Campaign Traits
Grew up on Pandora
You are one tough buddy, because you're still alive.
+1 to Fortitude saves and Survival is always a class skill for you.
One of the big corporations wants you, alive or dead.
Characters gain a +3 bonus on all diplomacy checks to find out about you. You gain Stealth and Sense Motive as Class Skills, and gain +1 trait bonus to one of those skills.
There's very little natural about your genetics, either due to accident or deliberate tampering.
Gain a +1 bonus to two saves and a -1 penalty to one save.
Jury Rigger:
You have spent time on Pandora learning to make the best of a bad situation by throwing together weapons with little resources.
Use magic device or Craft (mechanics) is a class skill for you and you gain +1 trait bonus that skill. You may repair an item for a quarter of the normal repair cost, though it only works for 1d4+1 days before breaking again.
You can identify parts that are salvageable within the piles of junk on Pandora. You have spent hours searching and looking, you even know some of the best places some of the corporations drop.
Survival is a class skill and you may use it to find additional scrap or parts in the wastelands to be used for weaponry, repairs for vehicles or other machinery. Once a week you know there is a good drop happening, though you will need a Survival DC 20 to find it.
Stunt Driver:
Most of the vehicles on Pandora have not had the best track record, you have spent time learning how to survive a crash. Any landing you walk away from is a good landing.
Drive is a class skill, you gain a +1 trait bonus to Drive checks, and you may use a drive check to cushion damage from a crash. In a crash, roll your drive skill and you reduce the damage taken by 1/2 the result.
Explosive expert:
Fighting in the tight tunnels of Pandora you have learnt to know exactly where to hide from your own bombs or where to stand to avoid your own rocket launcher shots. Walk away from explosions in style.
You have +2 trait bonus to Acrobatics checks. Gain evasion but only from your own explosives.
Vending Hacker:
You know a trick or two about pressing the right buttons on the vending machines to give you a slight discount. You even know how to trick the machine into giving you some more of it's pocket change.
Disable Device or Engineering is always a class skill for you. At the risk of Marcus or the wrath of the other owners of the vending machines when buying or selling gear from vending machines you may adjust the cost by 5%, if you succeed a skill check against a vending machine you may access a stored secret compartment with an item that you can buy.
Vault Hunter:
Once on Pandora you have spent much of your life looking for 'the Vault', find nooks and crannies in rock faces is your forte. You might one day find that Vault.
Gain +2 trait bonus to perception. Using your perception check you may find openings or entrances to underground passages or secret tunnels. If you pass a DC X perception check (based on environment) you may look around as if you were using "Detect secret doors" to find the entrance to a tunnel network or base.
On the Brink:
Pandora has slowly been destroying the last vestiges of your sanity. You have become more paranoid and aware of the creatures on this land, maybe too paranoid.
Gain +1 trait bonus to Knowledge: Nature and Knowledge: Local and you may use either untrained. Choose a favored terrain as per Ranger (this not confer the normal benefits). When attacked by the local wildlife or in a favored terrain you are never caught flatfooted during a surprise round.
The Anyweaponizer
Learning early on that there are no two weapons alike on Pandora and that each weapon is heavily customized you figure versatility trumps specialization. You are always ready to discard your weapon for the next "big shiny."
The penalty for using a weapon you are not proficient with is 2 less than normal. Using any weapon you are proficient with grants you +1 to hit, though it takes 1d4 days to familiarize yourself with the weapon to gain this bonus.
The idea with this one is you could stack it with the quick learner trait and use whatever the GM throws at you and you fancy the most at any given time. It would cost you both traits and you still wouldn’t be proficient with it but could still be fun.
Big Eight Big Wig
You are or were at one point a big wig for one of the 8 weapons manufacturers on Pandora. Chose a company, you get +2 trait bonus to any bluff, diplomacy or intimidate checks when dealing with your company but you also suffer a -2 penalty to dealing with other companies. This includes buying/selling weapons. You also start out with a masterwork weapon of your choice gifted from your company.
Bandit Hunter
You have a reputation as a bandit killer. You earn a +3 trait bonus on Diplomacy when used to gather information, Knowledge (local), and Survival when used for tracking, when related to an bandit quarry or other lawless humanoid unaffiliated with any settlement. Choose one as these as a class skill. Those same people have a +3 bonus on any roll to learn about you, as your fame precedes you.
Bad Bandit
You are particularly well known as a notorious bandit and have an easy time getting other bandits to like you or follow you. Improve the starting attitudes of bandits and other lawless humanoids unaffiliated with any settlement by 1 stage. Sadly this renown also has its drawbacks, as you are hated by the local populace. Reduce the starting attitudes of anyone living in a settlement or affiliated with a settlement by 1 stage; also a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks.