Heralding the Coming of the Age of Worms (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar


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Between the elemental and mould non-combat encounters, you have reached the second level. Congratulations!.(HP: 1/2HD +1)

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)


Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

Excellent - Rage Power!!!!! :)

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10


Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Updated to level 2

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

You had given a free skill point, Profession... Confirming it was one time.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

Upgraded to Level 2 :)

Markus the Librarian wrote:
You had given a free skill point, Profession... Confirming it was one time.

If you use your profession, you get one free skill point towards it next time you gain a level. If you haven't used the skill between levels, then no bonus skill point.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Evening guys!

Just want to give you a heads up that my posting will be limited from this wednesday to the next wednesday. My wife and I are going to be in Hawaii for our anniversary. I'll try to post, but don't hesitate to DMPC me if I can't respond. I will be following along, but whatever I do post will be succinct. Thanks!


Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

I leveled Khyrn but I guess I forgot to post the updated stats. I'll do so tonight.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Marcus would have said that as he emerged, but didn't know how far Withdraw would get him or if DM had hidden baddies.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Hey guys, I try not to say... "if someone heals me, I'll jump back in." Always had a problem asking for specific actions or spells like that.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Right. The wizard has spent two spells injuring this creature. I would hate to give up the fight now. It got a lucky blow on Markus, but we can and should finish it. Everyone in the water? I like that plan better than "lets leave the wizard alone in the water}. :)

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Hi all. Just checking in. Things have gotten too quite for my liking. Everything ok?

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

DMs get busy... After that pseudo-crit, I'm psyched.

DM's fine. You killed the elemental, what are you doing now? There was some discussion about water breathing spells and then things just fizzled.

There's still the underwater area to explore, with the 2 side chambers and the closed door. If that's what you're doing who's going back in?

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Healers up!

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Unless there is a rush I am unaware of I say we camp out, prepare some spells that include water breathing, and then explore this place. Alternatively, we could explore that one passage up the chain first. I am good either way.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Could just dive back in, the elemental would have killed anything else? I'd feel better with a few more HP.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

The dwur pats his soggier comrades on the shoulders;

"Vell done. The elemental is vanquished... but there may be treasure down their nei? We should search, but perhaps with ropes as before brothirs?"

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Hmm. Don't we have two clerics? What are you guys waiting for. Markus got hit for 11. Lay down some healage already.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Hi guys! Back from vacation, and finally have access to a computer so i'll be posting shortly.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

And I just realised I posted my game thread comment here

(face palm)

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

It's the holiday season... all is forgiven! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year! Did I leave anyone in the group out?

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

*cough* Festivus!

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

Godd Yuletide to one and all

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Pavo needs to save and act.

Male Human Rogue 4 AC:18 T:14 FF:14 / HP:16 / Init:+4 / F:+2 R:+8 W:+2 / CMD:19

Or not save and not act :P

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Marcus is near max HP, how's everyone else. Does uninterrupted sleep give is HP = Level (2hp, healed)?

And, does the GM allow us to have "healed" (magical, spell, channel) the previous night?

Sorry, still getting to know eachother.

Yup, with a full night's rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level.

I would assume that the clerics would use channel energy or whatever before you rested, unless I'm told otherwise that is.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Tell me it is not an illusion! Or immune from Crits!

Ok, so I don't like matching loot to specific character needs, but selling everything messes with wealth by level numbers. So here are some general house rules:

- Non gear/ non magical: sell it for the full price. e.g. 50gp garnet = 50gp

- Magical weapons/armour:
- Trade for equal magicked item of same class e.g. trade +1 dagger for +1 sword
- Pay the difference in base item cost though, no +1 leather for +1 full plate trades
- Trading armour for weapon or vice versa:
- can trade for 75% value
- Cash transactions at 50% value

- Other magic items:
- Wonderous items
- Why would you ever sell these, they are awesome
- Potions and other magic items
- Can trade 1:1

Let me know if you have any questions.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

I think we've had a so use for everything so far!

Markus the Librarian wrote:
I think we've had a so use for everything so far!

Of course, but the realistic odds of finding a magical fauchard in this campaign are pretty slim. Or a flaming burst pickaxe for that matter.

