Koraq Dragonclaw |
Well I get to punch Monkey in the face first... and to buff up my chances, I'll bloodrage, too :)
"You damn, dirty ape!", Koraq shouts, looking at Da'Tunga just long enough to figure out where to strike the oversized ape before brutally attacking as his eyes glow red and claws appear on his fingertips.
Exploit Weakness DC 10 + Da'Tunga CR: 1d20 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 4 = 22
Ooo that may be close..., but as usual, +2 to hit and ignore DR if it worked
Raging PA Flurry: 1d20 + 19 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 19 + 1 = 21
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 22 + 9 ⇒ (3, 3) + 22 + 9 = 37
Raging PA Flurry: 1d20 + 19 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 19 + 1 = 33
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 17 + 6 = 31
Raging PA Flurry: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 1 = 29
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 17 + 6 = 29
Raging PA Flurry: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 14 + 1 = 17
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 17 + 6 = 28
Raging PA Flurry: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 1 = 23
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (3, 5) + 17 + 6 = 31
Géatan Émond |
"Damn you ideed."responds Gaétan." Your skin will be used for winter and your meat to feed orphelin."
The arrows flies toward the gorrila all aiming at the same place.
first attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42
dommage: 1d8 + 26 + 1d8 + 26 ⇒ (7) + 26 + (6) + 26 = 65
second attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (8) + 26 = 34
dommage: 1d8 + 26 ⇒ (6) + 26 = 32
Third attack: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40
dommage: 1d8 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28
Fourth attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
dommage: 1d8 + 26 ⇒ (4) + 26 = 30
feat:deadly aim, point blank master, point-blank shot, Clustered Shots, precise shot rapid shot.
spell:heroes feast, life bubble.
Ralph Cauthorn |
Hmm...good point. Forgot about the corners. I'm not inclined to reveal myself before the invisible spellcaster does. When I was casting my summon spell in the first fight, the archers were able to detect my square. Do I get the same courtesy against the enemy caster? If I do, readied action to cast glitterdust over the square that I hear a vocal spell component from.
Koraq Dragonclaw |
I wouldn't mind that glitterdust over the ape; unless the monkey misses at least one, I won't be surviving a full attack like that! Although, if the GM allows it, perhaps have Lavode do that?
GM Mars |
Hmm...good point. Forgot about the corners. I'm not inclined to reveal myself before the invisible spellcaster does. When I was casting my summon spell in the first fight, the archers were able to detect my square. Do I get the same courtesy against the enemy caster? If I do, readied action to cast glitterdust over the square that I hear a vocal spell component from.
Yup, if the spellcaster does something that requires somatic components then you get to id her square.
I'm also okay with botting Lavode into Glitterdusting the ape. I'd rather someone who doesn't know exactly where the enemy caster is pick where the glitterdust is centered at (aka not me).
Ralph Cauthorn |
If we're going to bot Lavode, I really would rather he use one of his DC24 icy prision spells right now. Otherwise, I'll go for the area on the map. It looks like the ape is beside a wall, so that limits the places she can be. I will also assume she does not put herself any closer to Koraq than she needs to be. That ape is also bigger than I thought - huge, not large!
Come to think of it, I have not made a knowledge check on this thing.
knowledge ape, +7 if arcana: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (17) + 23 = 40
1. Saves in order from highest to lowest.
2. Resistances and immunities
3. Special defensive abilities
4. Special vulnerabilities
Koraq Dragonclaw |
@Ralph, Icy Prison will work, too. Worse comes to worse, it would spend its turn trying to breakout, giving me and Geatan a chance to put it down :)
Koraq Dragonclaw |
D'oh! So GM, I am stupid and forgot to add the extended Mage Armor from Ralph onto Koraq's profile. I'm currently at 28. Minor improvement at least. But I'll let the damage on him stay; my fault for not updating or reminding you earlier!
Koraq Dragonclaw |
So barring Ralph's questions, we'll have Lavode Ice Prison Da'Tunga to buy us more time while Ralph does his thing, then hopefully Koraq and Geatan can nix the ape quickly. And perhaps a good UMD for my wand of cure critical wounds in case the ape does get another good round on me so I don't rage kill myself :P
GM Mars |
Koraq tries to spot the right area to hit the gigantic monkey, but isn’t able to find a good weak point.
The initial punch doesn’t go far enough, but once he recalibrates to fighting a bigger opponent, he is able to punch it multiple times. The monkey doesn’t drop.
31+29+28+31-12(DR) = 107 damage
Meanwhile Géatan fires a round of arrows in the monkey’s hide, all landing within the area of a gold piece.
65+32+28+30-3(DR) = 152 damage
Total on the monkey = 259 lethal, 28 nonlethal. He is still conscious.
Lavode wakes up and tries to imprison the gigantic ape.
Da’Tunga’s Reflex: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
When he completes his spell, the ape becomes frozen solid in a gigantic block of ice.
Shortly thereafter, you hear casting come from adjacent to the block of ice, which triggers Ralph’s readied action. He drops a glitterdust in the area where the casting is coming from.
? Will save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
The caster is not blinded, but reveals the outline of an invisible medusa!
Since she was casting a spell, she needs to make a concentration check to maintain the spell while being affected by another spell.
Medusa Concentration check vs. DC 23: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19
Unfortuntely, she’s not able to focus on maintaining the spell as it disappears from her very fingertips.
The ape is trapped in the ice and takes more damage. Ralph is pretty sure that it’s a monkey, although bigger and stronger than he’s ever seen before. However, it seems that it has some special training that apes don’t normally have, it seems to be raging mad.
It’s an ape with advanced hit dice and barbarian levels. Feel free to look up the ape stat block in the bestiary and extrapolate from there, but as for what barbarian powers it has you don’t know.
Init Order – Round 5
Warrior 1 - 70 damage, 30 nonlethal, unconscious
Warrior 2 - 70 damage, 25 nonlethal, unconscious
Warrior 3 - 70 damage, 48 nonlethal, unconscious
Warrior 4 - 70 damage, 31 nonlethal, unconscious
Warrior 5 - 70 damage, 31 nonlethal, unconscious
Naga - 118 damage, divine power, 2 – 1, 4 – 1, stable
Medusa - 70 damage, 2 – 1, 4 – 1
Da’Tunga - 271 lethal, 28 nonlethal, helpless in ice
Koraq - 50 damage
Géatan - 27 damage
All right ladies and gentlemen we have a medusa! If you are starting your turn or entering within 30 feet of the medusa, you need to tell me whether you are (1)closing your eyes, (2)averting your eyes, or (3)keeping them open. (1) makes you blind for the round, but avoids the gaze, (2) gives you a 50% shot of not having to make the gaze but a 20% miss chance on all your attacks this round, and (3) means that you owe me a save. The save for her gaze is a Fortitude save.
Koraq Dragonclaw |
Koraq, in his rage, continues to attack, although he switches targets to the medusa!
Fort Save vs Medusa: 1d20 + 16 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 1 + 2 = 26
"Thanks Lavode, now let's deal with ugly ova here!", the half-orc punishing her with a flurry of open palm strikes, seemingly ignoring or resisting the risk of petrification.
Using a stunning fist AND elemental fist
Raging PA Flurry +19/+19/+14/+14/+9 (2d6+22+9 or 2d6+17+6/20/x2)
Electric Nonlethal raging stunning flurry @ medusa: 1d20 + 19 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 19 + 1 + 1 = 25
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 22 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 22 + 9 + 1 = 43
Electrical damage on hit: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) = 10
If a hit, medusa must make a DC 21 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 19 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 19 + 1 + 1 = 40
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 30
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 1 + 1 = 25
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 33
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 14 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 1 + 1 = 30
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 31
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 + 1 = 12
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 30
If it the medusa is stunned, then ironically Medusa's Wrath triggers for 2 more unarmed strikes!
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 19 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 19 + 1 + 1 = 28
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 30
Nonlethal raging stunning flurry: 1d20 + 19 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 19 + 1 + 1 = 31
Damage on hit: 2d6 + 17 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 17 + 6 + 1 = 29
[ooc]Finally, Koraq will redirect attacks at the icebound monkey if the medusa falls unconscious.
Géatan Émond |
Smoked google. It is consider, I am always averting my eye. I think it mean i do not need the roll. I will do it anyways.
fort with smoked: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25
Gaétan aims at the medusa, then the gorrila
first attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (1) + 26 = 27
dommage: 1d8 + 25 + 1d8 + 25 ⇒ (3) + 25 + (1) + 25 = 54
second attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (14) + 26 = 40
dommage: 1d8 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27
Third attack: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39
dommage: 1d8 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29
Fourth attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
dommage: 1d8 + 25 ⇒ (5) + 25 = 30
Improved precise shot (no concealement) deadly aim, point blank master, point-blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph smirks as his spell covers the medusa in glitter, breaking both her invisibility and her spell.
