GM Niles Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master nilesr

Wrath of the Righteous
15 Rova 4714 Day 35
Dramatis Personae
Overland Map of The Worldwound
Loot Log

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Male Dwarf Rogue 7 / Wizard 1 / Trickster 2
HP 80/81 | AC20 T 14 FF 20 | CMD 22 (26 vs. bull r, 26 vs. trip) | F +6 R +11 (+2 vs. traps)W +8; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities | Init +13 | Per +15 darkvision 60ft. | Acrobatics +18
Current status: MP 5/9, Prescience 3/4, AC 23 (OD), 2 negative lvls (-2 ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, CMD, saving throws, skill checks), HP 70/71

I need to leave the computer now, but we should check with Hrodlan, Quinn and Belledona. I can PM them tomorrow.

Brighton - sure, we will PM you if we find a new GM

Encounter Map

Hey guys, I actually applied for this game as a player and then lurked around on it because I like reading cool stories. I'd be willing to DM it for you if I could get everyone to assure me that 1-3 posts a day is ok. I get bored if I have to wait for days on someone. I have a couple other games going right now if you want to check out my style.

Here, Falcon's Hollow


Here, Reign of Winter

I have 3 of the AP's books but I'll gladly buy the other ones if we get that far.

Let me know via PM if you guys are interested.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Is that one to three posts per person? I have little difficulty with that, though some days I will likely be closer to one than three.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

So, has it been settled yet? What do the rest of you think?

Male Dwarf Rogue 7 / Wizard 1 / Trickster 2
HP 80/81 | AC20 T 14 FF 20 | CMD 22 (26 vs. bull r, 26 vs. trip) | F +6 R +11 (+2 vs. traps)W +8; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities | Init +13 | Per +15 darkvision 60ft. | Acrobatics +18
Current status: MP 5/9, Prescience 3/4, AC 23 (OD), 2 negative lvls (-2 ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, CMD, saving throws, skill checks), HP 70/71

I am OK with GM Niles running the campaign - and can manage 1-3 posts a day, usually.
No word from Hrodlan and Quinn since Spooky vanished...

HP 12/12; AC 16, Flat Footed 13, Touch 13; CMD 18; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1; Perception +5; Initiative +2

Going to chalk this one up as a loss, I think. 1-3 posts is a bit steep for my usual frequencies anyhow. If I'm absolutely positively required to keep it going, I can try to stick it out, but I've since joined a different game (after Spooky's absence).

Encounter Map

Brighton Tongfinger pmed me that he would continue.
Victrix pmed me
Konny posted in the thread
Belledonna posted in the thread

I'd be OK with 4 and we can potentially add another later on. OFC Hrodlan is welcome to stay but I insist on 1 post per day and usually expect 3 if we are in combat.

Let me know either in the thread or via PM how you guys want to continue.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

I'm fine with continuing with 4 if we have to.

I am ready to continue. We can always find new survivors downthere.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Encounter Map

Ok, so I've gotten at least 4 of you. I'll message the admins to turn the campaign over to me. You guys through the A area of the Cavern map so I'll take a look at how/what to post first and make a post sometime today/tonight to get us started.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

Ready whenever you are!

Male Dwarf Rogue 7 / Wizard 1 / Trickster 2
HP 80/81 | AC20 T 14 FF 20 | CMD 22 (26 vs. bull r, 26 vs. trip) | F +6 R +11 (+2 vs. traps)W +8; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities | Init +13 | Per +15 darkvision 60ft. | Acrobatics +18
Current status: MP 5/9, Prescience 3/4, AC 23 (OD), 2 negative lvls (-2 ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, CMD, saving throws, skill checks), HP 70/71

our attack dice definately need some blessing...

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

And I need a medic. Pretty darn quick!

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So my AC is back to 14 now?

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

It should be, once the spell takes effect.

edit: If that thing isn't evil, I'll kiss you on the lips in front of Torag & everybody...

