GM Crellan |
Submission Breakdown:
Here are all the submission so far, if I missed one let me know:
Radavek Petali - Human Barbarian
Balder - Human Barbarian
Ellina Sensewi - Halfling Paladin
Rikard - Half-elf Ranger
Kanoko - Human Fighter(Brawler)
Shandor Zindelo - Human Wizard
Braasto the True - Gnome Sorcerer
Hestra Dalieah Vlept - Gnome Rogue
Noam Faust - Gnome Bard (Prankster)
"Lucky" Finn McDonaugh - Human Cleric of Desna
Torrosk Brokenblade |
Half-orc inquisitor of Pharasma 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
N Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 dexterity, +1 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee greataxe +0 (1d12/×3)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks judgment 1/day
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +6)
6/day—rebuke death (1d4)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6)
1st (2/day)—bless, cure light wounds
0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 13), detect magic, disrupt undead, guidance
Domain Healing
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Point-blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits reactionary, unhappy childhood (religious)
Skills Heal +7, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Orc
SQ monster lore +3, orc blood, stern gaze +1
Other Gear studded leather, buckler, arrows (20), greataxe, longbow, backpack, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalk (3), wooden holy symbol (Pharasma), trail rations (5), 19 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Inquisitor Domain (Healing) Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Judgment (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Rebuke Death (6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch heals 1d4 dam to negative HP target.
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Torrosk Brokenblade was a typical ½ orc in a typical orcish camp. Which was to say his life was hell. Despite being as big as the other orcs, and despite being smarter than the other orcs, he was always the brunt of jokes, and orc jokes generally started, or ended with a beating. Or on special occasions both. He was never allowed the weapons that others were given, having to settle for weak or in many cases already broken weapons. He prayed for the end of it, for the end of the camp, for his revenge.
Someone must have been listening, but not anyone Torrosk would have wanted listening. Just after Torrosk’s 14th birthday, the camp was attacked. The shadows themselves boiled and came to life, hideous creatures, grey flesh the color of death, taloned fingers and horribly sharp teeth bounded after the shadows, snarling in glee as they started to rend their way through the orc encampment. Torrosk knew that he needed to hide, and found his way into the woodshed and hid under the wood pile, pulling logs and kindling over himself in a futile effort to hide from the creatures.
A shadow slid in amidst the wood, and leered at the ½ orc boy with a soft, creaky voice, that oozed malevolence. “Foolish, foolish child. You cannot hide from a shadow in the dark.”
The things hand reached out for the wide-eyed boy’s ankle, and Torrosks ankle, and Torrosk felt a cold so intense it burned. Worse still was the horrific pulling that started, making Torrosk gasp for breath that wouldn’t come. Torrosk’s vision went dim, and the cold spread throughout his limbs. Torrosk fought but the cold…it just made him want to sleep, and Torrosk slipped into that feeling.
He awoke with a start, and a sharp intake of breath. Bright light caused him to blink and shade his eyes with one hand. White walls surrounded him, a small basin atop a nightstand showed recent use, and a washcloth hung lazily over the lip. Torrosk looked down and found he was in a bed with fresh linens. He tore the cloth off his feet looking down, the horrible memory of the things cold grasp on his ankle flooding back. The foot was still there, but just above the ball of his ankle was a stark white handprint that stood out against his tanned-greenish skin.
The door to the room opened then, and a woman in a grey robe, wearing a necklace bearing a spiral comet symbol on it stepped through. “You are awake. Good. It would seem that Pharasma is not quite done with you.” Her smile put Torrosk at ease, and the mention of Pharasma instilled a certain sense of peace in the young ½ orc.
Time passed for Torrosk, and he tried the best he could to fit into Pharasma’s clergy, but his orcish blood gave over to rage just a bit too often. He understood that death came to everyone, just or unjust, and followed the prophecies as best he could, but his blood cried out for action. To put it simply, he was terminally bored. He started to question how undead were allowed to exist, since they stopped a soul from getting to its deserved rest, or unrest. They tore at the frayed end of prophecy, and unraveled them, changed them where they weren’t supposed to.