"If that is all it takes to break your concentration, you really should go back to being an apprentice!" he laughs.
He then waits to see if Koraq and Geatan eliminate the threat.
Trying to save my spells if I can, but if the ape breaks free or the medusa is still conscious, I'm going to chuck a metamagicked fireball.
GM Mars |
Medusa's Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
The medusa is not stunned by Koraq's attacks, but drop unconscious after the fourth attack. (Awww... I wanted to see a medusa get medusa's wrath'd.)
At this point, the giant ape is completely encased in the ice and helpless, so he can't break out and will die from the cold damage every round. You can try to punch him to unconsciousness, but since he's a barbarian, if I counted correctly he's already in the range where if he drops unconscious he dies. Either way, we're out of initiative.
I came up with a much better way to introduce the new character, so I'll be sending him some info tonight. He can post as soon as he gets it and introduce himself in game.
Ralph Cauthorn |
"Well then, that's that. A job well, all of you. Raven, I assume none of these were allied with you in any way?"
"It is probably just as well that I did not need to use a fireball on these adversaries. It would probably have undone the efforts Koraq went through to keep this naga alive."
Ralph casts detect magic and focuses on the auras on the naga, searching in particular for enchantment effects over her.
I have a +27 on knowledge arcana checks, so I literally can't fail to identify even the auras of 9th level spells. What auras does she have on her?
Koraq Dragonclaw |
"Since it seems to be our standard operating procedure, I suppose you want to talk to some of these fellas?", Koraq asks Ralph. "Though, I suggest putting a bag on ugly's head if you wanna speak with her."
Meanwhile, Koraq starts uses a wand on himself to heal his injuries.
It'll be 5 minutes and 5 charges of my infernal healing wand.
GM Mars |
Ralph, I am going to need you to roll that K(arcana) check - you can only fail on a 2, but there is a possibility of failurepartial information. (There's more than 1 thing going on, and they are interacting with weird ways.)
Koraq - you will definitely have the 5 minutes.
Upon hearing Ralph's question, the Red Raven nods yes.
Koraq Dragonclaw |
Koraq will take the time while he is healing to look over the bodies of the chain-men, taking anything of value.
Taking 10 on Perception for 29
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ok here goes. Don't know how many auras she has on her so...
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (12) + 27 = 39
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (6) + 27 = 33
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (6) + 27 = 33
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (15) + 27 = 42
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (16) + 27 = 43
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (17) + 27 = 44
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (19) + 27 = 46
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (13) + 27 = 40
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (11) + 27 = 38
knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (7) + 27 = 34
Hope she does not have more than 10 auras on her. Now I am really curious to know what those wierd interactions are.
GM Mars |
Koraq searches around the parade of unconscious people and monsters. The naga and the huge monkey don’t have any gear on them, but each of the men has an amulet of natural armor +1 and a masterwork spiked chain. In addition, he finds a note dropped by where the men were originally standing. Searching the medusa, he finds that she has a +1 shocking burst longbow and a set of bracers of armor +4.
I’m just giving you the magical properties because I’m assuming the Ralph will send his detect magic over them as soon as he ids what’s going on with the naga.
Ralph starts looking over the naga and studies the auras on her.
The first one that’s rather obvious is the still-going aura of divine power, although it degrades to a dim aura shortly after you start studying her auras.
There is another aura on her, but this one is quite strong. Studying it reveals that it seems to be the right pattern for dominate monster, but there seems to be some extra magic weaved into it. Spending a couple rounds searching for this extra magic, you’re able to determine that the extra magic is stone to flesh and that the spell served as a trigger for the dominate person. Whatever effect this is simultaneously un-stoned her and dominated her, bypassing her mental defenses. aka no save.
It doesn’t have all the structure of a spell, so just ripping it apart with spells like dispel magic won’t work, but it does seem that the magic aura directly points to the medusa and is waiting to receive more information from the medusa. If the medusa is unable to give commands, then it won’t do anything. aka it’s a supernatural ability so no dispelling, but killing the medusa will end the effect.
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph's eyes light up with excitement as he studies the magical auras and discerns their purpose.