That being said, since we have 6 PCs I do have to add extra magical items in, so feel free to suggest things. Left to my own devices, I will continue to sprinkle in the most hilariously random wonderous items possible, *cough*Bottled Yeti Fur*cough*.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

I liked the yeti fur potion. :)

What about trading wands for other wands? Shatter and unseen servant? Not my normal spell selection - but if its something we have to have later do not let me trade it. :)

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

Only thing I would say is please remember we have two clerics in the party. :)

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

You asking for less healing potions or two maces?

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

Healing potions != clerics. Be nice. :)

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

I'll be nice, now brush up on that Make Masterwork spell...

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

Heh, you got a deal!

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
Khyrn Lossen wrote:
Only thing I would say is please remember we have two clerics in the party. :)

Agreed! And did we find any loose gold or gems? I didn't see a count on the spreadsheet. Its upto you guys as if you want to camp or sell stuff off first. But unloading several thousand gold worth of items is sure to raise some eyebrows.

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@Lucid:Wands for wands seems fine with me as long as the spells are in the same school.

@Ramos: Treasure:
200 gp
Golden ring with eight-pointed star pattern (200gp)
Silver ring (75gp)
200lbs red metal pedestal(300gp) I don't imagine you're carrying it at the moment.
3 x architecture statue (200gp each)

and just FYI Diamond lake is a small town with a 800gp limit.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
GM Fanguar wrote:
FYI Diamond lake is a small town with a 800gp limit.

Do we need to be in a town with a gp limit equal to or greater than the equivalent cost of the items we want to trade out?

Ramos the Herald wrote:
GM Fanguar wrote:
FYI Diamond lake is a small town with a 800gp limit.
Do we need to be in a town with a gp limit equal to or greater than the equivalent cost of the items we want to trade out?

In general yes. In Diamond lake, the proprietor of the general store can order in pretty much anything you want, but that's going to have to be cash transaction and takes a week or so. The item 'swapping' would require that there be a merchant that dealt in those particular items and would be willing to barter.

Diamond lake does have an unusually high level wizard hanging around, so I wouldn't see a problem with you bring him a mwk item to enchant and paying him with a magic item

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

As to the wands, unless there is a specific need for the ability to Shatter something about to come up in the mod I will trade it. Shatter breaks unattended objects and does some damage to crystal creatures. That's pretty much it. Talk about a nitch.

Since its a second level Evocation wand there are lots of choices. But do not fear too much good GM Fanguar as there are only 7 charges. :) And a problem with Evocation wands are that most offer saves, and the DCs to save for the spell are pretty low. I think a second level spell DC from a wand would be a 13.

Options I like are:
Fire Breath - save for half, but allows three breaths per charge at 4d6, 2d6 and then 1d6. Problem is I have to get close and its a cone so it burns friends too.

Flaming Sphere - Lasts for three rounds and does 3d6 damage, but a reflex save negates each round.

Frigid Touch - 4d6 and staggered for a round with a touch. No save, but I have to touch. Cold will generally not hurt undead

Frostfall - 5; burst does 2d6 cold. Not high enough to last a second round for half damage. Save or staggered for a round too.

Scorching Ray - 4d6 ranged touch fire spell. My choice. :)

Spontaneous Immolation - 3d6 fire and catch on fire. Save for half and avoid catching on fire.

Any of these would be fine. I would take Scorching Ray, which requires a touch attack or Fire Breath which requires that I am close and do not hit my party. But I am fine with you picking however you see fit.

I appreciate the chance to trade. :)

@Lucid: There's no specific need for shatter, it's just awesome. Shatter doors, weapons, armour etc. It's a ranged sunder, which is pretty neat. All those spells are fine, you just need to talk to Alustan the town mage, about the swap.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

mmm ranged sunder, shattering doors, objects that may house traps (locks?) sounds pretty cool, and handy - niche maybe but still handy...

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

I guess I do not understand exactly what sunder means in this case. Sunder in the game means to strike to destroy. But this spell does not specifically say how much damage it does. Sunder with a sword and you do 1d8+ strength against an object's hit points. Does this spell "break" a nonmagical object of 30 lbs or less, no save? Even if its attended, like a shield carried by Sverrir?

And last question - would a skeleton be considered crystalline?

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Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Shatter can be extremely usefull! Doors, traps, locks, walls and ceilings can all be destroyed in creative uses. Shatter a window to create a spray of glass, or shatter all posion vials on a target.

Non attended item just break, eg cast of a door = broken door. Attended items get a will save from their wielders. (Wand DC is 13), but if it was dropped, say by a disarm, then no save.

crystalline is pretty vague, so would think that skeletons would fit the bill

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