He often brought up his questions, to the exasperation of his instructors. This in turn led to many chores. Between gathering firewood, splitting chord upon chord of that same wood, fetching water from the river, helping fix the masonry with the stonemason, and basically, any other sort of labor his instructions could invent, the boy grew up, large and broad. With the boy still questioning his instructors,( and the church looking better, and being stocked better than ever) the clerics of Pharasma in Magnimar were at a loss. What to do with Torrosk? Certainly the City of Magnimar was not ready for a 1/2 orc cleric of Pharasma to be unleashed on her streets. Especially one with the questions that Torrosk continually asked, but what were the options?
Fortunately, the answer came in the form of Terrant Ulish. The cleric of Pharasma offered the boy another path. “You ask a lot of questions, lad. A lot of the right questions.” Terrant told him by way of an introduction one day at vespers. The man didn’t look like the others. He was travel worn, his clothing threadbare, and well used. He looked like he was a man of action. This was something Torrosk looked for. Torrosk waited on Terrant’s every word. “You strive for action, your blood calls for it.” Torrosk only nodded. “I have one question to ask then. If you found a man breaking the bond of Pharasma, robbing souls of their rest, what would you do?”
Torrosk thought for a moment. His first reaction was that he’d hunt the man down, and strike him down with the retribution of Pharasma, but this was not impartial, not what he’d been taught. He started to speak his first thought, and then stammered, “I would seek the guidance of Pharasma that those spirits could be pulled from the man.”
The backhand blow that slapped Torrosk, left stars in his vision and the coppery taste of blood in his mouth. Torrosk growled deep in his throat, but stayed retaliation. “Don’t ever lie to me boy, or I’ll unleash more than the back of my hand!” Terrant snarled out at him. “What would you do?”
Torrosk growled “I’d hunt the man down and show Pharasma’s might as I struck him down for his sins!”
Terrant laughed and ruffled Torrosk’s hair, “Now THAT’S and honest answer.” He turned back to the head cleric, who had been standing back in the shadows. “He’ll fit right in. You were right to contact me. He has the wisdom to serve our Goddess, but his temperament is wrong for the lay clergy. I’ll claim him and teach him. He’ll join Pharasma’s inquisitors starting today.”
Radavek Petali |
Radavek's stats are done. Background/personality are revised slightly. Some shopping for gear still needs to be done.
Lanton Wiskers IV |
Lanton Whiskers IV
Oracle(Lunar Mystery) - lv 1
Racial Abilities
Ability Score: +2 Dex
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common
Dual Talent: +2 Cha
Ability Scores
Str 13
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 16
Class Abilities
Mystery: Lunar
Oracles Curse: Wolfscarred Face
Orisons: 4 0 Level Spells
Revelation: Primal Companion
Weapons Finesse
Magical Lineage
Acrobatics: 3
Bluff: 3
Climb: 1
Diplomacy: 3
Disable Device:
Disguise: 3
Escape Artist: 3
Fly: 3
Handle Animal: 1 + 3 = 4
Intimidate: 3
Knowledge(Religion): 1 +3 = 4
Perform: 3
Ride: 3
Sense Motive:
Sleight of Hand:
Spellcraft: 1 + 3 = 4
Stealth: 3
Swim: 1
Use Magic Device: 1 + 3 = 4
0-Read Magic, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink
1-Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
BAB: 0
CMB: 1
Attack damage
Quarterstaff 1d20 + 3 1d6 + 1
Bite 1d20 + 3 1d4 + 1
HP: 1d8 + 1 + 1 = 10
AC: 10 + 3 = 13
Touch AC: 10 + 3 = 13
Flat-Footed: 10 = 10
CMD: 10 + 3 = 13
Fortitude: 1
Reflex: 3
Will: 2
Lanton is Lythe and slightly taller than average. He has bright green eyes and a hairy chest. With a look between a scholarly gentleman and a hairy lumber jack, Lanton's appearance and personality perfectly reflect one another. His wide facial feature and pointed jawline portray a feline nature. Often wearing his hair at shoulder length, he can often be found sporting facial hair.
