) And what is PFS like? I thought of trying it but didn't know the best way~ We can continue in PM's if you want.
Arama Blackclaw |
I made an Oracle as I've hadn't played one yet and already played 2 battle clerics before. They can be quite powerful but I find my cleric of Gorum to have a burden as he wears heavy armour so he sucks at all Acro and Climb checks made which is a bummer.
My other battle cleric was fun to play as he was Tank, Damage Dealer and Healer for the party, only flaw in it was that I was in a group with people that had a lot of skills to go around be prepared to find you cannot contribute that much outside of battle. Most useful spell outside of healing was Sands of Time actually.
Arama Blackclaw |
It seems as though the players have a difficult decision on their hands in choosing who to take with them.
Seeing the werewolves in the gameplay part, I'd reckon I might have another angle for my Oracle as mentioned in my first post, though it would be pretty unfair to the others as I submitted this one already.
It does keep the creative juices flowing however, the Lunar Oracle would have been a good fit as well as the one I submitted.