Questions About Adventure Mode and Adventure Progression

Organized Play General Discussion

3/5 ***

Good Evening Distinguished Members of the Forum,
I am going to be beginning a Crown of the Kobold King Campaign in Adventure Mode at my FLGS.

I have a few questions:

After this is done what might be good to run for the players? If the players get to 6th level and they want to continue with modules, or AP's what might be a good campaign to build around.

I understand that in scenario play they would only be 2nd level so we could then go into scenario play with 2nd level characters, correct?

In Adventure Mode it is totally possible to limit characters to the Remaster options correct?

Thank you so much in advance for your guidance and help.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

I understand that in scenario play they would only be 2nd level so we could then go into scenario play with 2nd level characters, correct?

In Adventure Mode it is totally possible to limit characters to the Remaster options correct?

1) Kobold King actually provides the players and GM with two chronicle sheets, each worth 12 XP (one level's worth). You could apply these to two different characters and have two 2nd-level characters, or both to one character so they reach 3rd level. (you can also apply these to characters that have already been played in Society games but I'm just answering from the perspective you started from)

2) In Adventure Mode you can do whatever you want, so long as the game is still recognizably Pathfinder. You could limit players to only arcane casters if you wanted, or allow them to use third-party content on top of our official releases.

3/5 ***

Alex Speidel wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

I understand that in scenario play they would only be 2nd level so we could then go into scenario play with 2nd level characters, correct?

In Adventure Mode it is totally possible to limit characters to the Remaster options correct?

1) Kobold King actually provides the players and GM with two chronicle sheets, each worth 12 XP (one level's worth). You could apply these to two different characters and have two 2nd-level characters, or both to one character so they reach 3rd level. (you can also apply these to characters that have already been played in Society games but I'm just answering from the perspective you started from)

2) In Adventure Mode you can do whatever you want, so long as the game is still recognizably Pathfinder. You could limit players to only arcane casters if you wanted, or allow them to use third-party content on top of our official releases.


3/5 ***

Are there any modules that might be a good to go through after the Kobold King?

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