Raised in the town of Magnimar Lanton IV's father was a librarian and would be academic. Relenting his own academic failures Lanton III raise his son to be a scholar. For much of his youth Lanton the IV submitted to his fathers requests and studied hard learning math, science, magical theory, history, and astronomy. Upon reaching adolescence Lanton realized that although he loved to learn and to read, but that somehow being an academic could never fulfill him. Retaining burying this knowledge Lanton continued on this path. However rather than studying everything he focused on the subjects he loved the most, Astronomy. Learning much about the subject he often used it as an excuse to go stargazing. With a passion for stargazing and having exhausted much of the knowledge about astronomy in existence, Lanton strayed into the area of astrology.
Upon reaching the age of 18 he gave up on much of his study and disappointingly settled into his fathers occupation of librarian, to take up stargazing as much as possible. One night while stargazing he was blessed by the godess Desna with the powers of an oracle.
GM Viskous |
Tilnar |
Thankfully, the delays let me sneak in at the wire... Submitting Ravin Thornfable, Halfling Court Bard.
Ravin was born in Korvosa, the son of Irlana, a Chelish sorceress who'd escaped Chelish slavery by hiding on a cargo ship to Korvosa from Corentyn. His father, Miro, was a con man of the Cerulean Society and a Bellflower tiller, one who helped escaped halflings find a safe place to lose themselves in Korvosa, away from the Hellknights and the other dangerous trappings of "Little Cheliax". Irlana was taken by the young rogue who helped her set up her new life, and began a relationship with him, being caught up in the romance of it all. She set herself up with a small magic shop, and was initially able to get herself established almost entirely by taking commissions for the Society.
Ravin grew up near the docks of Old Korvosa amongst the families of halfling sailors, with the time away at sea being the perfect cover for his father's long cons. On the rare occasions that he was home, Miro would regale the boy with the fantastical stories of his adventures and schemes, spoiling the child with his newfound coin, buying him little gifts and trinkets. Ravin wasn't the most popular child in his neighbourhood, being considered a spoiled "rich" kid -- at least by the standards of fishermen and cargohands. To compensate, Ravin was a bit of a braggart, telling tales of his father's connections and his mother's great magical prowess and how she'd passed her bloodline onto him... and how he would use his magic and connections to punish the unwashed kids who pushed him around..
This behaviour led to Ravin getting into a fight when he was 8 when an older boy challenged him to use that magic to stop him. His mother, scared for her son's safety, moved them into an apartment nearer her shop in the Midlands and enrolled the boy in the bardic college, filling his days and trying to give his imagination a better outlet. She also told Miro that he could no longer see the boy, as he was clearly a bad influence. She stopped taking Cerulean commissions and instead dedicated herself to spending more time with him, telling him stories about her old life and the harsh realities of being a halfling in Cheliax. All in all, these changes in his life suited Ravin well, he was delighted for the extra attention, enjoyed living in a better neighbourhood and attending school where his fellow students were more appreciative of his imagination. More that that, htough, he was was pleased to hear tales - both at home and at school - of people overcoming challenging circumstances, or real darkness, and becoming heroes. These tales were just fuel for his already active imagination.
Unfortunately for Irlana, Miro didn't comply with her wishes -- frequently convincing his son to skip out on his lessons, taking him up into the Shingles, instead -- showing him a whole different side of Korvosa, while being sure his mother wouldn't find them. It was on one of these outings when he was thirteen that Ravin met a young Half-Orc named Sakor the son of another member of the Cerulean Society with dreams of overcoming all the prejudices and joining the Sable Company. Something about hearing these big dreams resonated with Ravin, reminding him of the stories he loved the most, and the unlikely pair became best friends.
