GM SpiderBeard's Second Darkness (DrEvil Group) (Inactive)

Game Master Barvo Delancy

Chapter 4: Endless Night

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Trig and Blossom go out asking around about Clegg Zincher and Devil's Elbow, one asking folks, the other just working to remember what she knows.

Blossom re: Zincher:
You know Zincher is involved in all sorts of shady dealings, is involved with organized labor, including the stevedores who load and unload all the ships in port. His calls for strikes have ruined many of his competitors as their goods rot on board within a few feet of dry land. He is not a good guy.

Blossom re: Devil's Elbow:
You don't remember much about this place. It's an island about 20 miles from Riddleport in the Gulf of Varisia. You seem to recall a sea captain saying something about how many ships were sunk at that place due to the treacherous currents and formidable reefs.

Trig re:Devil's Elbow:
Word around town is that the falling star, hit on or near the island of Devil;s Elbow, which is unihabited but rumored to be haunted by ghosts or a siren (or both). It sounds like several expeditions are being outfitted to head to Devil's Elbow in search of the fallen meteor which is said to be composed of Skymetal.

Clegg Zincher:
Zincher's arena was heavily damaged in the tidal wave, and his fortress like compound seems quieter than usual. Some say, his muscle has recently comandeered a pirate ship, "The Dark Pearl", by murdering the crew and throwing them to the sharks under cover of night.

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

Upon returning to the Goblin, Trig meets with the rest of the partners in the Goblin's main office, where Saul used to hold his unsavory court. She's dressed in her usual multicolored clothes, with her shoes tied to the back of her belt, bare feet showing the dust of the streets. Her friends know that she would have, in her words, listened to the stones as she traveled through the city asking her questions.

The lavender gnome reports, "Well, the word on the street is that Zincher is as bad as Saul made him out to be, even if the specifics of Saul's accusations weren't precisely true. He's got a pirate ship that he stole from the pirates, even. How much of a badass do you have to be to pirate a ship from pirates?"

She shakes her head. "We'll have to watch out for him, no chance of finding either an ally or a buyer there. We've dealt with enough criminals. One thing, though, and it might be tied into the pirate ship thing that Zincher did.

"That falling star apparently hit at the Island of Devil's Elbow. There's word that people are trying to head over there to find it, in case it has any skymetal. I wouldn't be surprised if Zincher plans to go there in the pirate ship -- he sounds like the kind of guy who'd say to himself, 'Self, I need to get to an island. Where's the nearest available ship? Ah, there's one, seems like some pirates are on it right now -- better murder them in their sleep so I can use the ship to sail to the island.'"

"So, given that the book we found talks about Devil's Elbow and a star being 'plucked', I'd say it's entirely possible that something on that island was involved with that falling star. Some kind of plot to bring a rock from the Dark Tapestry down on our heads. This one missed, but maybe the next one won't!"

"Now, hear me out -- I'm going to make a suggestion that might sound a little crazy. Thanks to Kwava, we know about this plot, and the evil dark elves that appear to be behind it. Since Saul was this gal's contact in town, and we know he liked to play his cards close to his vest, we might be the only people who know about it."

Trig sighs, rubbing her bare toes against the carpet as she comes to the point of her little speech.

"I think we should try to beat Clegg to the fallen star. It might be more than just a rock -- there could be magic in it related to how the dark elf brought it down from the sky. What if Zincher gets ahold of that magic? Clegg might think having a way to devastate or destroy the city might be his ticket to taking full control of it, which would probably make it much worse to live here. Or if her confederates, assuming she has some, do as it says in the book and make another glyph there to bring down another rock, this one aimed right at Riddleport? Anyway, I think having the ability to bring down rocks from the stars be in the hands of either these evil dark elves or a criminal like Zincher is something someone should do something about. I say that should be us. We're the only ones with the knowledge and the opportunity and most importantly we're not evil bastards like Zincher. Let's find a way to get over to that island."

