
Reva Meirani's page

490 posts. Alias of Barvo Delancy.

Full Name

Reva Meirani




NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges







Special Abilities

Judgement (2/day), Monster Lore (+3), Stern Gaze (+1), Relentless Footing (6/day), Teamwork Feats (3/day)








Varisian, Common, Elven, Abyssal, Celestial


Inquisitor of Iomedae

Strength 15
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Reva Meirani

Reva Meirani
Female Half-Elf Inquisitor of Iomedae
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +7; Senses Perception +12, low-light vision
Favored Class Inquisitor, Fighter. Bonuses: Skill point
Deity Iomedae, Persistence Inquisition


AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor)
HP 27 (1d8)
Saves Fort +3, Refl +4, Will +6; +2 vs enchantments
Immune Magic sleep; Resist elven immunities


Speed 30 ft. (light load)
Melee two-handed mw longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20) (-1 att, +2 dmg power attack)
Melee sap +5 (1d6+2/20x2)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/20x3)
Spell-like abilities Relentless Footing (6/day), Judgments
Spells Known (CL 4th, concentration +2)
2 (2/day) Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Flames of the Faithful
1 (4/day) Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favour, Protection from Evil, Lend Judgement
0 (at will) Guidance, Light, Detect Magic, Daze, Read Magic, Stabilize


Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Judgment Surge (1 judgment per day is at +3 level), Weapon Focus (longsword), Power Attack
Traits Elven Reflexes (+2 Initiative), Scouting for Fiends (+1 vs evil outsiders), Armor expert (reduces armor check penalty by 1)

Climb +7, Heal +10, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +6 Perception +12, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +11, Survival +9, Knowledge (Local) +7

Notable Modifiers +2 racial bonus to Perception, +3 feat bonus to intimidate, +1 class bonus to sense motive and intimidate, +2 class bonus to ID monsters
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian, Celestial, Abyssal,
Gear backpack, shortbow, 20 arrows, mw longsword, dagger, sap inquisitor's kit(backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, 10 candles, holy text, flint, pot, manacles, mess kit, rope, soap, pouch, 10 torches, 5 days rations, waterskin, holy symbol), explorer's outfit.
Magical Gear (1) scroll cure light wounds, mithral chain shirt +1, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges)
Capacity: 46 pounds, light load.

Special Abilities:

Racial Immune to magic sleep effects, +2 racial saving throw vs enchantment, free Skill Focus (Intimidate), +2 racial bonus to Perception, low-light vision, chose two favored classes, elven blood.

Cunning Initiative Add wisdom bonus to intiative (+3)

Detect Alignment Detect one of good/evil/chaos/law at will.

Track Add half level to survival checks to find tracks.

Monster Lore +3 add Wisdom bonus to checks to ID monsters

Stern Gaze +1 1/2 level to sense motive/intimidate

Relentless Footing (Inquisition) As swift action gain +10 land speed bonus to self, 3 times per day + wisdom bonus (6/day

Judgement +1 – As swift action grant one of the following.
Destruction +2 damage, Healing: fast healing 2, Justice: +2 attack, Piercing: +2 concentration/caster level checks, Protection: +2 AC, Purity: +2 saving throws, Resiliency: DR 2/magic, Resistance: 4 resist chosen energy type, Smiting: weapon counts as magic vs damage reduction.

Solo Tactics All allies are treated as if they possess the matching feat required for a teamwork feat to work.

Teamwork Feats (3/day) Learn a teamwork feat, can swap out the teamwork feat as a standard action a number of times per day equal to Wisdom modifier.


Reva was born to a travelling Varisian tinker, result of a chance tryst with an elf of the Meirani forest. Growing up as a half-elven, half-Varsiain Reva found herself an outcast from her youth, never remaining in one place long enough to form relationships, and always on the outside. Despite a gregarious and outgoing mother, Reva became severely introverted and spent most of her time hiding from her mother’s customers. Her first love was books, channeling her loneliness into a powerful obsession with knowledge.

As a teenager she spent all of her time reading, scraping together money to buy books only to sell them at the next town over. Her mother repeatedly failed to get Reva interested in picking up the trade; she had no interest in talking to customers and was useless with tools. Her life changed drastically when during a long trek from Riddleport to Korvosa, her mother travelled with a group of young men intent on joining the Mendevian crusade.

Their bravado, tales of heroism, and love for their God spoke immediately to Reva, who engaged enthusiastically. She had met the first people who seemed not to care about her life as a Varisian half-elf, and had memorized the 11 Acts of Iomedae. By the time their long journey was over, Reva made the decision to leave her mother to join the crusade.
Reva was brought to Nerosyan, where the teenager swore her service to Iomedae, and began her training. Years passed as she was moved from training for priesthood, to martial training, to finally find her home in the Inquisitors of Iomedae. Her flexible mind and deviousness were a good fit for the group. Eager to join in on the crusade, Reva was crushed when she received her first orders: a return to Varisia to investigate rumors of demonic activity at Riddleport.

Reva is a quiet, intense half-elven woman. Her force of personality can be powerful when focused, but she is closed-mouthed and does not keep friends well. She mistrusts most everybody and has an inflexible definition of good and evil which can be difficult to deal with. However, she is fanatically loyal friends she does make, and will never let herself give up in her duty to her Goddess.