Together, Sakor and Ravin explored the city -- generally avoiding getting into too much trouble due to the combination of Ravin's quick tongue and Sakor's strong fists. It was during this time that Ravin saw Korvosa for what it really was -- how it could crush the dreams out of its people, how it seemed to thrive on the notion of a permanent underclass. Worse, he began to see the signs of how "Little Cheliax" still clung not only to simply Chelish traditions like summoning Imps at the Academae, and maintaining order with Hellknights -- but to Chelish values as well. ...even if the slaves here were called servants, at least officially. He realized that the stories and civilization in which he'd been raised were, in far too many cases, simply a thin veneer that the entitled could wrap themselves in to protect themselves... and, worse, that too many people of the city here all to happy to have be wrapped around their eyes and blind them from the realities.
Still, despite his terrible attendance record, and the growing disillusionment that caused him to turn even the greatest of oratories into wry satire, Ravin managed to complete his formal education and graduate. His mother, now generally serving a higher class of clientele was able to use her contacts to get her son a few commissions, working for various lesser houses of the Dock Families, trying to cement his place in society. Ravin generally enjoyed the wine more than the company on these occasions, and his performances were generally acerbic and critical of the noble's hypocrisy, riding a very fine edge and stopping just a hair's breadth short of insulting his hosts, the Peerage Review, the King and his wife.... until the day he'd learned that Sakor had been killed.
His friend had pursued his dreams, and while a penniless half-orc would simply not do as a member of Sable Company, he used the rules he'd learned from the Cerulean Society, and followed the money to House Jeggare, taking a job as a member of the House Guard, nominally connected to the Korvosan Guard, with promises that he would be well-trained, well-equipped and have the chance to make a name for himself, eventually earning the right to ride the Hippogriffs. However, instead of serving a nobleman like the late Montlarion Jeggare, Sakor found himself part of a small patrol group and being ordered by a sadistic, corrupt captain into doing the very sort of brutish thuggery he'd hoped to avoid. Sakor refused to beat protection money out of a refugee, and was forced to watch his patrol beat the woman to death... and then arrest the "beastial half-blood" for her murder. Sakor was quickly hung for his crime on the testimony of his fellow patrolmen -- it was quick military "justice", and he never even got to stand before the arbiters.
That day, Ravin was set to perform at a large noble's ball, telling the tale of whatever anniversary or other it was that made the day worthy of a ball, according to Korvosa's nobles. Instead of telling that tale, however, he told another one. One of a gentle half-orc with a noble spirit and a dream ... and how that nobility of spirit contrasted clearly with the noble titles of all those present.. including members of the Peerage Review and two of Korvosa's magistrates. The outrage and shock at the halfling's biting commentary was so high that Ravin actually managed to leave the building before the shouts for his arrest began. Having nowhere to turn, he fled to the Shingles, finding his father and using his Bellflower connections to smuggle his son out of the city -- to a place where the long reach of the Korvosan peerage wouldn't have much sway, where he could wait out their anger until the next outrage distracted them.
With all that, there was only one possible destination. Ravin was on a ship to Magnamar before dawn, armed only with his wits, a few coins he'd had on his person.... and some of his father's old gear.
Male Halfling Bard (Court Bard) 1
NG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init: +3, Senses: Perception +5
Languages: Common, Draconic, Halfling, Goblin
Deity: Picoperi (Merrygleam)
Age: 24
Birthday: 6 Desnus
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 12
(+3 dex, +3 armour; +1 shield, +1 size)
HP 9 (1HD) [9]
Fort: +2, Ref: +6, Will: +2
Special: +2 vs. fear
Speed: 20 ft. (4 Squares)
Rapier +4 [+3 ACP] (1d4/18-20) {Piercing}
Dagger +4 [+3 ACP] (1d3/19-20) {Slashing, Piercing}
Shortbow +4 (1d4/x3), 60' range increment {Piercing}
Dagger +4 (1d3/19-20), 10' range increment {Slashing, Piercing}
Base Atk: +0, CMB: -1
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16
Rooftop Runner (Regional)
You’ve spent more than your fair share of time among the strange sloping slums that cover the rooftops of much of Old Korvosa. When using the Acrobatics skill to make a long jump, you treat the DC of the skill check as if the distance being jumped were 5 feet shorter than it actually is.
Crowd Dodger (Combat)
You spent much of your youth on crowded streets, dodging quickly around and under others. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through another creature’s space and to avoid attacks of opportunity for leaving a threatened square.
