Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom

Game Master Aest

Stolen Lands
Combat Map (Also in my Header)

Loot Spreadsheet

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Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Alitsi’s comment about her “new mother” forces a snort-laugh out of Lali. She shakes her head, smiles, and gestures for the girl to follow her. The group heads out of the ballroom, Laliytsa relaxing as they leave the gaggle of nobles behind.

”Yer a genius Tiphane” Lali compliments the young girl. ”Snag us some real food, leave the fancy pants behind fer a bit.”
She turns to the other girl. ”Now. What yeh gotta ‘member. Nobles don’ think like regular folks. Look down on yeh fer all kinda dumb stuff. Me, ‘fore this? Monster hunter. Got hired by nobles some fer nasties on their land. An’ didn’ always go good.”

There’s a pause, then Lali starts to talk again, slower but still steady. ”I was too rough. Too ill-mannered. My accent too rough. So what I learned is, first thing, try not to be around them. But when you’re stuck with them? Keep quiet, stay on the outskirts, and think about everything you want to say before you say it. Treat it like being around a dangerous animal and you’ll do just fine.”

She pauses, heaves a sigh, then focuses back on Tiphane since they’re nearing the kitchens. ”Can we get in an’ out an’ not get in trouble? Don’ wanna get a ladle thrown at my head makin’ a cook angry”

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

GM Rolls, Nothing to Worry About Here:

1d20 ⇒ 20

”Land?” Elenna looks away for a moment. ”You’ll need to describe it, and then I’d need to think for a bit about what might grow there, or what might be mined.”

”What about the rivers?” Elenna makes another shushing gesture as Lander butts in again. ”Mother wanted to know about the rivers. Can you sail a boat down any of them? How much work would they need to stay boat-worthy?”

Elanna sighs. ”Mother asked us to be subtle, Lander. Yes, Baron, Lady Lebeda wants to know about alternatives to the Hooktongue Slough. It hasn’t been passable for a while, and trade down the Sellen depends on it being open. Of course, Baron Drelev might have better luck keeping it open, in which case, we’d need some incentive to use a different route for our trade.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

”Yes, the...ah...economic benefits.” Anton Garess looks down. ”We couldn’t guarantee, of course, that these mines would be profitable right away, and in that time, you’d need to provide for the miners. Just until they started producing. Then, for our expertise, we’d need to claim a bit of the profits as well. Since we’d be investing time, our resources, and capital in the project.”

”I’ll meet with the Baron at some other time. I’m sure he won’t be busy all evening. Good to talk with you, Sister.” Garess offers a hand to shake.

Sense Motive (DC 25):
Anton’s not being entirely truthful about the economic benefits of these mines.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

”I can. I dunno about you an’ Alitsi, though.” Tiphane grins mischievously as she looks at the door to the kitchens. ”There’s all sorts o’ little passages in the walls here. If someone were interested, that person could squirm their way all over the castle.”

”Oh, like in the tales of Berlan the Brave, where he has to sneak into the evil witches’ house to steal the princess back from them?” Alitsi interrupts, almost squealing with delight. It seems she’d only half-listened to Lali, but Tiphane’s story sparks her curiosity.

”Yeah, like that. Now, when the door opens, I’ll catch it for a moment, then you two go in. Ready? Go!” The door creaks open and two servants leave with silver trays. Then, a moment later, Lali, Alitsi, and Tiphane are inside the kitchens. The page quickly pulls a loaf of bread off one of the wooden tables, tossing it to Lali as she mouths an apology to the woman who’s just pulled it from the ovens. The woman glares back, then sees Lali. ”Sorry, miss. I didn’ know she was with you. Ent you supposed to be in the ballroom, talking with the other high-and-mightys?” She pushes her hair off her sweat-covered brow. ”And what’re you doing with that girl? She definitely ain’t supposed to be here.”

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 damn it

"Well I'm certain that the time invested will be well spent." Valeriya says, hearing no doubt in Anton's voice. "I will inform the Baron about your proposition, though I'm sure you understand that he will probably want some time to think before agreeing to anything. Good talking to you as well, go with the grace of Abadar." With that she shakes his hand and bids him a good evening.

As she walks back through the party she makes a quick note to look into this possible silver mine in more detail, but is not overly concerned, as Anton Garess seemed like a trustworthy sort. She moves back toward Kazamir, thinking that he may want her help navigating the muddy conversational waters of a noble party.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Site's been very screwy for me lately. I keep getting locked out during my posting times.
Making a roll before I answer, so...