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

Brighton would want to spend the time to put the temple right...but he is also pragmatic.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

How readily secured would this chamber be? If we cleansed & such the shrine, would it make a comparatively safe resting location? How much time has passed overall since we all re-awakened?
Obviously Horgus is going to whine, but if we have gone much more than half a day, Belledonna will not be opposed to cleaning/restoring the shrine if it meant we had a secure location to rest for the night afterwards.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

Victrix would be concerned with potential ambushes, and would likely wish to move on as quickly as possible.

However, she would not be opposed to having a safe location to rest, should the rest of the party need it. She's up for it either way.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Lets say that its sometime in the afternoon right now.

The doors to the shrine are stout stone doors and the shrine itself is in remarkable condition and is made of stone. It just been vandalized and desecrated for the last few decades.

Lets do it

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Everyone, I apologize but I just had a real 'knock-down, drag-out' with my ex over our son & I'm still in such a foul mood. I need to take a day away or I'm liable to get really unpleasant. GM Niles, please 'bot' me as necessary for the next day or so?

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

Sorry to hear that Belledonna. Praying you and your ex can come to terms over your son.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Can do, hope everything works out.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

So that's what getting smacked feels like.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Everyone, thank you for your patience. I am back up to speed now. I didn't notice you having me cast any spells, GM Niles, so I should have a full complement of slots? Do you object to me changing my action this round from moving forward with the dagger to casting Protection from Evil on either Konny or Brighton?

edit: Or not, considering we seem to have him/it flanked...

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Belledonna, I did have you cast one spell Sleep in an earlier round, the mad dwarf made his save however.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Did I miss something? I don't recall even being attacked, how did I go to negative hit points?

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

That would be an editing error by me.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Belledonna are you still around?

Does anyone mind if I advertise for a Paladin character? The AP features many plot points that fit a paladin character. I would rather not have an NPC paladin tagging along when I can get a PC. Paladins are hands down my favorite PF class and I love that they are featured in this AP. You guys had one earlier but he bowed out.

You, the players, have the final say so on if someone joins though. Your group is working well and I would hate to have someone mess things up.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

I've got no objections.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

What would you guys be looking for in a player? Give me some ideas to post in a recruitment thread.

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

Anyone who's willing to play a paladin :)

But really..posting 1x a day on the weekdays is all I care about.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

I'd rather have someone who's willing to pick the Guardian or Champion path, if only for mythic variety :)

But seriously, as long as the new player doesn't act Lawful Stupid, I'm fine with him/her.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Yes, still here. Sorry about that. I'm afraid I probably should have held off on coming back in until after the combat was resolved. If I'm not involved from the beginning, I have difficulty tracking at times.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Ok so we are looking for someone willing to play a Paladin with the Champion or Guardian mythic path.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Might check through the Recruitment Thread & see if any of those who didn't get selected might fit the bill & if so send them a PM to see if they were still interested. It would save starting a new Recruitment thread.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

Also, might as well do this now since we are probably going to be resting.

Everyone levels to level 2!

Please let me know when you are done leveling up.

For HP I've usually just done 1/2 HD+1 instead of rolling, but you guys can roll here if you want.

If you roll, roll twice and take the better result.

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

Victrix Levels Up!

"Level up! F**k yeah!"

Level Up Summary

HP Gain Result 1: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
HP Gain Result 2: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 <--This one's good!

New Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP

New Skill Ranks: 5
--+1 Climb
--+1 Diplomacy
--+1 Intimidate
--+1 Perception
--+1 Sense Motive

New Rage Power!
-Lesser Celestial Totem (Su): Whenever she is subject to a spell that cures hit point damage, she heals 1 additional point of damage per caster level. In the case of non-spell healing effects (such as channeled energy or lay on hands), she heals a number of additional points equal to the class level of the character performing the magical healing. This does not affect fast healing or regeneration.

New Class Feature!
-Invulnerability (Ex): At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and damage reduction.

+1 Base Attack Bonus!
+1 Fortitude Save!

Edit: Switched over to Lesser Celestial Totem.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Well, at best three skill points & a new Cantrip...

To the Cantrip, should I go ahead & pick up one of the offensive ones finally or stick to support/control?