Armour Proficiencies: Light + Shield (not tower).
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple + longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip.
Weapon Finesse
SKILLS (6+int)
Trained are marked with *, italics for class skills.
Skill Name [Total] = Rnk + Stat + Misc (Description)
Acrobatics* [+7] = 1.0 + 3 + 3 + 2 (Surefooted) - 2 (AC)
--- Avoiding AoOs [+9]
--- Jump [+3] -- Special: Treat longjumps as 5' shorter
Appraise [+1] = 0.0 + 1 + 0
Bluff [+3] = 0.0 + 3 + 0
Climb [+0] = 0.0 + 0 + 0 +2 - 2 (AC)(Surefooted)
Diplomacy* [+8] = 1.0 + 3 + 3 +1 (Heraldric Expertise)
Disguise [+3] = 0.0 + 1 + 0
Escape Artist* [+5] = 1.0 + 3 + 3 - 2 (AC)
Intimidate [+3] = 0.0 + 3 + 0
Knowledge (Untrained) [+1] = 0.0 + 1 + 0
Linguistics* [+5] = 1.0 + 1 + 3
Perception* [+5] = 1.0 + -1 + 3 +2 (Keen Senses)
Perform (Comedy)* [+7] = 1.0 + 3 + 3
Perform (Untrained) [+3] = 0.0 + 3 + 0
Ride [+1] = 0.0 + 3 + 0 - 2 (AC)
Sense Motive [-1] = 0.0 + -1 + 0
Stealth* [+9] = 1.0 + 3 + 3 +4 (Size) - 2 (AC)
Use Magic Device* [+7] = 1.0 + 3 + 3
MAGIC (Bard; CL 1; Concentration: +4)
Level 0: (DC 13) Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation. (At Will)
Level 1: (DC 14) Cure Light Wounds, Grease. (oo)
Fearless (Ex)
Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Halfling Luck.
Halfling Luck (Ex)
Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses (Ex)
Halflings receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.
Sure-Footed (Ex)
Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb skill checks.
Weapon Familiarity (Ex)
Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon.
Armored Casting (Ex)
You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor and use a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.
Bardic Performance
You are trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around you, including yourself if desired.
* Countersong (Su): You can counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components).
* Distraction (Su): You can use your performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight.
* Fascinate (Su): You can use your performance to cause up to 1 creatures to become fascinated with you.
* Satire (Su): A court bard can use performance to undermine the confidence of enemies who hear it, causing them to take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls (minimum 1) and a -1 penalty on saves against fear and charm effects as long as the bard continues performing. This penalty increases by -1 at 5th level and every six levels thereafter. Satire is a language-dependent, mind-affecting ability that uses audible components. This performance replaces inspire courage.
Heraldic Expertise (Ex) [Bonus is 1]
A court bard gains a bonus equal to half his bard level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks (minimum +1). Once per day, the court bard can also reroll a check against one of these skills, though he must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. He can reroll one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.
Entertainer's Outfit; Buckler; Studded Leather; Rapier; Dagger; Shortbow; 20 arrows
Backpack, Masterwork [ Bedroll, Waterskin, Mess Kit, Trail Rations (x4); Pint of Oil (x2) ];
Belt Pouch #1 [ Chalk (x5); 50' of twine];
Belt Pouch #2 [ Mirror; Magnet ];
Coinpurse: 2pp, 16gp, 17sp, 14cp.
Current Weight: 26.5 lbs (Light)
Limits: 28.5 (Light), 57 (Medium), 115 (Heavy).
GM Crellan |
Here are the successful candidates. Thanks to all that posted, there were a lot of quality submissions. I hope to get a chance to play with you all when another opportunity arises:
Torrosk Brokenblade - Half-orc Paladin of Pharasma
Radavek Petali - Human Barbarian
Ravin Thornfable - Halfling Court Bard
Jonhilda Skaldir - Elf Wizard (Invoker)
Lucky Finn McDonagh - Human cleric of Desna
For those who will be playing in the game, please drift over to the Gameplay thread and the Discussion thread.