GM ShadowLord's PFS #4-11 - The Disappeared (Inactive)

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Current Map

A powerful ally of the Pathfinder Society has disappeared, and no one but the Pathfinders even remembers that she ever existed. Can the PCs discover the fate of their missing associate, or will all memory of her be erased completely from history?

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Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

Assuming this is before the situation with the guard
He concidered the skinny half-elf's question for a moment before shaking his head. I do not plan to hunt devils, so no. An entire great ax blade of cold iron is too specialized. If we do manage to run into any, raw damage will have to suffice for me.

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

oh wait we're at the gate? oh then never mind about the bullets.

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

"I see..." She takes her gun off her shoulder. "Well...let's hope that we don't run into any, eh? We wouldn't want t' be POSSESSED right?" She coughs awkwardly. She should probably stick to blowing a threat's head off. NOT talking.
Perception...anyone comin' up to us?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

[ooc]You would have no problem finding cold iron supplies in a city like Absalom, that's fine. A couple things I want to point out. First, if you want to act on something in the past, you can do it but prefix so such that everyone knows you are speaking in the past. The easiest way is to spoiler it with a title of when it happened or use an OOC tag for the past piece and the present time piece. Also, try to use the bold tags around your speech so that it's easier to read.

There doesn't appear to be anyone else but the guard and your group out back. For the moment that is.

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Divination School) 1
HP 7/7;AC 11;Tch 11;FF 10; CMD 12; Fort: +1; Ref: +1; Will: +1
Init: +2; Spd: 30ft; CMB: +1; Quarterstaff+1(1d6+1); Dagger+1(1d4/19-20); Crossbow+1(1d8/19-20)
Appraise: +8; Bluff: +4; Know (arcana): +8; Know (history): +8; Know (planes): +8; Linguistics: +8; Perception: +3; Profession (Fortune): +3; Spellcraft: +9
Lvl 0 – Detect Magic, Acid Splash (1d3), Dancing Lights; Lvl 1 (DC 15) – Mage Armor, Magic Missile (1d4+1), True Strike

"Gaeldrung we need not draw more attention to ourselves than necessary."

Eldak then turns to the guard and offers up 10gp. "Will this be sufficient to let us pass? Time is of the essence and so few of us have unlimited time left on this realm."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Pollet rolls her eyes. Boys and their greed. But Gaeldrung's a different story. Does he have a war god or something?

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

I'm sorry guys I gotta go to sleep....i'll join in again 5 am or a little later all right? good night.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

well now lets hope this game isn't a one warrior show. scouting proved useful, no shopping for White Eagle.

before adding any more gold to the bribe White eagle waits to see if enough has been paid. he does not indicate that he may be willing to offer more.

As he stays back a bit he takes a moment to watch out for additional guards. or unwanted observers.

Elangomat circles above keep a lookout at and windows for unwanted observers from nearby buildings.

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Elangomat perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

White Eagles notes an occasional passerby in the alley, but no none seem to stop and longer. No additional guards have entered the alley or appear to be heading this way at this time.

The guard looks at the coins offered by Eldak and nods. He takes the coins and opens the door stepping aside without another word. Bribe accepted. He ushers you through to a high ceiling chamber where red paint does little to hide ancient religious mosaics which have been painted over. Behind the chamber's large and imposing desk sits a severe looking woman in clerk's clothing.

"Can I help you? I am sure you do not have an appointment," she snaps frostily giving the guard a glower as he closes the door behind you.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Lukaas bows gallantly

You are perfectly right,milady, we haven't an appointement... yet.But we have some precious confidential information that the ambassador will be happy to know. We understand he's probably busy with that glorious ball, but at least we were sure that he would be here tonight, and we are willing to wait for him a little, preferably where no one can see us. I'm certain other embassies would be glad to get those secret informations too, but we decided to offer Cheliax an opportunity to get them first. I'm sure someone in your position is used to that kind of request, and surely you can arrange us an appointment later in the evening, or know someone who can...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Didn't dare to use my "charming" trait to get a +1 bonus on my roll, as i'm not sure the woman would be attracted by Lukaas

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Pollet grunts as she looks at her loaded gun. Darn. Sorry, buddy, but you have to wait., she thinks.
She looks at the woman and says:
"Ya gonna let us pass 'r what?"

