Meredith Ulmari |
"Dolok. Good to see you again." Meredith greets him. "What has been going on here? The centaurs are willing to help Mishkar halt the fire, but they blame the goblins for the fire. They want the town to turn them in." Meredith rubs the javelin wound she healed.
"They don't know the entire story, though. Neither do we. Why are the goblins helping put out the fire if they supposedly started it? What's going on here?"
"Ah, and where's Nelket?"
Lazarus Logos |
"Greetings, Dolok Darkfur. It's good to see you again, even under these strange circumstances." Lazarus smiles with a slight bow, his slender blue hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to his chest. "It is as our friends describe. We'd like to help, but we're not sure what's going on here. Perhaps you and Nelket and enlighten us."
GM Ladile |
"Ah, my friends! It’s quiet the relief to see you," Dolok exclaims. If you weren’t already familiar with Dolok then the sight of him as he bounds forward to greet you would be downright terrifying. "Nelket said that she had sent word for you! We’ve got quite the situation on our hands, as you can see...and as it sounds like you've already experienced, too," he adds, shooting a look towards the centaur encampment. "I'm sure you’ll want to speak with her right away. She'll be able to answer your questions better than I, as well as the demands of the centaurs."
Dolok turns to look over his shoulder at some of the nearby goblins as they fight the blaze, calling out, "Dragbog! You’ll want to fetch the mistress!"
At Dolok’s call, a stocky goblin dressed in armor made from the bones of what appears to be a dragon steps out from behind the great beast and dashes into the town. Dolok watches the goblin retreat for a moment before turning back you. "Nelket will be here shortly. Dragbog is too desperate to stay on our good side to tarry. It’s best you hear what happened directly from Nelket. In the meantime, I don’t suppose I could convince you to help us finish securing the perimeter?" As the bear-god finishes speaking, he swings his massive head from side to side to indicate the scrambling humans and goblins all around. The villagers scrambling about are busy forming bucket lines to douse the houses nearest to the forest fire, while the goblins split their attention between running around stomping on drifting embers and clearing dry brush before it can become fuel for the spreading flames. While both groups are clearly working as hard and as fast as they can, it’s also quite apparent that both of them could use a little extra help.
You can choose to assist either the goblins or the villagers. Each of you can attempt two skill checks; if you assist the goblins in clearing out brush and combustibles use Survival or an appropriate Profession (such as Architect or Farmer). If you assist the villagers in dousing the buildings, use either Acrobatics or Climb.
Spellcasting characters can choose to cast an appropriate spell when making a skill check to gain a competence bonus on their skill check equal to 1 + the spell’s level. You may also Aid Another on checks but given the rate of the fire’s spread it’s likely to be more effective if everyone attempts their own checks.
And as always, feel free to get creative as well if you've got an idea that utilizes a different skill or approach!
Lazarus Logos |
Lazarus nods, reassuring Dolok. "Of course, we're here to help."
The conjurer summons a small water elemental to help the villagers douse the flames.
Then he casts a critical eye at the goblins trying to help the villagers. The samsaran grips his forearm, the one bearing the holy symbol of Desna. The priest murmurs a prayer to the Song of Spheres and uses the tattoo's arcane bond to summon an earth elemental to dig a fire break between the approaching flames and the most vulnerable collections of brush and combustibles.
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jan's unease at being in the presence of the goblins is readily apparent. Trusting Dolok, but having no other reason to trust the goblins, Jan begrudgingly nods in agreement.
"Dolok... Great Defender... I will help with this task and in the name of Gozreh... I will help these PEOPLE save their town."
Grasping his holy symbol of the Lord of Storms, Jan begins to recite a basic prayer...
"Father of Storms, Keeper of Spring, Warden of Winter...bless your faithful servant, impart upon us your favor... May the true waters rush forth and nourish all things great and small."
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 to determine the best places to fight the fire (via create water spell) if possible.
As a repeatable 0-level spell, Jan casts the spell create water (at caster level 2) to fill buckets and or douse flames as needed.
