GM Deekan Iron Gods AP

Game Master Valeron De Stinzite

Campaign Tracker
Torch Map
Handouts and notes
Init, Perc, Saves

Gearing up for an Iron God’s AP. There are at least 2 spots spoken for all ready. I am waiting to hear back from 2 other players. I will open recruitment for any spots left over. I will leave recruitment open until Sunday then I will pick characters for what spots are open. Post your character and show me what you’ve got.

Character Creation:

Content Available for Use in this Campaign: All Paizo published material is available for use.
Third Party Material: No third party material will be allowed for use in character creation.

Ability Scores: Ability scores will be generated via 15 point buy with no ability score starting below 7 prior to racial adjustments.

Races: All races from the core rulebook are available for play along with suggestions from the players guide. As long as it fits in with the AP I'm fine with it.

Classes: All Paizo published classes are acceptable. Refer to rule above.

Feats: I'm not picky, just make it work.

Traits: All characters will start with two traits of which one must be Campaign trait. You may take a drawback to gain another trait but be prepared to roleplay the drawback.

Starting Wealth: All characters starts with the maximum wealth for their chosen class.

Player's Guide: All players are strongly encouraged to download a copy of the Players Guide for use in character creation and to get a feel for adventure.

Skills: All players will use background skills.

All players are asked to try to post at least once per day Monday through Friday. However I am not a stickler and if you miss a day it is not a big deal to me. If you are going to be away for an extended period please let us know so that your character can be botted . No one is expected to post during Holidays.

When it comes to your character I'm not too strict on things. Obviously you need to stay within the rules themselves, but if you can give me a good reason as to why you want to go a certain way then I can work with that. I'd rather have a group playing with characters they want to play with. As long as it fits into the AP and your characters background then I will tend to be ok with it, but be reasonable.

Posting interest. I'm thinking heavens shaman, should fit the stargazing theme.

Edit: Actually, scratch that, going Arcanist

The Exchange

I'd love to toss my hat into the mix as well.

I should say that up front that I have GM'd all of Iron Gods in a RL group. I can also say it is by far my favorite Adventure Path Paizo has ever put out which is why I'm so eager to play in it. I'd love to experience that wonder from the player's point of view. Benefit to that is I'm super experienced with the Technology rules! Also worth noting that we played it as the books were coming out so its been a few years since I ran through book 1.

As far as early character concepts, an android warpriest of brigh is a favorite of mine.

I wanted to ask first if you'd consider someone who has GM'd the path in its entirety before I make a character.

@Codanous-I’m fine with that. As long as you don’t post any spoilers we will be fine. I’m excited to see your character.

@Usmo-can’t wait to see what you come up with.

What will be the availability of firearms? I’m thinking of an Eldritch Archer Magus who uses a gun rather than a bow.

Usmo here again, still working on some things, but, this should be mostly done. Went with the Occultist Arcanist archetype, going for a conjuration build, primarily Summons and area control.

@Ouachitonian-I’m fine with the firearms. Just make it fit into your backstory.

@Lucas Aspar-I always like a good summons. Can’t wait to see it when it’s done.

DBH here. Like Codanous I've run it to completion with a live group, and am doing it as a PBP here at the moment. I would love a chance to play it myself. :)

Can I ask what are the two who already have spots are playing?

GM Deekan wrote:

@Ouachitonian-I’m fine with the firearms. Just make it fit into your backstory.

@Lucas Aspar-I always like a good summons. Can’t wait to see it when it’s done.

I was mostly wondering which of the rarity categories we'd be operating in. Since only Gunslingers get free guns at L1, the build would be much harder to pull off in some categories (unless I start as a gunslinger then multiclass later). I mean, I figure there'll be technology later on, but it'd be annoying to have to start with a bow or something until I can find a gun laying around somewhere.

Here is Daneran Halfbright, my Android Warpiest of Brigh!

Let me know if there is anything confusing about how the character sheet is laid out.

Here is a brief background I put together for him.


Daneran has undergone many reincarnations though it is his strong belief that in every life he has worshipped Brigh. Despite his reincarnations he always is reborn with the knowledge of Brigh and her faith. He strongly believes in both a melding of the Story of the First Android and a combination of Brigh’s teaching about time and the cyclical nature of Time. The belief that the Android body being time immoral is the perfect construct and the truest thing to a Child of Brigh that’s ever been created.