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

The clerk seems to think over the information that Lukaas has presented to her. She covers her mouth her hand and says, "Hmmmm. Well, I do not have the ability to summon the ambassador directly. If the information you have is so important I suppose I can talk with my duty officer. Let me see what I can do for you."

She stands and begins to make her wait to a doorway in the rear of the room when Pollet speaks.

Pollet wrote:
"Ya gonna let us pass 'r what?"

The clerk stops halfway between the door and stands still. Her back is to you and she pauses there for a moment before slowly turning around. She glares at Pollet coldly and says, "I WAS going to summon the duty officer but I do believe that perhaps I should see what this information is that you want to present first."

She places her hands on her hips and stares at Pollet. "You see, I'd hate for there to be a misunderstanding and I would let some troublemakers through to see the ambassador. I have a feeling that Ailena would need to look for a new job and I happen to like my job, thank you very much. It's my job to make sure everything operates in the normal channels and this is quite outside the normal channels."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Lukaas rolls his eyes, desperatly

why?It worked so good so far..

Then he realises what he just heard, and his charming smile comes back, as he search for something in his pocket

I'm sorry miss Ailena. I would hate for you to lose your job because of the impatience, nervosity and quite loose tongue of my colleague. This is a very good job, and you are doing it very well. The trust of your employers is well placed, obviously. There's no need to get frightened of losing your work, no need to get shivers down your spine...I'm confident we can find a way to get out of this misunderstanding.

sleight of hand: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

As discreetly as possible, he shows the clerk the small dose of her favorite poison, and his willingness to give it to her

We assure you the ambassador will be pleased to see what we have to offer, and no harm will come your way. It mighteven be beneficial to you, who knows?

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

The demeanor of the clerk changes instantly. She licks her lips eagerly, the bitter frost from earlier replaced by eagerness and the comment by Pollet forgotten. Tucking the package away in her jacket she exits the room returning quickly with an older woman who wears a striking red and black Imperial dress uniform and scowls down her nose at the Pathfinders.

"Really Ailenia you could not have dealt with these... "Individuals" yourself? I am disappointed in you," the woman says imperiously, "I am Anstrella Trelax the Embassy Duty Officer, you may hand your information to me and I shall see it properly disposed of. Leave your names with Ailenia and you will be contacted once the information is accessed and a suitable reward determined - should one be warranted."

She extends a hand for the papers one eyebrow raised.

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Sorry....but I didn't read what Lukaas greatest apologies....

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

When Pollet saw the clerk.....Ailena, right?.....lick her lips for the drug...she's amazing even a woman could succumb to a deceitful sweetness of a drug. Pollet seems glad she sticks to tea with milk....and NOT ungodly drugs. The NAME "shiver' gives her the shivers.
Warning: Pun Intended

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Lukaas turns to his comrades

please leave it to me..

Then gives his most elegant bow to Anstrella

I am sure, Lady Trelax, that you have the full trust of the ambassador, as befits an experienced professional. But so we have been trusted by our own employers to deliver theses papers to his Highness the ambassador only, and to hear his answer, should he give one. We are more adventurers than full fledged professional like yourself, Milady, I confess. Your experienced eyes saw that at first glance. Nevertheless, we take our mission as seriously as you take your own work.Or at least we try and do our best. We're just asking to encounter the Ambassador, propose our information, get his answer and walk back.As the Duty Officer and being a consummate professional, I'm sure you can arrange that.

diplomacy roll: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Not a great roll, if someone with high charisma can do better or just help my roll, please do (that's just a Dc 10 roll to aid me). I haven't included the +1 bonus from Charming either

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

Diplo aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

diplomacy aid: 1d20 ⇒ 15

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

The officer takes a moment to consider your statements. After a moment, she seems to reach a decision.