Meredith Ulmari |
"Right." Meredith looks around town. "Let's figure out where combustible bushes are and keep them away from the homes here."
Profession(Farmhand): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Meredith recalls memories of her life as a farmer to identify problematic weeds, but she isn't sure...
Meredith's Eidolon |
Meredith cast Unfetter before the centaurs attacked us. If it's been 50 minutes since then, Meredith will cast it again when we enter the village.
Denair turns to Meredith. "Can you cast that spell with the climbing thing? You called it Spider Climb
or something?" Denair looks at her smooth hands. "I used to be able to do this without your help, but... now I fly."
Meredith casts it and then directs her toward the villagers. Denair reluctantly flies away from the beautiful forest and towards the ugly constructed houses. "Hi! I'm here to put out the flames. Is there any high up stuff you need me to reach for?"
Spider Climb gives Denair a +8 Climb check. It's a level 2 spell so she gets a +3 bonus.
Climb: 1d20 + 4 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 8 + 3 = 26
Brayden Valdrin |
Brayden frowns, unable to conjure up water or elementals quite as easily as the others did. "I must resort to more pragmatic means. I should be able to get up there, with enough determination." The samsaran digs six pitons and a length of rope from his backpack, and uses the hilt of his blade to hammer the pitons in a line on the side of the house. He weaves a rope through and, a bucket of water in one hand, uses the outside wall for climbing support. At the top, Brayden tosses it onto the flames before heading back down to get a refill.
Climb w/ Rope vs DC 5: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Yorad Cinderhunter |
"Heya Brayden, lemme show ya how it's done!" Yorad shimmys up the wall making it look easy. "Now hand me the bucket!"
This is just like bein' on the docks!
Climb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Meredith Ulmari |
Meredith continues to analyze the plant life.
Profession(Farmhand): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
"Or was that... hmm."
Meredith's Eidolon |
Denair, meanwhile continues to climb and fly up and down, grabbing buckets of water along the way.
Climb, Spider Climb, Circumstance: 1d20 + 4 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 8 + 3 = 20
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie holds tight to Meredith's hand as they enter the village, he seems too distracted watching the goblins to say much until the offer to help comes up. "Heck ya I can help! I can help so good you won't need any more help after me!"
He starts running towards the other villagers to help, first trying to climb up on top of a smoldering home to splash water, but his little feet go right through the thatching on the roof. "Ack! What is this stuff? No wonder its burning so much, its hay!"
Climb: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
He decides to try something different and goes to help Brayden, climbing up his rope before he balances across the peak of the roof with half filled buckets of water. "Oh this part is pretty solid, for little me at least!" He promptly douses Brayden and some nearby embers with a drenching splash. "Hehe, oops! Two for one, I win again!"
Take 10 on acrobatics: 20
Yorad Cinderhunter |
"Rookie," Yorad snorts as he give the 'kid' a lesson in balancing acts.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie reaches out a hand to help steady Yorad as he has trouble on the peak of the roof "Careful Yorad, don't fall. It hurts when you land sometimes." He smiles and continues on.
GM Ladile |
Though some of you have reservations about aiding goblins of all things it's clear that Mishkar needs your aid and that at least for the moment, you're all on the same side.
Lazarus quickly gets to working summoning elementals to aid both the townsfolk and the goblins; his water elemental zips around batting out some of the smaller fires before they can spread further and the earth elemental burrows through the ground, digging fire breaks. Some of the goblins gape with amazement at this but don't seem inclined to look a gift-horse gift-elemental in the mouth.
Using his knowledge of the surrounding area as well as how fires generally work, Jan is able to pinpoint the most optimal spots for the buckets of his conjured water to go. Meredith tries really hard to remember what she knows of the farm life and how it might apply to a situation like this but continues drawing blanks - maybe forest fires weren't a common occurrence back home?