Profession (farmer): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 to determine how suitable the Greenbelt is for crops and livestock, and what for.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Yeah, the last couple of weeks have been rough, thanks to the site. I've been going from separate computers, and having to log in 8 or 9 times a day. The maintenance has been rough, too.

The many streams and creeks of the Greenbelt make water a non-issue in many places, though each region of the Greenbelt offers its own challenges. In the Narlmarch, simply clearing enough land to plant more than subsistence crops could be daunting, given the trees (and, along the Thorn River, the brambles). It might be wise to hire people for large-scale clearing, if that's a strategy you wish to pursue. The Kamelands are clear, but the hills, ravines, and defiles would likely make it tougher for large-scale farming. Nevertheless, the climate's a touch warmer than most of Brevoy, and farming works there, so it should work in the Greenbelt.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

”Oughta, yep” Laliytsa nods as she rips off a piece of the roll and hands it to Alitsi. ”Wanna? Nope. Don’ wanna get in yer way, but the break’s nice.”

”Alitsi’s dad asked me to watch her fer a bit, make it easier fer him to talk to the fancy pants an’ stuff” She tears off a bit of bread and pops in into her mouth; she’s thrilled to get some actual real food in her stomach. Good stuff, this”

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

"Water for agriculture wouldn't be an issue; there's more than enough streams and such to provide for it," Kazimir answers, noting Valeriya heading back his way and feeling instantly better about the situation. "Clearing the land would be difficult, but doable with enough men, and many of the same crops that grow here could be used there. Plenty of grazing land, as well." Stopping short of bringing up his own humble background, reasoning it wouldn't much help here, he adds nothing further on the topic, but frowns and thinks back to the size of the rivers.

"As for boats, well... it depends on the size of the boat," he shrugs.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

”It depends on the size of the boat?” Lander rolls his eyes and stomps off toward a table covered in wine glasses.

”My brother is…” Elenna takes a breath, fumbling for words. ”He doesn’t have the faintest clue of diplomacy. Your lands don’t sound like the most profitable, but if the rivers are big enough, we could weave together an arrangement. Why don’t we meet tomorrow at dawn, near Restov’s docks? There are a few boats there we could use as the basis of our discussions.” She pauses, grinning slyly as Valeriya arrives. ”Until then, I’m afraid we don’t have very much solid to discuss. Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourselves? It would be nice to know the people we may be working with.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

”Well, I’ll let you in, and the little miss, but Tiphane’s been nothin’ but trouble. You keep an eye on her and don’t let her poach more of this bread.” The woman goes back to her oven. ”We’ll be short again tomorrow, otherwise. fancy pants types, thinkin’ they can just waltz in wherever they want.

Most of the other cooks and servants in the kitchen ignore Lali and the two girls, though Tiphane occasionally draws a glare from one or another as she sneaks away pastries, which she slips to Alitsi and Lali.

Perception (DC 15):
In between two of the big fireplaces is a section of stone that’s designed to be pushed in. It’s only about three feet tall and two wide.

Perception (DC 20):
Behind the wall, you can hear something that sounds vaguely like how Nah sounded.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Lali freezes, the pastry she was just shoving falling to the floor as she takes off, dragging Tiphane behind her and almost running over one of the servants in her haste. When the man looks like he's going to protest she glares at him and puts a finger to her lips

Arriving at the wall she whispers to the girl "Tip? Passage behin' this? Where's it gonna lead to?" she says, pointing to the movable section. "Somethin' behin' there, an' it ain't human"

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Valeriya arrives keeping her face a pleasant mask, all she caught of the conversation before her arrival was something about boats. Oh well, she thinks I am certain Baron Kazimir would not agree to anything foolish, I shall be sure to ask him for more details later. For the moment she turns her attention to the young woman's question. She sweeps her robes up with one hand as she performs a well executed bow (having never liked curtsying much).

"Greetings Elena Lebeda," she says, remembering her name from earlier. "I am Valeriya Mikhailovna, I am currently serving on retainer as legal counsel to the Baron Vasilovich. I am in service to the Baron to assist with any delicate negotiations or clerical duties, as is my role in the clergy of The Judge of Judges." She is sure not mention her Issian roots or home in the capital, she has as of recently found it wise to make it clear the position (or lack of one) she holds in that particular debate. "If it is business or the law that you discuss then I am sure I could be or service" she says with a practiced gesture across her robes."Though if you speak for pleasure then I would much rather discuss theology or travel" she adds with a friendly smile.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

"Well, as for myself, I'm not used to such fancy, far-reaching matters of nobility or diplomacy,"[/n] Kazimir admits, fighting against his own hand as it instinctively goes for his hair. [b]"Back home, I worked with cattle, not nobles, and fought with my siblings, not bandits. But I left my home for the Stolen Lands under the urge of the Elkfather, and have fought, bled, and died for them since. If I am to rule them, I can think of no better to have at my side than those who stand with me tonight." After nodding to Valeriya and glancing around in vain for Luthor and Lali, he adds, "wherever they may be."