"Very well, then. I will arrange an audience with the ambassador for you. He is very busy, however, and you may need to wait some time. Please make yourselves comfortable in the meantime. My man here will show you to a room where you can sit."

A liveried servant is ushered in and you are guided a few feet to a sparsely furnished room with a few old chairs and couches. Two doors, one to the east and the other to the west lead elsewhere in the embassy. the servant steps out of the room shutting the door behind him and locking you in.

A few seconds pass and there is the sound of a key turning in the same western door and the door opens a crack revealing a set of keys hanging in the lock.

Venture Captain Amara Li's whispering voice reaches you all again, "The Ambassador has been informed, I will make sure you have an hour. Hurry and be discrete!"

After just a moment of waiting, you hear the eastern door unlock and open a crack.

I'll pause here to give you a round or two of discussion if you like. I've setup the map, it will appear to the top of the page under Current Map. For clarification, you entered from the double doors to the northwest in A1 and the clerk was behind hte desk. She disappeared south through the single door behind her to retrieve the duty officer. The servant escorted you east into your current room.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

1st things 1st. we will take the keys before they are noticed to be out of place, as well as hope they useful in other areas of the building.

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

Gaeldrung will slowly open the door they didn't come in (west?) and listen for nearby activity.

Take 10 perception for 16

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

To Gaeldrung: we came from the west door,which is now locked, so you should check on the eastern door, our only option so far

Our mission is one of deception and stealth. We must be quick of pace, and quick of mind. Best is to try to carry ourselves as if we had all the rights to be where we are. Before we go, I have a few things for you, just in case we come across some beast from the outer planes...

Lukaas put on the table the three vials of holy water
please help yourself.

then gives a silvered longsword to Zhoron
We might need your martial prowess, Zhoron, if we meet some devilkin, and this weapon will be useful in your hands. I myself got a silvered rapier, and a few silvered crossbow bolts. Better not to put all our eggs in the same basket.

Noticing Gaeldrung listening to the door
Is the road clear?Shall we go?

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Pollet takes a vial of holy water...unsure of whether she needs it or not, but better safe than sorry...right?
Let's do this. She smiles.
Let's hope we don't get caught...

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Lukaas is correct. You came from the west which is now locked. I realize the confusion comes from my mixing up of the door description up above, my apologies on that. Let me correct the statement it should read:

A few seconds pass and there is the sound of a key turning in the eastern door and then door opens a crack revealing a set of keys hanging in the lock.

With that out of the way, Gaeldrung most certainly may take 10 here. I will take this opportunity to point out that (in case you missed the hints) time matters in this scenario. All of your actions will be take time to do and count against the clock. Taking ten and taking twenty are certainly available to you here and I don't want to discourage you from using them, but just make you aware that it points out those also tick away time.

Zhoron reaches into the crack between the eastern door and grabs the keys. The keys include the keys to both doors in this room, another regular looking door key, and an odd key that ends in the shape of an Asmodean cross.

Zhoron vacates the space in front of the door and lets the half-orc through. Gaeldrung listens at the eastern door and determines whatever made the noise and opened the door is now gone. He slowly opens the door revealing a small empty hallway. Another door ten feet in front of them is closed. At the southern end of the corridor are a set of heavy crimson draperies.

Map updated.

Perception - South Curtain - DC10:
Beyond the draperies can occasionally be heard the bustle of movement.

Perception - East Door - DC15:
The door is locked. Beyond the door various noises can heard. Clangs of pots and pans, people yelling, and numerous different voices talking about preparation tasks.

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

Gaeldrung nods that its clear and proceeds to the south.
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Gaeldrung bypasses the door with a whispered word, Kitchen, to whomever is behind him. At the curtain, he is perplexed by the sounds of movement. He motions for someone more stealthy to take a peek.

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Pollet checks around...making sure no one surprises them.

