GM Kiora's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Kiora Atua

Chosen heroes have arrived in Kenabres at the dawn of the Fifth Crusade. Will they be the ones to end a century long war?


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Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

Updated the purchasing document, also included sales of items

"I believe we should bring her back here and spend some time preparing. She will want to see Val, and we can't really risk going to the sanctum without some level of preparation. I also think taking anyone but ourselves would be ill advised. We barely avoided serious casualties the last trip." Li'an says.

female tiefling (demon-spawn) skald 9 / hedgewitch 1 / warlord 1 | hp 150/150 | AC 22, touch 12, ff 22, CMD 29 | Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10 | Perception +2, darkvision 60ft., Init. +1 | Spells-- 1st: 7/7 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4, Song: 24/24, AP: 3/3 | MP 8/11 | MF 1/1, Kenning 1/1 | SILVER CRANE STANCE

"Hm." grunts Myrna, with a thoughtful nod. She strokes her chin, considering. "Well, if that's the case, Beatrix and I have a bit of paperwork to do. Summon me when you're prepared to go to the Ivory Sanctum, or if there's something else that you need."

From her bag, she withdraws the second sending scroll that Artis had given her. "Here, just in case you need to contact her twice."

She leaves the Archdruid's house then, intending to go to the Citadel and fill out the reports of her fallen companions' deaths, meet with their loved ones to explain the circumstances of the deaths, and check on the status of her Hellfire Squadron.

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 126/126 (healthy) | AC 17, touch 12, ff 15, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 4/4, holy lance 1/1

Beatrix's spells have been updated for the day.

Beatrix, as always, follows quietly and officially behind her captain, her hands clasped behind her back, her suit cleanly pressed, and her chin held high.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

With the Demetae, this morning

Unafe smiles at Keira's words. She nods to her and the other smiths, and says, (Hallit) "Then you five are about to enter into one the great prides of our people: working mithral and other skymetals to create wonders beyond what most people will ever see, let alone be able to create.

"I learned to work skymetals in my youth from Ffion, daughter of Dylan, the best smith in our clan. Since then I've learned still more from our blessed ancestor Efa the Stout, and I will train you to work as our ancestors did."

At the mention of the ancestors, she notices one of the five smiths frown slightly: Petra, a short, tightly-muscled woman with pale hair, who had been raised a Wintersun but had joined the Demetae when Unafe led them to Drezen.

Unafe pauses, and looks at Petra with a serious expression. "Petra, you have pledged to cleave to the Demetae ways, yes?"

"Of course I have, clan-liege!" Petra replies, vehemently.

"You have. I know you have. I've seen you, and heard reports of how you stand up for those around you.

"While most of us Demetae share some blood-relation...since Goryon awakened as my Ancestor Heart I can see that it's never really been about blood. We have to see that blood alone can't make one Demetae: after all, there are cousins who have rejected our ways, and left forever. And there are people like yourself who've joined our clan, pledging yourselves to learn the Demetae ways and to protect the Three Gifts: Our Valley, the Saurians, and Mithral.

"That is what it means, today, to be Demetae. And so when I speak of our ancestor Efa the Stout, I don't mean only those of us tied to her by blood. I mean all of us who claim as sacred the protection of the Taranau Valley, and the sacred saurians...and of the precious skymetals that have been a part of our art and our culture since the day Goryon led us to our Valley. And in that, you are every bit as much a Demetae as I am.", Unafe's cheeks flush with passion as she speaks. "And if any of our clansfolks dispute this, they should say it to me directly. If we're going to ever truly reclaim the Valley, and the Sacred Mountain, and enable the Saurians to live beside us again, then we will need the help of everyone who cares about the Gifts.

"So, Keira, Cai, Owen, Sara and Ketra–the five finest Demetae smiths alive-let's get to work, shall we? I have to spend some time with my companions as well today, but you should be ready to work hard with me for eight hours each of the next five days. The first four, here at our own camp and forge, practicing the techniques on iron and silver. The fifth, at the Purity Forge, where you will begin to actually work mithral and other skymetals."


When Li'an mentions the Amazing Tool, Unafe's eyes go wide. "Surely that would be a marvelous thing to have. That said, maybe it will be sufficient to let my new generation of Demetae smiths work with me on this.

"I agree, you can take the next four days to craft your ring. I'll bring my team into the forge on the fifth day, and I think even without that Amazing Tool, we should be able to complete the container in 3 days.

"And of course if I can be of use getting Rue safely here–or whereever it makes sense for her to be-I'm ready to come along.

"In terms of our assault on the Ivory Sanctum, can it wait until we have the container made? If we can plan to go there in eight days, we should greatly reduce the risk that Ayrzul will follow the Crystalline Queen here."

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

At night:

Hinagiku stirs from her meditation and, seeing Ehren leave the house, follows him outside after signaling to Joren to stay in.
”We are safe here in Drezen. Looks like a young one’s issue.”

”Should you follow her?” Hinagiku asks her fiance as she catches up with him outside.

Hallit”It was quite the challenge to travel through the wound with a troop, even with their experience. But, without them it would have been much more difficult to win against Jarunicka. I think it is still wiser to wait for news from Arueshalae and her scouting. She can tell us whether it is urgent and whether having troops would be helpful or not… although, I guess that with troops she would, once more, have trouble helping us.”
Current time : 07:00
Forgot to mention that Hinagiku had cast Sense Presence, and enhanced unarmed strikes (on herself and Unafe) at 06:00.

From a metagaming perspective, I think it is best not to bring troops, but it is difficult to justify in-game.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

"Now that we have access to sending, let us see what Arueshelae has to say before we plan too far ahead," Ehren suggests, hearing varying stances on how long they should wait before striking at the Templars. "I agree with Hinagiku. Once we know where the Ivory Sanctum is, we can determine whether bringing a more significant force is feasible. The Hellfire Squadron and the extra troops Irabeth lent were invaluable at Caerwen - the problem was getting them there and back."

"If I have to guess, the Templars still believe themselves hidden. We do not yet know whether they realize Arueshelae has discovered their location. If they do not, then as long as we can preserve that secret, time is not necessarily of the essence. We can take whatever time we need to prepare for the assault and ensure our affairs here are settled. I still need to help Li'an reforge the Covetous Flame, for one."

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Ehren frowns when he sees Yulin fly off, wondering what she can possibly be up to. He considers pursuing her, but that moment of hesitation grants his young cousin an insurmountable lead - catching up to her in the dark would be impossible. The druid stares into the darkness for a while longer before returning to the roundhouse and removing his crown. He sits on the bed but does not go back to sleep; instead, he waits, hoping Yulin will soon return. Perhaps then he could get her to explain herself.

Ehren only needs 4 hours of sleep; if he can, he will spend his 4 hours of not-sleep to rest and wait for Yulin to return.

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

With Myrna and the others

"Thanks for the second scroll," she says as she takes it from Myrna. "Hopefully we won't need it." Li'an puts the second scroll away and unfurls the first in preparation for using it. " I'll reach out to her now and then we can decide what to do."

"Agreed, Ehren. Hopefully they haven't figured out anyone knows where they are. Even if they realize Jaruunicka is dead, that's not necessarily going make them concerned about infiltration or assault. Lets reach out to her now and get an answer."

UMD to cast sending from a divine scroll
UMD: 1d20 + 22 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 22 + 5 = 41

Li'an raises the scroll and recites it, making use of her understanding of magic to force the scroll's completion despite it being divine magic.


"Rue, we returned to Drezen //
safely. Val is here too //
Can return you with teleport //
Will scry you for location //
Acknowledge and respond."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Ehren, Hinagiku:

The night deepens, and the house remains still. Hours pass, and the first hints of dawn begin to lighten the horizon. At long last, they hear the faint sound of rustling as Yulin attempts to sneak back into her bed.


The magic takes hold, carrying Li'an's message across the distance to reach Arueshalae.

"Glad to hear from you. Don't want to go to Drezen. Difficult to scry on me due to Desna's blessing. I'll try to reach safety."

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

"Rue is alright, and she will try to seek safety, but she doesn't wish to return to Drezen. Perhaps the best bet to talk to her would be to enter Val's dreams and try to meet with her if she tries to reach out to Valaria. Then we could exchange more information," Li'an explains once the spell is complete.

"For now I think we should try to get things accomplished for the day as planned."

Li'an will get to the forge and begin working on the ring with Ehren as was posted before.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10


Ehren almost sighs with relief when Yulin returns but suppresses the reflex. He had all night to think about how to confront her. An ambush was not ideal, but he preferred to be straightforward. That said, the druid was more concerned than angry or disappointed. Strictly speaking, she had not exactly done anything wrong - it is not as though he has been omnipresent in her upbringing.

(Hallit) "Good morning, Yulin," Ehren says calmly as the young girl attempts to slip back into bed unnoticed, breaking the silence. "I see you had a much earlier start than I. Where have you been all night?"

Ehren nods, having expected such a response from Arueshelae. For now, Valaria remained their best means of coordinating with her.

"All right. I will meet you at the Forge, Li'an. I must stop by the Lodge first to pick up those documents Valais promised."

Once his spells are prepared for the day, Ehren will stop by the Lodge and spend 8 hours assisting Li'an with the Covetous Flame. He will then spend 4 hours completing our transactions in Nerosyan now that the funds have been added/deducted.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

Hallit"If we are concerned about the cultists of the Ivory Sanctum knowing, or coming to know, could we use your connection to the divine knowledge to get a glimpse at the answer Li’an?"

Hallit”Hmmm… if it is impossible to use magic to view Mrs. Arueshalae’s location, I think I will go to see Mrs. Valaria to learn of its location. I believe that is also what you wanted to do Mrs. Myrna. We could go together.”

When she arrives at the infirmary, Hinagiku greets Markus, spending a few minutes catching up with him. Then, with the secret nature of their question in mind, Hinagiku asks whether it would be possible to have a room where they can discuss matters in private.