"Remarkable! The same magic that un-petrifies the medusa's victims also binds her to her will at the same time! Moreover, it resists being dispelled in the usual fashion! Regrettable for the medusa, as there is only one way to free the naga and find out the reason for her most fascinating words. Koraq, could I trouble you to finish the medusa off? I could do it myself, but it would take far longer and might be alot...messier... You at least can give her a clean, quick death, and it is the only way to free the naga's mind."
Ralph Cauthorn |
If Koraq and Geatan decline, Ralph will do the deed himself, using one of the spiked chains to coup de grace the medusa, then check the naga again for that aura. If it is gone, he casts infernal healing on her from his wand.
GM Mars |
Also it's worth pointing out the the trail obviously keeps going towards the top, so once you guys are done here (and your new PC recovers from the infodump I've given him via private message), you know how to move forward.
I realize that you're still going to talk to the naga first, but I realized I hadn't mentioned it yet.
Koraq Dragonclaw |
"Well, if given the choice, at least that snake critter ain't gonna turn us ta stone like the other reptilian gal.", Koraq deciding to do the job quickly with a swift kick to the neck.
Pretty sure she cannot survive a CDG from me.
Koraq then gets to looking over the note he found. "Huh, Montrose's name is on here, along with a few others. Think this is a clue.", Koraq pointing the names out to Ralph and Geatan.
Ralph Cauthorn |
Thanks Koraq.
"This is more than just a clue... it is a HIT LIST!" Ralph exclaims as he retrieves from his pocket the map that they had found in Hestram's room. "My deduction was on the mark! See the letters on this map? They ARE initials, and this note gives us the full names matching those initials. It would appear that Montrose was but the first of 5 targets, and this Kyalla that the naga spoke of was the second."
"I am now CERTAIN that this naga has information we want to hear."
If Koraq and Geatan decline, Ralph will do the deed himself, using one of the spiked chains to coup de grace the medusa, then check the naga again for that aura. If it is gone, he casts infernal healing on her from his wand.
GM, does the naga awaken?
Géatan Émond |
You are right... could our venture captain would have been dominated by this one?
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph closes his eyes for a moment as he waits for the naga to recover under his spell. His mentally sorts through the bits of information they had uncovered thus far.
When Eliza comes back, she and Osprey listen to Ralph’s questions. Eliza goes to answer but Osprey cuts her off. “This Red Raven struck at Adril Hestram for a reason. The truth is that we have suspected Hestram of treachery against the Pathfinder Society for months. The Decemvirate asked me to investigate personally. The Talespinning was not a prelude to Adril’s promotion, but rather a test of his loyalty.”
“A test,” Eliza says, “Adril Hestram appears to have failed.”
"No... No Geatan, you hear but you do not analyze! You see but you do not observe! A person under mind control is still able to strain against it or even break free, or at least show signs that his will is not his own. It is why I took pains to weaken the Red Raven before imprisoning his will. But Hestram had awoken suspicion against himself months ago. If his will had been taken, it would have been noticed in those months."
He sends the Red Raven further away out of earshot, then beckons Koraq and Geatan closer as he speaks in a harsh whisper.
" Eliza and Osprey perceived the news about Hestram's murder of Montrose as him failing their little test for his loyalty. Do you not see? When I suggested to Osprey that Teppin Montrose had ties to the Society, he got angry and tried to put a very abrupt end to my train of thought... but I am beginning to think he was not angry... he was afraid! Afraid that I would find the next connection. The prince is the clue. A galtan nobleman who had the confidence of the Revolutionary Council and its local hero. A prince. People of means and power scattered across the face of Golarion, somehow connected, and whose murder is seen as treachery against the Society, and yet whose connection to the Society Osprey does not want deduced."
"And then there was Hestram himself, who boasted that he might have been on the cusp of being promoted to the ranks of the Decemvirate. But the way he said it, that meaningful pause when he said he had been studyiing up on the ten, the chuckle he made before giving the speech that he thought would lead to his promotion. But most of all - WHAT MADE HIM SO CONFIDENT THAT THERE WAS EVEN A VACANCY AT ALL? There are always ten... or rather... no MORE than ten..."
"You see, I am beginning to think that Osprey lied about one thing. Just one little but very important thing."
"I suspect not all the eyes of the Ten are watching anymore."
Is the naga awake yet?
Koraq Dragonclaw |
"Create an openin' for promotion by offin' one of the managers. Not a unique idea, but gotta give Hestram credit for the tenacity and, well, partial success. Still sorta strange that he gets ganked by a local vigilante in the process of this; for all the stuff he apparently had to plan, didn't see that coming.", Koraq muses.
