Heralding the Coming of the Age of Worms (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar


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Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Undead Lord archetype? RPG recycling, going green? A chance for the enemy to redeem themselves and make up for their trespasses?

Pirates of the Carribean? Toying with ideas.

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

@GM: It's similar to that, but it's a different product. You can find it here.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

I'm not certain why... But, when we leveled up I'd given Markus the Grippli language. Now, I find myself wanting to try playing one!

Coincidentally, their stat bonuses are +2 Dex, +2 Wis & -2 Str. Perfect for a cleric of some sort.

Wondering if that race would be allowed.

Half-Orc, Cleric of Catastrophe (the master of disaster, as it were)... maybe worshiping Vatun (CN, Lesser, Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Storm, Strength, Portfolio: Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, Arctic Beasts).

Undead Lord (maybe too dark).

Grippli, Cleric of... if it's allowed. Probably stealthy due to size, even if he doesn't go rogue.

@Markus: No evil alignments, but I'm not opposed to the idea of an undead lord. It's a pretty tropical local, so Grippli would probably be fine.

@Khyrn: Seems ok. I don't have it, so just run any new feats or such by me first.

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

@GM: Fair enough. I'll work something up using a human ranger native of Sassarine from the Champion district. A young man from a family of famous hunters, primarily looking to make a name for himself, but also wondering if there isn't something more to life than simply following in the footsteps of all of his ancestors.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

I'm going to take a back seat on Savage Tide lads and relegate myself to a nostaligic observer - work has ramped up again and I'm likely being sent offshore again, so another pbp might be a stretch too far!

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

By no means am I circling like a vulture... But, if folks do decide to not take the GM up on Savage Tide...

I'd like to invite a friend to put something together and see what the GM and you folks think.

That doesn't need to happen until closer to game start though. Not rushing anyone. On a positive note, it may alleviate feeling obliged if you're not into the Savage Tide AP.

You folks have been great to play with! Hope no one's offended.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

I believe I could do both. My job is less than demanding at the moment. Could change any time but for now, I am good. That said, I will be traveling the last half of next month in Eastern Europe and might not have reliable internet often.

No worries Sverrir, I definitely don't want anyone to over extend themselves. Though I was looking forward to actually seeing a tetori monk in action.

Also, no one should feel obligated to join the STAP, I just thought I would see if that was something you all might be interested in.

@Markus: I see no problem in you inviting a friend. Just make sure that they understand the way I like to run my PbPs. Short posts, no inner monologue, etc.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Grippli Inquisitor...

Not to metagame here, but I just want to clarify that they will accept the bribe you guys offered, 50gp each, they just had no intention of following you guys around to get the supposed money.

That being said, if you want to rumble, we can throw down.

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13


Just to explain a bit from my side, Khyrn is a lawful good priest dealing with thugs who have basically admitted to defiling graves and stealing bodies. Then, when asked to meet him at the bank to get their money, they tell him to piss off and try to intimidate him (which I interpreted as making subtle threats against him and Markus).

Khyrn doesn't think he's being unreasonable by telling them to come to the bank for 50 gp each (after all, the bar is a dive full of low-life scum), and after their response, he decided that he was done being nice. He just won't stand for criminals threatening him, insulting him, and flaunting their behavior in his face when he's actually trying to be reasonable and accommodating by giving them gold and overlooking their crimes. It's already a stretch for him to not just call the guards and have them arrested.

So basically, unless the bandits change their tune, Khyrn is ready to go. He doesn't really want to fight (hence trying to convince the others to turn against the half-orc), but he won't hesitate if that's what the bandits want.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

I'm in agreement with what Khyrn said. Ramos is Chaotic Neutral and he dosen't respect or care about laws much. In fact he dosen't care about many things. That said, if you push his friends around and make threats he won't stand for it.

So what do we want to do guys? These people are basically grave robbers. I don't think Ramos would be onboard with giving *alot* of gold out to someone that trys to throw their weight around.

Your position makes sense.

To put their behaviour into context, they're Smenk's boys and for all intents and purposes Smenk is Diamond Lake. Both the town guard and the Mayor are deep in his pocket. The only legitimate authority in the region is the local garrison and they wont involve themselves in town politics unless they have proof of a threat to national security. This is info that the PCs would suspect, if not out right know.

Also, while scum, Kullen et al. haven't technically broken any laws, the bones weren't buried on consecrated ground or anything. Normally, they wouldn't be amenable to a bribe, but the owlbears coupled with the recipient of the bones treating the like garbage, has loosened their normally tight lips.

I will also point out that you are all tomb robbers, so pot and kettle and what not.

