High fantasy home brew campaign flash back thread (Inactive)

Game Master Little Finder

Each of you have your own reason for being here from where you came. Some a journey of discovery some have been told to come here by your local religious or spiritual leader. (This is up to you what ever suits your character.) Either way by now you know you have to come to this town and meet with a person called, ‘Sandy Grave’ so here is where you guys meet:

It is a bright sunny day , the breeze is blowing from the north and its coolness was a welcome feeling after the heat of travel. You enter a Town via the central square. Around the square you can see a few buildings, to the left of where you enter it looks like the buildings are shops, there are signs and flags outside them. Ahead of you on the other side of the Square are two large buildings, one may be a dwelling or perhaps the Town Hall. Next to it the building has the distinctive look of a temple. You do not recognize it as a particular deity’s, but its white walls and beautifully detailed columns definitely give the impression of a temple. The remaining building seem to be dwelling’s of varying sizes and shapes.

With not a cloud in the sky the market looks busy. The town square is filled with wooden stalls with varying objects on them. From where you are you can see a meat vender, the smell of a roasting pig fills the air. You can also see a book seller and a few more different objects, bottles with various coloured liquids in, some jewellery. The noise of a hundred conversations and haggling customers drifts through the square and you get the feeling if this place was empty it may just echo every sound you made. Along with the smell of roast pig, you can smell water in the air, there would seem to be a body of water close.

As you make your way towards the Temple you weave through the crowd. You are greeted by a few smiles when ever you make eye contact. Though people in general pay you no mind.

The temple looks much bigger from where you are now, its columns almost look like they reach to the sky. You get an overwhelming feel of calm from it. And if you touched the walls you could almost swear you feel it vibrating ever so slightly.

As you reach the doors, a stressed looking man in purple robes approaches you.

"Hello, I am Arguis Somner, Sir graves is expecting you. Please come with me, some of you have already arrived, though they may be busy around town."

You enter through the main doors, to heavy doors larger than any you have seen. Though Argius seems to move them with ease. The large hall greats you with symbols on the wall from many different languages. (There will be at least one you can read). It says, ‘Welcome all who believe’.

He takes you through the hall and you are surprised to notice your footsteps do not echo. Despite the stone floor and large open space. You enter a door on the right of the hall and it appears to be a library. Large windows light up hundreds of books lining the walls. There are some seats in the room and a large table in the middle, strewn with some books.

"There are refreshments for you and your rooms are being prepared, forgive the rush and forgive me for I am needed in a few places. I shall be back momentarily to explain a few things. For now anyone you see dressed like me will help you as best they can, please make yourself comfortable, I will not be long." and with that the out of breath man leaves the room.

The town hadn't changed much since the last time he had been. Then again, it had only been a few years, so he didn't expect it to.
No-one bothered him as he walked through the town, heading through the market towards the temple.

As he headed through the market, he recognised a few the vendors. A couple payed no attention to him, a couple nodded their heads in recognition.
A young girl ran passed him, laughing as she did. The sight paused Carth for a moment, as a memory flashed in front of his eyes. In it, he was in the same market but many years ago and was walking hand-in-hand with a young girl who was leading him to various stalls, smiling and pointing out various things on the stalls that got her attention.

The memory quickly faded away, as Carth closed his eyes in pain at the memory. Recovering quickly, he remembers why he had arrived in the town in the first place, and heads over to the temple.

As he enters the temple, he is greeted by Argius who leads him through some rooms and into what looks like a library. After Carth watches Argius hurry off somewhere else, he grabs a drink from nearby, sits down and takes a few sips while he waits for someone to appear and tell him what is going on.

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