GM Silbeg's PFS: Eyes of the Ten (Inactive)

Game Master GM..Silbeg

Currently in Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.


Sovereign Court

There was some talk at the Flaxseed Lodge of another Eyes run, so this is to feel out if there is enough people to justify another run of Eyes.

When you sign up, make sure that you have both your full character sheet and a copy of your play history. (I don't need full chronicle sheets, but I do need to know what chronicle sheets your character has, including boons.)

The Exchange

"Where is that damned Higgenstrom? My divinations indicate that he teleported here, but I don't detect his presence here..." Ralph thinks to himself. He is careful not to speak, lest he be not the only invisible creature in the room.

Ralph uses a ring of invisibility to remain invisible most of the time. He also uses an extended overland flight to fly all day long.

My character sheet is linked in my profile and has my boons. My played sessions is linked below.


Liberty's Edge

My power awaits a target!

Not entirely sure if the avatar has the most upto date character sheet. I will check thatand list my chronicle sheets this evening.

I'd be up for playing :)

I think everything on my profile is goid, but I'll confirm that later today.

Sovereign Court

Psst, did you mean to post Koraq Dragonclaw? Dragonclaw is both level 12 and actually a PFS character.

The Exchange

That's 2 arcane casters and a warrior for 3 players total. We need one more at least.

Scarab Sages

I am in the maybe range. But I am a fighter.

The Exchange

Nothing wrong with being a fighter as long as you're willing to stand between me and the enemy fighter. >:)

When can you confirm if you will play?

Lantern Lodge

If you're hard up for people, I could spend some stars to replay it; though that's a sort of sub-optimal situation. It's a series that is best experienced the first time, that's for sure...

The Exchange

Jayson MF Kip wrote:

If you're hard up for people, I could spend some stars to replay it; though that's a sort of sub-optimal situation. It's a series that is best experienced the first time, that's for sure...

I wouldn't want this to be a bother. We still have the weekend to fill the slot.

If no one else signs up after the weekend, I guess we will see.

Thanks for offering!

Sovereign Court

@GM Mars: Yes, yes I did :) I'll have everything finalized by tomorrow; prep for a PFS game tomorrow morning has taken up much of my time!

I can go over my stuff with you, via PM or I can post here, as well, so you know what my tricks are. Mostly punching things REALLY hard.

Scarab Sages

Give me till sunday.

Liberty's Edge

Everything is now in the avatar and current.

Sovereign Court

Koraq's finally been updated and corrected, including adding boons/chronicles!

The Exchange

Looks like our group is:
Ralph Cauthorn - Spellsage 12
Lavode De'Morcaine - Sorcerer 12
Koraq Dragonclaw - Urban Barbarian 1/Blood Conduit 1/Martial Artist 10
Géatan Émond - Lore Warden __ / Sentinel __

2 slots left?

Sovereign Court

Honestly, you could run through with a group of 4 (as soon as we hear back from Géatan). It was designed for 4 people - and with 2 full casters, you won't be that bad off.

Scarab Sages


The only thing I fear is the need of healing.

The Exchange

Géatan Émond wrote:

The only thing I fear is the need of healing.

I have a wand of infernal healing and Lavode has a good UMD score so he can use your wands on you. Make sure you bring at least a wand of CLW or IH each. Some of Lavode's higher level summons can also do some healing if they survive the fights they are summoned for. We won't have burst healing, but that's not the worst thing to be missing at this level.

Ralph's hand lights up with a fiery orange glow that casts harsh, ominous shadows on his face.

"Certainty of death, small chance of success- what are we waiting for?"

Let's heat up the gameplay thread?

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