Gestalt Borderlands (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

The Crypt
The Crypt 2nd Level

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hey wolf...not sure if you have accepted people or are recruiting, but Tirion is a quality player!!

No I'm not. Oh damn, has my simulacrum been posting again.

Shadow Lodge

Given a look at what's needed I'll go with my demolitions expert, take the infusion discovery, prepare pretty much entirely cure spells
Given we're allowed low CR monstrous races, I'd love to play as a Doppelgänger, if not that then a drow noble would work superb as well
For traits I'm going with scavenger and anyweaponizer
And I'm going to say crash landed here about a month ago,
Are we using the D20 modern guns the psthfinder ones or do you have your own set. I'm wanting a pair of pistols.

Shadow Lodge

As soon as I get the go ahead on doppelgänger I'll run it through a generator (if not then I could go animal lord (fox) or fox lycanthrope or Therianthrope, Foxwere)
Actually I like the idea of the fox shapeshifter better than the anything shapeshifter

Lord Foul - give me two links to your preferred races.
I would suggest not a gunslinger.
Very few weapons will be guns but there will be many general weapons.

A reccomendtion from Fizzy runs far in my book! :)

Start getting it cooked up Tirion. You can be a siren if you want, Elo can be eclipsed easily.

Shadow Lodge

Phooie, the psionic class marksman works fine, and in fact gives me another healing spell though I'd like to come in with my own guns, though your statement that guns are rare surprises me given the origins from a first person shooter
Animal lord, +2 template, I'm choosing a fox for thematicness and because of it's low power
Therianthrope, Foxwere

Yes well we are taking most of borderlands and applying the gazillion guns to weapons.

I am liking the animal lord better.

Shadow Lodge

Animal lord definitely works :)
I'll get right on building the character
Though without guns... Hmm that basically means back to the drawing board, though keeping animal lord,
Would you allow the previously linked 3rd party warlock class? I could take that with oracle because you guys need a healer, play up the angle of powers granted by a divine being

Shadow Lodge

As soon as I find out I'll build the character
If warlock is no go I'll go Bard, arcane duelist.
Honestly if I'm perfectly honest both work perfectly fine I'm good either way I just want to know so I can build the character.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay I have nearly finished with crunch. (What, I do this by hand and it takes some time).

Minus mundane gear, (and possibly a trait) here is Senva:

Female Fecthling

Character sheet:
Void Touched Sorcerer/Heavens Oracle 3
NG Medium outsider(native)
Init: +4; Senses: Dark vision 60’, Low-Light Vision, Perception +5
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge) 19 vs. AoO to move
AC (with Coat of many stars active) 19, T: 15, FF: 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge) 23 vs. AoO to move
hp 21 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Cold, fire and electricity resist: 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee -2 ( )
Melee Touch +2
Ranged +2 ( )
Str 10,
Dex 18,
Con 12,
Int 10,
Wis 10,
Cha 20

Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Eschew materials

Traits: Magic in the Blood(?), Two-World Magic (Unwitting ally), Born on Pandora.

Skills (12):
Linguistics (1 rank +0 int):+1
Diplomacy (1 rank, +5 Cha, +3 class): +9
Bluff (1 rank, +5 Cha, +3 class): +9
Use magic Device (1 Rank, +5 Cha, +3 class): +9
Fly (1 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class): +8
Acrobatics (1 rank, +4 Dex): +5
Knowledge (Arcana) (1 rank +3 class): +4
Stealth (1 rank, +4 dex, +2 Racial):+7
Spellcraft (1 rank, +3 class): +4
Intimidate (1 rank, +5 cha, +3 class):+9
Perception (2 ranks, +0 wis, +3 class): +5

Languages: Common, Alko

Cloak of resistance, +1
Page of Spell Knowledge (1st level)
Cracked Magenta Prism
Dull Gray Rhomboid

(150 gp left)

