GM Kyshkumen's PFS The Godsmouth Heresy (Inactive)

Game Master Kyshkumen

The deep crypt

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Sent a message to Adelaide to see if there is any chance she may join us again soon. Other wise I may have to take her out for the rest of this game, which I am a little hesitant to do.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Yeah, she seemed like a very nice person, but I wouldn't want to get in the situation I made as a GM with the guy who vanished, making decisions for him and accidentally 'killing' him while GMPCing him. I kept waiting for him to come back or send word, but it never happened.

What we (or you as GM, rather) could possibly do is to have her character go back to a relatively safe place for some reason, 'guarding' it for us or something. Then, perhaps, she could join back up with us if she does come back.

It might result in less xp/PP/gp or something for Lady Adelaide. I'm not really sure how modules work if only partially completed, or partially completed by one character. (Or scenarios, for that matter.) I guess gp is tied to what is found/defeated/solved. PP, however, is tied to accomplishing the mission in scenarios and seems to be a flat rate in modules, as is xp. Our GM in the disastrous third level of Thornkeep decided to give us 2 out of 3 xp and 3 out of 4 Fame/Prestige Points for defeating everything but the BBEG.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
Garedon wrote:
He hears every one of his own footfalls, and is painfully aware of how bright and distracting his torchlight is.

Yeah, what you're doing is like painting a target on yourself. I tend to cast light on an arrow/bolt/pebble and send it down the hall/stairs/shaft/whatever instead, for that very reason.

Unfortunately I've been fighting a flaky Internet connection for the last week or so and wasn't able to have Tuich step in before you headed out.

Be safe, Garedon...

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
Vyk Tyr wrote:
"Huh? Yeah, yeah, good idea, Garedon," Vyk said while only paying half attention to the wizard.

Garedon's manner of speech is fractal in nature. You can listen to every other word and it still sounds exactly the same...

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

It needs to be filtered. Garedon concentrate is very dangerous. ;-)

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis


Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

O.O;; Even with it right up there in the title, I wasn't really thinking about this as part of the gameday. That deadline has crept up fast!

Hmm. Just guestimating the number of rooms showing, showing but not dealt with, and rooms left to be found, I don't think we are going to make it, even with a dramatic increase in rate. :-\

(I have other ones that won't make it, but they're either half dead or just super pokey. Oh well.)


We'll my thought process on this and asking in the official thread are that it needs to be reported before the end date for credit. If we can get the BBEG down before the dead line I can report it as finished. If everyone wants to keep exploring for fun after the dead line I have no problem with that. I do not really agree with a hard cap time limit on modules for these game events though.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Sorry I've been missing for a week. I didn't realize it had been so long. I'll catch up as fast as I can.

What's the end date that we're aiming for?

Edit: And from talking with Adelaide's player(my girlfriend), she's had to cut back on her PbPs, and so she's only able to stay active in a couple. She's decided she's not really a fan of PFS's format and regulations, so I don't think she'll be back to PFS stuff.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Aww! Well please tell her for me that it was a pleasure gaming with her. I enjoyed her style and company, and she will be missed.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Yeah, I'm always wavering about aspects of PFS, but it does have its uses and advantages. That said, trying to get the ITS sheet and everything in order for a F2F pickup game may be beyond me, even though I have things recording down to the copper piece in Excel. Too much paperwork.

Give her our best, though, and we're sorry it didn't work out.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Lady Adelaide might also want to try an AP sometime, even though it is a long time commitment, especially as PbP. In the PbP game GM K and I are in, here, we are probably even slower, having a penchant for talking about what and how people are making breakfast and such, but it has been a great place for role playing and character development.

(I also need to cut back, but this here is a really great group and, surprisingly, no one has even tried to get Garedon killed yet.)

I like having 6 in a group, for the variety of people, races, and classes, but it depends, of course, on what other people prefer. If others agree, we could think about who to add to this game, I guess once this campaign is over. Perhaps another one of our friends from RL or from another of our games. Walter/Wuliem doesn't seem to be in too many.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
Garedon wrote:
...surprisingly, no one has even tried to get Garedon killed yet.

Not that some of us haven't considered it.

By the way, it looks like your link glitched. I think here is where it was supposed to point?

She's in a couple of AP PbPs that she's keeping up with, actually. Wrath of the Righteous and Kingmaker. It's due to the contrast those have with this PbP that she got turned off of PFS play. She has issues with the concept that nothing you do in PFS carries over between sessions besides "did we kill all the monsters and take all their stuff?"

