GM Shady's Midgard Campaign Setting - Table 2 - Hollow
Game Master
Stat Blocks | HL Portfolio Files | Levoča Village | Roll20 Link
Please feel free to dot in if you are in this campaign.
I've added to the Campaign Info section the 2 part Prologue from the previous multi-table thread (not quite sure how to describe that thread, will think of a name).
Please read the Prologues. The starting point of the game, for each of the tables, is that the Guild has sent you off on a quest. You'll arrive at your destination having passed through the relevant gate from the Basilica in Zobeck. You're not entirely sure how you got into this - there may have been enchantment involved - but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I have also put on there my general policy (policies, really) on GM'ing PbP campaigns. Please also read these and let me know if you have a problem.
Thanks, hope to get started shortly (I'm as impatient as you are, and really looking forward to it).
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
Just awaiting one profile finalising - Quinrey - then we're set.
Prologue part 3 added.
There'll be a part 4 specific to this table, before I open Gameplay.
I'm still waiting on a response from one of the players on this one. I will write tomorrow if I haven't heard by then, and kick off anyhow.
I'm here. Just so everyone knows, Naima is useless in combat except for buffing others (or emergency healing), so it would be good to know who is best to spend those buffs on.
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
Sorry about the bad timing... Please note I'm going away for a week and some, starting Wednesday, with very limited access to the Internet, and most likely only through my phone. Please bot me as needed. I'll likely be back to normal posting around September 13.
It's been a public vacation in the UK today so I've been away from the computer most of the day. Conveniently enough this allows me to let you get to know one another, but I'll post next steps tomorrow.
I note 3 players have dotted so will go and post a reminder to the others.

Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 10 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | Saves: Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +3 | Perception: +6 | Init: +9 | Status: Inactive
Speaking of getting to know one another...
Hi everyone! I'm Kat, and I'm very happy to have been selected to play along with you all. I'm new to Pathfinder, but I'm confident that I have a pretty good grasp of the rules to finally start gaming.
My character is Ashekara. When she's not being suspicious or unsocial, you can probably expect her to have something dry or cutting to say. Despite this, helping those who need it is a pretty deeply ingrained belief for her, so if any of your characters are in a bind, she'll be there to lend a hand, even if she grumbles about it the whole time.
She's a gravewalker witch, so hopefully she'll have an undead minion at her side in time. How this will mesh with the rest of the party, I can't say, but I look forward to any roleplay it may open up.
If there's anything else, feel free to ask. =)
You'll notice a map of the village has been added to the campaign header. You can explore by specifying the number of the building to visit. The group can potentially break up and explore, follow the first mover or else move by consensus (by vote, per the GM policy).
If it gets to combat we'll use Roll20.
Hey all, sorry I'm late. I missed the PM mentioning the game had started until today. I just started my senior year of university, but I'll be posting in shortly. I've been getting myself squared away and I finally have time to catch up and get back to my normal posting schedule.
Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 10 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | Saves: Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +3 | Perception: +6 | Init: +9 | Status: Inactive
Don't mean to come across as meta-playing with my last post. The group is more than free to not join Ashekara in heading toward the chapel. =)
I note we have one player who has yet to post in either Discussion or Gameplay. I'm going to check on them today with a final warning and if necessary drop them. Sorry about this but this is a fairly easy point to drop a player so best to do it now if it's going to work that way.
Female Human Cleric 1. Hp 11. AC 16 T 12 FF 14 . Init +2. Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6. Perception +9
DBH here. Still awaiting your reply GM. Leon is almost all down, just neeed your review.
Sorry all, I'll have a post up this afternoon. I have three exams this week, so I've been super busy with that. My last exam is in an hour or so, so once I'm out of class I'll be good to post.
Sorry - heavy week at work - tomorrow at least will be similar as well - plus daughter's birthday at weekend. I will try to get moving again tomorrow if I can; DBH I will take a check but probably Tuesday.
OK, I have set up a map on Roll20. Can you please log in (the link is in the campaign header) and identify yourself in the chat area, so I can allocate ownership of your counter. I suggest we do this before continuing with the combat, so you can set your starting positions.
Also, re the 6th player above, am waiting for the character to be revised to level 1; once approved I'll figure out a way of introducing him to the game.
Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 10 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | Saves: Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +3 | Perception: +6 | Init: +9 | Status: Inactive
In anticipation of Hurricane Matthew, I feel I should warn you all that my posting may be interrupted for the next few days. If so, please feel free to bot and/or carry on without me, and I'll look forward to resuming when I can.
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
I'll be away tomorrow, back Monday morning. Please bot as needed.
Is everyone else still here? I noticed no one else has posted their action, and I was just curious as to if we're all still around. Shady is a player in one of my games and last posted a few days ago, so I know he's still here. Is everyone else?
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
I'm here. What's the hold up. If it's me, just let me know.
Eerikki and Ashekara are both up, actually. I'm just wondering if everyone is still here, since it's been a while since I heard anything. I don't know if Ashekara has had internet problems with the hurricane that swept through or something.
Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 10 | CMB -1 CMD 12 | Saves: Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +3 | Perception: +6 | Init: +9 | Status: Inactive
I'm still here, also. I did have internet troubles when the hurricane passed through, but I've posted since then. I thought we were waiting for Eerikki.
Hi - sorry. Got back from a trip to the US and acquired an infection - have been in hospital this last week. Got out yesterday and finally online today. I'm just going round updating my various games; will try and get things back on track tomorrow (but I have a fair bit of catching up to do). Apologies again.
HP 1/9 | AC 14 | Acr +5 Arc +3 Ath -1 Dec +2 Ins +3 Inv +5 Perc +3 SoH +7 Ste +7 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +5, W +1, Ch +0 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 15; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 1/1 | Spell DC 13 (1: 0/0) |Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
Hope you're feeling better!
sorry guys, real life ongoing emergency. Please bot as needed; OK to use spells and consumables if needed.
Anyone heard anything from Eerikki? He's the action we're waiting on, I think.
I'm back. An elderly family member was diagnosed with cancer that cannot be treated, a few weeks to live. My posting may be a little spotty, and I may disappear again, but I'm here for now.
We've been missing our GM for about 3 weeks. Has anyone heard anything by PM? I hope he's OK; I know he mentioned health issues a few weeks ago.
I haven't heard anything, and I'm in two other games with him. I looked around and in another game he mentioned he'd be heading back to the US in November, so he may just be busy? If he's still sick, that could have happened as well. Last time he didn't post for about two weeks or so, which means it hasn't been TOO much longer than that already.
I'm hoping he's just busy and under the weather.
OK guys, I think I'm out. This was fun, but it's been about a month that things have been at a standstill. We just started the first combat, so I'm going to bow out of this one. Thanks, and happy gaming to all.
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