Géatan Émond |
"So the ten would be a band of five in fact or that he just founded five identities?
Any way, I accept the rejection of the domination theory but it is still too low of a proof that those 5 names are part of the decemvirate."
GM Mars |
The stone to flesh/dominate monster aura goes away upon Koraq’s swift kick to the medusa, and Ralph’s infernal healing will wake her up again.
She wakes up, looks at the assembled party members, looks at the dead medusa, looks around at her surroundings, and starts crying. “I’ve failed… I’ve completely failed…”
Ralph Cauthorn |
"I suspect he has only found five, though the question still remains as to why he would kill more than 1. If his aim was to ascend to the ranks of the ten, killing one would be enough. I fear there is more to this than even I have been able to deduce. I need more information, and for that, we need to see what evidence the Raven has at his headquarters. Perhaps our friend here may be able to give us more clues too. See here, she awakens."
"Calm yourself. You are free now, but I suspect we can aid you further. We are from the Pathfinder Society and Adril Hestram is under suspicion of treason and murder of the highest order. And I do mean 'murder OF the HIGHEST ORDER', if you get my meaning. Tell us, who are you and what do you know about Kyalla and this whole matter. What was your mission and how have you failed? We may yet avenge Kyalla or at least prevent more from sharing Kyalla's fate."
Géatan Émond |
"and this medusa is the only one dead."
-Posted with Wayfinder
Scotty McBride |
Sorry for the delay, getting some RP type stuff out of the way via PM. Full disclosure: I started reading this thread in an effort to help expedite my assimilation into the scenario. Before the GM told me exactly what my character knows, I made it to where the assassin person was mind controlled. I have no intention to use any of this meta knowledge in character but I'm not going to try to hide that I have it.
I'm also going to try to rush through what is left between where my character is and the point where I meet the party. I don't want to inadvertently delay the story more than I have.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34
My understanding from your first message is that he has enough info to find the party. I am proceeding under the assumption that he has the needed info to folow them.
Scotty will climb into Merena's (his horse's) saddle and head to the maze. (I don't know how far into the maze they are right now so) If there are any obvious signs of direction the party traveled he follows those
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 if needed.
else he will follow whatever direction he was given by the venture captains.
If/when he finds the party, he will halt at whatever distance he finds them and call out "Seekers!" at a volume appropriate for the distance and hold his Shining Wayfinder high where it can be easily seen. He will wait for a response before approaching.
Géatan Émond |
Seeing a potential foe, Gaétan faces him with with his bow.
"Don't move mister! I have a bow and I am not not afraid to use it!"
The archer turn his attention back to the rest of the group.
"Koraq, This man seems to have a wayfinder. Could you come close to him to verify?"
Ralph Cauthorn |
"There is no need for that, Garrick," Ralph tells Geatan as he motions for the half-elf to lower his bow. "It appears Ambrus Valsin has sent us reinforcements! Hail, friend. I am Cornelius Valdorn. What is your name?"
Koraq Dragonclaw |
"Yeah we're... wait, what?", Koraq confused by the names Ralph uses.
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph sighs.
"It was a ruse, Koraq... He appeared to know who we are generally. Which means that either he was sent by the society or by our enemies, perhaps to infiltrate our ranks. Remember that we are in a place untouched by time for centuries. This is not a place where you just run into people, and so far everyone we have run into here has tried to kill us. So if he had accepted the names I gave, it would have meant he was not sent by the society, but was rather an enemy, and I would have greeted him with a lightning bolt."
"But now that you have expressed surprise at my words, he too has been clued in as to my ruse..."
"No matter... We can still do this the hard way. State your name and intent, stranger!"
Koraq Dragonclaw |
"One heckuva ruse to get a wayfinder like that.", Koraq interjects. "Besides, to know our ranks would mean he'd have to have been told from someone within the Lodge and it couldn't have been from Adril's side since he was honestly surprised that we were here."
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph shrugs.
"Our current suspect was himself a Venture Captain and had access to many wayfinders, nevermind the countless others that have been lost by agents who fell in the course of duty. I have on occassion used aspis badges to infiltrate their ranks, and it would be unsurprising if our enemies employed similar tactics. Even if he IS a pathfinder, we do not know whether or not he is on our suspect's side."