Taldan”Good morning Mrs. Valaria. How are you today? Have you been recuperating well from the curse? ”

After discussing her health, Hinagiku follows by inviting Valaria to the private room, helping her to walk there. After looking around to make sure they were not being spied on, she broaches the second reason for her presence.
Taldan”When we were with your friend, she told us a few things that we would need to know more about. She said that you had found the location of the Ivory Sanctum, but she never said where. We plan on helping her take it down, but we would need to know what you know to reach her.”
perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34
Current time : 07:00

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

"I could do a divination, yes. It's a good idea. I will do so after we are done at the forge for the day. If Val has anything that belongs to Rue we might be able to make use of that in scrying as well."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Ehren, Hinagiku:

Yulin freezes, her eyes wide. Hallit: "I... I couldn't sleep," she says, her voice unsteady. "I just went for a walk around the city to clear my head. It's nothing, really."

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Hallit: "Alright. If Rue doesn't want us to come for her, we might as well get to work. Good luck in the forge, Li'an and Ehren. I'll be training my best smiths. Perhaps we can meet back for dinner, to hear if anything comes of your divination, Li'an."

Happy to go on with training Demetae smiths, unless someone else has something else to discuss/do first.

Buffs | Char. Sheet | Percept +22 | Init +6| AC 28, Touch 27, FF 22 | CMD 30 | Fort + 16 Ref +17 Will +19, +2 death effects | Evasion (for all saves)

At night:

Hallit"You are always welcome to ask us if you want our company. Ehren-kun and I barely need to sleep." Hinagiku says, lifting her gaze from the page she had been staring at for an hour.
sense motive, is it a lie, what sentiment lies behind, shame?: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40
[ooc]Current time : 07:00

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

OK moving forwards since Myrna/Beatrix's player seems inactive, I will automate them until the player returns.

1 hour passes.

Joren's alert eyes flicker with confusion as he tries to follow the conversation. Though his understanding of Taldane is limited, he senses the group's resolve and nods in solidarity.

Hallit: Myrna nods thoughtfully. "Yes, I agree, Hinagiku. Let's see what Valaria can tell us. Perhaps she has some insight that can guide us."

Ehren leaves to meet with Valais of the Pathfinder Society, heading towards the southern end of the city. Unafe departs the city to head for the Demetae encampment, while Li'an heads for Citadel Drezen to begin her tasks. Hinagiku, Captain Myrna, and Lt. Beatrix make their way to the Infirmary to visit Valaria, walking briskly through the early morning bustle of Drezen.

Hinagiku and Myrna:

When they arrive at the Infirmary atop Paradise Hill, Hinagiku greets Markus.

Markus nods, understanding the importance of discretion, his voice low. Taldane: "Of course, Hinagiku. There's an empty room at the end of the hall. You can use that."

Hinagiku thanks him and heads towards Valaria's cot, where the tiefling rests.

Valaria offers a weak smile, her eyes showing signs of fatigue. Taldane: "Good morning, Hinagiku. I'm feeling a bit better, but I have a long recovery to go."

With Hinagiku's support, Valaria rises from her cot, and they slowly make their way to the room Markus indicated. Once inside, Myrna ensures the door is closed securely before they settle Valaria into a chair. Hinagiku glances around to confirm they are not being overheard, then speaks softly.

Valaria nods, her expression serious as she recalls the details.

Taldane: "Arueshalae and I learned that the entrance to the Ivory Sanctum is hidden behind an illusion in Greengate Gorge. The gorge itself is treacherous, with many false paths and hidden dangers. The illusion concealing the entrance is a powerful one, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. It's located near a cluster of ancient, twisted trees that look like skeletal hands reaching for the sky."

She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. Taldane: "The gorge is also patrolled by various demonic creatures and cultists, so you'll need to be cautious. We tried watching the area once, but the patrols make it difficult to stay hidden for long. Rue believes the key to breaching the Sanctum lies in precise timing and coordination."

Myrna nods, absorbing the information. Taldane: "Thank you, Valaria. This will be incredibly helpful. We'll make sure to use this knowledge wisely and prepare thoroughly before attempting to enter the Sanctum."

Valaria looks at them both. Taldane: "Please, be careful. The Ivory Sanctum is heavily fortified, and the Templars are ruthless. But I believe in you all. If anyone can do it, it's you."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Ehren, Hinagiku:

Yulin shifts uncomfortably under Hinagiku’s discerning gaze. She tries to maintain her composure but feels the weight of their scrutiny.

"I just... didn't want to be a burden," she admits quietly, her voice wavering slightly. "I know you both have so much to worry about already."


Hinagiku's sharp intuition reveals that Yulin is not being entirely truthful. There is a deeper sentiment behind her words—an underlying sense of shame and a desire to hide something.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Ehren lets out the sigh he had held in and shakes his head.

"You are not a burden, Yulin," he says, smiling softly. "It is true that we have many responsibilities. But it is my failing that I have allowed them to keep me from being here for you when you need me. You have become so strong, all alone, but you should feel no shame or guilt about confiding in us."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

Myrna & Valaria:

”I see. So, it would be even more difficult to bring a troop of crusaders there, even unwise. Or, do you believe it would be possible?”

Hinagiku pauses for her moment, rattling her brain for any question to ask, this was not her forte after all. But, finally, something comes to mind.

”Would there be a landmark and or a safe place, far enough from the demonic patrols where we could tell Mrs. Arueshalae to meet us?”

Current time : 08:00

Buffs | Char. Sheet | Percept +22 | Init +6| AC 28, Touch 27, FF 22 | CMD 30 | Fort + 16 Ref +17 Will +19, +2 death effects | Evasion (for all saves)

At night:

Hallit"Things are always easier when burdens and difficulties are shared." Hinagiku adds.

diplo aid, fails on 1: 1d20 ⇒ 13+6 to Ehren's diplomacy

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Hinagiku, Myrna:

Valaria considers the question carefully, her brow furrowed in thought. Taldane: "It is incredibly difficult getting ahold of the Blackfyre Adepts in my experience," she says, her tone serious. "They're a gang of wizards. If they have any inkling their location has been found, they will simply teleport away and build a new base somewhere else. Marching up on them with an army would destroy any pretense of subtlety."

She thinks for a moment longer, then nods. Taldane:"The Greengate Gorge runs through a fairly heavily wooded area. That area provides enough cover to hide out in, though naturally there is vermin and demons that live in the woods as well."

Myrna nods, understanding the gravity of Valaria's words. Taldane:"So, subtlety and speed are key," she says, her voice firm. "We can't afford to alert them to our presence too early."

She looks at Beatrix, who has been quiet, listening to the discussion. Taldane:"Beatrix, do you have any thoughts on how we might approach this? Any ideas on how we can ensure our safety while still making it to the Greengate Gorge?"

Beatrix considers the question, her mind running through various possibilities. Taldane:"We need to scout the area first," she says decisively. "If we can get a clear understanding of the terrain and any potential threats, we can plan our approach more effectively. Maybe we can send a small, stealthy team ahead to recon the area before the main group moves in."

She looks at Hinagiku and Myrna. Taldane:"We also need to ensure that Arueshalae is aware of the plan and the meeting point. Communication will be crucial to avoid any misunderstandings or unnecessary risks."

Hinagiku, Ehren:

Yulin bites her lip, her white teeth stark against her dark skin and her opaque red eyes filling with emotion. Hallit: "I... I just needed some space to think," she says softly, avoiding direct eye contact. "But... you're right. I shouldn't keep everything to myself. I'll try to talk to you more, since you guys are in town and all. Is it okay if I go back to bed now?"


As they wrap up, Unafe bids her companions farewell and makes her way back through Drezen, the weight of leadership settling comfortably on her shoulders.

Returning to the outskirts of the city, Unafe's keen eyes scan the horizon. The Demetae encampment lies ahead, a cluster of tents, roundhouses, and a few forges, the heart of her people's craftsmanship and tradition, all oriented around a statue of Dolok Darkscale. She enters the camp, greeted by nods of respect from the gathered smiths. Her earlier words have clearly inspired them, and a spark of eagerness lights their eyes.

She gathers the smiths together, their expectant faces turned towards her. Unafe's mind races with the knowledge she is eager to impart, but as she surveys the scene, a sinking realization dawns upon her. They lack the essential tools and materials needed for their training.

Training requires the purchase of training materials.


With their plans set, Li'an leaves Ehren's home and makes her way through Paradise Hill to Citadel Drezen. The imposing fortress looms ahead, its stone walls a symbol of defiance against the demonic onslaught. Before passing into the main keep, she undergoes the standard screening for demonic influence by the paladins of Iomedae. Their stern faces relax slightly as they recognize her, and she is escorted down to the Purity Forge beneath the keep.

Citadel Drezen's forges hum with activity. Crusaders move about purposefully, their focus intense. The heat from the many forges warms the air, and the sound of hammers striking metal does not cease.

At the Purity Forge stands a burly human Crusader. His current project is a massive greatsword, its blade glowing faintly with unholy energy. He carefully inscribes runes along the blade's edge, each stroke precise and deliberate, as if channeling the very essence of Iomedae's light into the weapon.

Joran Vhane, the dwarven forgemaster, notices Li'an's arrival. His bushy eyebrows raise in mild surprise. Taldane:"Li'an, what brings you here? It's too early for your shift. You're to report here at noon."


The snow is falling as Ehren heads out from his home to the southern part of Drezen, where the stately mansion that serves as the Pathfinder Lodge stands. The grand edifice rises majestically against the backdrop of the clear morning sky, its stone walls gleaming with the first light of day. Entering the lodge, he is greeted by the warm glow of lanterns hanging from the high ceilings, casting soft shadows that dance along walls adorned with tapestries depicting various Pathfinder exploits.

Ehren makes his way through the grand hall, his footsteps echoing softly on the marble floor, toward the private office of Valais Durant. The door to her office is ornately carved with symbols of the Radiant Oath—open hands radiating light.

Inside, bookshelves line the walls, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, while her desk—a large, sturdy piece of oak—holds various texts currently under study. Light streams in through a large window behind the desk, illuminating Valais’ ethereal figure. Her golden features shimmer with a subtle celestial glow, and she wears a simple yet elegant robe that rustles softly as she stands to greet him.