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Restarting at the beginning of Book Two with Kingdom in the Background.

22 Lamashan, 4711 AR

Follow the South Rostland Road west across the southernmost reaches of Brevoy and, as the road degrades to a pair of wagon-ruts, take a southern turn at Oleg’s Trading Post (run these days by an ex-trapper and her brother, a former guide in the Stolen Lands). There, a small track dives into the wildlands of Roheline. The track keeps a healthy distance from the Narlmarch’s twisted trees and uncountable streams, instead running across the Kamelands’ hills for nearly thirty miles before it meets the Thorn River. A dozen miles after the Thorn meets the Shrike, their combined waters pour into the lake known as the Tuskwater, and there, or the lake’s shores…

”Tig Becke, stop following your nose and start pulling your weight!”

”Sorry, da’. Just, the others’ve brought so much good stuff, and we’ve just got some lousy carrots. Shoulda planted wheat to make bread an’ cakes.”

”We’ve been over this a dozen times, Tig. Your father doesn’t think the land’d produce with wheat, or corn, or anything but roots, so roots are what we’re growing. Now listen to your father and get these bags outta the wagon.”

”Yes, mum…”

Tig Becke, all nine years of him, hoists a bag up with a grunt and then lowers it off the back of the two-wheeled wagon. The grey mare still harnessed to the front of it offers a very horsey ”Pfffffffffft.” sound and turns around, prompting Tig to feed him a carrot...or at least to try, before his mother’s withering stare makes him change his mind.

None of this familial interaction is lost on Kazimir, Luthor, Laliytsa, or Valeriya, the baron of Roheline and his companions. From their perch on the porch of Oleg’s Tavern, the rulers of the northern Greenbelt can finally kick back and begin savoring their hard work over the last eighteen months. And had work it’s been. Planning the town’s main thoroughfare, laying foundations, clearing land for the farms...even helping to lay in enough food to survive that first winter...everything had taken energy, and money the four hadn’t known existed in the Stolen Lands. Now, the little barony of Roheline had debts, but it also had successes. The sounds of familial arguments is a testament to that.

*Thock! Thock! Thock!*

Svetlana’s baby, Misha, covers his ears and glares at the sound of his father hammering a nail into the tavern’s outer wall. He stops, reading one of the notices he’s putting up. ”’Wanted: Dragon.’ Ptah! Ridiculous. ‘A green dragon in the Narlmarches south of Elkheart has been hunting trappers in the woods. A heavy reward awaits those who slay the monster.’” He continues hammering, oblivious to his wife’s attempts to calm their baby.

”You know, there’s not that many problems here. If you wanted, you could go after that dragon. Or you could poke around more in the south. There’s a lot of unexplored territory out there, and Elkheart would probably be safer if we knew what was out there. Akiros and I could probably run things until you got back.”

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Valeriya sits, humming softly and composing a letter to sub-bishop Seltov. She writes of nothing important, merely a routine update.

The Barony is advancing well, Elkheart is quaint, and whilst I have always preferred the city, there is a certain charm to the rustic reaches. Due to my efforts I believe that local land rights will be just about the most clearly defined in all of Brevoy. Additionally...

She ceases her writing as the hammering sound fills the room. Her eyes quickly scan the notice, and then sigh. She had been enjoying the peaceful progression of this jurisdiction. After-all she thinks, Abadar's words springing to her mind peace is grease upon the wheels of civilisation. A dragon promises to disturb this productive peace. When the hammering, and talking is complete she speaks up.

"Thank-you for your kind offer." she begins, then turns to her party. "Whilst I will leave the decision to you Baron -as is you lawful right- I fear that a dragon may quickly become a hindrance to the development of your people. I am no expert on the matter (no ranks in knowledge arcana) but I believe the beasts are at their best, covetous, and at their worst, ravenous. I am of the belief that we should consider resolving this issue as expediently as possible. However" she says, spreading her hands in mock surrender "I truly know very little about dragons, perhaps I am in error."