Witch (White-Haired Witch)/4 HP: 15/21 Spells 0/5 1st, 0/3 2nd AC 12 12 10 F+1 R+5 W+3 Per+3 Init+2

"There are at least two bosses who may well have an interest in acquiring the Goblin," Blossom interjects, nodding in agreement with Trig's assessment of Clegg Zincher, "Priestess Shorafa Padomae holds the strings on all the drug dens, dance halls, and brothels in Riddleport; she would be well-disposed towards maintaining her monopoly."
"On the other hand, Overlord Cromarchy has already shown a willingness to resort to violence to maintain his own monopoly upon gambling here, why not see if he wouldn't consider it a better investment instead?"

At Trig's assertion of 'magical power' to be found upon the island, Blossom says nothing, though her expression indicates she is not so enthusiastic about any of it as the Gnome.

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva folds her arms, listening to the little gnome attentively.

"I agree," she says simply. "This is all related and the idea of a strange item that may have power falling into the hands of crime lords is not one I wish to dwell on."

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

The half orc rogue takes to guarding the prisoner like his life depends on it, but he never tries to talk to her. In fact he gags her after her refusal to talk to Reva, commenting If you are not gonna talk, then you don't get to use your mouth for anything else either. And I prefer my pillows to not bite. He asks the elf How long til you hear from your people Kwava? He indicates the drow and comments I don't like her both here and breathin.

Saphren listes to Trig lecture. That was a lot of words from little ol' you Trig. But I liked um. Lets find a way over to that island quick like and pick us up some sky metal before all the good pieces get nabbed.

Cranky and Clanky Male Dwarf Fighter/5 | Init +4 | Perc +6; darkvision, stonecunning | AC 24/10/24 +2 vs. aberrations | HP 57/62 | F +10 R +2 W +3; hardy, steel soul, bravery +1] | CMB +8*, sledgehammer [+2 to bullrush, overrun, sunder and trip | CMD 18 +stability | warhammer +8 (1d8+8/x3)

Knowledge (Engineering: Skymetal): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

If you want to sell the Goblin, according to the text, once you make known that it is for sale, finding an interested buyer requires a DC 20 Diplomacy check. This may be aided by the PC's spending the week marketing the property.

These metals are extremely rare and very expensive. There are seven known skymetals: Abysium, Adamantine, Djezet, Horacalcum, Inubrix, Noqual, and Siccatite.

The drow captive's eyes flash at Saphren as he gags her, but true to form, she doesn't say a word. She accepts the gag without a fight. As you discuss an expedition to Devil's Elbow, a thrush appears, bearing a message from Kwava's superiors in the Shin-Rakorath.

He speaks with the bird, asking it to repeat the message several times. He then prepares a return message and turns to you to speak.

"It seems my organization thinks similar to your group. They wish me to organize an expedition to Devil's Elbow to search for more drow there. They do not want me to join the expedition, but rather stay in Riddleport to monitor the situation and see if more drow are hidden here, or on the mainland elsewhere, and look after the prisoner."

"I can think of no better crew to undertake the expedition than you lot, and since you are discussing going there anyway....perhaps it is a natural fit. The Shin-Rakorath has made arrangements for a ship to take the expedition to Devil's Elbow. Look for the Flying Cloud and Captain Josper Creesy on the morrow. What say you?"

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva scowls.

"Absolutely, but we have unfinished business. In the case of Saul I would have insisted on his execution for murder regardless. I don't have any proof the ... drow? That's what your superiors call them? Fine, the drow has done anything untoward beyond messing with the Cyphergate and smuggling. There's also the sale of the Gold Goblin."

She looks at the rest of the group.

"We have to make a decision. We either let the prisoner go or hire somebody to watch her. That said, if we can't sell the Goblin in time the building could come in handy for us later."