Taldane:"Welcome, Ehren," Valais greets him with a warm smile. "Please, have a seat."

Valais returns to her desk. Taldane:"I have been in contact with the Society in Absalom," she begins, "but I am still awaiting their response regarding the druidic relics. However, I have gathered all the research notes available on the artifacts recovered from the Petrified Library."

She hands Ehren a large stack of documents, bound together with leather straps. The papers are yellowed with age, covered in meticulous handwriting and intricate sketches.

Taldane:"These notes contain extensive research conducted by the Society's scholars," Valais explains. "There are detailed descriptions, analyses, and interpretations of the stone relics, as well as hypotheses of their potential significance and uses. I hope these will aid you in understanding the threat you face within the Stonewilds."

Studying this material for at least 8 hours is enough to allow you to re-attempt any failed Lore (Sarkoris) checks once at a +4 bonus.

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

The intent was to arrive at the appropriate time to get stuff done. Li'an has nothing else planned prior to that.

character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

On her way through Drezen, Unafe looks for a place to buy the training materials she knows she'll need to train her apprentices.

Note that we've already deducted the 500 GP expense from the loot tracker.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

Myrna & Valaria:

”A large forest… it was impossible for Mrs. Arueshalae to follow us in the Stonewilds, and could be the same there... Is there anywhere that would make it easy for us to meet? Somewhere notable?”

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

At night:

Hallit"I am no one’s master, so no need to ask me. Ehren-kun?" Hinagiku says, not to put her fiance in the spotlight, nor shirk responsibility, but because she still believed everyone had their own path and way to follow.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Yulin, Hinagiku:
"Of course," Ehren concedes, after glancing at Hinagiku. As concerned as he is for Yulin's well-being, respecting her boundaries would get him further than prying more forcefully. "Try to get some sleep - you've had a long night."

As delicately as he can manage with his calloused fingertips, Ehren unstraps the bundle of documents and flips through the first few pages. His eye widens slightly when he realizes how detailed the Pathfinders' recordings are. It would never be his preference, but the druid had developed an appreciation for the written word over the years. Of course, it would be far more convenient if he could absorb the knowledge from the pages with a touch, as he could with a menhir; that kind of power was more in Isilme's wheelhouse.

"Thank you, Valais," the druid says finally, as he resecures the straps. He places the aged documents into his polymorphic pouch, intending to store them back home - they were not the kind of thing he would carry around while adventuring. "Even if this does not yield the specific information I seek, the insight into the region will be invaluable. I look forward to hearing about the relics. But in the meantime, if there is anything I can do for you or the Society, please do not hesitate to ask."

Once his business at the Lodge is concluded, Ehren sets out to visit the markets in Drezen. He and Li'an had found much of what they would require to assist in their crafting endeavors but had neglected to have the gold they needed. Of course, doing so now meant he would have to visit the bank first. It was not one of Ehren's favorite places, but he could not deny the power of economics.

Ehren will spend 4 hours completing the purchases he and Li'an picked out yesterday.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Yulin, Hinagiku, Ehren:

Yulin nods. Hallit: "Thank you," she murmurs, climbing back into bed. "Goodnight."

Hinagiku, Myrna, Beatrix:

Valaria shakes her head, her expression grim. Taldane: "No, there is nothing out in the wastes of note beyond the Gorge and the forest that surrounds it. It’s desolate and filled with dangers."


Valais smiles.Taldane: "Your offer is appreciated, Ehren. The Society is always in need of allies with your skills and knowledge. Should we require your assistance, I will not hesitate to call upon you. Safe travels, and may your studies bring you the clarity you seek."

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Hinagiku's player is unable to post, so I will automate her and move forwards to prioritize active players.

Time passes: 10 hours.

Li'an is now able to prepare magic for the day, if desired.

Hinagiku, Myrna:

Hinagiku nods at Valaria. Taldane: "Thank you for your insights, Valaria. Your knowledge is invaluable to us. We'll make sure to use it wisely."

Myrna glances at the others. Taldane: "We should start preparing immediately. We’ll need supplies for the journey and to make sure our communication with Arueshalae is clear and consistent."

She turns to Beatrix. Taldane: "Let's get a team together to scout the area as soon as possible. We can use our findings to inform the rest of the group and plan our next steps."

Myrna nods. Taldane: "Let's meet at your home at the same time tomorrow morning then, to discuss our findings and to see what is left to do before we leave."

Hinagiku, Myrna, and Beatrix leave the infirmary, going their separate ways for now.


Hinagiku nods in agreement with the plan and decides to spend her day preparing mentally and physically for the upcoming mission. She understands the importance of being in peak condition and maintaining a clear mind.

Hinagiku heads back to her home, says hello to Yulin and Joren who are still there. Yulin was working on her morning chores, and Joren, not knowing what else to do with himself, was assisting. Hinagiku decides to continue her day with a period of deep meditation, seeking to clear her mind and find inner peace. She sits in a quiet corner of her home, focusing on her breathing and allowing her thoughts to settle. The tranquility helps her center herself and prepare for the tasks ahead.

After meditation, Hinagiku transitions into her daily martial training. She practices her katas and sparring techniques, moving gracefully and with precision. Her body moves in harmony with her spirit, and the ley around her. This training not only hones her physical abilities but also sharpens her mind, allowing her to stay focused and alert.

Hinagiku heads to the Citadel to consult with the Crusade. She speaks with various allies, gathering information and ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the upcoming mission.

She meets with Captain Irabeth, discussing potential strategies and the importance of maintaining secrecy. Taldane: "We must ensure that our movements go unnoticed by the enemy," she advises. "Surprise will be our greatest ally."

Irabeth nods in agreement. Taldane: "Your wisdom is appreciated, Hinagiku. I completely agree. Heading into this situation recklessly could cause the enemy to flee, and we would have to begin anew at square one. We'll take every precaution."

Hinagiku takes a break for lunch at noon. She does not need to eat, but she knows that Yulin and Joren do, so she heads home to prepare food for them. Together they enjoy a simple meal of rice, vegetables, and tea. She eats mindfully, savoring each bite and taking the time to relax.

She then decides to spend time with Yulin. She guides the young girl through meditation exercises, helping her to find calm and clarity. They sit together, focusing on their breathing and allowing their minds to settle.

Hallit: "Remember, Yulin," Hinagiku says gently, "true strength comes from within. By mastering your mind, you can overcome any challenge."

Yulin nods. Hallit:"Thank you, Hinagiku. I will do my best."

Hinagiku spends the early afternoon gathering and preparing supplies for the mission. She checks her equipment, ensuring that everything is in working order. She realizes they will need essential items such as food and water.

She visits the quartermaster, Artis, to collect such supplies that would be needed. Taldane:"We must be ready for anything," she tells him. "The success of our mission depends on our preparation."

Artis nods, leaving and then returning with several crates of supplies in a wagon. Taldane:"Good luck out there, Hinagiku. We'll be counting on you."

An appropriate amount of food and water for 1 week in the Worldwound for your group weighs 756 lb, to allow for spoilage. This is more than Hinagiku can carry, even with extradimensional storage. Assuming you'd like to bring food/water into the Worldwound, then please let me know where it is being carried, let me know where I can audit it's weight in tracking. If this is not done prior to your group leaving, I will simply assume you are not bringing food/water and we will go with hunger and thirst rolls accordingly as time passes.

As the day draws to a close, Hinagiku returns to her home for another session of meditation. She reflects on the events of the day, finding solace in the quiet moments. This evening meditation helps her to process her thoughts and emotions, ensuring that she remains balanced and focused.


Captain Myrna Riversoar steps out of the infirmary, the weight of the past days pressing heavily on her shoulders. The morning sun casts a golden hue over Drezen. She has much to do and little time to waste. Her first task is to head to Citadel Drezen to fill out the reports for her fallen companions: Den, Kai, and Yannick, who were killed in a brutal battle with bebiliths at Caerwen.

As she walks, Myrna clutches the Crusader's Crosses she recovered from the battlefield. Each cross is a small, sword-shaped emblem inscribed with the names of the fallen and their next of kin.

Den's Crusader's Cross lists his next of kin as Elara, his sister, who resides in Kenabres. Kai's lists her parents, Edris and Marla Greystone, in Nerosyan, while Yannick's lists his husband, Ewan, also in Nerosyan. Myrna knows that it is not feasible for her to travel to Nerosyan or Kenabres at this moment, so she resolves to write them letters.

Entering the Citadel, she finds a quiet corner to begin her reports. The parchment feels heavy under her hand as she writes, detailing the bravery and honor with which her companions fought and fell. She includes their Crusader's Crosses with the reports, ensuring that their sacrifice will be honored by the Crusader leadership.

Next, she heads to her quarters to pen the letters to the families of the fallen. Each word is carefully chosen, her handwriting steady despite the sorrow she feels.

Letter to Elara, Kenabres:


Dear Elara,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today. Your brother, Den, fought valiantly against the demonic forces in the Worldwound. His bravery and unwavering commitment to our cause were evident in every action he took. He stood as a beacon of hope and strength to us all, and his loss is deeply felt by all who knew him.

Though I am unable to deliver this message in person, please know that Den's sacrifice will never be forgotten. He was a true hero, and his spirit will continue to inspire us.

With deepest sympathies,
Captain Myrna Riversoar

Letter to Edris and Marla Greystone, Nerosyan


Dear Edris and Marla,

I regret to inform you of the passing of your daughter, Kai, in a battle in the Worldwound. Kai fought with incredible courage and dedication, embodying the very essence of what it means to be a Crusader. Her loss is a great sorrow to us all.

Please know that her sacrifice was not in vain. Kai's bravery has left a lasting impact on his comrades and the cause she believed in. We will honor her memory and continue to fight in her name.

With deepest condolences,
Captain Myrna Riversoar

Letter to Ewan, Nerosyan:


Dear Ewan,

It is with profound sadness that I must inform you of Yannick's death in the battle at Caerwen. Yannick was a stalwart defender and a beloved companion. His strength and kindness were a source of comfort and motivation to us all. His absence leaves a void that cannot be filled.