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

There seems to be something behind the draperies....well...never mind that...we need to keep moving! pretty stealthy? Go take a peek, could you?
She looks at the curtain again.
What could that be?
Not to take Gaeldrung's idea...

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Wizard (Divination School) 1
HP 7/7;AC 11;Tch 11;FF 10; CMD 12; Fort: +1; Ref: +1; Will: +1
Init: +2; Spd: 30ft; CMB: +1; Quarterstaff+1(1d6+1); Dagger+1(1d4/19-20); Crossbow+1(1d8/19-20)
Appraise: +8; Bluff: +4; Know (arcana): +8; Know (history): +8; Know (planes): +8; Linguistics: +8; Perception: +3; Profession (Fortune): +3; Spellcraft: +9
Lvl 0 – Detect Magic, Acid Splash (1d3), Dancing Lights; Lvl 1 (DC 15) – Mage Armor, Magic Missile (1d4+1), True Strike

Aided by the nearby presence of his familiar, Eldak attempts to notice anything about the curtains.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Eldak can only hear movement on the other side but doesn't note anything peculiar.

"It appears we are just going to have to move forward. I can cast detect magic at any time the party thinks it would be wise."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

Pollet secures her large hat. She then checks her musket. Man...I always forget this is loaded!
She feels around for something on her belt. She seems relieved.
Let's keep going.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Stealthy mode: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Lukass walks nonchalantly to the curtain, draws it slightly and looks what it's hiding

Grand Lodge

Female Half-Elf Gunslinger 1

SNEAK, SNEAK, SNEAK...: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Pollet tries to see what's behind the curtain, as well as being silent and secret.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Lukaas and Pollet both quietly sneak forward and poke their heads through the curtains.

Lukaas and Pollet:
Behind the curtain you can see another corridor that is ten feet wide that runs for about fifty feet. There are double doors at both ends of the corridor and another door that east into the kitchen to the north. The southern end of the corridor contains another heavy curtain just like the one you are peeking through.

Several servants carrying food and drinks on trays are making their way up and down this hallway from the kitchen to other rooms. The noise of dozens of people conversing and talking is evident behind the curtains long curtains.
Updated the map

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

I think I am still outside? no wait i came in, oh I am so silent...seriously though this is not a Pollet/lucas show, mind letting other players in the game?

was going to post tonight but getting late and I gots lots of backtracking and diplomacy roll to screw up. (just kidding) still where are we?

off to read and try and figure it out....

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

White eagle remained in the back as the area ahead is a bit crowded with fellow pathfinders.

Elangomat remains perched on his shoulder. the confined space prevents White Eagle's trusted companion from scouting as he usually does, besides the presence of an eagle might arouse to much suspicion.

according to the map there is another door to the east? or is that the door we went through and the map is not updated.

If that door does exist

White eagle will go and listen at that door as well as checking to see if it is locked being quiet as possible

perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

If that is the door we passed through then will wait for a new map as I will be really lost...

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

This section my require their skills, but our time will come. :)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

After sneaking behind the curtain, Lukaas reports quickly

The ambassador's feast isn't that far. There is a long corridor after that first curtain, and servants coming and going.I've spotted some double doors to the east, I suggest we go through theses. Beware, we must avoid troubles at all cost, because the ballroom is right after the bigger curtain you'll see, I suppose: i've heard many voices, the kind of voices used by the high and mighty. So we all march to the east, as a single man, looking busy, keeping silent, towards the double doors. Try not to bump into a servant. Gaeldrung, maybe you should lead the group: show a stern and intimidating face, and the servants won't dare to ask anything. Be sure I hate not to be given center stage, but we have to adapt to the audience.

He winks and smile to the half orc, trying to bring a smile on his face.

How to give another player a chance to shine and RP.^^

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

RE: Map - I'm sorry if you feel like the pace has been to quick or the map has been unclear. I update the map when I am at a computer, but can't do it when I'm mobile. I try to make a point and note when I've updated the map.