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Saphren regards Kwava keenly. Running out to an island and picking up some sky metal is quite different from fighting an organized force that, based on this ones equipment He pokes the crow with his slippered foot, is much better armed and equipped than us. They are likely dug in and ready to resist an attack too, as they must expect one will com. If you can think of no better crew than us its only because you do not know anyone else in Riddleport. What aid can you offer us if we accept this fool's quest? And what payment? I must tell you true that is hits me wrong that you ask us to go fight these black elves but you will not come with us. And finally what are your long term plans for this prisoner. I'd rather she not have any chance of getting away and would prefer to take her with us where I can keep an eye on her. That or do for her now and not have to worry about her further. She will not talk. What use is she?

Sorry but gotta play the somewhat self focused rogue.

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

No apologies needed, we're supposed to disagree on stuff.

Reva arches an eyebrow at Saphren but remains silent.

Let's see what Kwava says. Damn selfish orc. But we need a better pitch from Kwava.

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"I think we could recruit some of my girls to keep an eye on her, if she's thoroughly tied up and we search her thoroughly for any tools or weapons."

"Frankly, though, I'm bored with the Goblin anyway. I'm going to vote for selling it, and if the rest of you decide to keep it, I'm going to ask for my share to be paid out. Going to this island seems very exciting! But Kwava, shouldn't we use all the resources we have available? None of us are as fine at archery as you are. Please, won't you come with us? Wouldn't you feel awful if something happened to us and you weren't there to help?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Kwava shrugs as the discussion turns. "My orders are clear, to remain in Riddleport and continue to investigate if more of "them" are here. That includes interrogating your prisoner and handing her over to my superiors when they can come for her. But..." here he pauses looking from one to the other of you. "My inclination is to ingore my orders, and come with you. I am not one to send others to do my work, especially where danger is involved. It would mean securing your prisoner, the drow woman, another way, but if it will convince you, I will join you aboard the Flying Cloud."

"The Shin-Rakorath cannot offer you financial reward, but if the rumors of skymetal on Devil's Elbow are true, you should have your hands full of coins soon enough, if that is your wish. If you decline, and there are drow on The Elbow, and they have a weapon that can fell a star as it appears they do, then swimming in money won't help you a bit."

"Who will come stand by me, and perhaps save the entire world from these creatures who wish us all harm?"

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"That's the spirit! Who wants to stay behind when the fun -- and the treasure! -- lie ahead! Skymetal... a whole rock of adamantine..."

Trig's eyes glitter as she imagines the wealth from such a find.

Cranky and Clanky Male Dwarf Fighter/5 | Init +4 | Perc +6; darkvision, stonecunning | AC 24/10/24 +2 vs. aberrations | HP 57/62 | F +10 R +2 W +3; hardy, steel soul, bravery +1] | CMB +8*, sledgehammer [+2 to bullrush, overrun, sunder and trip | CMD 18 +stability | warhammer +8 (1d8+8/x3)

"Skymetal." Magnus grunts, breaking his pensive silence with a false-toothed grin. "Skymetal will be our prize. How often are you thinkingk metal is falling from the sky, Saphren? Adamantine. Abysium. Horacalcum... even one ingot would pay for our troubles a hundred times over. If the elf can provide us vith a ship..."

Magnus falls silent with a far-off look in his eye, imagining the riches that await.

Sat on this post without actually posting it, d'oh!

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva looks at Kwava for a moment, stone-faced before turning to speak to the others.

"I'm going on this expedition regardless. I'm not in this city because I like the weather, I'm here for a purpose and this must be it. If Trig's girls can watch our prisoner then I think we can move on from this."

She looks over the Goblin and sighs.

"We need to sell this place; the money would do wonders to finance our expedition. But unless the ship wants to wait we're probably stuck with it. Well either way I'm can be ready tomorrow."

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"Zincher already has a ship. We can't afford to wait."

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Saphren's disposition changes when when Kwava agrees to come along. That's what I wanted to hear. Our pay will be the loot these dark elves have and the sky metal we can find. Let's buy a few items and make that boat.