In the last few months it has become clear that a formal, somewhat legalistic tonem is simply Valeriya's natural mode of speech.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

"There's no dragon out there." Oleg rolls his eyes. "If there were, wouldn't we have heard about it by now. More likely, someone's gotten into a Tatzl's den and stirred them up. Best thing t'do is leave the poor bastards and let them solve their own problems."

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Apologies; didn't see that this was updated. Blasted site.

Ever accepting of hard work, Kazimir has nonetheless been enjoying the chance to relax. The letters to and from his former home have been waning in frequency as the work gets harder and the hours longer, but each is a welcome reminder of simplers times and simpler people.

In a way, the taciturn Oleg is one of his favourite people in the burgeoning settlement, a sentiment unacted on and unreciprocated.

"I don't know much of dragons or 'Tatzls', but perhaps it would do us well to look into this," he concedes, nodding to Valeriya. "Maybe we can prepare for a long journey and stretch our legs? It has been some time, after all." He glances across the table at Luthor and Laliytsa, eyes shining with a hint of the boyish enthusiasm that brought him to this place. "What do you say?"

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Valeriya thinks for a moment, fingers running along the curve of her chin as she does so. "Even so" she says, as she opens her holy-text to find a quotation "I believe that we should investigate, for does the judge of judges not say:

Upon the earth or firmament there is no problem
So small or unformidable that it does not warrant resolution
For it is the way of gears, regardless of their perfection
To be shattered by only splinters of metal"

She snaps the book and finishes by saying "In any case I believe you are right Baron, it would be pleasant to travel again."

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

"Oughta go" Lali says, already thinking how nice it'll be to get out and explore again. Building the settlement has been the most rewarding thing she's done in her life, but it means she hasn't been out in the wilderness proper in months. Besides, these rumors of a dragon sound credible to her. "Graelem an' I founda wyrven 'while back, likely our 'dragon' righ' there"

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Svetlana finishes calming her baby as Oleg grumps away from the tavern's entrance, disappearing inside the building. She follows, reappearing with a rolled bit of parchment, which she unfurls to reveal a map.

"We still don't know very much about what's in the Narlmarches, so, since you're going out, if you find anything worth knowing about, it'd be best for everyone living here if we knew about it. Please, try not to be gone too long, just in case there's a problem Akiros or I can't handle."

Want to plot a course? Just say which directions you want to go and I'll plot it out on the map.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

24 Lamashan, 4711 AR

GM Rolls, Nothing to Worry About Here:

1d10 ⇒ 8
1d100 ⇒ 48

I've plotted a course. Since the dragon's been spotted in the Narlmarches, we'll go that way first.

Though Roheline is little more than a village on the shore and a few farms, there are affairs that need to be put in order. A farmer with a land dispute...a group of Kellid barbarians stopping by for supplies...Hunters and trappers wanting to talk about the situation in the northern Narlmarch...there is much to do for Kazimir, Luthor, Lali, and Valeriya...

The fields near Elkheart are empty, most of them at least, as the party makes their way out of the village and into the wilds, and there's just a thin crust of ice on the edges of the Tuskwater. The cold is bracing, but not biting, and the few wispy clouds let the morning's light shine through on what were, a few weeks ago, wheat fields and row of root vegetables.

After a break for a mid-day meal on the edge of the Narlmarch, the party enters the woods, following the Skunk River west. The trees overhead have lost most of their leaves and, instead of a green-and-gold ceiling, the party is accompanied by stark shadows of branches and twigs moving in the gentle Lamashan breeze. As they travel down the riverbank, that breeze begins to carry on it a high-pitched voice...

"No, no, no, why did you have to try that branch? How are you supposed to get it off the riverbed without proper leverage? Haven't you ever tried stopping and thinking? Now quit standing around and do something!"

Just around the bend sit two small wagons, a handful of tents, and a quartet of ponies. five bedraggled, soaking, and freezing gnomes sit near a small fire, while three more seem to be trying to wade out into the Skunk River. Another, in chain armor and a bandage over one eye, stands on a rock jutting out into the river, screaming shrill orders at the top of his lungs. A moment later, it's clear why. Stuck in the main flow is a third small wagon, with two panicked ponies still harnessed to it.

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Valeriya is enjoying the morning walk, the feel of the brisk air on her face, the bracing cold, the feel of the ground being eaten by her stride. It's good to be travelling again she thinks to herself, she has always thought that trade, and therefore travel, may be one of the noblest and most enjoyable parts of Abadar's portfolio. Certainly a step up from endless minor property quibbles if nothing else.

As her eyes look with approval on the lush autumnal forest, her ears catch the voice crying out. Her pace quickens as the party emerges to spot the gnomes and horses. She assesses the situation and then speaks rapidly and quietly.

"Baron perhaps you would like to calm those people, you are empowered by both your rank and personality to do so. Lali perhaps you would like to try much the same for those ponies, I believe you are much more familiar with animals than myself."

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Kaz had felt sorry for his old horse as he'd saddled Surefoot once again, tying and buckling the tack worn smooth and loose from years of exposure and wear. "I promise I'll take the dragon without forcing you near it, alright?" he muttered as he fixed the reins. Already old, the last eighteen months were starting to show. "Gonna be time for you to retire soon," he'd sighed.

At least the ride was pleasant enough for now. The roads and paths were easy, and following the river was gentle on his horse's gait. One last ride, he tells himself as more and more of the river disappears behind him. No running, no charging. Just an easy path. With any luck, we'll find the dragon sleeping, and I can leave him somewhere safe.

The voice startles him from the simple enjoyment of the ride, and as the party rounds the bend, the unexpected sight of the gnomes and ponies gives him momentary pause. However, it isn't long before he's off his horse and headed for the river.

"We can help here," he says with all the surety and half-founded confidence that's stayed with him since he first set foot in the Stolen Lands, as he eyes the river, trying to determine the best way to get out there.

How deep does the river appear to be, and how fast is it flowing? Can Kaz wade out, or will he have to swim?

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

The river isn't too deep through here, and it's only in a few places that the depth and current would be too much to wade through. DC 10 swim check. Unfortunately, once you get to the wagon, the ponies are in a panic, and will need to be unhitched from the wagon before everything can be taken care of.

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"Fair travellers" Valeriya calls out to the gnomes. "I believe we can assist. Do not fear, I am going to call a blessed creature to assist us.

With that I'll wait to see if they have any problems with this, and if they don't begin casting Summon Monster II to summon a Celestial Octopus (from the Summon Good Monster list), my intention being to use it to unhitch the ponies. I'll use Evolve Summon Monster to give it an additional +8 to swim, with the Skilled evolution.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Swim: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

After taking a few moments to size up the river (and thinking as little as possible of the time he found himself half-drowned and swept downstream), Kazimir wades out into the river, walking surely and carefully across the bed to reach the wagon. More than once, his booted feet find only water, but with minimal flailing and grasping, he makes his way out, approaching the closest pony with his hands spread wide. "Shhhh, shhh," he coos, attempting to unhitch the panicked creature.

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

The gnomes, though somewhat worse for wear, start to cheer Kazimir on as he heads out into the water. The first pony calms down just enough for Kazimir to get a hand on the harness around it and slip it loose. A moment later, the animal alternatively swims and wades itself to shore, where three gnomes manage to calm it down. A moment later, the octopus succeeds at making it over to the wagon. However, as soon as it frees the other pony, the poor animal dashes headlong into the river!

So, we have the wagon unhitched and the pony in the water.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

"Ah heck" Laliytsa groans as the other pony makes a senseless run up the river. She's still sitting on Wild; the training she's given him has made them closer, but there's something else that's made their bond deeper, stronger. She doesn't need to use the reins anymore.

Ride: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Handle Pony: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

She nudges Wild so they're trotting in the shallows in the same direction as the panicking pony. "Hey baby, c'mon, yeh don' wanna go that way" she croons, clucking her tongue a few times with the hopes it will head this way.

Wild Swims?:
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Lali is able to, with Wild's help, fish the second pony out of the cold water, and then to herd it back to the gnomes.

"What about the wagon? It has my maps and my notes and my surveying equipment!" The bandaged, mail-clad gnome stands on his rock, stamping his feet nervously...or perhaps angrily as the river pounds against the wooden slats of his wagon and rushes through the spokes of its wheels.

It'll take a large Strength check to move the wagon, unless someone else can come up with a different solution. I'll allow as many people as want to to assist, and the highest roll will be the base number.

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Could we have the octopus wrap around it and lift to help get it out?

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Sure, it might help. It probably won't be enough by itself, though.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

"I'm getting to it," Kazimir grunts, fishing around for the underside of the wagon and lifting. A muscle in his shoulder twitches, and he realizes just how long it's been since he was last out working with his own hands and strength like this.

"Alright," he mutters, "let's do this the hard way." Trying not to watch the bizarre creature that wraps itself around a rock next to him and pulls as he does, he takes a deep breath and focuses all his strength on the wagon.

