GM Jiggy's Adventures in Avonali [5E] (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Current location: Silverwood (lake island)
Time of day: Midday

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Athletics: +6 | Intimidation: +5 | Persuasion: +5 | History: +2 | Religion: +2 | Deception: +3 | Performance: +3 | All others+0
Human Paladin/4 Init: +0 | HP: 15/36 l AC:19 | DR 3 vs Nonmagical Weapons | Saves: STR=4; DEX=0; CON=2; INT=0; WIS=2*; CHA=5* | PP=10

You can attack with disadvantage, crawl, or stand for half your movement if there's room.

Uh... Fin?

Wood elf druid | Staff (8) | Frightened, Foresight, Barkskin AC 16 & HP: 68/102 Fire Elemental | Inspiration! | HP: 122/122 | shape 0/2 | d8 1/17 | 1st 2/4 | 2nd 0/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 2/3 | 5th 1/2 | 6th 0/1 | 7th 0/1 | 8th 0/1 | 9th 0/1
AC 19 | Str +0 Dex +3 Con +8x2 Int +6 Wis +11 Cha +0 | Init +3 | PP 21, Darkvision | Insight +11

Delayed. 20th wedding anniversary plus 12 hour day.

Congrats! (On the former, not so much the latter.)

Wood elf druid | Staff (8) | Frightened, Foresight, Barkskin AC 16 & HP: 68/102 Fire Elemental | Inspiration! | HP: 122/122 | shape 0/2 | d8 1/17 | 1st 2/4 | 2nd 0/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 2/3 | 5th 1/2 | 6th 0/1 | 7th 0/1 | 8th 0/1 | 9th 0/1
AC 19 | Str +0 Dex +3 Con +8x2 Int +6 Wis +11 Cha +0 | Init +3 | PP 21, Darkvision | Insight +11

going away this weekend, so no posting

Wood elf druid | Staff (8) | Frightened, Foresight, Barkskin AC 16 & HP: 68/102 Fire Elemental | Inspiration! | HP: 122/122 | shape 0/2 | d8 1/17 | 1st 2/4 | 2nd 0/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 2/3 | 5th 1/2 | 6th 0/1 | 7th 0/1 | 8th 0/1 | 9th 0/1
AC 19 | Str +0 Dex +3 Con +8x2 Int +6 Wis +11 Cha +0 | Init +3 | PP 21, Darkvision | Insight +11

I have to leave in 36 hours on a business trip where I won't have access to the Internet. I'll return about this time in a week. So, I'll RP until I go. Then, please DMPC me.


I probably won't get to post again for about a week. Happy holidays, everyone!

Athletics: +6 | Intimidation: +5 | Persuasion: +5 | History: +2 | Religion: +2 | Deception: +3 | Performance: +3 | All others+0
Human Paladin/4 Init: +0 | HP: 15/36 l AC:19 | DR 3 vs Nonmagical Weapons | Saves: STR=4; DEX=0; CON=2; INT=0; WIS=2*; CHA=5* | PP=10

Happy holidays peeps

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Half-Elf Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 | Perception +6
Teo wrote:
"Maybe that's just an exit and not an entrance?

We found the island's butt.

Half-Elf Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 | Perception +6

I think I have the flu. Go ahead and roll another attack for me for now.

Athletics: +6 | Intimidation: +5 | Persuasion: +5 | History: +2 | Religion: +2 | Deception: +3 | Performance: +3 | All others+0
Human Paladin/4 Init: +0 | HP: 15/36 l AC:19 | DR 3 vs Nonmagical Weapons | Saves: STR=4; DEX=0; CON=2; INT=0; WIS=2*; CHA=5* | PP=10

Where oh where has our GM gone?

Also I meant to use warhammer for that last attack.

I've got some bad news. For the past few months, my real-life circumstances have been shifting in such a way as to make it harder and harder to keep up with my PbP games. I kept thinking things would settle and I'd get back to the level of availability I had a year ago (or even six months ago), but it's become clear that my lack of regular availability is the new normal. It seems I can't even rely on my own lunch break as a chance to get my games updated (I'm actually pushing some things aside just to be able to tell you this).

Unfortunately, this means I'm taking a hiatus from all PbP gaming for the foreseeable future. I don't know if I'll get to try it again at all, let alone when that might be. Sorry I couldn't get us to a conclusion first; I was going to try, but I just don't have the time anymore. Thanks for the game; it was fun. :)

Female Halfling Copper Draconic Sorcerer 4 | HP 27/30| AC 16 | Saves: Str+0, Dex+3, Con+4, Int+0, Wis+0, Cha+6 | PasPercpt10 | Skills: Arcana+2, Deception+6, Persuasion+6, SleightofHand+5 | Init.+3 | SpellAttack+6 | SpellSave14

Thanks for the fun game, Jiggy!

Half-Elf Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6 | Perception +6

Dang. That's too bad. Well it was fun everyone.

Athletics: +6 | Intimidation: +5 | Persuasion: +5 | History: +2 | Religion: +2 | Deception: +3 | Performance: +3 | All others+0
Human Paladin/4 Init: +0 | HP: 15/36 l AC:19 | DR 3 vs Nonmagical Weapons | Saves: STR=4; DEX=0; CON=2; INT=0; WIS=2*; CHA=5* | PP=10

There are worse fates than being busy all the time. Thanks for the game, everyone.

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