As a player, she's always really interested in trying to establish long term relationships (as rivals, friends, mentors, etc) with NPC and PC characters. I've tried pointing out that since we've been playing PFS as a consistent group, she can still establish links with the other PCs, but it's not the same.

Personally, I find the restrictions of PFS to be fine considering that I was able to drop one of my existing characters into your group without having to worry about adjusting him (other than to make sure he was still PFS-legal).

Oh, and she plays in the RotRL game that I've been DMing. She joined near the end of the second book, and we're in the middle of the fifth now.

So it wasn't anything against any of you. She just needed to cut back on her playing and PFS restrictions made this campaign fall lower on her list.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Garedon's in a Carrion Crown game. I'm now officially jealous.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Shoot, Vyk, I'm sorry we didn't recruit you, then. We were looking for replacements after a GM disappearance and the resulting fallout but the new GM filled them with some people he knew from RL. I'll definitely keep you in mind if there is a switch or I hear something open up.

You could also PM 'Storn' (the GM) and see if there is still a space in his WotR campaign, if you were interested in that.


Well Norna the gnome Cleric is in a Carrion Crown game along with a custom version of Kawrock.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Is it generally the rule that you roll once for all types of area effect spells that heal or damage, rather than rolling individually for each target? It's something that I've gotten use to with a cleric's channel energy feature, but wasn't sure if it is always the case, and I haven't found mention of it in the rules.

I never used to play the old game that way, and instead rolled for each target, so that a 6d6 Fireball might to 15 to one and 30 to another target.

Although the new way (as I understand it) definitely speeds things up, I'm not sure if I prefer it or not. Especially coupled with all monsters of a type having exactly the same hp, such as vanilla goblins having 6 hp and skeletons having 4 hp, it makes things a little too predictable and generic, so that a 1d6, 4 point channel energy (or whatever) destroys all of the skeletons, rather than doing 1 pt to a 6 hp skeleton and 6 points to a 1 hp skeleton, etc.

Anyway, I should probably learn the rules before I GM something with area effect damage other than channel negative energy. So far, I haven't run into it, only doing Tier 1-2.


I've only seen it done as one roll with the saves splitting up the damage. Though some spells like unholy blight require different rolls depending on who is affected. I ran a game Wednesday night where I hit a paladin and two neutral players. So I had to roll 5 d8s and 10 d6s. Then one of the neutral players made the will save so he took a fourth of the d8s the other neutral took half after failing and the paladin made her save for half the d6s. Now if I had to roll 2 sets of d8s it would have just been even more confusing. It really speeds up the game and I think that is why it is the preferred method.

Edit: I have also seen the reverse where I channeled positive to harm 6 undead and the GM made 1 roll for all the will saves. That I did not care for.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Thanks for the answer, GM K. Good to know.

Yeah, it could be a real mess with 10d6 fireballs against multiple opponents or whatever, although it would give a few people the satisfaction of using all (or most) of their big bags of d6s. :-)

I had been browsing around and found the spell Fractions of Heal and Harm, which would see to need a single roll for damage, using that number to determine how much is diverted into healing. It have to be rewritten to use damage dice for the calculations instead of points of damage in a system where different amount of damage are done to different individuals.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
GM Kyshkumen wrote:
I've only seen it done as one roll with the saves splitting up the damage.

It's been a lifetime since I've GMed (and it was long before Pathfinder was even a gleam in anyone's eye) so my opinion should carry zero weight. But to me, this approach makes sense. You're dumping "X" amount of energy into a defined area, and it's only the opponent's ability to resist or getting out of the way in time or whatever that differentiates how much damage each takes.

I have also seen the reverse where I channeled positive to harm 6 undead and the GM made 1 roll for all the will saves. That I did not care for.

That, on the other hand, makes no sense to me. Each of the targets is an individual, and you'd expect that some might happen to be looking in the right direction to see something coming, or have better footing for a leap to the side, or a stronger will to resist. I can see a single roll for swarms and the like (or for expediency's sake if it's a huge horde of baddies), but otherwise I'd think each should have his own shot.

Garedon wrote:
"Whether one's fellow adventuring companions should properly be considered 'resources' or not is a matter of some debate in wizardly circles; I, for one, would never call them that."