Thanks to Meredith's magic Denair is able to clamber around atop some of the houses nearest to the fires, using the advantage to deliver buckets of water to some of the villagers trying to keep the roofs from catching fire. Although a bit slower than Denair, Brayden is able to achieve the same result, adding his efforts to hers as he helps haul buckets of water up onto the rooftops. Even the Skorlovs pitch in, conjuring water and adding their might to the bucket bridgade down below.
Yorad and Frankie also attempt to man the rooftops but have a little more trouble; Frankie tumbles right through a weak spot and come crashing down atop a table full of dishes and other crockery, leaving quite the mess in his wake. While able to scale Brayden's rope without much effort, Yorad finds it much more difficult than Frankie to balance heavy buckets of water while trying to avoid slipping and falling. This is one case where Frankie's lower center of gravity is definitely a blessing!
In spite of the difficulties all of you face, with each of you adding your assistance to the scurrying firefighters the perimeter around Mishkar is slow but surely secured. At least for now. As you stop to catch your breath, you see the small goblin from earlier coming jogging up with a familiar-looking woman in tow...
Another post incoming, please stand by~
GM Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
While she hasn’t changed all that much in appearance from the last time you saw her, Nelket now projects an aura of confidence and authority that she didn’t have before.
"My friends! Oh, it’s so good to see each of you again!" Nelket smiles, genuinely pleased to see everyone. She opens her arms wide, hugging those of you who accept and clapping the shoulders of the rest. "Have the Pathfinders come to rescue the Farheavens once again? Honestly, if the circumstances weren’t what they are I’d feel bad about bothering you all again so soon," she asks, her lips curving in a wry smile.
"I can see from your expressions that you’re curious about what’s going on here. Let me fill in the details for you," Nelket says as she launches into her explanation. "About two weeks ago, we woke up to fire on the horizon and goblins practically on our doorsteps. At first, we thought it was a raid, but when Dolok roared and charged to our defense, the goblins dropped everything they were carrying and started groveling on their bellies!"
Here, Nelket smirks and glances at an embarrassed-looking Dragbog before continuing. "Dragbog here informed us that he’s the chieftain of these goblins, the Dragonskull Tribe, and that they were fleeing from fire, undead monsters, and some very angry centaurs. As you can see, the bit about the centaurs is quite true. But perhaps I should let Dragbog tell you the rest in his own words." After finishing her introduction, Nelket nudges the nervous goblin towards the group, raising an eyebrow to prompt him.
"We Dragonskulls live in the red trees for a long time. Build our homes from dragon bones, hide beneath the ground when centaurs come. Red trees burn too good, but Dragonskulls know how fire works!" The little goblin thrusts his narrow chest out proudly at this. "But...something bad happen. We burn sick trees around village like every year to keep fires small, but old stone in town catch fire too! Fires start jumping everywhere, and then Dragonskull homes wake up and start trying to eat us with fire-tongues! We run until Redpine horse-lady stop us and say we burn down their village too! So we run again until fire get too close. Dragonskulls set small fire to eat food so big fire not follow, then big bear invite us here." The goblin finishes his story proudly, clearly impressed at his own 'masterfully' constructed narrative.
Dolok huffs a husky laugh in response to the goblin’s tale. "True enough, as it goes. I thought the little rascals were the ones spreading the flames at first, until I noticed that they were actually containing the larger fire. They’ve been industrious enough around the town the last few days, though I worry about the attention they’re drawing from those centaurs," he sighs, throwing a dark glance towards the centaur encampment.
Meredith's Eidolon |
Denair gives Nelket a bear hug, lifting her above the ground and twirling her around before remembering her manners and gently putting her back down. "It's been too long since we met. I hope you have been okay, at least until the fire started. I flew everywhere."
Dragbog gets a lift as Denair shows her appreciation. "People always panic when they see fire, but controlling the fire is just as important."
She turns back to Nelket. "Meredith's been okay, too. Well, once she stopped talking about you- oopsie. I wasn't supposed to mention that." She grins and turns to Meredith.