GM Niles, what is your stance on possibility/availability of custom magic items? Specifically I am contemplating something on the order of a Wondrous Item that gives me Versatile Performance (Oratory) like a Ring of Evasion gives the wearer Evasion.

To skills, since I only get three points at best should I go ahead & continue focusing on Knowledge (arcana) & Spellcraft, or try & diversify?

Aw, Victrix! Now you can't take any of the Celestial Totems!

::Sad Face::

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

Huh. Didn't have access to Champions of Purity, so I didn't know the celestial totems were a thing.

Besides, she puts her faith more in her people's spirits than in the Celestial patrons of the Crusaders. She's... not exactly a huge fan.

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

They aren't particularly associated with the Crusaders & don't forget, Sarkoris did have worshipers of actual Good Gods & even Empyreal Lords. They just also had 'household gods'/Genius Loci as well.

Champions of Purity, pg. 22 wrote:

Celestial Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian benefits from increased magical healing. Whenever she is subject to a spell that cures hit point damage, she heals 1 additional point of damage per caster level. In the case of non-spell healing effects (such as channeled energy or lay on hands), she heals a number of additional points equal to the class level of the character performing the magical healing. This does not affect fast healing or regeneration.

Celestial Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian shines with a righteous light. This effect bestows upon the barbarian a halo of gleaming light that shines as if it were daylight and triggers an invisibility purge effect in the barbarian’s square and each adjacent square. The invisibility purge only affects nongood creatures. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power.
Celestial Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains spell resistance equal to 11 + the barbarian’s class level against spells with the evil descriptor. She also gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells and effects from evil creatures. A barbarian must have the celestial totem rage power and be at least 12th level to select this rage power.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

I think I'd be OK with that type of item. However, it would probably take up a slotted space, I'm thinking headband but I would have to look into it more. There are plenty of opportunities to craft items in this AP so if you plan on taking the feats I'd be OK with you making it.

Sorry, busy today.
Paladin ok
Konny picked up all the stuff, was mentioned.
Will level up.

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

Updated my profile with level 2! 2 whole skill points (man...poor clerics) and 7 hp (half +1 + con). Also added in the mwk cold iron warhammer found.

Drezen Citadel Drezen Dungeon of Drezen

You should get another spell per day at 1st level and another 0 level spell at will also! Woo hoo leveling

Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none

Crusader's get less spells. He might still get the additional Orison however.

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

Yeah we get diminished spellcasting for the deflection aura (that I haven't used yet...and was going to before I got downed!).

Retired - Adventure Path Complete!

So... I've been looking over the 2 applicants.

-Barundar Hammerfist, a dwarven stonelord of Torag. He got maimed by a babau and wields the Ball & Chain from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I like him!

-Daenal, a tiefling paladin of Arshea, planning on leveling as a paladin/oracle multiclass. Sworn to protect the virtues of truth and love. I like the concept!

They're both good. I can't decide which I like more.

HP: 38+(4)/38, Init: +2, Darkvision: 60ft, Perc: +3, AC: 16, Touch: 11, FF: 15, CMD: 16 (20 vs. Trip), Fort: +8, Ref: +4, Will: +9, CMB: +5, Channels: 4/day (3d6), Mythic Power x5, Surge 1d6 Dwarf Cleric Crusader Archetype 5 / MT 1 Hierophant

So far I'm for Barundar. But I'm biased for dwarfs and against tieflings.

Well...really I'm biased against non-core races :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Tiefling (Kellid/Pitborn) Sorcerer 8/Archmage/Heirophant T2 [ HP: 56/56 | AC: 11 T: 11 FF: 10 CMD: 11 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +3 Perc: +1 | Effects: none
Brighton Tongfinger wrote:

So far I'm for Barundar. But I'm biased for dwarfs and against tieflings.

Well...really I'm biased against non-core races :)

I see how you are! Obviously you seek the 'Clear Dwarven Majority' because you are afraid that when the Teifling equality comes, there will be deadlock that can only be broken via adjudication by the Aasimar! Hah! Your foolish scheme is as transparent as glass to me!

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