We will hold his memory close and strive to honor his sacrifice every day. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies during this difficult time.

Captain Myrna Riversoar

Once the letters are written and sealed, Myrna feels a small measure of relief. There is still much to do, and her next step is to check on the status of her Hellfire Squadron. She finds them gathered in their barracks after their morning exercises, their faces marked by grief and loss. The atmosphere is somber, and even the usually boisterous Braith is uncharacteristically silent.

Myrna stands before them, her voice steady as she addresses the squadron. Taldane: "I know this has been a hard time for all of us. Den, Kai, and Yannick were not just comrades; they were our friends, our family. We will honor their memory and ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain. I will arrange for a funerary service at the Pharasman Temple today, as it is the Day of Bones. Though we could not recover their bodies to provide them an honorable burial, we will honor their spirits and the legacy they leave behind."

The mention of the Day of Bones brings a sense of purpose to the room that helps to lift the grief. The Hellfire Squadron nods in agreement, ready to pay their respects.

Meanwhile, Beatrix approaches Myrna. "Captain, I’ve taken the liberty of preparing small memorials for Den, Kai, and Yannick. I hope that is alright?"

Myrna smiles, a rare but genuine expression. "Thank you, Beatrix. Your efforts are appreciated. Let's make sure their memories are honored in the best way possible."

Together, they head to the Pharasman Temple, the Hellfire Squadron following in solemn procession. The temple is adorned with flowers and symbols of the Lady of Graves, the air thick with incense and the murmurs of prayers. Priests and worshipers of Pharasma move in a respectful parade around the temple, carrying symbols of the recently deceased.

Myrna steps forward, her voice clear and unwavering. "We gather here to honor Den, Kai, and Yannick, who fought bravely and gave their lives in the battle against the darkness. Though we do not have their bodies, their spirits are with us. We remember their courage, their dedication, and their sacrifice. May Pharasma guide them to new forms, and may we find strength in their memory."

The ceremony proceeds, each member of the Hellfire Squadron offering their own words of remembrance. Tears are shed, but there is also a sense of solidarity and resolve. They are not just mourning the dead; they are reaffirming their commitment to the fight ahead.

Hinagiku, Myrna:

After the solemn ceremony at the Pharasman Temple, Captain Myrna Riversoar feels the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her. Yet, as she heads back to her barracks, a comforting thought crosses her mind: dinner awaits, prepared by the Head Chef, and it promises to be a moment of solace for her and the Hellfire Squadron.

The barracks, usually bustling with the energy of her comrades, are quieter today, the recent losses still heavy on everyone's minds. However, the inviting aroma of roasted meat and herbs wafts through the air. The Head Chef, a burly half-orc named Garak, has outdone himself tonight, wishing to provide a succulent feast after the Hellfire Squadron has subsisted on miserable rations (or less) for several days out in the Wound.

The long wooden tables in the mess hall are laden with dishes: a succulent roast boar, its skin crispy and glistening, garnished with sprigs of rosemary and thyme; hearty servings of root vegetables—carrots, parsnips, and potatoes—roasted to perfection with a hint of garlic and butter; and a rich, savory gravy, simmering in a pot, ready to be ladled generously over the meat and vegetables. Bowls of fresh, crusty bread are scattered across the tables, perfect for soaking up the delicious gravy. There are also platters of green beans sautéed with almonds and lemon zest, adding a touch of brightness to the hearty meal.

At the center of the table, a large cauldron of stew bubbles away, filled with tender chunks of venison, mushrooms, and barley, its aroma promising warmth and sustenance. For dessert, Garak has prepared a selection of sweet treats: spiced apple tarts with flaky, golden crusts, and a large, creamy cheesecake drizzled with honey and topped with fresh berries.

Myrna enters the mess hall, the familiar sights and smells easing some of the tension in her shoulders. She takes a moment to meet with the Chef and appreciate Garak's efforts, knowing how much a good meal can lift the spirits of her squadron. She moves to the head of the table, her presence a steadying force for those around her.

As the Hellfire Squadron begins to gather, ready to partake in the meal, Hinagiku arrives. The diminutive, yet formidable kitsune warrior approaches Myrna with a respectful nod.

Hallit: "Captain Riversoar," Hinagiku begins in Hallit, "I hope you don't mind me joining you for dinner. I'd like to get to know you better, if that's alright."

Myrna smiles, gesturing for Hinagiku to take a seat beside her. Hallit: "Of course, Hinagiku. I'd be glad to have your company."

They settle down, filling their plates with the bountiful offerings before them. As they begin to eat, the mood in the mess hall slowly starts to lift. The comforting food and the presence of friends bring a sense of normalcy, even if just for a moment.

Hallit:"So, Captain," Hinagiku begins, her curiosity evident. "Tell me more about your journey. What led you to join the Crusades and lead the Hellfire Squadron?"

Myrna takes a sip of her drink, her thoughts briefly drifting back to the past. Hallit:"I was born in Gundrun," she begins, her voice steady. "From a young age, I felt a calling to protect and serve. The demonic threat that plagued our lands was a constant shadow, and I knew I couldn't stand by and do nothing. Joining the Crusades was a way to fight back, to make a difference. The Hellfire Squadron has become my family, and I am proud to lead such brave souls."

Hinagiku nods, her eyes reflecting a deep respect. Hallit:"Your dedication is inspiring. It's clear that you have a strong bond with your squadron. I hope to learn much from you and perhaps share some of my own experiences in return."

As the evening progresses, the conversation flows easily between them, punctuated by laughter and shared stories. The meal serves its purpose, as nourishment for the body, and as a balm for the soul. Myrna and Hinagiku continue to talk, forging a new bond amidst the shared camaraderie and the warmth of the feast. They discuss some further of their plan, ensuring that everyone is aligned and prepared.

Taldane: "We need to stay vigilant," Myrna says, as they start to finish their plates, her voice steady. "Every detail matters."

Beatrix nods in agreement Taldane:"We'll be ready. Together, we can handle whatever comes our way."


Once his business at the Pathfinder Lodge is concluded, Ehren secures the bundle of research notes within his polymorphic pouch and makes his way to Paradise Hill. The grand edifice of the Temple of Abadar looms ahead, its marble columns and gilded doors reflecting the Temple's relative wealth compared to the rest of the city.

After a brief wait, Ehren withdraws the funds he needs for his trip. With the coin securely stored, he heads out to the menhir standing stones just outside Drezen. He places his hands on the cool surface of the menhir, feeling the familiar hum of energy resonate through him.

In a few moments, he is walking the ley lines, the world around him a blur of vibrant, shifting colors. The journey is swift, and soon he finds himself stepping out at the ley node in Nerosyan. The bustling city welcomes him with its familiar sights and sounds, the markets alive with activity.

Ehren moves through the crowded streets with purpose, stopping at various stalls and shops to purchase the magical crafting supplies, scrolls, and tools he needs. The array of items available is impressive, and he carefully selects each piece, ensuring it meets his exacting standards. Among his purchases, he finds a finely crafted armillary armlet that he knows will be perfect for Li'an. Its intricate design and the subtle magical enhancements make it a worthy gift for his companion.

With his transactions complete, Ehren once again navigates the ley lines back to Drezen, his journey smooth and efficient. He arrives back in the city with time to spare and heads directly to Citadel Drezen, the imposing fortress standing tall against the horizon.

Purchases/sales in the loot document are approved.


Li'an nods. Taldane: "I know, Joran. I have some preparations to make. I’ll wait here until my shift begins."

Joran grunts but doesn't argue. Li'an finds a quiet corner, the intense heat of the forge comforting to her Bralani nature. The hours pass slowly, each moment filled with anticipation for the task ahead. She watches the Crusader at work, admiring his dedication and skill, but her mind remains focused on the Covetous Flame and the purification she is about to undertake.

Ehren, Li'an:

After four hours, Ehren arrives. Joran calls them over as the Crusader finishes his shift. Taldane: "Li'an, you have clearance now to work the Purity Forge. Make good use of it," he says gruffly.

Li'an nods. Together, she and Ehren prepare to purify the Covetous Flame. The artifact, a source of corruption and murder at the Devil’s Rest, is a devilish creation that must be transformed into a force for good.

First, they must work the candelabra on the purity forge to concentrate and isolate the artifact’s power. Together, they work for six hours.


Unafe heads back into Drezen, the early morning light casting long shadows across the snow-laden cobblestone streets. Her mind is focused on finding the materials she needs to train her apprentices in the ancient art of working skymetals. The city's marketplace is bustling with activity, merchants calling out their wares and customers haggling over prices. Unafe navigates the crowded streets, her eyes scanning the stalls for the specific items she requires. She appreciates that now, as she has more control over her ancestor spirits, people do not give her as wide of a berth. However, her strange clothing and appearance still does earn her a fair bit of stares by Drezen's populace.

Her first stop is a blacksmith's shop, where she purchases high-quality iron and silver. The blacksmith, a burly man with soot-streaked skin, eyes her curiously as she inspects the materials. Taldane: "Planning a big project?" he asks, handing over a stack of iron bars.

Unafe nods. Taldane: "Training new smiths. They need to learn the basics before we move on to skymetals."

The blacksmith nods appreciatively. Taldane: "Skymetals, eh? That's not a skill many have, you one of those Numerians? Anywho, good luck with that. Training the next generation is important work."

Next, she visits a vendor specializing in magical components. The small shop is filled with an array of mystical items, from rare herbs to enchanted stones. Unafe selects a variety of reagents that will aid in the purification and enhancement of metals, ensuring her apprentices will have everything they need for their lessons.

Finally, she stops at a leatherworker's stall to pick up some protective gear for her apprentices—aprons, gloves, and eye protection. The leatherworker, a tall Varisian woman with intricate tattoos running down her arms, helps her choose durable items that will withstand the intense heat and rigorous work.