Race Abilities:
Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.
Shadowy Resistance: Fetchlings have cold resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5
Skilled: Fetchlings have a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Stealth checks. [b]Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A fetchling can use disguise self once per day as a spell-like ability. He can assume the form of any humanoid creature. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, he gains shadow walk (self only) as a spell-like ability usable once per day as a spell-like ability. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 13th level in any combination of classes, he gains plane shift (self only, to the Shadow Plane or the Material Plane only) usable once per day as a spell-like ability. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice.
Dark vision: 60’
Low-Light Vision:
Class Abilities, Oracle:
Mystery: Heavens.
Curse: Blackened
Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.
You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.
At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.
At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.
At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.
Revelation: Coat of Many Stars: (1st level) Coat of Many Stars (Su): You conjure a coat of starry radiance that grants you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this armor grants you DR 5/slashing. You can use this coat for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive; it can instead be spent in 1-hour increments.
Awesome Display: (3rd level) Your phantasmagoric displays accurately model the mysteries of the night sky, dumbfounding all who behold them. Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier (if positive).
Mystery Spells: color spray (2nd), hypnotic pattern (4th), daylight (6th), rainbow pattern (8th), overland flight (10th), chain lightning (12th), prismatic spray (14th), sunburst (16th), meteor swarm (18th).
Spells:*snip*In addition to the spells gained by oracles as they gain levels, each oracle also adds all of either the cure spells or the inflict spells to her list of spells known (cure spells include all spells with “cure” in the name, inflict spells include all spells with “inflict” in the name). These spells are added as soon as the oracle is capable of casting them. This choice is made when the oracle gains her first level and cannot be changed.*snip*
Class Abilities, Sorcerer:
Bloodline: Wildblooded- Void-touched (Starsoul)
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast an evocation spell, you may select one affected target that fails its save to suffer the choking airlessness of the void, silencing it (as silence, but affecting only the target) for 1 round. This is a supernatural ability.
Bloodline Powers: Black Motes (Sp): (1st level) This ability works exactly like (and replaces) minute meteors, except it deals cold damage. (Minute Meteors: At 1st level, you can summon a rain of tiny meteorites as a standard action to fall in a 5-foot column, 30 feet high, with a range of 30 feet. The meteors inflict 1d4 points of fire damage + 1 per 2 sorcerer levels. A Reflex save negates this damage. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.)
Voidwalker (Ex): (3rd level) At 3rd level, you gain low-light vision and resist cold and fire 5. At 9th level, you no longer need to breathe, as if wearing a necklace of adaptation.
Bonus Spells: unseen servant (3rd), glitterdust (5th), blink (7th), call lightning storm (9th; dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at night), overland flight (11th), repulsion (13th), reverse gravity (15th), greater prying eyes (17th), meteor swarm (19th).
5 (Oracle) and 5 (Sorcerer)– Orisons and Cantrips
3 and 3 – 1st level spells
1st level Bloodline and Mystery Spells, all cure spells and curse spells.

Sorcerer spells:
Cantrips- Ray of Frost, Detect magic, Message, Bleed, Arcane Mark
1st level- Unseeen Servant (Bloodline), Magic missile, Stumble gap, Touch of gracelessness
Oracle Spells
Cantrips- Read magic, Guidance, Enhanced diplomacy, Create water, Light
1st level- Burning hands (Curse), Cure light wounds (Oracle Bonus), Color spray (Mystery), Forbid Action, Summon monster I, Shield of faith

Other source spells
Unwitting ally (trait)
Disguise Self (1/day, Race, no slot)

1st level: 7 and 7

Senva spoilers:

Senva has next to no understanding of mechanics; some parts of it even scare her, such as the Claptraps (living metal? Shudder) and some mundane technology, though guns and other weapons intrigue her. However, Senva understands magic, she understands it well. Senva is also very naive about how negative people can be and has little understanding why someone would do something bad. Character wise I’m trying for a naïve Kaylee (from Firefly) who will hopefully sober up somewhat about human, and what not, nature but still keep her rose-colored glasses. However unlike Kaylee, she has a temper and is perfectly fine with hurting bad people.

The young woman stands about six feet tall and has an elongated downward sloping neck so her head is in front of her body. She bears a striking resemblance to guardians but is more compact and a dark grey overall.
The Eridians were technologically gifted, but not every Eridian trusted it. A small but sizable part of the population found technology to be abbherant and something to be avoided. These Luddians abandoned the technology of their society and instead moved deep underground (Grew up on Pandora) or to new worlds. On Pandora they went deep, deep underground and completely avoided the surface. The subsequent collapse of Eridian society affected the Luddians little. In fact the Guardians were even more reason to avoid technology altogether. Instead they focused on developing and using magic to survive and make life more enjoyable (Two-World Magic.)