Male Human Rogue 4 AC:18 T:14 FF:14 / HP:16 / Init:+4 / F:+2 R:+8 W:+2 / CMD:19

Well, it will be hard to pull back from the 50gp amount that was said before. If this blows up into a full on brawl, then we had better hope it doesn;t last long. Diamond Lake might be a dismal, dirty mining town, but it is a town that has a Church of Heironious and St. Cuthbert in it.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Thats a fair point about us being tomb robbers. To be honest I had not considered it. And if your telling me that picking a fight with these guys would have long term political ramifications then I might think twice. Would you be alright with a recon for what actions I made? And again, what do you all think. If we do fight, it needs to be non-leathal. I think Ramos would be ok with a old fasion bar fight, but the moment a dagger gets pulled all bets are off.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

Ahhhh... this may be difficult to rein in... Sverrir has filled his boots and true to my character's self imposed rage mechanism (getting drunk) - things could well go south very soon...

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

I'm good with continuing with what's happened. Lets see how this plays out. :)

And the group may have taken some stuff, but Khyrn would not have removed any bodies from the tomb (ghost boy told us to do it). Only sickos and necromancers dig up and steal bodies. ;)

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
Khyrn Lossen wrote:
Khyrn would not have removed any bodies from the tomb (ghost boy told us to do it). Only sickos and necromancers dig up and steal bodies. ;)


Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Also consider, especially as Lawful Good... We're locals and wouldn't want to wreck the tavern. We're the good guys.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Hence Lucent's action. He has Magic Missiles ready for any enemy doing lethal damage first, but hopes it does not come to that. I am not for going back and changing things, partly because I thought what happened was cool. :)

My thought is we should throw down. Outside would be better, but based on what has happened already I doubt we can avoid a good ol' bar fight. Lucent will hide behind the bar and maybe cast his grease. :)

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

A request: The bartender yelling No spells! No spells!

Oh and for the Savage Tide AP: How's everyone comming with there characters? I though we could get a list going.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

You confuse me. Are you saying the bartender said that? Or are you asking the DM to have the Bartender say that? If so, why would you ask to nullify my character?

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

One other thought! I'm thinking of doing a 180. I feel like playing something Iconic. I was thinking of a dwarven fighter, very defensive... able to intercept hits for the rest of the group. Not sure.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

Sorry Lucid, I was making a star wars reference!

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

I was just applying leverage... I say it's the DMs fault. :)

Things went south EXACTLY when he said... "consider yourselves intimidated".That just riled folks up.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

That ain't iconic, it's "chum". For the sharks!

Make it a Half-Orc! Unbreakable... Like Conan on the wheel. He's the guy that can keep rowing... High Con. Dip or start Barbarian.

17, 15, 15, 10, 9, 10

Ramos you're up if you want to act. I consider you previous attack to be in the surprise round.

As for the STAP: There's a fair bit of nauticalness scattered throughout. It's mostly urban in the beginning moving to wilderness for the middle bit and it gets pretty demon heavy at later levels.

as for characters

Khyrn: Ranger variant
Lucid: Something melee (I vote Beastmorph/vivisectionist Alchemist into master chymist)
Pavo: Wizard maybe
Marcus: Some divine class maybe
Ramos: something iconic

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager) AC 17 / HP 14 / F +5 R +3 W +4 / Init. +4 / Perc. +6)

This is Ramos:

Thanks, I'll make a post. Oh Beastmorph/Viv is a really strong combo I have one in another campaign and he is great! I also liked Markus's suggestion about a Half-Orc. I'm currently in a campaign that I think is ending. Our GM disappeared on us. I might go with him. I'm posting from his profile.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

CN I see...

Vharg seems like he would be fine.

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

I'm working on my character, should be finished tomorrow; Friday at the latest.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Hmm. Seeing that people are working on their new characters, I decided I better get busy. So I went and looked to download the Player' guide. Could only find the TRS product for $5. Is this what we need?

That's to buy a paper copy, you can download the pdf for free


Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Thanks! I looked but must have failed my perception check.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

So we've got:

1) Ramos, Half-Orc Barbarian (invulnerable rager), STR 18
2) Markus, Grippli Inquisitor? A tribal Sentinel sent out to study encroachment on habitat... not firmed up. Really trying to work a Grippli in there... hoping for crafting, too.
3) Khyrn, ?
4) Lucid, ?
5) Pavo, ?
6) Sverrir, ?

Khyrn is going with a ranger I believe and Sverrir was going to pass last time I checked.

Savage tide is much more crafting friendly than AoW.

Grippli ranged paladin, eventually getting a giant frog mount.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10
GM Fanguar wrote:
Grippli ranged paladin, eventually getting a giant frog mount.

Was hoping to fit Summoner into it, and get a medium sized mount! The great lizard beast from beyond!