Meredith Ulmari |
Meredith hides her embarassment for a bit, and then has a much more gentle hug from Nelket. "I- I think Denair did enough hugging for the both of us." It takes Meredith a moment to regain her composure.
"I'm glad we've heard everything. The centaurs, especially the Chief, thinks the goblins started the fire. They think you're harboring the goblins and they want you to surrender them, or they will consider Mishkar to be the enemy." She sighs. "If we can find the true cause of the fire and present evidence, maybe we can get Mishkar, the Dragonskulls, and the centaurs to form an alliance. "
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Yorad Cinderhunter |
Yorad returns Nelket's hug a little too enthusiastically, and disenagges with an embarrassed grin. "Good ta see ya again Miss Nelket!"
Once he has digested the information presented he rubs his hand through his hair, "Well, even though goblins be untrustorthy suckers," uncaring the goblin chief can hear him, "still even rats would not set themselves aflame here, at least not on purpose. It would be worth looking into methinks, Meredith."
Lazarus Logos |
"It would be wise to return to Chieftain Kaana Korag and let her know what we have learned. We will need to convince her to grant a reprieve to Mishkar and the goblins until we can complete our investigation."
"Nelket and Dragbog, would you accompany us to the gathered centaurs and helps us persuade them?"
Diplomacy to Aid Meredith: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Brayden Valdrin |
"An honest mistake," Brayden smiles.
I wouldn't expect anything less from goblins.
"But it sounds like we need to set things straight, and we've already formed some level of rapport with the centaurs, so perhaps we can further it with a simple explanation."
Diplomacy to aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
GM Ladile |
Startled from being caught up in a hug from Denair, Dragbog utters a rather ungoblin-ly sort of shriek as he's spun around and quickly squirms free of the eidolon's grasp.
"Dragonskull goblins...really...don't...with the hugging," Dragbog mutters, trying to regain his composure as Dolok utters a guffaw of amusement. "But...thanks. We try hard to fight fires, keep them from eating human homes like they ate horse-people's homes," he adds - sincerely, if a bit awkwardly.
Nelket nods, her expression growing serious. "Yes. And now I see that on top of the fire itself, the centaurs are even more of an immediate problem. You say that they want us to turn Dragbog and his people over to them for punishment?"
She shakes her head while Dragbog's eyes flit anxiously between her and Dolok.
"That...that we cannot do. While we have a responsibility to Mishkar, we also have a responsibility to Dragbog and the rest of the Dragonskull tribe."
Dolok steps forward, a low growl rumbling in his throat. "For their willingness to stay and help us protect Mishkar from the flames, I have granted them my protection. If they wish to contest that then they will have to answer to me, first."
"And so we seem to be caught at something of a stalemate," Nelket sighs. "I know enough about centaurs to know that they are a proud people and will not back down easily. And based on what Dragbog has told us, I'm convinced that the true reason for the fires must lie back at Dragonskull village...but to reach it requires passing back through the Redpine camp."
"Still...if you believe that it might be possible to convince their Chieftain to stay her hand for a little longer then I would be willing to accompany you back to their camp," she continues. "Providing our negotiations are successful, I'd like for you to take Dragbog and make your way back to Dragonskull village and find this 'burning stone' he says is responsible for the fires."
Here she pauses, looking at each of you expectantly. "Any questions?"
Meredith Ulmari |
"Sounds like we need to convince them to stay their hand, at least until we find the source of this." Meredith ponders. "Alright, let's do this."
"Any ideas on a good argument? Dragbog, if you have any good stories of stopping a fire before it reached centaur homes, it would help a lot. Something a centaur would remember."
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie drags himself over to the conversation, still picking broken pieces of plates and a fork from his tookus and a curiously sunburnt looking face. "Sorry.. got too close to the fire I think.." As he touches his scorched nose.
He returns the hug with a giggle from Nelket then focuses his full attention on Dragbog "Woah, so you're a goblin? I've never met a goblin. Hi Dragbog, I'm Frankie!" He offers up a high five to the hug sensitive greenskin.
