About Carmine JolankaStatistics:
Male Human Bard (Sound Striker / Dirge Bard) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +5; Senses Perception +5, Sense Motive +4
Melee +1
Irrepressible (Faith):
Deathtouched (Race):
Reactionary (Combat):
Cowardly (Drawback):
FEATS Point-Blank Shot: You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Precise Shot: You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.
Skills (10 points; 6 class, 1 INT, 1 Skilled, 2 Background)
SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc. Acrobatics* +7 = DEX 3+1+3
*ACP applies to these skills
Bardic Knowledge: +1 to all knowledge skills. May make knowledge skill checks untrained. Languages Common, Varisian Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Boritsi Legacy:
BARD (Dirge Bard / Sound Striker: Bardic Knowledge: (Ex)
Performance: (8 Rounds / Day) Countersong (Su):
Distraction: (Su)
Fascinate: (Su)
Inspire Courage: (Su)
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) Light
1st (2/day) Cure Light Wounds
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Chain Shirt
Carrying Capacity
Money 16 GP 2 SP 5 CP
Since he was old enough to be useful, Carmine has worked in one capacity or another in the mortuary business his family owns and operates in Lepidstadt. The Jolanka family is a fairly large Varisian clan, with members proficient in all the various trades and services connected to burials and funerals. They produce their own coffins and flowers, have arrangements with cemeteries to secure burial plots, decorate and organize for funeral services, and cater wakes. The business can handle as little or as much of the arrangements as a family wishes or can afford. Carmine first really distinguished himself as an assistant when initially meeting with families to make those important initial decisions about arrangements for their recently departed loved ones. He showed himself to be masterful at deploying empathy, both to soothe the bereaved and to guide them through decisions while making the family feel completely in control. Within the family he is acknowledged as being able to upsell coffins with greater finesse and success than anyone bar none. Carmine also has a talent for music. When he was old enough to be respectable in the position, he took over arranging and performing musical accompaniments for funeral processions and gatherings for mourners. Carmine loves his work. It feels good to make important contributions to his family’s welfare and prosperity, and to valued for it in return. He is happy to be working as a musician. Carmine is something of an aesthete, and enjoys taking pains making everything perfect for such difficult gatherings for families. He has an unusual talent for knowing what mourners want or need, and seeing that they get it efficiently and tactfully without appearing subservient, and giving extra time and attention to those who need it. He has found this to be especially true for widows, and sometimes daughters, of the recently departed. Carmine was also very surprised to realize there are so, so many young widows of rich old men. He makes it his personal mission to shepherd these poor, young unfortunates through their grief and loss, going above and beyond to see they receive whatever it is that will help them move on from such a dark period in their lives. Despite how richly rewarding Carmine finds his profession to be, there are undoubtedly risks that come with it. Just last year a mishap almost cost him his life. Working late one night Carmine and his cousin Avram where moving a coffin meant for transport to the cemetery the next morning. Unfortunately, mistakes were made somewhere along the way. The man inside had perished due to an illness misidentified as (relativity speaking) benign when it was in fact ghoul fever. The newly risen ghoul inside the coffin rose and burst out of the coffin. It ravaged both Carmine and his cousin, killing Avram immediately. Carmine should have died of his wounds or, failing that, from ghoul fever. Almost impossibly though, he covered from both afflictions with astounding speed. The attack was news locally, and it brought Carmine to the attention of Dr. van Richten at the local university. Apparently the Doctor kept feelers out for unusual cases involving paranormal circumstances. Dr. van Richten paid Carmine for sessions over a period of some months where Carmine was examined and tested. Not only did Carmine recover with no discernible lasting negative effects, he seemed more robust than ever when exposed to some of the typical taints associated with the undead. The Doctor could find no apparent reason for the strength of Carmine’s discovery, and considered him a very interesting case.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 Hair: Black Eyes: Hazel Green |