Heralding the Coming of the Age of Worms
Game Master
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Why you picking on my multi-class? Paladin/Rogue/Inquisitor/Summoner...
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
With 20pt Buy, any min-max limitations for stats? Say can one have a 7 & 8?
Sure, but for the ability score at 7, you should have some sort of defining characteristic associated with it, e.g. if your dex is 7, then maybe the PC has a club foot.
Male Gnome Investigator (Empiricist) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 15 T 13 FF 13 |Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| CMD: 11, CMB: +0 |Take 10s: Perception 16, Sense Motive 14, Diplomacy 11, Intimidate 11
Placeholder for Sverrir's wrasslin' monk
As a former prisoner and reformed criminal Temu has taken the Vows of Chains and Truth since finding religion in the penitent service of Kord's faithful.
Crunch and fluff to come, but will probably go with Steadfast Loyalty as his Champion District Feat...
DMF was also thinking of the following 3PP Feat:
Strength of the Gods
Think it fits a worshipper of Kord pretty well?
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Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
RPing possible dip into rogue... so this doesn't happen again! It's hard to be stealthy with a polearm!
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Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
I was looking at trying to make my fighter a tripper, but as I build it it keeps looking more like Markus. Can't have that. :)
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Use whips! Scorpion Whips!
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
My initial concept was a meteor hammer but I think a fauchard is a better choice. Lets you take Polearm master if you want, or even Phalanx Soldier. A guisarme is almost as good and does not burn a feat... So maybe start with guisarme.
Would be great to have a way to enlarge youself too. Plant subdomain Growth does this, but only for a few rounds a day. At least its a swift action. And later you could take a level of Living Monolith if its available to cast swift enlarge on yourself. I think you could have that by 6th level. But I've learned that in PBP it does not pay to plan for objectives so many levels away. Even if the game lasts that long, 6 level could be years away. lol.
Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4
Hooked Axe is pretty cool and is 1-H... disarm and trip??
Perfect back/up or primary weapon for a Phalanx Soldier until 3rd level?
I'd burn a feat if it works for flavour and crunch... although I'm hardly the optimiser lol...
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Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
That's way too optimized for me... the enlarge bit (most transformations beyond "rage" freak me out).
I had Markus as one of those guys who really studies the weapon, so he went deep into fauchard.
Now, once they get past his amazing reach... he's screwed, so was wondering if he should dip into Rogue Knife Master and really make them pay! Really study knife-play. Slap on some Two-Weapon Fighting... flank.
1d4+2d8+2, kukri. But, they do get the braggin' rights to getting past his fauchard.
That way, he could scout with and backup Pavo, too.
Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4
Agree I'd always plump for flavour and colour over pure crunch... of course if you can get both its all gravy :)
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
hmm. I hear what you you are saying Markus, but also see you burned a feat to be proficient with the most optimized pole arm/reach weapon in the game. Guisarme could have saved you a feat.
Now I am toying with a cleric dip, but hate to give up BAB.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Fanguar said this AP was deadly and unforgiving, was trying to max damage output, yes.
Markus is pretty simplistic, he's a Lore Warden with punch. I'm not against optimizing, I love it! But I like to keep the character focused.
Now if you had a Jekyl & Hyde thing going like in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen... But then, I feel you probably wouldn't be tripping.
Better levels if Trip/Disarm require Combat Expertise. Int 13, etc...
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
Looked at that. Lore Warden with its +2 CBM is likely the best archetype for it too.
I actually think tripping isn't as useful as it would seem, as the rules don't allow for trip locking, but a trip into a disarm when they stand up, well then you're gravy. Or you can be super sexy and take the archer archetype for a ranged disarm at level 3.
@Markus: Dipping with CMB builds can be problematic, since the major advantage to be being a lore warden is the sexy CMB bonus.
Actually, combat maneuver builds are tricky at the best of times, since CMD scaling for enemies quickly begins to outpace the CMB unless you're super optimized and have stupid amounts of strength.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Also, Markus is a Human Fighter... Feats to burn.
I'd never played someone with a polearm. Lore Warden was for skill points and class skills. Trip is a bonus.
Also, getting Combat Expertise... With trait Threatening Defender, works nice for free +1 AC.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
And tripping with a reach weapon... Can take my chances without Improved Trip, no AoO is invoked.
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Male Ifirit (Native Outside) Sorcerer (Fire Bloodline) 2 AC 12(16)/12(16)/12(16) / HP 12 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +11 / Perc. +1)
My friends! Hey guys, Ramo's here. For the savage tide I decided to do something iconic.. I settled on a Ifirit Sorcerer with the Fire bloodline. He's got a quick temper, constantly fidgeting and an unhealthy obsession with fire.
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Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
You're just saying that because we'll be on ships made of... wood! Everyone should put at least 1 rank in Swim.