As the conversation shifts towards the actual mission (boo), Frankie nods along "We can sneak right past them! Er maybe not.. they saw me in the grass before. I think its since they're so tall, easier to see down, yup." He surmises.
"I bet we can talk some sense into them, Dragbog seems nice, I don't see why they can't just take our word for it right?" He looks around at the adults like a kid who doesn't get taken seriously either.
Meredith Ulmari |
"I bet we can talk some sense into them, Dragbog seems nice, I don't see why they can't just take our word for it right?" He looks around at the adults like a kid who doesn't get taken seriously either.
"Hatred and misunderstanding is hard to shake off." Meredith still remembers Frankie doing... something to that Aspis agent, and his blood soaked hands. Contrasting it with his current innocence, Meredith smiles. "But we'll try."
GM Ladile |
"Woah, so you're a goblin? I've never met a goblin. Hi Dragbog, I'm Frankie!" He offers up a high five to the hug sensitive greenskin.
Dragbog regards Frankie with an almost equal amount of curiosity in return. "Humans bringing little human babies out to learn about fire? That's smartest thing Dragbog's seen humans do in long time!" He returns Frankie's high five with surprising enthusiasm. "Stick close to Dragbog, Dragbog teach all about fire. Maybe humans catch up to Dragonskull knowledge about day."
"Any ideas on a good argument? Dragbog, if you have any good stories of stopping a fire before it reached centaur homes, it would help a lot. Something a centaur would remember."
"Oh sure, Dragbog know just the thing," the goblin nods with assurance. He clears his throat and begins to sing - but to everyone's surprise it's not a typical goblin song of pickles and chopping things:
~Stoke the ember, build the flame
Take its food to keep it tame
Chop the earth and cut the roots
From the ashes grow green shoots~
"Song is for remember," Dragbog remarks sagely once he finishes his short ditty. "You might want to make song about that so you don’t forget. But this one so easy, even smelly centaur horse-people can remember!"
Meredith Ulmari |
"Right. Let's avoid calling the centaurs smelly." Meredith sighs. "I'm ready to return to the centaur camp."
Meredith's Eidolon |
Denair taps her trunk-sized feet to Dragbog's beat, clearly impressed. "Can you teach me more songs about fire and forests? I tell people it's very useful but no one listens to me."
GM Ladile |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Well...there was catchy song Dragbog heard humans singing once," the goblin remarks thoughtfully. "Went something like..."
~The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
We don't need no water, let the motherf-~
Nelket quickly steps in and claps a hand over Dragbog's mouth, rendering the rest of the song incomprehensible gibberish. "Ah! Um, maybe that's a song best saved for another day and another time," she interjects. "And anyway, I agree with Meredith. Since there aren't any objections it's time to head to Chieftain Korag's camp."
While the Skorlovs stay behind and take over 'command', as it were, of the situation in Mishkar, Nelket, Dolok, and Dragbog accompany you back across the the clearing towards the Redpine encampment. As before, the centaurs that stand guard and patrol the perimeter allow you passage but they visibly bristle at the sight of both Dragbog and Nelket, giving them dark looks. When you reach the center of the camp you find Chieftain Kaana Korag in discussion with several of her lieutenants. At the murmurings that herald your approach she looks up, her expression immediately growing stern and grim.
"So, you return. I see you brought the little leader of the firebug goblins. This is good," Kaana begins. "But why have you brought the bear-beast we've seen prowling the edges of the town? And this woman, who is she?"
Yorad Cinderhunter |
Yorad wrinkles his nose in disgust, "Actually they are quite smelly, no use in denying that fact! I'll keep my mouth shut so as not to...upset them."
Just what we need, more smelly company...
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie's eyes light up as Dragbog becomes his newest friend "Ya teach me about fire, I'd like that a lot!" Frankie stays close to the goblin, humming his songs on occasion as they make the long walk aback across the field. "Fire has food? Weird." You hear him mutter as he replays the words of the song in his head as they go.
