Games of Chance (Inactive)

Game Master lynora

A gestalt campaign in a homebrew setting starting at level 3, the PCs are new recruits to the Chance City Watch in the worst district of the city.

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Male Half-Giant Cleric3/Vitalist(life-leech)3

Lyn. the goblins should be un-calmed. I stopped concentrating or rather haven't been spending actions to concentrate, and also any violent action against anyone calmed breaks the entire spell. If you want to keep them calmed I can live with that though.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Well, the calmed is done now anyways. Regardless, they were no match for the drugged-up kobolds in the first place.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

no .. MisterLurch is a daddy .. but daddies and mommies are both parents .. ;)

Male Human Gunslinger (pistolero) 3/Monk (Zen gunslinger) 3

Ick. I reckon' I mighta jus turned that kobold's head into a canoe...

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Which one? You've killed three so far.

Male Human Gunslinger (pistolero) 3/Monk (Zen gunslinger) 3

The one he crit fer a total of 33

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Yeah, that one went splat. The others would be scared if they were in their right minds. :)

Male Drow Scion Rogue14/Alchemist14/Investigator14 (Tristalt)

How do you wanna handle called shots? Use the rules from Ultimate Combat? Something a little more fast n loose?

Male Halfling psion (nomad)/rogue (cutpurse+scout) 6 / elocater 2 / trickster 3 W 46 V 152/152 ~ AC44 tch36 ff25 ~ F+13 R+22 W+17 ~ CMD33; Init+29 Per+25; spot traps within 10' d20+29

Will be incommunicado next 2 days.
If you need an attack roll from me, feel free to cut/paste this

Jimbli attacks the nearest Kobold.

{HP 33/33 | AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/7/7 | Inish +2, Per +2} Female Aasimar Paladin 3 / Synthesist Summoner 3

I think we've found our strategy, Janus. I'll wildly swing my sword around to distract them, you stick a knife in 'em while they watch.

Male Half Giant Skald 2 [ HP 19/19 | AC 16/11/15 , Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6 | Init +2; Perception +8 (darkvision 60ft.) | Stamina 3/3 | Raging Song 7/7]
Wynnie of Nuestra wrote:
I think we've found our strategy, Janus. I'll wildly swing my sword around to distract them, you stick a knife in 'em while they watch.

seems to be working so far.... lol

Sounds like a solid strategy, we got our own version I suppose hehehehe.

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20


You haven't responded to any of my inquiries about your other game. Pm's also. Just wondering what's up.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Hey guys. Just letting you know I haven't forgotten about you. I will update the game later today. I've been running around today what with doctor appt and pharmacy (cause I have an ear infection) and also getting stuff for my son's birthday on Sunday. Probably will get things moving again this evening.

Male Bugbear Urban Barbarian 2 / Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 3

Hey Lynora no worries hope you feel better. I will be AFK until late tomorrow night or Sunday. Just letting you guys know.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Happy birthday to ur son!!

Male qlippoth-spawn Divine Verminous Hunter 1 | HP 12/12 {effects: VF1:Worm} | AC 17 (T11 FF16) | F+5 R+3 W+4 | Init +1 | perception +8, sense motive +4
VF1: unlimited, VF2: 0/1 min
1st: 0/2

I'll be away much of this Canada day weekend and likely won't be able to post much, if at all.

Male Fighter/Barbarian 3

Sorry for my lack of posts. I haven't been feeling well, and haven't been able to get on to post much, so my PBPs have gotten sporadic postings.

Also, happy birthday to the kidlet.

{HP 33/33 | AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/7/7 | Inish +2, Per +2} Female Aasimar Paladin 3 / Synthesist Summoner 3

Happy early birthday to the young'un!

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

happy b-day Lyn Jr. :P

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Do not worry Meredian, he will start looking more dragon like soon.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Thanks guys, I will pass on the birthday wishes.

sorry the update was late. this ear infection has totally wiped me out. And now I get to run back to the store to buy another cake mix to make another birthday cake because the first one got burnt. :(

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

I had to look up what Rothé was.

Drow Noble
Base Atk +*; CMB +*; CMD *
Avlar wrote:
I had to look up what Rothé was.

Basically sub-terranian cows.

Drow Noble
Base Atk +*; CMB +*; CMD *

I saw This picture and immediately thought that it's perfect for Mer's handy haversack. Usually kept in the hip format of the upper right of this picture.