When the corporations came to Pandora, the Luddians were faced with a problem and, instead of facing it head on, decided to ignore or avoid the newcomers as much as possible. They would abandon and destroy caves and even whole villages when mining came too close. This was the environment that Senva grew up in, being forced to avoid machines and the people who wielded them with an almost religious fervor and moving on a somewhat regular basis. But, unlike her family and others, Senva didn’t completely fear Technology, in fact she found it and the ancient horror stories about flying through nothingness with only thin layers of metal around you appealing.

One day Senva found a tunnel with some of the alien invaders. She would visit this tunnel regularly, even getting as far as being able to talk with the people there. However, her family did find out about her tunnel and erased much of the guards’ memory of Senva and them. As punishment for her behavior the arbiters decided to burn her hands (Blackened Curse) to squash her and possible other’s behavior. Instead this had the opposite effect, it caused Senva to feel even more righteous about her actions. Thus she fled the Luddians and instead tried to seek the ‘kind’ workers she meet earlier…

I did have a few last questions. First, I have seen traits that replace Cha skills with Int or Wis and was wondering if we could create and use one that allows a character to replace Int in Spellcraft with Cha.
Such as: Magic in the Blood:
You, your family or your race has such innate ties to magic that it has become unconscious to you, much like walking or speaking. Often such people learn how to cast spells young and do so often enough they rarely have to think about doing so.

As long as your character has the ability to cast spells or create magical tinctures, spellcraft is a class skill and you can use your main casting stat (chosen when you take this trait) in place of intelligence on spellcraft checks.

Secondly, you were mentioning special abilities, (such as a PC in the games might have) and I was wondering about allowing Senva to use Srocerer spell slots to cast Oracle spells and vice-versa...

Submission complete (kinda iffy on the name though)
decided on Bard(arcane duelest)/Oracle (Lunar mystery) instead of warlock so I don't have to wait to get warlock approved (or disapproved)
I felt that Lunar mystery was thematic considering the similarities my race has to lycanthropes,
as a note I have an animal companion,

Shadow Lodge

It's been a week, I'm beginning to worry about our GM.

He said he's on vacation from the 2nd to the 10th.

Yep, we're all on hold until at least tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

Oh, good, must have missed/forgotten that
Now I don't have to worry
On another note, what do you think of the new healer?

And here I am on the 10th! :)

Sedoriku, I would suggest using the character as a template rather than coming up with all of it again. You may take Magic in the Blood.

Sorry special abilities are only given to those who have base races.

Senva/Sedoriku and Clayton Cob/Lord Foul good job, I still need to look over the crunches again, sorcerer/oracle and bard/oracle seems like you are going to have some diversity and the Lunar mystery does fit ya Clayton Cob/Lord Foul! Cob seems a bit out of place but that is your choice.

Lord Foul you are going to need to explain how you got such awesome stats... otherwise like I said looks good.

Any idea how you want to come in?

I am surprised you forgot Lord Foul, I got you in 'nearly gods' campaign. ;)

Shadow Lodge

the template you approved gives a bonus to every stat,, I could lower his stats by two each if you find it too unbalancing.

I used my rolls and added the templates bonuses,

why does "cob" seem out of place? originally, back when he was a gunslinger I thought Clayton for a first name, referencing the hunter from tarzan, mixed with the last name of Jayne Cobb of Firefly (Always bring the grenades)
now it doesn't quite fit him, but I'm terrible at coming up with names,
Anything you can think of would work fine for an intro
And as to that last bit, I cite poor memory

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, the template sounds like a good idea, I shall try keep it in mind.

As far as special abilities go, I'm fine without any. It was mostly a gambit to help keep tracking spells easier. (>.<)

For introducing, whatever works best (easiest, is most appealing) for you is fine. If you would like, she could be coming from a side tunnel that leads further underground...

Cob was just my preference, your choice though.