As the guards part to let them inside Frankie waves happily to the horse men as they pass. What a day, I've met so many new people already, AND we're gonna go to a real goblin village too! He smiles as he walks, pulling an old dried up apple core from his pocket and bouncing it off Denair's head before pointing to Dragbog as the 'culprit'. "Nice shot Drag!"
Bluff to Fool: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Once they reach the 'main tent' Frankie tries to reign in his fun time, at least until they get Dragbog out of his current scrape. "Hey Kaana. This is Nelket and Dolok and Dragbog! We need to go back to find out how this big fire started. Dragbog and his people work to keep the fire small and use it to grow green things! Tell them Drag, sing them the song!"
Diplomacy: Because everyone loves Frankie and if you're with him you're golden.: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Meredith's Eidolon |
"Wait, what happens if you don't need the water?" Denair follows along with the new song, clearly distraught she didn't hear the ending.
Denair's glad to leave the city, at least.
Centaurs aren't smelly, "civilized" folk are too clean.
Meredith Ulmari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Meredith can't help but laugh. "We call that a controlled fire. Let's go."
Meredith's back at the centaur camp, and she already sees a tough crowd. She's not sure what to say, but Frankie jumps in and takes the lead.
"Goblins, Centaurs, and Humans haven't gotten along. I know. But that animosity is taught, not learned. Frankie's young, he wants us all to work together. He doesn't see the centuries of strife that stifle cooperation."
"What I'm saying is, we have an opportunity. The Dragonskull tribe knows how to keep fires in check. Mishkar can access rare supplies and skills in times of need. And you know the lay of the land better than everyone else. If we could work together to stop this fire, then we can do so much more together."
"Please, grant us- and the goblins- passage to their tribe so we can stop the source of the flames once and for all. We can survive together or perish separately, but I will try for the former."
Auto Aid Frankie's Diplomacy.
Lazarus Logos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just before returning to the centaur camp, Lazarus casts an orison on himself.
"Chieftain Kaana Korag, this is Nelket, leader of the humans in Mishkar, and this is Dragbog, leader of the Dragonskull goblins who are helping contain the fires. And this bear-like fellow is Dolok Darkfur, the powerful guardian of the humans. They have information that suggests the situation is more complex than we had suspected."
"It seems the true cause of the fires must lie back at Dragonskull village, but to reach it and deal with the threat, we'll need to pass back through the Redpine camp. We'd like your blessing to continue our investigation."
Enhanced Diplomacy, Diplomacy to Aid Frankie: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 2 = 30
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie nods and points at Meredith and Lazarus as they explain the situation in far greater detail than he ever would. "Ya, what they said!"
Yorad Cinderhunter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Seeing the other weave their seemingly magical words, Yorad knows when to keep his mouth shut here.
I wonder if this be why th' Captain sent me to work with these guys...could be because of me sailor's mouth! Still, someone's gotta move the goods and steam needs to be blown off too!
Brayden Valdrin |
"Our newest companions include a goblin, a bear guardian, and, if you hear us out, perhaps you," Brayden bows to the centaur. A little politeness goes a long way. "With safe passage, we'll find the source of the fire and put an end to it for good. Everyone wins."
Well, maybe not *all* of the goblins...
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
"Goblins... this seems like something a true warrior would not humble himself into doing...but if for no other reason than our friendship with Nelket, I will grudgingly do my best to help all parties involved."
Jan reaffirms his earlier oath to Kaana and assures her that those responsible- will be dealt with.
GM Ladile |
As she listens to your words Chieftain Korag's expression remains grim and nigh unreadable, her brows furrowed. Still, Dragbog seems bolstered by the support and tentatively clears his throat, drawing the centaur's gaze to himself.
"Um...what they said true, Chief Horse-er Chief Korag Lady," Dragbog nods earnestly, eyes wide with conviction. "Dragbog promise Dragonskulls not start the fire...not on purpose, anyway! Remember? Dragbog told you last time we, um, talked. It was the burning stone in the middle of Dragonskull village, it caused the Dragonskull homes to wake up and start trying to eat us! Let Dragbog and humans pass, we fix problem, put out the fires! We-"
Chieftain Korag holds up one hand and the goblin instantly falls silent, gulping and ducking back behind Dolok and Frankie.