"Which is precisely why I was trying to test whether he knows who ARE in our ranks. So then, speak, stranger. Your name, your intent, who sent you and what do you know about us. Unless you are immune to acid, I suggest you answer carefully."
Apologies to Koraq and Scott, just want to act appropriately for suddenly encountering a strange person here of all places apparently claiming to be a pathfinder. Do Scotty and Koraq already know each other?
Koraq Dragonclaw |
Unfortunately, I do not believe so. I GM'ed for Scotty, so once introduced, I could have Koraq recall hearing the name before from one tale or another, but no name has been given yet as much as Ralph has been asking :P
Scotty McBride |
I was hoping to hear from the GM and find out what I learned from Osprey and Eliza as well as what I was looking at when I found the party before I posted again. We can get this much sorted out though.
"Peace, Seekers! I am Seeker Scott McBride, Silver Crusader and Sword Arm of the Dawnflower. I am called Scotty by those that know me best. I was sent by Lady Ollysta Zadrian of the Silver Crusade on behalf of the Society. I have found you by direction of Venture Captains Eliza and Osprey. I know you to be Seeker Ralph Cauthorn, Seeker Koraq, Geatan, Seeker and Archer of Erastil, and Seeker Lavode (I don't know if Lavode is actually with you guys right now so disregard that last bit if he isn't). Seeker Lavode has been recalled to the Grand Lodge. I have been sent to replace him and aid you on your mission."
I should also emphasize that the Wayfinder Scotty is presenting is a Shining Wayfinder given to him by Ollysta Zadrian herself. To my knowledge, it is extremely unlikely that anyone but a member of the Silver Crusade would have that specific type of wayfinder.
Ralph Cauthorn |
Unless a Silver Crusade member was in a TPK. ;)
"Leaving aside the fact that Osprey is a Seeker but NOT a Venture Captain, and that you would have needed teleportation to have caught up with us from the Grand Lodge, it is odd that Lavode would be recalled within a day of what was supposed to be a lengthy assignment. I find it hard to trust your words on their merits, but I do trust my magic. The clerics of Abadar devised a spell to compel another to speak only truth. Will you allow me to check you for talismans that ward against such magic, and then administer the spell upon you? If you are all that you say you are, you have nothing to fear."
The spell is Abadar's truthtelling.
If Scotty agrees, Ralph will identify his magic items and then cast the spell and ask him to repeat his stated mission.
Since I am role-playing the paranoid one, I will also provide the solution.
Scotty McBride |
"Captains" was autocorrect. That should have read "Venture Captain Eliza and Osprey". I didn't catch that, sorry. I don't know if that changes Ralph's response at all so I won't reply to that yet.
Koraq Dragonclaw |
Kn: Local: 1d20 + 10 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 6 = 35
"I think he's good Ralph; I heard of Scotty at the Lodge. Pretty badass for a paladin from what I hear. Most paladins I met tend to try an proselytize ya or got too bigova stick up their arse to take charge when a proper beatdown is needed, but not this guy."
Ralph Cauthorn |
"Hmm... I too know of a paladin who matches that description, though he is an odd one that fights with spells as much as his lance. Alright then, I'll rely on your judgment for now, Koraq. Though perhaps we could have a demonstration that you are in good standing with Iomedae? Koraq was hurt rather badly by the overgrown ape, and I do know that paladins are able to heal with a single touch. If you can demonstrate that power, I shall be satisfied."
I think Koraq could use a lay on hands. :)
Koraq Dragonclaw |
I'm good by now; burned a few charges of my infernal healing wand.
"Pfft, save yer holy stuff for when we need it. Although if that ape got another round into me, we woulda needed it to bring me back!", Koraq chuckling more than he should at his own mortality.
Géatan Émond |
"Anyone with the right amount of money can buy a shining wayfinder. 2 thousand on the market place. It just that you can use your prestige to have one when you are with Ollysta."
Géatan puts down his bow.
" I also have been attack by the Naga so if you are what you tell, your goodess could heal me or at least use my wand. But be wary, we already have a black sheep in the family. I wouldn't stand to have an another."
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph lets the matter rest for now and returns his attention to the naga.
"Actually, there is one other who could also use some help, Scott. We were forced to knock out our serpentine friend here, and she is a little worse for wear. If you could help her, it would be appreciated."
To the naga, he says "Our apologies for the interruption. It seems that new developments are the norm for this day now. What has happened to Kyalla? Who was responsible?"