About Baalrak of IronAppearance: Baalrak is a large and muscular half-orc, with deep gray skin, wide shoulders, and black eyes. His hair is thick and brown, and the braid that it's in goes down nearly to his waist, bound in thick bands of gold. His arms, legs and chest are covered in a tattoo that looks like armor - breastplate designs cover his chest, bracers are on the skin of his arms and greaves on the skin of his legs. The holy symbol of Gorum, a greatsword stuck into the side of a mountain, is tattooed into the left side of his neck. One of his arms appears to have been lost, the stump on his shoulder scarred and pitted. Attached at the shoulder is what appears to be a mechanical arm formed from clockwork pieces. He actually wears a breastplate made from skymetal, and carries a greatsword slung on his back, as well as a pistol in a belt holster. For a half-orc, he's handsome. His skin glows pleasantly, and his warlike demeanor actually works in his favor, giving him an aura of confidence that attracts admirers easily. - - - - - Baalrak of Iron
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+8 armor, +2 Dex, +2 deflection, +1 natural)
Worn Gear belt of physical prowess (Str, Con) +2/beneficial bandolier, headband of charisma +2, +2 adamantine breastplate, gorum's thorn, +2 pepperbox pistol, muleback cords/cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +2, ring of feather falling, handy haversack, clockwork arm, periapt of health/amulet of natural armor +1, death mask, 4,050gp Baalrakstory:
The Baalrackstory:
Baalrak was born in Wyvernsting in the Hold of Belzken. His mother was a priestess of Lamashtu who wandered freely from place to place seducing monstrous humanoids and having hybrid children for the glory of her goddess. His father was a sorcerer whose bloodline harkened back to the giant, powerful fire-breathing orcs of old. When Baalrak was young, both of his parents abandoned him: his mother to travel farther abroad and mate with even more exotic creatures, and his father (who was never a good father anyway) to the endless tiers of the Abyss, killed by a knight of Lastwall during a skirmish. Luckily, Baalrak was a clever young orc, and even while an orphaned vagabond he managed to form a little squadron of other homeless orphaned orc and half-orc children who looked after each other until they were all adolescents. Thusly Baalrak got through his childhood. When he was eighteen years old, he and several of his friends attempted to stage a coup against the horrible leader of Wyvernsting, chief Hundux, a jealous half-orc who discriminated against all of his kin in the city. The coup failed, and it initiated a pogrom of half-orcs within the city, which Baalrak barely managed to escape with his life. Wounded and alone, he threw himself onto a ship as a stowaway, which carried him out of the Hold of Belzken and into far-away lands. When he felt ready, he stole off of the ship and into a new life. For some years, he became an adventurer, a mercenary, a sellsword, anything that brought glory and battle and money, although he never moved beyond being a homeless vagabond. For a time, Baalrak traveled abroad and fought and adventured in the Ruins of Lost Azlant as part of a Taldan expeditionary force. It was on this trip that he lost his arm. In a battle against an aboleth, the creature infected him with its grotesque slime. Though he blocked the horrid creature's tentacle with his arm, he could feel it transforming his skin into something grotesque and aquatic... so he merely amputated his own arm on the spot with his Gorum's Thorn and proceeded to beat the aboleth to death with his own amputated arm. Many of the Taldans studied Azlanti engineering, and one of these scholars was an expert on Amaznen's amazing clockwork contraptions, one of which was able to serve as a functioning magical prosthetic for Baalrak's missing arm. Most recently, he concluded his business on Azlant and came back to the Inner Sea Region looking for further adventure. He has heard tales of the mighty Technic League - has even fought some of their wandering slavers on occasion. Hearing that a great conflict is about to take place, Baalrak traveled to the city of Hajoth Hakados - one of the few free cities in the region - to seek work. The city's leader was seeking aid against the Technic League, and Baalrak gladly offered it to her - he relishes the chance to test his blade against such a powerful guild of evil spellcasters. Skills Maths:
5 ranks (4 + 1 Int) per level = 60 total ranks
Acrobatics +14 = 12 ranks + 2 Dex + 3 misc - 3 ACP
Gear Maths:
belt of physical prowess (Str, Con) +2/beneficial bandolier - 11,500gp
4,050gp for consumables and mundane gear |