"You tell a pretty story, little goblin. The same one as before, yes," the centaur chieftain remarks, her tone cold. "And it seems that you've found others who believe so as well." Turning to Nelket and Dolok, Chieftain Korag seems to size them up for a moment before - to some surprise - inclining her head with a respectful nod. "You two. I sense the power you wield, the bond you share. You believe the goblin's tale?"
"We do, Chieftain Korag," Nelket responds in a firm, confident voice. "At first I believed the same as you, that it was all smoke and mirrors to deflect blame for the fires from themselves. But Dolok...he urged me to hear them out and give them the opportunity to prove their sincerity by helping us fight the fires around Mishkar. And they have kept their word, even when it would have been easy for them to have slipped away amid the chaos."
Several of the centaurs whisper among themselves at this, some of them nodding in agreement and others looking at Dragbog as though seeing him in a different light. Others continue to glower and grumble as they look on. Even the Chieftain herself seems conflicted.
"These people," she gestures to the group, "I had every reason to expect were here as allies of the goblins and so I sent some of my soldiers out to keep them from reaching Mishkar. And yet they refused to engage in battle, even when under attack. This...and their conduct afterwards when I allowed them into the camp...proved to me that they were sincere in their desire to get to the bottom of this mess."
"And...I realize that they would not have brought all three of you to me if they did not believe the goblin's tale," the centaur admits. "It goes against every instinct, every story we have ever heard or ever shared, everything we Redpine know about the nature of a goblin...but I will allow you passage through the camp and into the Finadar Forest beyond."
Another post to follow, please stand by~
GM Ladile |
Though Dragbog sighs with relief...and you're pretty sure you catch Nelket doing the same...Chieftain Korag shakes her head, a warning look on her face.
"That said, do not mistake my agreement to your plan as agreement that the Dragonskull goblins are not the cause of the fires after all," she continues. "If you can provide some sort of proof of it then I will hear it when you return but otherwise-"
Her words are cut short as some of the centaurs in camp cry out in alarm; turning towards the source of the noise you can see that the wind has picked up and carried embers and sparks across the water-filled trench and into the encampment - where they quickly ignite and begin to burn!
”Water! Tamp the flames before the entire camp is lost!” Chieftain Korag cries. She and the other centaurs rush to try and contain the flames, their business with you temporarily forgotten. It looks as though you would have no trouble making your way out of the camp and onward into the forest but on the other hand, it might be prudent to stay and aid the Redpine in fighting back the fires before you go...
Pretty sure I know what you guys will do but you *do* have the option of buggering off if you don’t want to help the centaurs.
If you want to stay and help, each of you may attempt two skill checks from the following list: Acrobatics, Disable Device, Knowledge (Engineering or Nature), Survival, or an appropriate Profession check for clearing brush, digging ditches, or otherwise managing fire breaks, ditches, and burning forests (such as Architect, Engineer, Farmer, Miner, or Woodcutter).
Spellcasting characters can choose to cast an appropriate spell when making a skill check (such as Create Water, Create Pit, or Gust of Wind) to gain a competence bonus on their skill check equal to 1 + the spell’s level. As before, you may also Aid Another on checks but given the rate of the fire’s spread it’s likely to be more effective if everyone attempts their own checks.
Brayden Valdrin |
Brayden turns in the direction of the trench, startled as he'd been whispering a prayer to himself as the conversation went on. He rushes over to clear any fast burning brush and branches from the area, using his katana to cut through as needed.
Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Yorad Cinderhunter |
It doesn't take Yorad long to make up his mind here.
Definitely want to be on the centaur's good side here, they can run much faster than me!
Using his much practiced skills in lugging heavy items quickly and efficiently he quickly darts to where some of the heaviest brush areas abound and leaping across the fire he pulls the brush out of the area once Brayden has cut through it!