He has only recently undergone his 147th reincarnation and his first memory is awakening with a vision from his Deity, that of a massive purple fire cutting into the sky and illuminating the lands all around. After asking around he was pointed in the direction of Torch. After arriving in Torch and finding the Purple fire has been extinguished he interprets Brigh’s vision as a sign he needs to assist in relighting the Torch.

Hopefully this character doesn't overlap with any of the other already locked in characters. If it does, I can make a new character, I have a number that I am sure would work with the campaign but this is definitely my first pick.

Thanks for the consideration!

This should be complete now. Made some changes to backstory and added in my spell list. Early levels will likely be limited to casting grease and burning Arcane Reservoir to summon up eagles, but, I suppose that's early level casters for ya :P

@Ouachitonian-I’ll read over the firearms and get back to you in the morning. I don’t want it to be difficult for you to have a firearm, but I don’t want it to be that easy either.

@DBH-as soon as I hear back from my other players I’ll let you know what we have so far.

@Daneran-I live what you have. Character sheet is very detailed and I like that.

@FratManCy-I like your concept. Let’s see what you come up with!

I'm sorry Deekan, I have to pull out. Good luck everyone.

@FratManCy- no problem. Hopefully I’ll have you at a table in the future.

@Ouachitonian-let’s go with commonplace firearms. All firearms are martial weapons. Early firearms and ammunition cost 25% , but advanced firearms and ammunition cost the same. There are quite a few advanced and exotic firearms in the Technology guide. Does that work for you?

That sounds great, thanks! I’m probably going to go with an Android Magus (Eldritch Archer).


Sorry, I don't remember from the last recruitment. How do you handle variant Aasimar or Tiefling abilities... do we roll it, you roll it, roll three times and pick, or something else?

How much background do you want?

@Zanbabe-I don’t remember from last time. Go ahead and roll 3 times and pick. I want you to have a character you’re happy with.

@SkaTalon-I don’t expect a novel, but 2-3 paragraphs should do. Just a good back story
That fits your character.

Remember everyone-consult the players guide for tips on making a character for this AP. I really like everyone’s characters and concepts. You’re not going to make this easy on me.

GM Deekan

Grand Lodge

Here's my submission, Teodorn Psychic (Mindtech Discipline)/VMC Sorceror (nanite bloodline)

I hope you'll forgive me for not making an alias yet.


Teodorn was born into a nomadic Kellid tribe, but he never felt like he belonged. From an early age his presence unsettled the tribes’ animals. While his parents were caring, he was not ever fully accepted by his extended kin and clan, and they avoided his company when they could. Perhaps because of this, Teodorn would go on long rangings. He began to seek out the forbidden places of metal buried in the ground, where his clan shaman said iron fiends lived. He overcame this superstition and became an amateur archeologist, trying to understand these strange sites. He seemed to find them easily, and he realized he could hear the machines calling to him.

Teodorn knew some answers might lie in the settlements his clan would visit to trade with on their seasonal route. He was always particularly keen on Torch, from which a purple beam of light shot into the sky. Overheard whispers let him know the people in the town used the light to craft metal with great skill. Here he saw hypocrisy – these wonders were condemned, but his clan would trade for the weapons and tools forged by this purple light. This made Teodorn bolder in his explorations, and shortly after his clan’s departure from Torch in his 16th year, Teodorn went on a ranging, leaving his sheep unattended again.

Unfortunately for him, he encountered what seemed a malevolent force as he explored an iron cave. He fell down shaft, breaking his ankle. He cried out, and in response an angry mist rose from a bank of lights. They swarmed around his ankle, and he could hear in his mind them saying “Repair! Repair!” – and indeed his ankle was healed. But then the swarmed moved up his body, rending and reshaping his flesh. When the mist retreated, he had lost much blood, and he no longer looked the same – his face and body were not the one he was born into. Wiping away dust from a reflective panel, Teodorn did not recognize the face that stared back at him. He managed to get back to his clan’s encampment, confused and disheveled.

Not recognizing this wounded young man, the clan warriors harried him with blows until he fled. Not knowing where to go and almost delirious from the preceding events, Teo saw the purple beam on the horizon. He walked towards it, and collapsed shortly outside the town walls. He was found by an apprentice of Khonnir Baine, and he was nursed back to health.