With her purchases complete, Unafe heads back to the Demetae encampment outside the city walls. The camp is alive with activity as she arrives, her apprentices already waiting for her. Keira, Cai, Owen, Sara, and Ketra greet her with eager expressions, ready to begin their training.

Unafe sets down the materials and addresses the group. Hallit:"Today marks the first of five days of intensive training. We will start with the basics, working iron and silver, before moving on to skymetals. I'll be altering their properties with reagents to give you some idea of what it's like working with the real thing. Pay close attention, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Mastering these skills is not easy, but it is crucial for our people."

She demonstrates the first steps, showing them how to properly heat the metal and shape it with precise hammer strokes. The apprentices watch intently, then take turns at the forge, their initial attempts clumsy but enthusiastic. Unafe moves among them, offering guidance and corrections, her eyes sharp and focused.

Keira, a tall and sturdy woman with a knack for detail, struggles at first to maintain the right temperature in the forge. Hallit:"Keira, keep the bellows steady," Unafe advises. "Too much air and the metal will cool too quickly."

Cai, a young, fiercely determined man, works with intensity but lacks finesse. Hallit:"Cai, don't force it," Unafe instructs. "Let the hammer do the work. Control, not strength, will give you the shape you need."

Owen, Sara, and Ketra each face their own challenges, but under Unafe's patient guidance, they begin to improve. The sounds of hammering and the roar of the forge fill the air, a testament to their hard work and dedication.

As the day progresses, the apprentices' skills gradually improve. By late afternoon, they have managed to create simple tools—hammers and tongs—that, while imperfect, represent significant progress. Unafe looks over their work with a critical eye, knowing it is about time to pack up for the day and get some rest so that they can get started anew the next day.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Upon arriving at the Purification Forge, Ehren greeted Li'an and handed her the numerous implements she had requested: a tome on spellcraft, an armillary amulet, and a portable set of tools for forging rings from various precious metals. Afterward, the two of them entered the forge proper to begin the purification of the accursed Covetous Flame. As the sorceress had explained it, the first part of the process was to beat the artifact into submission. Even wrestling the infernal candelabra out of its box was challenging, as was plunging it into the forge's celestial flames.

For his part, Ehren fought to keep the damned thing still as Li'an hammered it repeatedly, slowly reducing it to a twisted lump of silver. Whenever the wicked spirit got particularly testy, he reached out to the ley line powering the forge, which originated from Torag's realm of Forgeheart. He tweaked it ever so slightly, briefly engulfing the artifact in the fires of Heaven. In the end, Ehren helped her shove the whimpering mass back into its nullification chest - even though its form was broken, they had yet to alter its nature.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

It seems that Unafe's player is currently inactive so I will continue moving time forwards to prioritize active players.

Time passes: 2 hours.


As the sun sets and the camp settles into a tranquil evening, Unafe feels a sense of accomplishment from the day's work. With four hours before she needs to rest, she decides to engage in a few personal tasks and preparations, starting with refreshing herself after the long day.

First, Unafe heads to her roundhouse. The interior is simple but organized, with her tools neatly arranged on one side and her personal belongings on the other. She changes out of her smithing clothes, which are stained with soot and sweat, into a comfortable tunic and trousers. The cool evening air feels refreshing against her skin.

Next, she makes her way to a small stream near the camp. The water is clear and cold, and she uses it to wash her hands and face, the grime of the forge rinsing away. The stream is a tranquil spot, and for a few moments, she allows herself to simply enjoy the sound of the water and the peace it brings.

With her mind clearer, Unafe decides to spend some time meditating and connecting with the spirits of her ancestors. She finds a quiet spot under a large oak tree, its branches providing a natural canopy. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, she closes her eyes and begins to focus on her breathing, allowing her thoughts to quiet. She reaches out with her senses, feeling the presence of the land and the ancient spirits that have guided her people for generations.

After about thirty minutes of meditation, Unafe feels a deep sense of calm and clarity. She stands up, stretching her muscles, and makes her way back to the encampment. There is still some time left before she needs to retire for the night, and she decides to check on her familiar, Sicrwydd, who has been exploring a nearby copse of trees.

She finds Sicrwydd near the edge of the camp, the dinosaur’s keen eyes scanning the surroundings. Unafe smiles and calls to him softly, Hallit: "Sicrwydd, come here." The dinosaur perks up at her voice and trots over, nuzzling her hand affectionately. She spends a few minutes playing with Sicrwydd.

As she walks back to the communal area, the aroma of dinner being prepared fills the air. The Demetae live communally, and meal times are a shared experience. She heads towards the large central fire where the evening meal is being prepared by Alwyn, a skilled cook with a talent for making simple ingredients into something special.

Hallit:"Two-Hearted!" Alwyn greets her warmly. Just in time. We've got a hearty stew tonight, and some freshly baked bread."

Unafe smiles, her stomach rumbling at the smell. Hallit:"Thank you, Alwyn. It smells wonderful."

She joins her fellow Demetae around the fire, where bowls of steaming venison stew are being passed around. The stew is rich and flavorful, filled with tender chunks of meat, root vegetables, and herbs that Alwyn had foraged earlier in the day. A basket of warm, crusty bread is passed around, perfect for soaking up the savory broth.

Unafe finds a spot next to Eira, a seasoned warrior with whom she often shares stories. As they eat, they talk about the day's events and the training. Hallit:"How did the apprentices do today?" Eira asks, breaking off a piece of bread.

Hallit:"They did well for their first day," Unafe replies, taking a sip of the hearty stew. "There were some challenges, but they showed promise. We'll keep building on that."

Stories are shared, laughter rings out, and for a little while, the weight of their responsibilities feels lighter. Unafe feels a deep sense of belonging and gratitude for her people.

Li'an and Ehren:

Li'an or Ehren must succeed at a DC 35 Spellcraft or Craft (jewelry) check to make progress for the day at working the artifact.

Myrna and Hinagiku:

Outside, the sun sets and is replaced by a waning moon, casting a silver glow over the camp. Myrna and Beatrix finish their meals, but the Hellfire Squadron lingers, telling stories into the night about Den in honor of his memory.

Gaiwan raises his mug. Taldane:"To Den," he begins, his voice strong and clear, "who never backed down from a challenge and always had our backs."

Thornam, the dour and serious dwarven tiefling, nods solemnly. Taldane:"Den was one of the best rangers I've ever known. Reliable, humble, and skilled. He had a way of finding paths no one else could see."

Braith, the robust warrior with a penchant for jokes, smiles warmly. Taldane:"Remember that time Den tracked that elusive shadow demon through the Confluence District for three days? Took off without the Captain's permission with some holy arrows one day, came back a s~#@-eating grin on his face."

Renat chuckles. Taldane:"And he taught those kids how to set traps for dretches. He had the patience of a saint and the heart of a lion."

Afanen strums her lyre gently, adding a soft melody to the stories. Taldane:"Den was always there to lend a hand, whether in battle or around the camp. His Underfolk songs are something I'll always remember. Here, let me play one for us."

The songs and stories flow, each one a memory of Den’s bravery, kindness, and indomitable spirit. As the tales are shared, laughter mixes with tears, the squadron finding solace in their camaraderie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

At the forge
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 22 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 22 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 38

Li'an looks at Ehren and sighs with relief as she takes the closed and shielded box and places into her bag of holding. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised it put up so much of a fight given how evil it is. It's a start. Your mastery of the ley is definitely proving invaluable in this battle," she says, noting how Ehren had been able to push the forge's purifying flames beyond their normal limits. "I think we did a good job of weakening it and preparing it for the first smelting tomorrow."

"I am going to go rest," she says. "Even without the need to sleep, this fight is quite taxing." She walks with Ehren to the forge's exit, stopping briefly when she sees Joran. "We are done and the area is cleaned up. We'll be back tomorrow at the same time. Thanks for making time in the schedule for this, Joran. I appreciate it."

When they get out of the keep she waves at Ehren and takes off into the air, vanishing after a moment as she casts an invisibility spell. While it might come off as slightly paranoid, she wanted to make sure there was no chance of Narikopolous coming after the candelabra before she finished the purification. Given the artifact's power, it was likely only the shielding and nullification from the box that had kept her from divining its location so far, so every time they spent the day working it there was a possibility she might be able to determine its whereabouts. She flies home quickly and places the box within its hiding spot, then sits down to meditate for the rest of the day.

Auraelia (Day 1):

Auraelia, freed from any duties with Li'an busy working at the forge with Ehren, decides to spend some time visiting Joren that day, encouraging Gaiawn to come along.

"Gaiwan, you should take some leave! At least for a few days," she'd badgered him that morning when he woke up. She'd spent the night nearby, knowing he could use the company more than Joren since Joren was staying with Ehren and Hinagiku.

Once Gaiwan is up and about, she "Come on! We're going to visit Joren, and then go for a walk. He could use some friends, and you could use some fresh air!" she says, tugging on Gaiwan and pointing towards the door.

To take leave and come visit Joren
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 17 + 10 = 47

When they get to Ehren and Hinagiku's place, she calls to Joren, who is helping Yulin with chores. Truespeech "Joren! Come out! Lets go for a walk!" She'd found out about the unicorn named Külə from Li'an's friend Isilme. He lived in a grove outside Drezen not far from the Menhirs, and she was curious to meet him, so now was as good a time as any. Truespeech "We're going to meet Külə, a unicorn! It'll be fun!" she exclaims, clearly as interested in meeting him herself as she was to possibly introducing the two to him. No matter what it'd get their minds off the past few days.

Get Joren to come too!
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25

When they reach the grove, she guides them in, then calls out, hoping to attract the unicorn's attention. They were already known to be hard to find, and Külə was even more of a recluse than most of his kind from what she'd heard. Li'an said Isilme still reached out to him via sending from time to time though, so she hoped mentioning Isilme would help.

"Helllooooooo, Külə, are you out there? My friends, Joren and Gaiwan came to say hello! Isilme mentioned to Li'an that you were around here. I'm her companion, and my friends and I wanted to come say hi and meet you!"

Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24

The story she'd heard about him was that he'd suffered terribly under the cultists and had been saved by Isilme and the others in the group. With help from Isilme (and a trip to heaven apparently?) he'd been able to overcome the trauma and horrors of his past, and she hoped maybe if she introduced Joren to him it might help him to deal with the experiments he'd suffered at the hands of the Lamashtan cultists.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Aid Spellcraft: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
+2 to Li'an's check, bringing it up to 40.

Ehren wipes the sweat off his brow, the heat in the forge pushing his natural tolerances to their limits. "Perhaps so, but you are much better suited for smithing than I," he muses, glancing at the nullification chest as Li'an slips it into her extradimensional bag. "I look forward to seeing what you can make from that thing. It is hard to imagine what it might become after seeing what it can do."

After parting ways with Li'an, Ehren takes the long way back home as usual, always taking stock of how much the city has flourished over the past few years. Occasionally, he takes a brief stop to inspect a tree or bush, appreciating Crocris's efforts to bring green into Drezen. It was all possible thanks to Mother Heartwood, but the elf druid's gardening expertise could not be overstated. Of course, this time around, Ehren has an ulterior motive. As he peers at the foliage, the archdruid looks for a sizable branch - one he might carve into a new staff.

Eventually, Ehren makes it back home, where he promptly removes the vestments of his station. After washing off and taking supper, the druid casually reviews the reports he retrieved from the Pathfinder Society, not yet intent on delving into their contents thoroughly.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

Hinagiku with Yulin, meditation:

Hinagiku was glad to see Yulin making efforts to meditate by her side. As yesterday night had shown, the youth was troubled, but she hoped that, with time, she would not need nightly escapades and would find other ways to channel her will, ones she would not need to feel ashamed about. On that matter, Hinagiku continues to monitor Yulin, watching closely the change in ley around her to ascertain that she was being honest about wishing to do her best and whether any signs of shame or will to hide something.

sense motive, is Yulin being honest: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (14) + 25 = 39

Hinagiku with Joren:

Hallit"Mr. Joren, I know one of our good acquaintances was cured from some transformation, if you want we could go meet her, maybe she could find some information to help you with the ritual and curse that was put on you. Otherwise, we could see one of my previous travelling companions, he is in charge of the hospital here in Drezen. I believe they would be the best placed to help you."

Preparing food:

Making sure stuff is stashed and won’t go bad until it is picked up.
Taldane"Thank you Mr. Artis. If you don’t mind, could you keep everything ready for a few days. We are not planning to leave right now it seems. But, if everything could be packed neatly and to avoid spoilage, we can come pick it up when we leave."

Taldane”Thank you, it is pleasant to know you are supporting us. Ever since Ary was imprisoned, it feels like Ehren-kun, Mrs. Unafe and I have been drifting away from the crusades; it is good to have people like Commander Irabeth and yourself show us trust.”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female tiefling (demon-spawn) skald 9 / hedgewitch 1 / warlord 1 | hp 150/150 | AC 22, touch 12, ff 22, CMD 29 | Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10 | Perception +2, darkvision 60ft., Init. +1 | Spells-- 1st: 7/7 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4, Song: 24/24, AP: 3/3 | MP 8/11 | MF 1/1, Kenning 1/1 | SILVER CRANE STANCE

After having spent her day interviewing Valaria, writing letters to her dead companions' families, and celebrating the life of her squadmate Den with her Hellfire Squadron, Myrna is exhausted and emotional. She agrees with her Lieutenant to meet again in the morning to organize a scouting party, and consults maps to plan the approach.

From the underground menhir shrine on the edge of the plateau, it was 36 miles to the greengate gorge. With phantom steeds they could cover the distance in probably three of four hours, and Unafe could go even faster than that. It seemed to Myrna that reaching Greengate Gorge wouldn't be any problem.

Valaria had mentioned that there were likely to be vermin, insects, demons, and patrolling demons, and that they would need to reach the hidden base without being overly detected. That was what she was the most worried about -- reaching the base undetected.

Myrna leaves her memorial with her fellow soldiers once the evening rolls around, going back to Paradise Hill to sit at the foot of Mother Heartwood. She sits alone, resting and considering what their next moves would be. The next few days would be busy and difficult, and she wanted to ensure she was enjoying her time in Drezen before their lives were endangered again.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Time passes: 30 minutes.


Gaiwan stretches and sighs. Taldane: "I agree, Auraelia, but I need Captain Riversoar's approval first. She's not here yet."

As they wait for her to come to the barracks, the day progresses, and eventually, Captain Riversoar returns to the barracks. She gathers the Hellfire Squadron to announce that they will be holding a service for Den. The news is met with a somber acceptance, and Gaiwan turns to Auraelia.

Taldane: "I will attend Den's service today," Gaiwan says, his voice steady. "I’ll request leave tomorrow, depending on what Captain Riversoar needs from me."

With that, Auraelia heads out to find Joren. She knows he needs a break as much as Gaiwan does. She finds him helping Yulin with chores at Ehren and Hinagiku's place.

Joren looks up, a bit surprised but pleased to see her. Hallit: "Alright, sounds like a plan. Let's go."

The two of them set off, leaving the city behind as they venture into the tranquil surroundings of the snow-covered grove. The fresh air and natural beauty provide a much-needed respite from the previous days.

When they reach the grove, Auraelia guides him in and calls out. They wait, listening for any sign of the unicorn. The grove is beautiful, bathed in dappled sunlight, but strangely quiet. After several minutes, there is no response.

As Auraelia and Joren stroll through the tranquil grove, the conversation flows easily. The peace and quiet of nature offer a soothing backdrop to their exchange, allowing them to relax and reflect. After a while, they decide to return to Drezen, feeling refreshed and with lighter hearts.

The journey back to the city is leisurely, the warm sunlight filtering through the trees as they make their way along the path. By the time they arrive in Drezen, the sun is high in the sky, casting a bright, golden light over the bustling streets. It is early afternoon, and the city is alive with activity.

As Auraelia and Joren stroll through the tranquil grove, the conversation flows easily. The peace and quiet of nature offer a soothing backdrop to their exchange, allowing them to relax and reflect. After a while, they decide to return to Drezen, feeling refreshed and with lighter hearts.

The journey back to the city is leisurely, the warm sunlight filtering through the trees as they make their way along the path. By the time they arrive in Drezen, the sun is high in the sky, casting a bright, golden light over the bustling streets. It is early afternoon, and the city is alive with activity.

Auraelia and Joren head back to Ehren and Hinagiku's home. When they arrive, they find Hinagiku and Yulin meditating together in the garden behind the house.


Ehren heads back home, where he finds Joren tidying up. Joren looks up as Ehren enters. Hallit: "Hello, Archdruid. Hinagiku left to meet with the Hellfire Squadron for a funeral, and Yulin left shortly after. It's just us here." Ehren sits by the window, the evening light softening the edges of the room, and flips through the pages of the Pathfinder reports, catching a snippet that piques his interest:


...rumors tell of stone golems fashioned from shattered standing stones. These golems, reanimated by druidic magic, are said to guard the deepest secrets of the Stonewilds. It is claimed they patrol the petrified forest, attacking intruders without warning. Their eyes glow with an eerie light. Approach with extreme caution; these guardians are relentless and impervious to most conventional weapons...


Hinagiku’s senses were sharp, and as she observed, she felt reassured. The flow of ley around Yulin was calm and steady, showing no signs of deceit or hidden turmoil. Yulin was being honest. She truly wants to do her best and seems to be feeling a sense of peace.

Later, Joren looked thoughtful, appreciating the concern in Hinagiku’s voice. Hallit: "Thank you, Hinagiku. I think meeting your acquaintance might be a good start. If she was cured of a transformation, she might have insights into my condition. And visiting your friend at the hospital sounds like a good backup plan. Let's go see them, when you have time."

But Hinagiku needed to go prepare supplies at Citadel Drezen. Artis nodded at her with a smile. Taldane: "Of course, Hinagiku. I'll make sure everything is stored properly and ready for your departure. Just let me know when you're set to go, and it will be prepared."

Artis's expression softens. Taldane: "It's an honor to support you. You have done so much for Drezen."

Buffs | Char. Sheet | Percept +22 | Init +6| AC 28, Touch 27, FF 22 | CMD 30 | Fort + 16 Ref +17 Will +19, +2 death effects | Evasion (for all saves)

With Myrna:

It being the evening, Hinagiku had shifted to her human form, like she did every night. As she sat amidst the Hellfire squadron, the monk remembered the many crusaders who she had fought side by side with and had passed on.

As the evening continues, and the monk sits by Myrna’s side, she watches the highs and lows of the troop and the strong camaraderie and, in its way, harmony, between the different crusaders. Hallit"They are all very tight, you must be proud. It is quite the achievement to get people to get along so well. If you don’t mind telling me, what has been your way to do so?"
If Myrna wants to rp, otherwise, fine to drop!

Current time : 20:30
Hinagiku renews foreshadow at 16:00 and Enhanced unarmed strikes at 18:00.
Unafe’s enhanced unarmed strikes wears off.
Funds from selling items added to equipment sheet (in bank).
If need be, I am ready to move on to after everyone is ready to make a move other than crafting. Happy to continue RPing otherwise.

female tiefling (demon-spawn) skald 9 / hedgewitch 1 / warlord 1 | hp 150/150 | AC 22, touch 12, ff 22, CMD 29 | Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10 | Perception +2, darkvision 60ft., Init. +1 | Spells-- 1st: 7/7 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4, Song: 24/24, AP: 3/3 | MP 8/11 | MF 1/1, Kenning 1/1 | SILVER CRANE STANCE
Hinagiku. wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Current time : 20:30
Hinagiku renews foreshadow at 16:00 and Enhanced unarmed strikes at 18:00.
Unafe’s enhanced unarmed strikes wears off.
Funds from selling items added to equipment sheet (in bank).
If need be, I am ready to move on to after everyone is ready to make a move other than crafting. Happy to continue RPing otherwise.