Starting bloodrage for that neato +4 strength. Expending as many rounds as it takes to drag this thing out, up to my maximum of 6.
Strength: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"Herald of Abadar heed my call -
Pull the wagon, maps and all -"

Valeriya intones she commands the octopus to assist her lord baron. Its skin is the colour of brass and a patterns of interlocking lines - like roads on a map - weave across its body. It immediately wraps it's strong tentacles around the wagon and heaves.

I'll have the octopus assist Kazamir in his strength check. If it's too late to do so then feel free to consider this roll as a separate attempt.
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Valeriya herself also steps into the water after throwing off her cloak, having never been afraid of getting a little bit dirty, and lends her own strength to the effort.

same as above, an assist, unless it's too late, in which case, an individual roll.
Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Botting a bit. Trying to maintain a bit more pacing than I have been.

Luthor Strength: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Lali Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

The octopus proves to be, if not a hindrance, than certainly not a help. Its tentacles are able to get a solid grip on the wagon, but the river-cobbles prove to be less than adequate places to find purchase, and it's unable to provide much leverage. Luthor fares no better, as his robes quickly become drenched and he's unable to make it to the wagon to help. However, Valeriya and Kazimir are able to free up the wagon's wheels and allow a prodigious pull from Lali to get the wagon floating toward shore. A few moments later, the gnomes on shore help to pull it up the riverbank, where their apparent leader waits.

"Greetings, denizens of the Stolen Lands, and thank you for the timely assistance!" As soon as the wagon is on dry land, he climbs up the rails and into the back, muttering as he goes. "Water damage here and here. We'll have to go back to recorrect the map. So much time lost." He re-emerges after a minute, a few sealed wooden tubes in hand (including one whose top has a crack in it), and throws an over exaggerated bow.

"My name is Jubilost Narthropple, PhD, DDS, Esquire. Graduated top three in my classes in Lepidstadt. Explorer, connoisseur, and raconteur. My expedition left Pitax almost a month ago, and if you can believe it, we hadn't encountered a serious problem until now."

The other gnomes roll their eyes and start heckling The Honorable Doctor Narthropple, and he returns their heckles with a vicious glare.

"I said serious problems! In any case, we've been mapping the southern Kamelands at the request of Grandlord Ulfric Divretto, though I daresay I'd have gone myself had I not been asked." He pauses, eyebrow furling over his unbandaged eye. "Say...what are you doing here?"

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Lali’s first move is to head over to the ponies and help to look them over; they could have injured themselves, and she doesn’t want them pulling a wagon until she’s sure they’re ok. She keeps one ear on the conversation and tries to remember everything she knows about the places the Gnome mentions.

K. Geography: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
”This here is Roheline, an’ we’re it’s Stewards. Our territory, part from’a Brevoy charter an’ part ‘cause we ran out the bandits an’ take care of those what live here.” she says idly, picking up one of the pony’s hooves to check the sole. Something about some unknown person sending in people to map the place gets her hackles up; feels like another hunter checking her trap lines.

”That there’s Baron Kazimir Vasilovich, leads us. Kinda surprised nobody told yeh ‘bout us.”

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

"Kazimir, please," Kaz adds in a voice only slightly above a mumble, looking more bedraggled than usual as he shakes water out of the joints of his armour. "We heard reports of a dragon, and as stewards, we're headed out to take care of it."

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

"Roheline? Never heard of it." Jubilost Narthropple pulls off his helmet, poring over his maps. "Grandlord Divretto speaks for King Irovetti, since he's a busy man. If you were to ask me..." He lowers his voice conspiratorially. [smaller]"I'd say that King Irovetti is less interested in having this place and more interested in knowing what's here.[/bigger] In any case, you saved me quite a bit of time and money, so the least we can do is invite you to share a meal." The gnome

The pony's shoes are still in good shape in spite of its swim, though the whole group of them seem perhaps a touch thin. Perhaps, though, that's less to do with mistreating them and more to do with the length of the journey.

Dinner turns out to be a very spicy fare, some sort of fowl with an overabundance of pepper and some sort of sauce that leaves a burning in the back of the throat. The gnomes go at it with a gusto, leaving an empty pot between them and the party. After, Jubilost belches. "Now, about a dragon? We found a handful of Tatzlwyrms, and signs of a drake, but if there's a full-fledged dragon in the woods, we've seen neither head or tail of it. Speaking of what we've found..." He pauses. "You claim to be the noble in charge of these lands, so you must know something about them. I've recorded a number of interesting locations. Maybe we can trade, or you could purchase some of our information for your own maps. Assuming you keep some, at least."