RE: Pace - I was simply responding to queries or actions that were posted. I will delay longer in my responses and slow things down so that more people can respond.

SUMMARY - Shortly after being locked in the eastern door was unlocked and a pair of keys were hanging in the door. Zhoron retrieved the keys and Gaeldrung stated the eastern hallway was clear. Moving into A4, Eldaak heard movement behind the curtains to the south but was unable to determine further while Gaeldrung listened to the eastern door and stated it was a kitchen. Lukaas and Pollet moved south and peeked through the curtain to area A5 to see it was a a corridor with servants.

White Eagle moves east towards the door and listens. Concentrating he listens intently.

White Eagle:
You are able to confirm Gaeldrung's suspicions that this is a kitchen and the door is indeed locked. With certainty you hear cooks shouting, dishes clanging and the general raucous associated with a people hard at work in large kitchen. The room beyond easily contains ten or more people shouting orders, requesting food and organizing the feast.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Sorry, had a few days off from work, so i posted often. I don't want to frustrate other players by rushing things... In this game, time seems essential, that's maybe why I took lead and decided a few things. My apologises if you felt overlooked

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Gaeldrung nods and looks to each of them to make sure they are ready. Follow after me as a retinue, with purpose. These people are beneath your notice. He instructs, then stands tall and sweeps the curtain to the side. He strides into the hall, metal armor run king a chorus of proclamation before him. His crowned helm gleams in the torchlight as his long legs carry him down the hall. He doesn't so much as spare a glance at the servants. He expects them to move out of his way.

The dice hate me, apparently. If youall cower behind me you might be able to reinforce my intimidating demeanor and roll to aid. :)

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Gaeldrung - Make a perception check please. Before you head out, which doorway are you intending to lead the group toward?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

Its not really the pace, just wanted to sort of get organized, and allow each of us to use that skills that we are good at. nothing wrong with moving quickly as long as we don't leave to many behind. we are a team. also I have had several games recently where my posts were pretty much un-responded to. and things moved on depite my character's warnings or questions.

map...I pretty much figured it out just want to be sure. I have had a very frustrating past couple of days. heck in one game I posted that I will not be available to much and the GM decided to break the norm and the game came more alive than usual right after I posted that I will not be avialable. then died back down right after my return post. (had about 30 posts to catch up with when the norm is about 10-15 over a weekend)

I missed the previous listen at the other door, seems stupid to repeat what was already done. can I save that perception roll for something that might actually be useful?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

White Eagle seems hesitant as to the curent plan. He is hardly dressed for such an action and would definately seem a bit questionable. He is not Regal nor noble.

He goes to stay the Half-Orc from proceeding but fears it might be too late. he barely gets a word out before the plan is put in motion.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Lukaas tries to look as stiff and battle hardened as he can, and that's probably not much.

Aid Gaeldrung's intimidate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

He sighs, and nudges Zhoron in the ribs

You're probably better than me at having a martial attitude..

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

Toward the double doors indicated by Lucaas.
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

"I suppose I should follow last. Perhaps giving the impression that this group is being escorted by guards. That may add to the illusion we are trying to create."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

White Eagle - Sure just let me know when you want to use it.

Gaeldrung - Got it. I'll wait for the rest of group to post up before you march down into the hallway! Is THIS the theme music you are going for?

Zhoron - Are you aiding in the intimidate? If so, toss me a roll.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Shaman 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 14 / FF 13 / T 11 | F:1 R:1 W:6 | CMD: 12 CMB: 1 | Init: +3 Percep: +11

I still am unsure, I do not even closely look the part you wish to convey. Elangomat alone is cause for alarm. and these clothes are but simple lethers, not of the fine cloth the wealthy of this city wear.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

sure.... why not...

aid: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Sovereign Court

Half Orc XP 1 HP: 18/18 | AC: 16/11/15 | F:5 R:1 W:5 | CMD: 16 CMB: 5 | Init: +3 Percep: +7

What else would you suggest, White Eagle?

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