Male Hobgoblin Ranger(Urban)/Inquisitor(infiltrator)

Sorry, I am going to have to officially bow out.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Sorry to hear that Akhil. You're welcome back at any time if you ever change your mind.

Hey there strangers! Having finally finished my summer semester of physics and now caught up on how this game has unfolded, I'd still love to sign up and give it a shot when I finish putting together a character. I'm actually on vaccation at the moment, so it might be a few days before that's the case with all the driving I'm doing, but if you'd be willing to have me aboard, this looks like a kind of group worth playing with!

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Not a problem. Just let me know when you've got your character finished and then we can get you in the game. :)

Shadow Lodge

lynora wrote:
Like I said before, as soon as you have your character finished you have a spot in the game. :)

I know, but it's a struggle now that I have more gestalt ideas... Like Alton. ;)

Or my (3.5)Vow of Poverty Warlock.

Or my Brawler Fighter/Master of Many Styles.

Or the Black-Blood Oracle.

Or... well, you get the point.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

lol. Yeah, I get the point. Just pick one. I know it's hard when you have so many ideas, but hey, you'll get to them all eventually. Or you'll do what I did and make a game setting out of them. All the NPCs with class levels in this game are recycled PC ideas that never got used. :)

Shadow Lodge

That's right... Thanks for reminding me as I prepare for running a game for two friends! Bwahaha!

Iggy was fun, but I think I'll recreate Kirel(the warlock) for this game. Just need to pick a second class. I find the backstory and modify it a little.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

I haven't forgotten you guys. I have an errand to run and then I'll get updates up as soon as I get back. :)

Male Human Rogue/Battle Sorcerer Gestalt

so yeah, is the NPC willing to go for a drink?

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Hey guys. I haven't forgotten you, but thanks to the holiday this week I've had more family activities than usual so my online time has been limited. Should go back to a more normal schedule on Monday. :)

Anyways, sorry that I never got an update done yesterday. I have more family stuff this afternoon and then I will put up updates this evening for sure. Thank you for being patient.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Lyn, are you sure you can handle us?? Lol

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Oh, no, see. You don't want to make it a challenge.

Shadow Lodge

Please don't make it a challenge! I've got a bit of telepathy bond with her, and I don't want to give her any ideas... unless she asks for them.

I once helped my DM make what we called "The Grand Daddy Dweomercat" for the Kingmaker game I was in. I like making monsters I know will try to kill me. Part of the fun! ^-^

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

*chuckle* Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can handle it. Summer is just weird as far as timing goes. The lack of a concrete schedule seems to leave everyone thinking that my schedule is always available to be filled with stuff. :P

Stats are all done now! Just waiting for my way into the game. ^^

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Kirel is going to be in Unit Four as soon as we have enough people to fill it out. Which should be shortly based on the number of folks with characters in progress. But she can show up in the meantime. She can be temporarily pu with another unit for a little while.

Planning to put James into Unit Two as a replacement for Akhil.

Male Aasimar Oath Against the Wyrm Paladin 3/Unbreakable Fighter 3

I am good to be introduced when ever you are ready.

Male Half-Giant Cleric3/Vitalist(life-leech)3

Group 2, the Aasimar Beat squad. Whatchou gonna do, Whatcho gonna do, Watchou gonna do when the Aasimar come for you?!?!

Ignot Pureflame wrote:
Group 2, the Aasimar Beat squad. Whatchou gonna do, Whatcho gonna do, Watchou gonna do when the Aasimar come for you?!?!

Bring new meaning to the phrase "Showing my true colors."

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer/Soulknife 3

Well guess I stay around here til I'm intro'ed. =)

Dang, thought I saw a way in, but that's Unit 3's part.

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer/Soulknife 3

Oh yeah what unit will Gotas be in?

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Gotas, Kirel, and Imoa are all supposed to be in Unit Four. Since Imoa isn't ready to go yet and the unit is already light I'm thinking about moving Janus from Unit Two to Unit Four. And potentially loan Penny to Unit Four temporarily....hey, if Gotas and Jimbli switch unit four will be the all halfling squad....I'm not sure if that's a good or bad idea...

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

New people, you're up.

Male Aasimar Oath Against the Wyrm Paladin 3/Unbreakable Fighter 3


[Edit] Quick question though...have we met with the captain yet and been told with what unit we have been assigned to? Or have we just been guided to the Guardhouse?

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