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva nods affirmatively.

"Done. Trig's girls are on this, Kwava is coming with us, I think we can get prepared to set out."

I'll post my shopping stuff in discussion.

Witch (White-Haired Witch)/4 HP: 15/21 Spells 0/5 1st, 0/3 2nd AC 12 12 10 F+1 R+5 W+3 Per+3 Init+2

"I believe I can persuade certain others to assist Trig's girls in guarding both the prisoner & the Goblin."

If you wish, while out shopping (or on other errands) please make a Diplomacy/Gather Info check for any stories you pick up in the market place or around the town.

When Trig approaches her girls about guarding the prisoner they are skeptical at first, not ones usually prone to violence or weapons, but after some persuading, Trig works her magic on them, and they agree to live in the Goblin and attend to the strange drow woman as best they can.

They ask 50gp/week between 2 of them, to keep the prisoner fed, and pay for their lost time from another job.

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"Sounds good! Magnus, I want an engagement ring of adamantine when you propose!" Trig says, winking at Magnus to let him know she's joking, then heads out to find her girls.

Trig will get any of her girls she can find and get them to the Goblin, where she will pay them their usual wages to watch the dark elf. She'll outfit them with basic simple weapons, and tell them if anyone comes to the goblin to not answer the door unless they give a password to indicate they're carrying a message from the PCs, "Swordfish. No wait, too obvious. Um... hippogriff, yes, that's it. Hippogriff." If armed folk try to break in, retreat. Take the drow with them if they can, but leave her if not.

I forget, was there a secret tunnel or something that led out of the Goblin that didn't go down into the caves?

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Saphren will warn/scare the girls about that the dark elf might do to them should she get away and recommends that one person be awake and in the room with her at all times. I guess we do not know that drow have innate spell abilities, right? I got a bad feeling about this. Cleaner just to kill the dark elf than to give her a chance to get away. he says to the group when they are alone. Can they at least keep her in one of the cages? I could even bring it up if need be.

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"Oh yes, I think she should be in the cage, and make sure there's lots of light in the room so she can't possibly hide or anything, as well as being tied up and stripped down to... well, smallclothes at least, but nekkid would be safer, if somewhat, you know, improper. If she has smallclothes, anyway. Who knows what dark elves wear."

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

And we need to warn the girls that she can summon darkness. And she might be able to summon those demons we fought.

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

Did she do Darkness when we were fighting her earlier?

Trig Glittergold wrote:
Did she do Darkness when we were fighting her earlier?

She did indeed

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

Do we have any other dwarves or half-orcs on staff who didn't side with Saul?

Trig's girls pack a few things and agree to watch the prisoner. They are nervous about it, especially after all Saphren's warnings. The drow woman remains silent as she is placed into the cage.

If you want gear before you depart, get it. Please see my note above about making a Diplomacy/Gather Info roll while in the marketplace or doing other errands. There were no other half-orcs on staff, and no dwarves remaining after Larur's death.

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Saphren keeps his ears open as he shops, but people tend to stop speaking when he approaches.

Gather info: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7

Witch (White-Haired Witch)/4 HP: 15/21 Spells 0/5 1st, 0/3 2nd AC 12 12 10 F+1 R+5 W+3 Per+3 Init+2

Blossom makes her way to the Calistrian temple/bordello & requests an audience with Shorafa.

Saphren notices that many others are preparing for for expeditions, but gets none of the details. He also sees that there are few ships in the wrecked harbor, and that Riddleport seems to be rife with Skymetal fever.

Shorafa, the leather-clad mistress of the House of the Silken Veil, welcomes Blossom, kissing her lightly on both cheeks. "I am so glad you have come to see my, child." says the priestess earnestly. "I have been hearing so much about you, and your little partner Saul. How have things been going? You really must fill me in." she says arching her devilsh eyebrows playfully. She pats the couch cushions next to her, indicating that Blossom should sit, perhaps a little too close.

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

While Reva does her shopping she attempts to ask people what they know about the shooting star and Devil's Elbow. Once done, she simply stays in her room in prayer, preparing for the mission.

Gather Information: 1d20 ⇒ 15

While working in the market, Reva is able to hear the details of at least three other expeditions to Devil's Elbow, in addition to the Zincher group, which she had no immediate word about.

The first group was a group of dwarves. Unsurprising, considering the skymetal craze that has taken over. Apparently, the group is led by a loud Gas Forge miner named Goldhammer. Word is this expedition is funded by Overlord Cromarcky, and the dwarves left for Devil's Elbow 2 days ago aboard a ship called the Mithral Wake, which was headed to Magnimar, dropping the dwarves and scheduled to pick them up again on its return trip in a week.

The second group is allegedly led by the notorious smuggler and black marketeer Avery Slyeg. This group was quick to move, and left nearly a week ago on the first ship to dock back in the harbor after the tidal wave the Black Bunyip

The last group, and the one more stories are about are the Cyphermages. Long students of the Cyphergate, they have hired out some explorers and left for Devil's Elbow three day ago, aboard a merchant cog which you may be familiar with, the Foamrunner. Exactly what these mysterious mages hope to find on Devil's Elbow only fuels the rampant gossip and speculation.

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Wow. We are farther behind than I realized.

Saphren wrote:
Wow. We are farther behind than I realized.

Part of the story, nothing to do with you guys in particular.

While Blossom is still out with the Calistrians, doing who knows what, and Reva is back in her chamber, praying. Kwava returns and explains to Saphren that the Shin-Rakorath has secured passage on a boat called the Flying Cloud which is now docked at the remaining serviceable pier in the harbor.

Captain Josper Creeasy has agreed to take us to Devil's Elbow, if we leave in the next day or so. He invited us all to dine with him tonight aboard ship, if you can all make it."

Feel free to do other activities today or tomorrow in Riddleport, but eventually the show goes on.

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva meets up with the rest of the group, and lets them know about the other parties making their way out to Devil's Elbow in the race for the skymetal.

When meeting with Kwava she nods in turn to him.

"I'm available, always good to know who you're travelling with."

Later that evening (you can still RP any actions in town if you like), the party sets out for the pier and the Flying Cloud. Approaching her along the quay, you see she is a four-masted vessel built with a narrow beam, a sharply raked stem, and square rig, based on the Chelish clipper.

The Flying Cloud flies the flag of Riddleport, as its home harbor. Hailing you from aboard the ship, a relatively young man with long, dark, curly black hair and a full black mustache appears at the rail. "Ahoy mates! You must be my passengers set for parts unknown, eh? Welcome aboard, welcome! Step lively there, mate." he says to Magnus, who stumbles a bit over the gangplank leading aboard.

Creesy welcomes you with a firm handshake, and motions for you to join him in his cabin, where a fine china and crystal is set out for dinner. "Find a seat, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome aboard! I trust you'll have a fine dinner tonight while we're put up ashore, but don't get to used to such finery once we're underway. But that'll be for later, for now, enjoy!"

The dinner is served and turns out to be a fine meal of fresh reefclaw and vegetables with warm bread and chilled wine. "Now," says the captain, between mouthfuls of shellfish, "tell me what takes you to a such a gods-forsaken place as Devil's Elbow?"