I worry about lack of skill points. Hence, Inquisitor... also wisdom based, playing into racial stat bonuses.

Now, I see Ratfolk and Nagaji (Summoner, serpentine Eidolon). Not sure how much of a scurvy crew you're looking for.

Weird races are fine, Sassarine is a pretty eclectic place. I'm ok with summoners (as broken as they are) just no synthesists.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

Thanks for that last part. I am in a complex game at the moment were there will be PVP. 4 teams of 6. No summoners on our team, but a total of 5 of them out there, and 4 of them synthesists. So, of all the class/archtypes available we have 1 in 6 choosing a synthesist. Lucky for me only one is an elf or half elf. My witch can (and will) sleep hex the other three...

I had originally said I would play a fighter. But with a barbarian and now an inquisitor too I may change that. My alternate was a druid. I've played a half dozen melee druids but never a Pathfinder caster druid. I could give that a try. Let me read the player's guide before nailing it down.

Dwur Barbarian (Drunken Brute Invulnerable Rager) 8; AC: 18, Touch 11, FF 17; HP: 104/104; DR: 4/- ; Cold Resistance 1; Init: +1; Perception +10, Darkvision 90ft.; Fort +13 Ref +4 Will +4

Am still mulling this one as several of the pbp I play in are still in winter hibernation and thus I may have a slot or two free come time...

If I am able to play still fancying a Human Kordite Monk (Tetori) who is a penitent ex-criminal (Vow of Chains) - might consider multi-classing in Cleric (Evangalist) down the line...

Thinking Jean Valjean meets Macho Man Randy Savage ;S

Hu (M) Clr 2; hp 17/17; F +5, R +1, W +7; AC 17, t 10, ff 17; Init +4; Per +5; CMD 13

Just confirming GMF's comments - I'm going to be playing a spell-less ranger.

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Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)
Sverrïr Koltǫnn wrote:
\Thinking Jean Valjean meets Macho Man Randy Savage ;S


Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Wizard 8 AC 20/16, Touch 14, FF 17/13 / HP 50/50 / F +7 R +8 W +11; +2 vs. fear / Init. +7 / Perc. +12

And I was just gonna play a fighter. You guys are gonna make my step up my game. :)

We are starting at first level, right? I totally forget.

A potential problem I see is no arcane and no full divine. Who was gonna play a cleric?

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Small Inquisitor will most likely not be melee... more range and skill focused. Was just trying for Divine w/skill points. Probably multi-class into Summoner for the mount.

So, grippli w/lizard mount... or bilge rat w/R-O-U-S? (ratfolk).

Barbarian, Ranger & Tetori... losts of fighterish types.

Now, Summoner-wise, I really only like the Eidolon... could care less for the Summon Monster.

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

After seeing the line up, I am going to roll up a bard. There's alot of fontliners here and I'm going to try a support-ish roll.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Why? Half-Orc and lil dude were gonna be best buds!

Human Cleric of Ralishaz 3 AC 18 / HP 17/27 / F +5 R +3 W +7 / Init. +2 / Perc. +11)

*shrug* just seemed like alot of melee, and very little arcane support. Besides I don't have a bard on the forums yet, and it kinda appeals to me.. or another witch.

Male Human Lore Warden 3 - Scout 4 | AC 21/16/15 | HP 27/63 | F+7 R+9 W+4 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Cool, I'm gonna end up with an unoptimized mutt multi-class. Will do my best not to become a liability!

@Lucid: Synthesists are so broken they should be ret-conned out of the game. "Hey I know, let's give a class nine levels of spell over 6, having stoneskin as a third level spell shouldn't be that bad." How is it that no one spoke up and said "But can't all 3rd level spells be made into potions.....?

@Everybody: Play what you want!! You all have a spot guaranteed, you're not competing with optimized builds. Play something you've always wanted to or something bizzarre.

A party of 6 fighters is pretty much unstoppable until later levels. It would be nice to have someone with CLW on their spell list for wands, but that's hardly a necessity. If no one does, then people should pop some skill points in UMD, maybe pick up the dangerously curious trait.

Use a Wand, Staff, or Other Spell Trigger Item Normally, to use a wand, you must have the wand's spell on your class spell list. This use of the skill allows you to use a wand as if you had a particular spell on your class spell list. Failing the roll does not expend a charge.


I would rather have people excited about their character builds than to be all ho hum "Well I guess we need a healer" or wizard or whatever. An un-optimized party will have different challenges than your standard fighter/thief/cleric/wizard foursome, but that just means the party needs to play a little smarter.

You don't need healing if the enemy is dead before it can hit you.

Wizards are only scary if they are expecting trouble, not if you burn their towers down while they are sleeping.

/end rant

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