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

Valeriya sits politely through dinner, eating enough of the food so as not to be seen as rude, despite the sweat it brings to her brow and the burning it brings to her tongue. She waits patiently for an oppertunity to emerge to discuss the maps. Having well drawn maps of the surrounding area would be a great boon to our endeavours she thinks, if nothing else it would make the job of surveying less odious. Finally, with her needing to say a word, the gnomes bring up selling information, she had hoped they would, they seem the sort who are willing to trade for all manner of things.

"I believe trading for or purchasing some of this information would be a great boon my Baron" she says to Kazimir before turning to the gnomes. "Indeed we are aware of some of the locations of interest in the surrounding lands, and I believe that an exchange of information would be greatly beneficial to both parties. If nothing else, any more information regarding the Tatzlwyrms and Drake would be put to great use. Tell me, what terms would you trade under? Do you seek primarily information or gold?"

Valeriya smiles as she opens up negotiations, knowing that even if she and the party do not have enough information to trade, she has a large bag of gold on her horse.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

"Well, to be honest, information would be better." Jubilost's associates glare, boo, and start throwing insults at their leader, to which he responds, red-faced. "I said better, you ingrates! BETTER! Do you want to be wandering these forests for another three months when you get paid for the whole job?" The other gnomes gradually settle down, though a few ridicule Jubilost for another couple of seconds before it's quiet.

"Much better. Now, as I said, information would be better, but you did save most of my maps, and all of my mapmaking tools, so I'd be prepared to sell information as well. I'd even be prepared to sell it at a discount." The gnomes once again start their ridiculing and insulting. "Look, would we have a map to sell if they hadn't saved our wagon? Did you lot free it up and get it to shore? No, you got a little bit wet, a tiny bit hurt from a couple of kobolds, and you gave up!" Satisfied with his tongue-lashing of the rest of his party, he turns back to the group.

"So, my price is 500 gold swords, or dragons, or whatever you call them around here, for a spot on the map. Guaranteed to be where I say it is, Narthropple's honor!"

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

"When did yeh run into Kobolds?" Lali says, sidestepping the idea of giving up their gold for a moment. "Kinda allies with 'em, mebbe can get 'em to leave yeh alone?"

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

"Well, we had two run-ins. At least I think we did." Jubilost points to the bandage covering one eye and his forehead. "First time, we fought them off and started making for the river earlier today. Figured we could get there, cross, and shake them. Second time, we were looking for a place to cross and something dropped out of the trees. It covered the animals with a white powder, filled the air, and got in everyone's eyes. The ponies panicked. Two of the wagons splashed across the river, but the third got stuck. And that's when you showed up. My men had given up, most of them, and were setting up camp."

He pauses. "You know that kobolds are manipulative tricksters who won't abide by your rules, right? My uncle was a kobold, and there wasn't a good bone in his body." Jubilost looks at his feet. [b]"I mean, he wasn't always a kobold, but he always had a kobold's brain!"

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"Some Kobolds do break the stereotype, and are just and honourable" Valeirya says, remembering Nah. "However that is hardly important, I have the gold to pay your fare." she turns to her party "unless of course we posses adequate information to trade of course.

The maps were decided before I was around, I'm happy to just pay the 500 gold if it will save on hassle.

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

Kazimir exchanges worried glances with Laliytsa and Luthor at the mention of kobold trouble. "If we run into them, we'll see what we can do. If they're giving you trouble, perhaps they're like to give us trouble, as well."

I figure Lali or Luthor would be most likely to have our maps for now.

"Our own maps might not be as filled out as your own, but perhaps they can be of some use. Lali, do you still have them?"

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

Thinking about it I probably do since I'm our pathfinder

Lali digs in her saddlebags and pulls out the group's maps. "Got 'em" She spreads the maps out on the ground. "Now, I don' mind sharin' 'em since yeh said yer gonna be wanderin' 'round gettin' it anyways. Saves us havin' to save yeh or dealin' with yeh vanishin' out here or somethin' She shrugs

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Jubilost ponders over the maps, pulls his out, and makes some quick visual comparisons. "I could trade where your river crossing on the Thorn was for a wonderful hot springs north of there, along the Skunk. Or there's a rather interesting site off to the east of here. Other than that, you don't have a lot of places on your map we really care about. We can probably find your settlement by backtracking your path, or just following the river. Still, we have some wonderful places you might want to visit. An abandoned keep with some odd plants, or an old ferry across the Shrike, for instance. I''d be willing to sell you the information for 500 swords, or dragons, or whatever you call them, as long as it's gold."