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Like the others, we seek sky metal. Saphren states, telling a half truth. He watches for the man's reaction to that.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

"Just think of the fortune that could be made, if we're lucky!" Trig gushes, playing the part of the starry-eyed treasure hunter.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Reva lets Trig do the talking while she smiles politely, looking over the captain and the crew.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Cranky and Clanky Male Dwarf Fighter/5 | Init +4 | Perc +6; darkvision, stonecunning | AC 24/10/24 +2 vs. aberrations | HP 57/62 | F +10 R +2 W +3; hardy, steel soul, bravery +1] | CMB +8*, sledgehammer [+2 to bullrush, overrun, sunder and trip | CMD 18 +stability | warhammer +8 (1d8+8/x3)

Magnus almost chokes at Trig's jest, turning a bright shade of crimson and seeming to shrink into his beard. He accompanies Reva into town, insisting on safety in numbers, but does little but scowl at those she questions. He grumbles somewhat at the mention of Goldhammers name, but doesn't elaborate on his apparent displeasure. He purchases a feather step potion (pretty sure I used the one in my profile) and two vials of alchemists fire.

Aboard the ship Magnus answers the Captain's quip with a look of scornful incomprehension, his heavy footfalls ill suited to the deck of a ship. His stomach begins to churn even before they leave port. His misery is clear on his face as he is seated at the table, especially when the seafood is placed in front of him. Fumbling with the fragile china with his gauntleted hands, he serves himself a heaped plate of vegetables, dips his bread into his wine and greedily sets into his meal, letting the others do the talking.

"I do not eat vhat does not come from the ground." he says, looking up at his host sheepishly, beard dripping. "I hope you vill not take offense."

Witch (White-Haired Witch)/4 HP: 15/21 Spells 0/5 1st, 0/3 2nd AC 12 12 10 F+1 R+5 W+3 Per+3 Init+2
Saphren wrote:
Wow. We are farther behind than I realized.

Also there is the simple fact that they were all organizations with a lot more in the way of resources of man-hours & well, resources than we had...

At the House of the Silken Veil:
Taking advantage of the invitation, Blossom stretches, sinuously, before snuggling herself almost into Shorafa's lap. "'Lǎobǎn' Vancaskerkin is hardly my 'partner'," she sniffs, "I was a dupe, little more. His 'grand scheme' to re-ingratiate himself into the Riddleport power dynamic was naught but a facade in aid of his 'true partner', not that it did either of them much good. Men are so shortsighted, though I would have thought another Elf would know better than to make such a haphazard play..."
Shaking her head from the distracting reverie, Blossom continues, "Suffice to say, the Golden Goblin is in need of new administration. None of us have any interest in the day to day tedium of managing such an edifice, nor do we have the personnel it would require, Saul was...
rather rough with several of his employees, I doubt any will miss him."

Upon learning that the Cyphermages have sent an expedition, Blossom will try to find out if Samaritha is one of them.
Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22, it will only take her half as long as usual.
By the way, how cute is Captain Creesy? A girl has needs you know...

"For myself, I've been feeling...
confined lately,"
Blossom adds to Trigg's declaration, "a change of scenery, particularly scenery not seen on this world appeals to me."

On the one hand, it's such a whopper no one should fall for it. On the other hand, Blossom has been cultivating a reputation as an 'experience seeker' among other things & it's not as if there is anyone in Riddleport who knows of her who honestly believes she is completely 'there' mentally at least...

My bad here. I was sure I had a post go up, but it apparently did not. Will try again.

Blossom does indeed learn that Samaritha Beldusk, your acquaintance with the Cyphermages, joined their expedition to Devil's Elbow.

Not so keen on his study of people, Creesy buys Trig's line about treasure hunting - hook, line, and sinker. "Do you think there will be skymetal on the Elbow? I mean, even if there is, won't you have those other groups to deal with? I hear some of them can be quite rough..."

His reactions and stories all seem to be on the up and up. You find no reason to believe he is being false or dishonest with you.

Creesy is not offended at Magnus refusal of the reefclaw. In fact, he eschews the shellfish as well, saying that he doesn't really care for the stuff, and only wanted to make a good impression on his new guests.

He pours more wine and listens to Blossom's story about extra-planetary travel with a raised eyebrow. "I suppose seeking the remains of a fallen star could be a start of journey...elsewhere?" he says shrugging.