Baine recognized, and later explained to Teo, that he had encountered a malfunctioning medical nanite swarm, and part of it was still inside Teo. Whether out of kindness or professional curiosity about Teo’s tale about being able to talk to the machines, Khonnir took Teodorn as an apprentice. It’s been 3 years since that happened, and Teo has settled into life helping Khonnir with his work while mastering his own abilities.

Teodorn is curious and warm to those he knows. Subconsciously, he wants a “clan” of his own to replace the one he was born into. That said, Teo is more distant with new people until they have earned his trust, and he feels they won’t judge him for his connection to the machines. He believes that the hidden wonders of Numeria could be a great boon to the common people, and he resents the Technic League’s control and suppression.

Teodorn Stat Block/Build:

Male human (Kellid) psychic 1 (VMC sorcerer, nanite bloodline)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks phrenic amplification (overpowering mind), phrenic pool (2 point)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (4/day)—technomancy, color spray (DC 15), enlarge person (DC 15)
0 (at will)—detect magic, light, stabilize, telekinetic projectile
Psychic Discipline: Mindtech
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk: +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [engineering]), Technologist
Traits clever word play (social, Int to Diplo), local ties (campaign)
Skills Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +5, Spellcraft +7 (used background skills on linguistics and engineering)
Languages: Androffan, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Hallit, Orc
SQ bloodline (nanite)
Other Gear 120 gp – need to go shopping!
Special Abilities
Overpowering Mind (Ex) 2 pool: increase Will save DC of linked mind-affecting spell by +1.

Phrenic Pool (2/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.

Technologist You are familiar with the basic mechanics of technology.
Benefit: You are considered to be trained in any skill used against a technology-based subject.

Possible progression and alterations: If I can take Technomancer with a psychic spellcaster (hoping mindtech discipline + nanite bloodline makes that a reasonable thing), then I’d switch to that prestige class at level 7 or 8. Alternating, I could create Teodorn as a nanite sorcerer. I’d also be happy to reconfigure him into an archeologist bard (or the like) if the party needs more of a face.

Character Inspirations:

I’m taking a fair amount of inspiration from Horizon Zero Dawn’s Sylens and Banuk Shaman who speak to the “spirits” of the machines. Also, the little boy from ‘Heroes’ who could talk to machines.

about me:

Thought it might help to know a little about me. I have a flexible work schedule, so I can reliably post daily, often more than once. I’m a father, and that has cut into my real world game time, and PbP seems like a great way to play and fill that void. That said, I’m still new to the format, having just started in March with the Flaxseed Outpost Con. Here’s a link to one of my games that might give a sense of me as a player. I’m Merrick in this game: e=1

Allow me to submit Kanek. Kanek is a gunslinger for level 1 but will be an eldritch archer magus in all future levels. I have submitted him to other Iron Gods games and haven't been selected. I will update his crunch shortly but his fluff should all be there.

I think I may not submit after all. Not sure I want to be in two runs of the same AP at he same time (I'm in one that's nearing the end of book 2 right now).

Yeah. I want to give the chance to someone who hasn’t played it before.

Hello, I'd like to apply to this campaign: as Wilfried Tyndall, metal elementalist

Wilfried was born as the third son of a well-known blacksmith, Samuel Tyndall, who prized his works more than anything else.

He was a sickly child with a weak physique and because of this, he was doing the most menial of tasks around the shop.
While Wilfried inherited his mother's looks and constitution, his older brothers were the spitting image of their father.
Towering over him they would bully and make fun of Wilfried, making the poor buy run to his mather's bed and cry.

Things were not to be the same after his mother's death, Samuel Tyndall took to drinking and was getting grumpier by the day. He could not stand the sight of Wilfried, he reminded him too much of her.

Not long after, a hooded horseman stopped by the blacksmith, he was holding a letter asking for an old favor to be returned. It was no surprise to anyone that Wilfried would depart with the horseman Khonnir.

Khonnir was a jolly guy who ruined all Wilfried's misconceptions about wizards. He was following an undogmatic path of shaping metal not through hammer and anvil but through the power of his mind.
Quick-witted Wilfried absorbed every bit of knowledge handed by ol'Khonnir and became increasingly passionate about this metal path.