Myrna laughs, scratching the back of her head and looking down shyly. "Don't credit me for my crew's good nature," she replies, pleased with Hinagiku's positive impression. "They do what they do because they care about each other. I just found the crew that other squads didn't trust, and I put them all in the same group."

"We're all bound by shared experience, even though not all of us are Kellid. It makes it easier for us to relate to each other."

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

After stowing the research notes on a small shelf in the roundhouse, Ehren turns his attention to his unusual guest. He spends the rest of the night talking to Joren, hoping to learn more about him and his condition.

(Hallit) “You said that those cultists targeted you because of your heritage,” Ehren recalls, trying to piece together why they singled out Joren. “Does that mean you have fiendish blood like Gaiwan and Myrna? From what clan do you belong?”

Ehren is ready to rest for the night after this conversation.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Myrna/Hinagiku and Ehren/Joren should continue conversations in spoilers if desired.


Joren shifts slightly, considering the question. Hallit: "Yes, my blood is fiendish like theirs. I am of Clan Half-Scar. We are a shifter clan, deeply connected to the wilds and nature."

Lore (Sarkoris) DC 20:

The Sarkorian Half-Scar clan hails from the rugged Stonewilds. Named after their founding chieftain, Harken Halfgard, who bore a deep scar from a legendary battle against giants, the clan's members are shifters deeply connected to nature and the Green Faith. They used to dwell in Thornwood Glen, a hidden sanctuary within the forest. The clan is known for their fierce defense of druidic circles and their ability to shift into powerful animal forms.

12 hours pass

All characters may recover MP/abilities for a night's rest and are assumed to recover/prepare spells.

Pharast 5, 4718

The next morning, the first light of dawn casts a soft glow over Drezen as Myrna, Beatrix, Li'an, Auraelia, and Unafe make their way to Ehren and Hinagiku's home. The streets are quiet, the early morning air filled with a sense of calm before the day begins in earnest.

When they arrive, they find Ehren clearing snow off the small pathway that leads to his home so that ice does not cause anyone to trip. The group heads inside, where they are greeted by the inviting warmth of the roundhouse.

Unafe steps in, smiling at Ehren and Hinagiku. Hallit: "Good morning, everyone," she says. "I hope you're all well-rested. We have much to discuss."

Joren is already seated at the table, a thoughtful expression on his face as he nurses a cup of herbal tea - a strange contrast to his bestial appearance. Hallit: "Morning, Unafe," he replies, nodding to the others as they enter. "What’s planned for today?"

Yulin, sitting cross-legged on a cushion near the hearth, looks up from her book. Hallit: "What have you all been up to, anyway? Is there anything I can do to help?"

female tiefling (demon-spawn) skald 9 / hedgewitch 1 / warlord 1 | hp 150/150 | AC 22, touch 12, ff 22, CMD 29 | Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10 | Perception +2, darkvision 60ft., Init. +1 | Spells-- 1st: 7/7 2nd: 5/5 3rd: 4/4, Song: 24/24, AP: 3/3 | MP 8/11 | MF 1/1, Kenning 1/1 | SILVER CRANE STANCE

Myrna and her Lieutenant show up to the meeting after Unafe, entering to find the Archdruid's small blended family and his most powerful Kellid confidante already meeting to discuss things. She was pleased they had made it a habit to meet at the Archdruid's house at the beginning of the day. Myrna enjoyed a morning walk, and touching base with the other most powerful residents of Drezen allowed her to feel useful and connected with the goings-on in the Crusade at a high level.

She knew the Crusade soldiers could never hope to defeat the Ivory Labyrinth on their own. If they were able to muster a force of the appropriate size and strength, the Templars would escape before they arrived, and they would lose countless Crusaders to demonic patrols, diseases, and the weather.

Although she isn't known as a detailed planner or a brilliant tactician, she begins to ponder the ways in which a Crusade force would need to be outfitted in order to survive a journey across the Worldwound, and the size of force that would be necessary to march on a place like Iz.

"Yesterday I notified the families of the Crusaders who fell at Caerwen of the deaths of their loved ones," she says, "And Hinagiku and I interviewed Valaria more about the nature of our target."

"She explained the Ivory Templar base is at Greengate Gorge, which is about forty miles south of the menhir temple on the edge of the plateau."

"If we walk the ley nodes to the temple menhir, we could easily be at the Gorge within a few hours. We just need to set up a meeting with Rue and prepare to go."

"Today, I'm going to do some research about how to approach stealthily and acquire some supplies for the journey. When should we leave?"

female tiefling (devil-spawn) cleric (cardinal) 9 | hp 126/126 (healthy) | AC 17, touch 12, ff 15, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13 | Perception +5, darkvision 60ft., Init +2 | channel 4/4, holy lance 1/1

Beatrix makes a brief visit to the meeting at the Archdruid's house, listening to any pertinent details that might impact the way she spends her day, and then she ducks out quietly to head to the library at Xanderghul's school. Though the mad wizard had been dishonorably exiled from Mendev due to his role in the arrest of the previous Lord-Commander, he was also the most likely to have a collection relevant enough for her purposes.

The group needed to cross miles of Worldwound territory undetected, a task for which they were not specialized. She needed magical remedies, which she would search for in the library. Prayers to Iomedae were only to grant certain favors, but Myrna was able to summon any magic she pleased, and they also had the Archdruid with them, so the possibilities were wide.

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

I'm just gonna go look through some spell lists to see if there are good answers, and I wanted to roll some dice also. If these numbers indicate useful advice, that would be cool.

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

Truespeech/Hallit: "Good morning!" Arie chimes, zipping in ahead of Li'an. "So sad we couldn't find Külə yesterday! It was a pretty grove though." Turning to Myrna she flies up to her and pokes her in the chest. "You need to give Gaiwan some leave!" she says, doing her best to look imposing and in command. "He missed out on such a nice walk yesterday!"

Li'an enters behind Arie with a chuckle, enjoying the Lyrakien's perpetual high spirits. Hallit: "You'd better listen to her, she's serious Myrna! And Good Morning," Li'an says joining everyone after having prepared her spells for the day anew. She listens to Myrna give a description of the discussion she and Hinagiku had with Val and nods. "That sounds like a good plan. Remember that Arie can provide some magic to keep us stealthy, as long as we can make the trip within 3-4 hours," she adds, with Arie nodding in agreement.

"As for when we should leave, we'll be starting day two of dealing with the artifact today. We made good progress on it yesterday thanks to Ehren's control of the ley. I'm hopeful we'll have it finished in a couple more days," she says. "I would very much like to finish before we leave. I can spend some of the time in the evening doing divinations or other magic that might come in useful for investigating the situation to help out."

"Maybe you could come with Ehren and me to witness the work we are doing in the purity forge if you'd like Yulin, of course you'd need to be on your best behavior, Joran's very grumpy," she says with a wink. "Of course today might be a bit boring, we're just going to be smelting an ingot."

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

Lore (Sarkoris): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

(Hallit) "Clan Half-Scar," Ehren repeats, recognizing the name. His conversations with Mother Heartwood and communions with ancient menhir had yielded knowledge of many of Sarkoris's druidic clans - many lost. The druid half-smiles as he gives the man genuine praise. "You are of an old line, my friend. A line of giant slayers, no less. Small wonder that you survived such a terrible trial."

(Hallit) "Your ancestors once called the Forest of Stones home, just as mine did. It is a great shame to see it in such a miserable state." Ehren pauses, grimacing at the memory. "Is the rest of your clan in Gundrun?"

Ehren endeavors to be a gracious host, finding great satisfaction in sharing his fire with his friends - even if their increasingly frequent morning meetings take up quite a bit of space in his cozy home. It had taken a few years, but the druid had finally set down roots in Drezen.  

The archdruid listens attentively to Myrna and Li'an's reports but does not respond immediately. Instead, his gaze turns distant as he murmurs under his breath, speaking to forces unseen. The rest of the roundhouse fades into the background as he delves into the wellspring of memories left behind by his predecessors.

Ehren casts ancestral memory in reference to Greengate Gorge.
Pertinent Memory Chance (81%): 1d100 ⇒ 98
Knowledge (geography) (Ancestral Memory): 1d20 + 17 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 17 + 5 = 39
Lore (Sarkoris) (Ancestral Memory): 1d20 + 13 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 13 + 5 = 35

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Header + Rolls + Contingencies + Resources:

Percept +23 low-light vision, blindsight 50', detect evil creatures within 200' emanation | Init +6 | AC 32, Touch 29, FF 26 +4 dodge when moving | DR1/- | CMD 35 | Fort + 16 Ref +18 Will +20, +2 vs death effects, +4 insight vs starv., thirst, some diseases and some poisons | Evasion (for all saves)
AC breakdown: 4 dex, 6 wis, 2 sage, 2 enhanc, 2 deflection, 2 dodge, 3 insight, 1 nat ac enhanc
Others: | Treat exposure to hot and cold as 2 steps milder (or 1 when sleeping or unconscious),


154/154 hp
Martial focus: 1/1



Move (e. pat.):
Full round action:
Surprise round action:

Once more, Hinagiku welcomes everyone with hot water which she serves in thick but chipped clay cups of earthy colours. She is a bit surprised that Myrna mentions their mission as well as the knowledge imparted by Valaria in front of Yulin and Joren; although they were likely but trustworthy, Yulin was still young and might accidentally reveal information to others. But, it was done, leaving her free to reveal her own doings.

”After we spoke to Mrs. Valaria, I went to Mr. Artis, the quartermaster, there are provisions prepared for us six at the citadel.” Hinagiku looks to Auraelia with a gentle smile. ”I did not forget you, but I believe you do not eat. All we need to do is go by anytime with a large magical bag… for around 800 pounds. ”

Hinagiku further adds to what Myrna says, mentioning the need to be stealthy for fear of their enemy’s escape.

”That makes me think… Valaria mentioned that there are many wizards there, likely to be able to use magic to escape. Can we stop them from teleporting away from us? Mrs. Unafe is great, but can only really stop one person at a time. ”

When the group disbands, Hinagiku lets them know that she will be staying home to meditate and perhaps go to the pathfinder lounge with Joren.