If you'll permit a fantasy/real-life crossover: I honestly believe that things started going south around the time we stopped being "Personnel" and started being "Human Resources." In my opinion, that label change says a lot about how people are viewed...

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis
тυιcн wrote:

Garedon wrote:
"Whether one's fellow adventuring companions should properly be considered 'resources' or not is a matter of some debate in wizardly circles; I, for one, would never call them that."

If you'll permit a fantasy/real-life crossover: I honestly believe that things started going south around the time we stopped being "Personnel" and started being "Human Resources." In my opinion, that label change says a lot about how people are viewed...

That's probably true. :-\

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

On the other hand, to metagame a bit, the encounter slope hasn't been very steep so far, with skeletons not being a very powerful pre-encounter, so we are probably good for the next chamber. At least elves aren't subject to the paralysis of ghouls (which seem to be all over tier 1-2). :)

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

With all the skeletons down here, "Mr. Marrow" seems a decidedly foreshadowy name...

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis
тυιcн wrote:
With all the skeletons down here, "Mr. Marrow" seems a decidedly foreshadowy name...

Heh, yeah. I just commented on that coincidence, in a very roundabout way.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

I picked up The Confirmation, ostensibly for the gameday, but I was also thinking about someday maybe prepping it for the local PFS group which needs GMs. (Spending $30 a scenario for three flipmats is fairly prohibitive for me, but I might be able to print them out for the cost of ink.)

I see now that the minotaur has a (broken) battleaxe +7/+2 (2d6+4/×2) and gore +4 (1d6+2) - I think you were trying to point that out at the time - which is a lot less problematic from a player-killing potential than the traditional greataxe, especially unbroken, and might even be less so than Ledford with his greataxe +5 (1d10+4/×3) since the inevitable crit will be less of an instant kill.

Reach and the number of attacks still make it awfully hard, but the combat instructions "it spreads out its attacks against multiple targets if possible to fend off the many attackers" softens the blow.

The swarms, despite our recent success, also make me nervous, but Gavix's wand would help out a lot there.

I still don't like the initial, somewhat-forced choice to leave Gavix and go into the caves for a leisurely exploration, but at least choosing to fight only counts a little against the secondary success condition.


As written if they fight the Minotaur in the beginning they get the full great axe because it says to use the Minotaur straight out of the bestiary not the modified stat block from the back of the scenario. Not sure you noticed that or not.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Garedoon/Zoog: You're a dentist? That puts the discussion we had in the Lithrac's lodge in a whole new perspective (pity you couldn't join that one, should prove to be quite interesting)

As for flip mats: for RL games, I just use these kind of transparent document folder that you get in office supply stores, and put in a paper with a grid printed on it. I sketch on it with a whiteboard marker. Total cost is about four bucks.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis
GM Kyshkumen wrote:
As written if they fight the Minotaur in the beginning they get the full great axe because it says to use the Minotaur straight out of the bestiary not the modified stat block from the back of the scenario. Not sure you noticed that or not.

No, I didn't, actually, although I have only given it a brief once-over so far. As usual, I'm commenting without being knowledgeable regarding the facts at hand. :-P

DM Kludde wrote:

Garedoon/Zoog: You're a dentist? That puts the discussion we had in the Lithrac's lodge in a whole new perspective (pity you couldn't join that one, should prove to be quite interesting)

As for flip mats: for RL games, I just use these kind of transparent document folder that you get in office supply stores, and put in a paper with a grid printed on it. I sketch on it with a whiteboard marker. Total cost is about four bucks.

Actually, nothing so grand: I was just one of the patients that the dental students were doing their final exams on. On the downside, it took a long time, both since everything had to be approved, checked, and graded by three instructors and because the students were being really careful and thorough. On the upside, they were being really careful and thorough! It was also all done for free, so that was nice, and the student actually gave me $100 cash and a $50 gift certificate because he appreciated my help and how flexible I was over some scheduling difficulties.

That's a good idea about the document folders. I haven't used them for maps, but I used to do that all of the time for certain strategy games (the old Star Fleet Battles, if anyone remembers that). I was thinking about how nice the printed maps could look, though. (One advantage to the online games.)

Yeah, I wish I could have done Lithrac's game, although maybe things will change at some point in the future and there will be an opening.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Hi All, I'll be on a short vacation to the coast this Wednesday through Friday and will have less computer access, so feel free to GMPC me if I hold things up.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Enjoy your trip, man.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Have fun!