The jolly mage told him stories of Numeria, about the Rain of Stars of wondrous metal beings, and of how he was bound to return there.
Though Wilfried pleaded to be taken with him Khonnir would not be convinced arguing that Numeria was a dangerous place. Wilfried was left instead at a wizard academy to learn the basics of magic.

The wizards at the academy proved to be quite a conservatory and snickered when hearing of the metal elemental school. This just led to more and more frustration for Wilfried who devised a keen escape plan from the academy and joining with his master in Numeria.

(I initially had another tutor wizard in mind but after reading a bit further in the story for the character creation I had to do some renaming, I hope I haven't made too many speculations )

Full character sheet: sharing
(Please read Vagabond Child trait from the sheet as Local Ties, I had to find a trait with an equivalent mechanic as Local Ties)

Variant Ability Rolls:

Variant Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 80
Variant Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 65
Variant Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 23

Sorry for the delay in deciding. I'm going with an Azata-blooded Aasimar Arrowsong Minstrel Bard born to Human (Kellid) parents.

She's going to be a former pirate, strongly against slavery and the Technic League which allows and encourages it (taking the campaign trait).

Will post again when I have everything done.

Scarab Sages

Dotting for interest, looking at a Numerian Scavenger Unchained Rogue. Will have him put together before the end of the weekend.

Silver Crusade

DDotting. Thinking a techslinger.

Remember recruitment is open until Sunday and then I’ll be picking characters. There are 2 spots open so get them in. I like what everybody has so far so it won’t be easy.

Hmm, what to build what to build.

That is the question!

Excellent Shakespeare reference.


<--Here is my (Zanbabe's) character. Everything should be done except the Equipment section. I still need to work on that. Let me know if you see any errors or have any suggestions.


I'd like to submit this character. A half-elf archaeologist with (surprise) the Numerian Archaeologist trait.

He would fill a skills, knowledge, traps, and support role in a party.


Barton was born and raised in Chesed in Numeria. His parents were mixed, mother a human and father an elf. His mother is a successful merchant, selling goods and supplies to equip the crusades to the north and his father a retired sorcerer who was injured in a battle against a demon up north. His parents are decidely apolitcal, keeping their heads down and living their lives in a city controlled by the Technic league. It has always been his mother's policy to never deal in any technological artifacts in her business and his father has always downplayed the arcane abilities he possesses.

His mother's wealth and success gave Bart the benefit of beiong able to be educated well growing up. To his mother's chagrin though, Barton wanted to study history and ancient technology and wanted nothing to do with learning the business. According to his mother, the study of history, engineering, and devices is for someone who wants to live in the past, not the future. Her opinions of learning to fight and wanting to travel are equally dim, but his father understands the draw to adventure and knowing that Bart will have a long life with opportunity for many vocations, encouraged Barton to set out and see part of the world.

Growing up in a major city in the Technic league had its benefits and its drawbacks. It gave Bart the opportunity to see examples of ancient technology and to rub shoulders with androids in the streets. It also gave Bart a first-hand look at the cruelty and power of the technic league.

Out on his own now, Barton traveled to Torch to see one of the ancient wonders for himself and to meet a renowned scholar named Khonnir Baine. He is thrilled to have found himself in town when something momentous is happening. The Torch going out is a sign that the mysteries of the past aren't unchanging and learning about them might help him shape the world.

Hello, I'm submitting Irva Scryspring, Gnomish Investigator.

Recruitment will close for anyone posting after this comment. If you have expressed interest up to this point but have not finished your character, I will give you until tomorrow. Today I will be reading over the posted characters so if you expressed interest and have not posted your character then I strongly suggest you do so today.

Side note-the best part of GMing is seeing what type of characters people will come up with. If you do not get picked I would still like to let you know that I really have enjoyed reading over everybodys characters so far.

I am still reading through characters right now. I was originally going to go with a party of five, but have changed my mind. I will be going with a party of 6. There are so many good characters between everyone that I will pick 3 total to make a party of 6. I will post sometime tomorrow who the lucky adventurers are. If you are still working on your character, let me know.

I will have my picks up by tonight.

Sounds good. Good luck to all!


You are the lucky adventurers to join our party. Go ahead and post in discussion so I know you’re ready to go.

Everyone else. It was not an easy decision. You all made absolutely awesome characters. I sincerely hope you get them in a future table.

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