One of you, you can choose which, needs to make a Diplomacy check on Captain Creesy to see if he becomes more friendly than a simple service provider.

GM Rolls:

Creesy Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 10 = 26

Perception DC 26:
You hear the sound of a struggle and scuffle up on the deck. But you seem to be the only one who heard it.

M Half Orc Unchained Rogue 8 (Scout) | AC 23/25 vs traps T 16 FF 18 | CMB +11 CMD 27 | HP 87/87| F +7 R +13(15 vs traps) W +6 | Init +6 | Perc +17/23 vs traps

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Saphren perceives nothing unusual and prepared to board. Where shall I bunk captain?

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges

Oh come on.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Reva arches a thin eyebrow as she looks over the captain.

"We're rough enough ourselves. Thank you for the dinner, captain."

F Gnome Sorceror (Bedrock) 6 | HP 35/35 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 (+2 dodge bonus vs. aberrations, oozes and vermin) | Ft +6 Rf +6 Wi +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Perc +10 (+2 for stonework) | Init +6 | Spells 8/8 6/6 3/4 | Tremor 8/8

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Zzzzzzz

Eh, I'll take 10 on Diplomacy for 15, no need to risk antagonizing the captain.

"Don't worry about us, we can get plenty rough ourselves," Trig says with a wink, turning it into just a hint of a double entendre.

Cranky and Clanky Male Dwarf Fighter/5 | Init +4 | Perc +6; darkvision, stonecunning | AC 24/10/24 +2 vs. aberrations | HP 57/62 | F +10 R +2 W +3; hardy, steel soul, bravery +1] | CMB +8*, sledgehammer [+2 to bullrush, overrun, sunder and trip | CMD 18 +stability | warhammer +8 (1d8+8/x3)

"Feh. Look at you two." Magnus says, with wry amusement. "Like two diments in a koyl oder." the dwarf says, his deep set scowl relaxing as, despite himself, he begins to enjoy the Captain's company. "Ve know not what we vill find on the island, but we shan't know a thing from here. This is a rare opportunity... ze gods do not cast the very stars from the sky lightly."

דיימאַנדז קוילן ויסקומען Diamonds in a coal seam.

Witch (White-Haired Witch)/4 HP: 15/21 Spells 0/5 1st, 0/3 2nd AC 12 12 10 F+1 R+5 W+3 Per+3 Init+2

Before we leave:
How does Shorafa respond? She & Blossom know each other well enough now that she should realize this is 'opening negotiations' for Blossom.

Also, Sometime before we leave Riddleport, Blossom is going to attempt the unnatural lust/charm person combo on our 'guest' down below...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

"An historic moment, twice! I don't believe yon dwarf & I have ever agreed so closely before." Blossom nods in agreement with Magnus' declaration. Turning once more to focus her full gaze upon Captain Creesy, "Have you no curiosity? No sense of destiny? You are here, now, haven't you the least wonder if there might not be a greater reason why?"

Creesy smiles at you easily. "I have a sense of destiny, little lass. I plan to take the Cloud and set the speed sailing record between here and Andoran. Need a few more practice runs to get the crew in tip-top shape, but I want to see my name in the record books. Big difference between that, and going toe to toe with Zincher and his pirates over a little metal ore. But to each his own. If you want to die hard on a deserted island, I won't stop you."

He pours more wine. "Do you know the history of Devil's Elbow, mates? It's a fine story, though I don't know how much is fact and how much is fantasy. Tell me, if you like, and I'll spin the yarn of Virashi's Curse."

Shorafa does not rise to the bait of the offer of the Gold Goblin. "It is not a place for Calistra at present, child." she says, seeing through your subtlety. "I will put out feelers and see if there are any in the area who wish such a purchase. For 10% of the sale, I can be most...convincing, as I think you know."

Here is pic of Captain Josper Creesy from the text, which I believe was requested previously.

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