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Profession (Porter): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Meredith Ulmari |
"Thank you, Chief." Meredith bows. "We'll get started right away- " The cries of centaurs cut her off.
"Alright, this time I'm sticking to survival tactics. Denair, help them get more water."
Meredith starts looking for flammable plants to quickly remove.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Some of it makes sense instinctively. That bush has oils, get rid of it. Some shrubbery just doesn't make sense, though.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
"FIRE FIRE!" Shouts Frankie as the embers land and smoke begins to build. He grabs Denny and Dragbog each by the hand and drags them off towards the worst of it. "We gotta help before their camp burns up too!"
Quick as a cat and as deft as a mouse he scurries across a log towards some smoldering canvas near the wet ditches. Time to do what Mom always yelled at me to do! Take DOWN my blanket forts!
With a quick peek to make sure no one is watching too closely he pulls out his hidden tools from his sleeve and gets to work disabling all of the connections to the burning tarp. Hopefully that's enough to get it down and away from everything else!
Take 10 on acrobatics for 20 and take 10 disable device with tools for 23.
Meredith's Eidolon |
Denair's happy everyone is talking, at least. She's clapping happily until fire breaks out.
This time she sticks with the Boss.
"Wait, not that plant. When it explodes its leaves smother flames really well. Wait! That will burst forth when it's down there, lift it up and should blow out the flames."
K Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
K Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Jan will stay and help the Centaurs.
"By Gozreh... this fire must be put out!"
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Jan will again summon water in order help quench the fire.
Lazarus Logos |
"Of course, we'll help."
Lazarus mutters a prayer to Desna, seeking her guidance and considers the laws of nature affecting the fires. Guidance, Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 1 = 17
To create another fire break, Lazarus grabs a handful of sand from the ground at his feet and casts burning sands.
GM Ladile |
Everyone scrambles into action once more as the fire surges but with the camps' placement closer to the forest it proves harder to fight the flames than it was on the outskirts of Mishkar. Brayden and Yorad struggle trying to clear out the brush closest to the fire break as does Meredith. On the other hand, Frankie has much better luck in cutting down some of the burning tarps on the edge of the camp, preventing the fire from spreading further into the camp. Denair steps in to help Meredith, providing her with some help on which plants to uproot and which ones to leave in place, while Jan conjures water for the centaurs to use and Lazarus uses his magic to cover a section of earth with hot sand, creating a second fire break.
While you help the Redpine centaurs in their desperate battle to preserve their encampment, you hear a cry of alarm from close by - ”Watch out!” As you turn towards the source you’re just in time to see the flames on the other side of the original fire break reach what looks to be an old, dried up brush pile. The brush pile ignites and a huge wave of flame belches out from the forest’s edge, washing over man and centaur alike!
How Many?: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Who? (Alphabetical Order): 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) = 14
Fire Damage: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 6, 6) = 22
Yorad, Meredith, Jan, please make a DC 14 Reflex to take only half damage.
"Yikes! Need more water over there," Dragbog calls out from where he helps Frankie cut down and extinguish burning bits of tarp. "But think we almost have fire licked! Just little more, should push it back!"
Brayden, Jan, and Lazarus can each still make one more skill check to finish putting out the fires~
Yorad Cinderhunter |
Reflex save for No damage (Evasion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Meredith Ulmari |
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Meredith screams as the flames burn her. She drops immediately to extinguish the fire. "Damn, that burns." She fumbles for her Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Assuming someone can cast the spell, here. Otherwise Meredith will use UMD as needed.
5d8 + 5 ⇒ (2, 7, 2, 2, 2) + 5 = 20
Most of the burns are healed. "Here. Use this to heal as many centaurs as we can reach."
With a +9 bonus, Meredith needs to roll an 11 to activate the wand. If she rolls 1 I will stop.
6d20 ⇒ (20, 16, 3, 11, 20, 11) = 81
Meredith tries 6 times to heal herself and succeeds 5 times.