Yes, bringing it down to 2 each stat would work.

I will be thinking of how to introduce them then...

I think I like this name better
Hey I have one feat unspent, could I take "obtain familiar" and treat my animal companion as though he is also a familiar?
If not I'll take a random roll between craft wondrous, extra revalation and eldritch heritage.

Michel Tam, all those are possible options.

Choose obtain familiar,
Would you allow a guitar and an axe to be the same item? If not I'll just use claw/claw/bite
With the answerin of that question Michal tam is officially finished

Yes a guitar with the blades of an axe on the outside or even to have the blades spring out!

This is Borderlands most anything goes!

Nice Michal, also I like the pic!

Sweet, then I'm ready to go
There aren't many kitsune pics, though he's a shapeshifter, he can look like any
One healer/secondary melee/buffer/master of disguise at your service :D

It depends how crazy do you want to enter? The last person joined from being stuck in an almost white room for almost a year if not two.

I had another one transport in from a different dimension.

Crashlanding before that being chased by space marines, their loaders and snipers.

Then the most awesome entrance with a full cargo ship being shot down, looted and the original PCs having to sort and survive somehow.

It would be best if you could get me some clues... Mr. Fox! Perhaps you could come in with Sedoriku/Senva the Female Fecthling. I have her entrance rolling around in my head, two oracles don't make a right! LOL. Once you both discuss a few details about your recenty history, hopefully neccessary friends or something better and come up with a good reason you are down there and she is coming up here. Etc.

Here ya go Dave cut and past in to sheet for Michel Tam.
Always trying to help.

Racial attributes (As Basic Kitsune), Animal Lord Ability, with one change.

DR 5/silver Until HD 10 then Becomes DR10/silver

HP 26
AC 25 18 10 4+Dex +4Amour
Initiative +8 = 4 [Dex] +4 [Improved Initiative]


Basic Melee Attack +5
Basic Ranged Attack +6

+5 = 1 [base] +4 [Con]
+7 = 3 [base] +4 [Dex]
+6 = 3 [base] +3 [Wis]

+5 = 2 [BAB] +3 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +19 = 10 +2 [BAB] +3 [Str] +4 [Dex] +0 [size]

SKILL Total + Ability Mod + Ranks 30 + Misc.
6+4 x3 =30 +15 From GM = 45 at level 3

Acrobatics* +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Appraise +4 = INT 4+0+0
Bluff +12 = CHA 6+3+3
Climb* +3 = STR 3+0+0
Craft +4 = INT 4+0+0
Craft +4 = INT 4+0+0
Craft +4 = INT 4+0+0
Diplomacy +6 = CHA 6+0+0
Disable Device*† +10 = DEX 4+3+3
Disguise +22 = CHA 6+3+3+10
Escape Artist* +5 = DEX 4+0+0
Fly* +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Handle Animal† +9 = CHA 6+3+0
Heal +7 = WIS 3+1+3
Intimidate +12 = CHA 6+3+3
K (Arcana)† +9= INT 4+2+3
K (Dungeoneering)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Engineering)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Geography)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (History)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Local)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Nature)† +8= INT 4+1+3
K (Nobility)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Planes)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
K (Religion)† +8 = INT 4+1+3
Linguistics† +4 = INT 4+0+0
Perception +10 = WIS 4+3+3
Perform +12 = CHA 6+3+3
Perform +10 = CHA 6+1+3
Profession† +3 = WIS 3+0+0
Profession† +3 = WIS 3+0+0
Ride +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Sense Motive +9 = WIS 3+3+3
Sleight of Hand*† +4 = DEX 4+0+0
Spellcraft† +10 = INT 4+3+3
Stealth* +10 = DEX 4+3+3
Survival +5 = WIS 3+2+0
Swim* +3 = STR 3+0+0
Use Magic Device† +6 = CHA 6+0+0


LF2 ya PC has an AC of 24?
10+4dex+4mirhral shirt +3NA gets ya to 21,
Where's the other 3 coming from?
If we are to jump into combat best knowing where hehe

Did you just give ya self 3 more, why not write some thing up that dos that

Shadow Lodge

21 is how I have it...

I must have missed the edit, sorry LF2

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