Hinagiku with Joren (at some points between yesterday night and now:

Hallit"How did it go with Mrs. Auraelia? Where you able to meet with Mr. Külə? He also had quite a transformative journey, just like Mrs. Durant, the one who underwent a major transformation and that I mentioned earlier."

With Myrna:

Hallit"That is something I have seen, true, people banding together because something very strong unites them. One tight family within the one… do you think the bonds they made has impacted their relationships with those outside the squad?"

Current time : 6:30
Hinagiku renews sense presence at 16:00 and Enhanced unarmed strikes (on herself and Unafe) at 18:00.
[bigger]Unafe/bigger]’s enhanced unarmed strikes is back.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Ehren, yesterday night:

Joren's eyes brighten at Ehren's recognition and praise. Hallit: "Clan Half-Scar," he repeats, a touch of pride in his voice. "Yes, we have a long history. The stories of our ancestors slaying giants have been passed down through generations. It's heartening to know that our legacy is remembered."

He listens intently as Ehren speaks of the Forest of Stones, nodding in agreement. "It is indeed a great shame. The Forest of Stones was once a place of immense beauty and power. That it is reduced to its current state is a wound that never fully heals."

Joren's expression becomes somber as he continues."Most of my clan remains in Gundrun. They, too, have been touched by the tainted land. We do our best to survive and protect what little remains of our heritage, but it is a constant struggle. The corruption has affected us all in different ways, making it even more crucial for us to hold on to our traditions and support one another."

Yulin's eyes light up with excitement at Li'an's invitation. Hallit: "I'd love to see the purity forge in action!" she exclaims, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I'll be on my best behavior, I promise. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Even if it's just smelting an ingot, it sounds fascinating."

She glances at Joren, who gives her an encouraging nod. Hallit: "It will be a great learning experience, I'm sure," he says, smiling. He tilts his head. "What is this, Purity Forge?"

Unafe nods thoughtfully. Taldane: "You're right, Hinagiku. If we face multiple spellcasters, we'll need to find a way to disrupt their teleportation magic on a larger scale. Li'an, do you think you'll be done with your project by the end of the eighth? I should be finished with training the Demetae to work with skymetal by then. Afterward, it will take me three more days to finish working on my project for protecting the artifact we obtained from the comet, so I would be ready to leave on the evening of Sunday, the eleventh, at the earliest, after sundown."

Joren frowns as Myrna and Unafe switch to Taldane, as he cannot follow the conversation very well. He looks to Yulin, who seems equally puzzled, even though she speaks both Hallit and Taldane.

Yulin speaks up, her voice curious. Taldane: "What are the Ivory Templars? Are they a big threat?"


The spell takes hold, and Ehren's consciousness dives deep into the collective memories of his ancestors. Images and sensations flood his mind, coalescing into a coherent vision of the past.

He sees through the eyes of an ancient druid, standing at the edge of Greengate Gorge. The landscape is wild and untamed, dominated by jagged cliffs and dense, thorny vegetation. The air is thick with the hum of insects and the distant cries of unseen creatures. The gorge itself is a deep, winding chasm, its walls lined with veins of glittering minerals and tangled roots.

The druid’s memory reveals a hidden path, almost invisible to the untrained eye, that winds down into the gorge. This path is treacherous, but it provides the only safe descent by foot into the depths below. Along the way, the druid encounters various natural defenses—caves inhabited by territorial beasts, patches of quicksand, and thick, choking vines that seem to move with a life of their own.

At the bottom of the gorge lies a series of interconnected caverns. These caverns are sacred to the druids, filled with ancient carvings and symbols of the Green Faith. The largest cavern houses a circle of standing stones, each etched with runes of power. This place is a sanctuary, a wellspring of natural energy that the druids have protected for generations.

The vision shifts to a memory of conflict. The ancient druids fought fiercely to defend Greengate Gorge from invaders—both human and demonic. Their magic was powerful, but the forces arrayed against them were relentless. The druids used the natural defenses of the gorge to their advantage, luring enemies into traps and ambushes. But Ehren already knows their fate - like the rest of his kin, they too, fell eventually, protecting their sacred spaces to their dying breaths.

Female elf l.sorc 11|wiz//Rel Hero/Archmage 4 THP 0 HP 104/104 | Init +7 Percpt +21 | AC 32/25/27 CMD 22 CMB +5 | Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +13 (see defenses) MP 7/11 Chn 8/8
Sorc (CL 11; cn +21) 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 5/5 6th 3/3
Acro +12 Appr +14 Bluff +16 C(Jewel) +24 DDev +21 K(Hist|Arc,Pln,Dng|Loc|Any) +27/+22/+16/+12 Ling +13 S Motive +26 Splcrft +22 Stealth +19 UMD +22

Hallit: "The Purity Forge was once a forge used for desecration of weapons and artifacts of good. It happened before I was back, but the group managed to consecrate it for good instead by dragging a celestial ley line to this location and connecting it directly to the forge. Now it has the power to cleanse and purify evil items and artifacts, and is used aggressively by the crusaders to do so."

"Right now Ehren and I are working on making a ring," she says before turning to answer Unafe. "If yesterday's progress is the measure, then yes, I think so. I'm cautiously optimistic, anyway."

Turning back to Yulin, she answers her question about the templars. No sense missing the opportunity to teach her a lesson about the dangers of cultists. "They're a group of cultists who worship Baphomet and are working with the cultists of Deskari against the Crusaders. They like to pretend they're crusaders and steal information or trick people into doing bad things. The worst of them is a lady in green, an elf, who once tricked Staunton Vhane into making Drezen vulnerable to the demons, and who helped him destroy the wardstone in Kenabres at the start of the Fifth Crusade several years ago. As spies they like to play to whatever they think you want or want to hear. That's why it's always important to pay attention when someone new wants to befriend you suddenly and somehow says things that sound really good, maybe too good to be true. Especially if they say it has to be kept secret for some reason."

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Noting Joren's discomfort, Hinagiku also continues the conversation in Hallit. Hallit”And, that is also why it is wise to keep this information secret and not tell anyone, because anyone could be with them, and if they learn of what we have learned, it would put our lives more in danger.”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
character sheetMaths ★ F transformed (Huge) Hybrid L.Medium 6 / Striker 5, Gifted T4 | Init +13 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 33, t21, ff(uncanny dodge, 27), CMD 34(37 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+17 R+9 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free jump to avoid Reflex AoEs

Unafe listens with interest, as even after about a year there is still much she is learning about the demon-cultists.

Hallit "As soon as my work is done in the forge, I look forward to taking the fight to the Ivory Sanctum.

"In the meantime, if we want to be able to approach without detection, as a hunter tracking a wounded roof-saurian, I can help. Angharad, daughter of Bronwyn tells me there are ways to enchant the shadows to cling to my armor, and to muffle sound to a whisper. By day I must train my apprentices, but at night I will endeavor to follow Angharad's teachings, adding a new way for my mithral armor to protect me."

. . .

Once their conversation is done, and before meeting her apprentices for their day's labors, Unafe purchases the supplies that her ancestor Angharad informed her were needed to add the new enchantments. Then, she tucks the supplies in her dreamspace and heads to meet her apprentices.

When Unafe arrives at the training area, her apprentices have already stoked the forge fires. The air hums with anticipation as they prepare for another day of intensive learning.

Unafe surveys the group, her gaze keen. Hallit:"Yesterday, you learned the basics. Today, we refine. Remember, working with skymetals requires not just skill, but intuition. You must feel the metal, understand its whispers."

She produces several ingots, their surfaces shimmering with an otherworldly luster. Hallit:"I've treated these with reagents to mimic the properties of skymetals. We'll practice on these before touching the real thing."

The apprentices set to work, the ring of hammers soon filling the air. Unafe moves among them, observing closely.

Keira, who struggled with forge temperature yesterday, now maintains a steady heat. Her hammer strikes fall in a rhythmic pattern, and the metal before her begins to take shape with surprising grace. Hallit:"Well done, Keira," Unafe nods approvingly. "You're listening to the fire now."

Cai, however, grows increasingly frustrated. His powerful blows lack precision, and his piece warps under the strain. Sweat beads on his furrowed brow as he tries again and again. Unafe approaches, her voice firm but not unkind. Hallit:"Cai, skymetals demand respect, not force. Breathe. Find the balance between strength and subtlety. Let the ancestors guide your hand." Cai takes a moment to center himself. His next strikes, though still forceful, carry a new restraint. Slowly, grudgingly, his work begins to improve.

Owen and Sara work steadily, their progress evident in the increasing complexity of their forms. Ketra, the youngest, watches Unafe intently, mimicking her techniques with growing confidence.

As midday approaches, Unafe calls for a break. Hallit:"Look at what you've accomplished," she says, indicating their creations—intricate spirals, delicate latticework, the beginnings of what could be beautiful and functional pieces. "Yesterday, you made tools. Today, you're making art."

The apprentices gather around, examining each other's work with wonder and critical eyes. There is still much to learn, but a new energy permeates the group. They can feel it—the ancient magic of the craft stirring within them, the first whispers of the skymetals calling.

Unafe allows herself a small, proud smile. Hallit:"Rest well tonight, and sing to your ancestors." she tells them. "Tomorrow, we start."

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 11/Hierophant 4 | HP 137/137 | AC 24, T 23, FF 19 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +18 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +2 | Perception +18 | MP 11/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11 | SP 10/10

(Hallit) "Greengate Gorge," Ehren says finally, stirring from his reverie. He looks around, having followed the conversation even during his trance. "It is a sacred place, once inhabited by the druids of old. There is a hidden footpath that leads to the bottom of the chasm, but it is treacherous. At least back then, it was littered with natural hazards, and some prepared by the druids. There is a series of caverns at the bottom of the gorge. The ley is at its strongest there - within the largest cavern is a menhir circle."

"Many druids lost their lives there when Sarkoris fell," the archdruid continues before adding with a scowl, "I do not know what the gorge looks like today, but it does not surprise me that the Templars would be squatting there. It would not be the first sacred place they have defiled."

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