GM Dak - PFS First Steps: III - II - I (Group 2.1) (Inactive)

Game Master Dakcenturi


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Grand Lodge

Here's my Druid I have played First Steps part 2 before with a different character and I've just started running it by PbP as well but I'll keep my player knowledge and character knowledge seperate if your ok with that. He's a capable healer with a wand of CLW. He has 2Xp though so he wouldn't be able to stay for part 3. If all that is acceptable to you I'd like to play.

Grand Lodge


Scarab Sages

Tired of wasting 10 minutes on a brilliant character background, just to get passed over by the GM because 40 other people also applied for the game? This is a great chance to get started in PFS, or start a new character for a pbp campaign. You haven't missed anything, and we're hoping to finish the first steps and continue with further scenarios, so it'd be great to find a character that can stick with us.

The group is great. GM is excellent. He has good maps, if you can access Roll20, and he posts frequently. The players post a lot during the day as well, so there's plenty of good opportunity to RP.

I think a character that would fit in well would be non-lawful good (we're all thieves) and tactical and cooperative in combat (barbarians are fine, but be willing to hang back until the archers take their first shots if that's the plan).

The party consists of:

a bloodthirsty, stealthy archer ranger (poor snake...)
her elven witch aunt caster/archer, also a little bloodthirsty (poor, poor snake...)
a surly, lockpicking alchemist (who says he's not a rogue, but I'm not convinced)
a chatty, wild-looking skald who fights on the front and likes to sing when he fights
a handsome, scheming tactician who sometimes gets his sword drawn, and will focused on making his team better, if he lives long enough

I think we could pretty much work with any class. Another front-liner would be good. Some more healing would be helpful. A proper rogue could earn his keep easily.

Looking forward to moving on with a 6th, so apply early!

Lantern Lodge

Hi, I see you're recruiting for PFS first steps online.
I have recently acquired the pf core rulebook hoping to get back into rpg (used to be a very avid player years ago but relocation across countries made me stop)

I've never played any PF game but if you'd be willing to accommodate for an experienced rpg player that's a total pf noob, I'd love to give it a try. I've never pbp either.

I have a lvl 1 monk that I created a few days ago that's ready to roll

Let me know,


I'm definitely interested in joining up. I'm still working on a character, but I am dotting for interest.

Silver Crusade

I have a L1 Tiefling Cleric of Shelyn available to play if you still have a spot. His name is Sergei Mercedi, and he's a roguish hedonist.

I'll get the full character details up this evening.

Grand Lodge

"Sergei's the name. You're going to love working with me!" The handsome, rakish man before you says with supreme self-confidence.

Grand Lodge

Updated with link to sheet and extended title information as requested in the original post.

Scarab Sages

Although I don't think I can make the time-frame of this particular opening, given that I'm a uni student who is very busy until the summer, I'm dotting for future offerings of playthroughs of First Steps, since I've been wanting to try PFS for a while. Bashtur is my test character, a two-weapon-fighting 1st-level Vudrani barbarian who is absolutely not my thinly-veiled attempt to make a Gurkha in Pathfinder.

We've filled the spot. If another opens I'll post here. Additionally I may open up some more game for the whole series in the future for those interested.

We may be needing a replacement or two. If people want to try and fill the spot. This will be for starting First Steps Part 2.

Scarab Sages

Care for a crazy alchemist? I'll have his stats finished soon. (You could always ask those who didn't make the cut from the First Steps game I'm recruiting for.)

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