Doesn't look good for our anchor... ehem, I mean chained Tetori.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
I can imagine a Van Helsing thing where Markus trips a baddie prone and we swarm them. You guys wanna go that route?
I still like the Rogue dip, but Il work it in slowly. That part of Markus' story is about recapturing youth. Feeling younger, etc...
Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13
Guys, been under the weather and dealing with some technical difficulties. I'll have my character up this weekend.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
1) Human Monk (tetori, chains, truth)
2) Ifrit Sorcerer (fire)
3) Human? Ranger (spell-less)
4) Lucid
5) Pavo
6) Ratfolk Wizard? Grippli Cleric? (multi-classing)
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
With what is listed I am going Druid I guess. Do not cry too much for me. I love druids. :)
That is unless a divine class materializes.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Guess I'll take a Grippli Cleric... I can't stand Druids!
10,17,10,12,17,12 - Defense & Sun domains.
Probably multi-class Rogue/Ranger for skills for a couple levels, or dabble into Wizard/Summoner. For crafting breadth.
We'll see how the group ends up and evolves.
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Not sure, you go ahead and play what you like.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Totally understand if the answer is "no", but will ask.
Would you consider a Summoner class feature exchange? Summon Monster & Gate for Skill Points?
This is for a later multi-class, starting as Cleric.
No dice.
If you want healing, spell casting and skill points, play a bard, alchemist or witch.
Male Human Rogue 4 AC:18 T:14 FF:14 / HP:16 / Init:+4 / F:+2 R:+8 W:+2 / CMD:19
Hmm, looking at my schedule, i am not sure I can keep up with one more campaign. So I might have to bow out of the Savage Tide campaign. However, I have a few concepts that I think would be interesting. I will put together a concept and decided if I have time then.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Pavo, looks like you either didn't level or missed the stat line...
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
GM Fanguar wrote: No dice. As you wish.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
For Grippli, looking for Sun & Protection (Defense)... seems to fit the Savage Tide setting where there could be a nest/tribe of Grippli. Or maybe he's from Diamond Lake and traveling!
Anywho... how do you restrict Deities? How precise do you keep domains... and I can't remember, is this gonna be Greyhawk or Golarion?
Just asking.
@Pavo: No pressure, if you're busy, you're busy.
@Marcus: It'll be in Greyhawk, but as it pre-dates the existence of Gripplis, feel free to come up with your own Grippli appropriate deity.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Guessing somewhere between Mielikki and Ehlonna, he's very Fey/Sylvan connected.
If you allow, it's the concepts, ideals he venerates. If you need a specific deity, I suppose Mielikki. Open to ideas.
Took Fey Foundling as his 1st Level Feat. Sylvan is bonus language.
If multi-classing into Summoner, he'll take the First Worlder archetype.
Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
Good Evening All,
Just want to let you all know that I have opened recruitment for my first PbP as a GM: Hearts of Darkness: Way of the Wicked. I welcome all of you to come and apply!
Way of the wicked eh? I might just have to try my luck there.
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
Wow. Just read your post entirely. A lot there. Well thought out. I do like to play heroic characters, but its not every day you get to play a Hellknight... :) I'll likely submit something. My first PFS character is a Diabolist so the Asmodeus thing is not new to me. :)
Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4
Ramos - already in a Way of the Wicked campaign (playing a cannibalistic, skin harvesting bloatmage to-be); heartily recommend the AP and everyone lucky enough to join your game will have an absolute blast!
Thanks for the invite regardless
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Thanks as we'll! But not into "wicked", now if you entertain PvP and need a lawman or not so lawman... To bring those muthas down. I'm your man.
Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
Wow Severrir! That sounds super creepy! Not sure I would be comfortable with my campaign going that far.. trying to keep it more to a PG-13 style.
Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4
Indeed Cruxcarr is pretty creepy... I'm playing him as a combination of Hannibal Lecter, Baron Harkonnin trapped inside the body of Grossburger (Erland Van Lidth De Jeude) from The Wanderers lol...
As Mark Sweetman aka The Fiendish DM Voice of the Voiceless can attest, its an excellent campaign and is highly inventive and blackhearted... :)
WotW makes it pretty tempting to go truly gruesome.
In other news, I've opened the ST campaign up,
feel free to dot and post your PCs whenever you're ready.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
Just having some fun with Markus. He now needs pointers on Stealth, Knife-play and Bluff! Sounds like a rogue dip.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
What happens if Markus pushes the table? Can he F them ALL up?
Sure, lets all it a DC10 bull rush against the barricade. Success results in the table being shoved against the wall, pinning them and dealing 1d4 pts of damage to them all. You will incur AOOs from the baddies though.
Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
They're holding crossbows... And I get cover & STR bonus?
Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12
If they are skeletons they also have claws...