Have fun out on the WA coast I am guessing? Some PbP news, anyone who made use of Wayfinder it has now updated and appears to be working properly. They even added a few upgrades that let you preview and edit posts along with handy top of the screen and bottom of the screen arrows.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5
GM Kyshkumen wrote:
Some PbP news, anyone who made use of Wayfinder it has now updated and appears to be working properly. They even added a few upgrades that let you preview and edit posts along with handy top of the screen and bottom of the screen arrows.

Excellent! Sadly I can't use it from my new work location, but it seemed like an app with promise and I'm glad it hasn't been abandoned. I'll grab the updated version just in case I'm out on the road sometime and can actually access the site from my phone (it's a work firewall thing).

Happy Vacay, Garedon.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Man, what a bad round for initiatives.

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

Thanks for the well wishes. I live in the Portland, Oregon, area, and we typically go to Oregon beaches. This time, a place in Cannon Beach.

I am glad Wayfinder is updated; it had been essentially dead for months since a change in the forums. I didn't realize it had been updated until I saw a new post on a game tagged with it.


Vyk Tyr wrote:
Man, what a bad round for initiatives.

I disagree.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Oh, sure, but you're trying to kill us.


Not sure how many of you have a free level 3 but I put Kawrock in for a Traitor's Lodge game here. So far it's Kawrock a level 3 summoner and a level 3 cleric/monk.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

I just ran Traitor's Lodge, and I will post a brief review here:

It is awesome.

Just applied with my entertainer, thanks for the head's up!


This is really subtle but back at the mirror rooms I actually flipped Vincents and Garedon's map tokens so they are mirror images of their avatars here on the boards.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Hah, I totally missed that! But I was super-busy. That's my excuse and I"m sticking to it.

Miko Teppen wrote:
All I could do was rely on the talents of Vincent and Vyk to dispatch the shambling undead.

Heyyyyy waiiiiit a minute. No love for Tuich? Ten with one blow, that's three better than the tailor! :op

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis
GM Kyshkumen wrote:
Not sure how many of you have a free level 3 but I put Kawrock in for a Traitor's Lodge game here. So far it's Kawrock a level 3 summoner and a level 3 cleric/monk.

One of many I'd have liked to join.

Ironically, I actually have a just-turned level 4 cleric (Knorrin) that has been sitting idle since the Thornkeep near-TPK GMed by Lithrac.

I would like to get him going again somehow since I may have found a group with which to try to finish Thornkeep but he'd need to be a level or two higher.

I might try to get in a live game now and then, if the local PFS does scenarios for level 4 characters. (I finally figured out at least something regarding the local PFS scene: both contact emails were defunct, the Facebook page wasn't maintained, etc.)

GM Kyshkumen wrote:
This is really subtle but back at the mirror rooms I actually flipped Vincents and Garedon's map tokens so they are mirror images of their avatars here on the boards.

Yeah, I love the occasional 'real life' perception check, which I fail. In one case, I (accidentally) posted a map with a secret door showing on the overview but not on closeup views, but no one ever noticed it.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

If it's cool with everyone, Vyk would sure love to partake in the cool, refreshing taste of a Diet Dr. Potion of CLW. Anyone mind if I guzzle?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

M Elf Diviner 2 HP 14/14 NL0 | AC17 T13 FF14 (Mage Armor) | CMB+0 CMD13 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Init+10 | Perc+9 (11 Clear Ear) LL vis

"Dr. Creepy" - One of the "Dr." off-brands.

It's fine with me. Always good to have at least one potion of CLW on you if your aren't a caster, though. (Garedon has one of his own, plus his wand for others to use.)

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Oops. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were down significantly. My bad. Still new to the whole healer thing and it's not even a primary gig for Tuich, so I don't always notice.

She has a CLW wand (as well as three L1 invocations left for the day), but using the scenario-provided resources keeps us from depleting what we carry from session to session, so I say guzzle away!

That said, please don't anyone EVER hesitate to point out wounds if it seems I've missed them. Tuich isn't a lot of use at this low level, but light healing is one of the contributions she CAN make, and she's happy to do so.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

I have a wand. I just wanted to make sure no one else needed the potion more.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Plus there were two CLW potions. I took the other one.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

I'll be leaving on my USA (DC -> UT -> CO) trip tomorrow, so I'll probably be offline for longer periods of time. I rely on lounge wi-fi, it doesn't always deliver ;-)

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Have a great trip.

-Posted with Wayfinder

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