Narthropple is interested in the ford across the Thorn river. He's also willing to sell information. He has three landmark locations across the Greenbelt (major sites you'd find just by straying into their hexes) and five other sites scattered across the southern Greenbelt.

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"I will purchase this information at the price you offered, I believe it is fair" Valeriya says. She then withdraws from her bag a sheet of high quality paper, and begins writing a contract to cover the transaction. Her hand writing is small and neat, she makes no errors, having written up similar documents hundreds of times. She shrugs off anyone telling her the contract is not nessecary, saying "trust is at the core of all soceities, and stating intent and expectations clearly, maintains trust."

It takes her only a few minutes to have the contract drawn up. She sprinkles sand on the wet ink to dry it, then presents it for signatures, it is a clear and concise agreement for an exchange of the geographical information offered, for 500 gold pieces, to be payed immediately. As she gives the gnomes and her party a chance to read it she withdraws several bags of gold that she was carrying on different parts of her person, combining them to make 500, she places the bulging leather bag next to the contract.

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

Narthropple skims the contract as Valeriya writes, shaking his head and narrowing his eyes. It seems I did not state my intentions clearly. My price is 500 swords for one of my discoveries! After all, you must appreciate that it's a lot of work to discover these things!"

Ini +3; HP 35/35; AC 16 T 13 FF 13; Fort+6 Ref +7 Will+3; Perc +10

"500 EACH?" Lali shouts. "Ain't even have 'em if'n we hadn'na got yer stuff outta the river. "Mebbe can pay yeh more, but fer 500 each id'a jus' walk there"

The Once and Future Kingmaker Battle Maps, Kingmaker: Svetlana's Tale Battle Maps

"It's your decision. I have the knowledge, and you don't." Narthropple's face flushes, and he takes a few breaths. His angering face betrays the calmness of his words. He stands up and walks around the fire a few times.

When he sits back down, some of the flushing is gone from his face. "Feel free to stay the night with us. If you change your mind, the map will be here, with me. In the mean time, maybe you could tell us where your town is? We'll probably swing around north of here and then come back down, so a chance to resupply might be helpful then. And it'd give you another chance to buy some information."

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"Perhaps we shall take you up on a night of hospitality, you are most gracious to offer it. I am sure my friend's temper is merely fervour for a good deal, and will be cooled by a night's rest. I will likely purchase at least one of your pieces of information, but please, grant me the evening to discuss and conclude which one. With that, she gives a short bow, and gestures for her party to join her on a short walk away from the fire. "My companions and I will discuss and walk" she says, excusing herself.

Once away from the fire, she says. "As steep as the man's prices are, I fear they are his to set, for as Abadar says:

A Market with but one seller, is a market with but one price.

However I believe this information will still be in our benefit. Which location do we seek? I will of course secede to your judgement Baron."

Male human Paladin (shining knight of Erastil) 2 / Bloodrager (Celestial) 1 | AC 19, T 10, FF 19 | hp 7/34 | Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +5 | CMD 18 | Initiative +1 | Perception +0 | Smite Evil 0/1 | Lay on Hands 1/3 | Bloodrage rounds 3/6

That feeling when the forums eat your post and you don't notice for a week... Thanks, new site -__-

"Our resources are somewhat lacking," Kazimir admits. "We can afford at most, two locations - and that's assuming you want to front one on your own. Unless anyone objects, I would request the village and the abandoned keep. We will have to expand our reach eventually, and both would be useful - as allies or as locations to assimilate." After wondering for a moment if he used the right word, he nods. "In any case, hospitality shared will do us good. If we can curry his favour, perhaps we will be able to talk down the price."

Let's stay the night, and maybe I'll be able to roll Diplomacy in the morning. Just giving anyone who wants to object a chance to do so. Sorry.

Female Human (Taldan) Cleric(Herald Caller of Abadar) 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 16 / T: 10 / FF: 16 | Fort: +6, Ref: +1, Will: +7(+8 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +5, Ranged: +3 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Init: +0, Perception: +11, Sense Motive: +10 | Channel 5/5 | Agile Feet 6/6

"I agree baron," Valeriya says "both with your assessment and your choice of locations. After a moment's thought she adds "I will attempt to assist in negotiations but I would not wish to short-change the man, it is his information, rightly sold. None the less, on the morrow we shall purchase these two locations and then perhaps be moving on, we still have this dragon report to investigate.

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