GM Carimac's (PBP Gameday VI) #2-15: Shades of Ice—Part I: Written in Blood (Inactive)

Game Master CariMac


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Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Discussion for Gameday VI Shades of Ice. We'll start August about 25th.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Hello. I have signed up on your Google Docs sign up, and just wanted to make sure it is cool with you.

I'm planning on bringing Archon, who is currently in a game. If he is free in time, and survives, he will be level 5 at the start of the three parter, and able to complete all three.

There is a very real possibility that he may die, and if that is the case, I have a few other options. One is in a game as well, and a few are lower level.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

That is cool. I'm going to post it in Flaxseed tonight, but I wanted to give the players that are currently in Part III with me a chance to get in.

I saw your note. That scenario has started a string of someone trying to get Ariana to covert to their religion in every scenario's she's played since. She's going to take a level of divine something at 10 just because the universe is telling her to. :)

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
GM_CariMac wrote:
That is cool. I'm going to post it in Flaxseed tonight, but I wanted to give the players that are currently in Part III with me a chance to get in.

I wasn't clear on what you mean. Would you like me to withdraw? That's fine, if you where intending to have the game for a set group, I just wasn't sure if this is what you meant.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Please don't withdraw. I'm not running this for a set group. I wanted to give the group I'm playing with in Part III time to sign up for I and II if they wanted to before it was posted in Flaxseed. I posted it in Flaxseed last night. Recruitment is open for all.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Ok, no worries. I didn't want to, I just wasn't sure if that was what you where saying.

With the assumption that you're running with those that signed up, I stealth dotted the Gameplay thread, so I can see with things start up.

| HP 9/14 SP 12/12 | RP 3/5 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +5; Will +3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5, SM: +5; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | charge cloak 1/1 | Active conditions: None. Gender: "Gazigaz" Male CG skittermander xenoseeker envoy 2

Good assumption.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

Our Cosmic Captive game has already suffered two deaths, and while we where able to bring one of them back, another is on the verge now, so there is the very real possibility this character may not make it if others continue to fall.

I have an alternative, but wanted to give a head's up.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Thanks for letting me know. I hope you survive.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Gameplay is also open for dotting.

@Carina: Do I need to read up on anything about the Harrow Deck that the GM needs to do? I'm not familiar with them, but don't have an issue with you playing a character with the Harrowed feat.

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Unchained Monk 5 | HP 42/52 (27/37) (15 temporary) | AC 17/16/15 (21/16/19) | F +6, R +6, W +4 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 25 (27 vs. grapple) | Init +2 | Perc +11 | Ki 4/11 |
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor, 3 negative levels

Need to update my profile and statistics, but here are the most important bits of information as to how this character works and does his shenanigans.

He has a Vow of Silence, so he cannot willingly talk. He carries around a fair few chalkboards, most of which already bear his most-used phrases to display. A few are blank, to be used when he needs to converse or ask questions. He also has a Vow of Truth, so he will not willingly lie, which is rarely a problem.

Every unarmed strike he makes causes 1d4 points of bleed damage, as per the feat Belier's Bite from Cheliax, Empire of Devils. This bleed doesn't stack with itself or any other sources. Whenever he causes someone to bleed (or drops an opponent, but the former triggers much more often) he gets a +2 to attack and damage for one round. This is from the Cruelty feat in Inner Sea Gods.

He can deflect one ray attack that successfully hits him per day, and gets a +2 to his touch AC against them.

Sovereign Court

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life


Grand Lodge

Human Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong) 5 | HP 42/42 | AC 24 | T 19 | FF 21 (20 | T 19 | FF 17) | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13

Hi, Khelreddin here. Thanks for the reminder to check in - I knew I had signed up for another Gameday VI game, but could not remember where or with who!

I'm thinking I'll play Prothero, a misfit Taldan noble who fled the intricate maneuverings of court for a monastic life. He still misses the finer things in life, and wishes that vargouille bite hadn't cost him his hair and most of his beard, and left his ears rather weird-looking, but he's a decent sort.

Mechanically, he's a zen archer, hope that works with this group. We don't seem to have a lot of melee, though Prothero can help out on that in a pinch, and Point Blank Master means he can use his bow while in the mix of a fight. He's just hit level 5 (12.5 XP), and I figure I'll just slow track through this series and stay in tier that way.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Everyone is checked in. When you get a chance could you please give me the following information:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS Number:
Slow or Regular track:
Day Job Check:
Initiative Modifier:
Perception Modifier:

I'd love to get started right away, but we have to wait until the 25th to count as part of Gameday VI.

Feel free to continue to RP in Gameplay until then.

Grand Lodge

Human Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong) 5 | HP 42/42 | AC 24 | T 19 | FF 21 (20 | T 19 | FF 17) | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13

Player Name: Khelreddin
Character Name: Prothero Crace
PFS Number: 80015-2
Slow or Regular track: Slow
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job Check: Craft (bows): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Initiative Modifier: +4
Perception Modifier: +13

I'm right there with you on wanting to get started right away, I've got some pre-box text RP happening in the Gameday VI game I'm running and the start seems like forever from now.

Dark Archive

Female CG Human (Varisian) Fortune-teller and Field Scribe 9 | HP: 59/59| AC: 12( 12Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +2 | Perc: +0, SM: +0| Speed 30ft | Active conditions:
Mage Armor(18 hour)

Player Name: Garon N.
Character Name: Carina Villasani
PFS Number: 153161-6
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Dark Archive(Which I think translates to Cheliax for this one, right?)
Day Job Check:Day Job(Craft(Calligraphy)): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Initiative Modifier:+2
Perception Modifier:+0

As for your earlier question, The Harrowed Feat just gives me an untyped +2 bonus to one roll based on the suit card I draw from the deck. I own a Harrow deck, and am willing to take a picture of my draws if it concerns you. Likewise, I could approximate the draw with a die roll on the boards.

As for looking at more information about the Harrow deck, It's not important now, but when Carina levels (to 5) after the second part of this trilogy, she will be adding the spell Harrowing to her spell book, and knowing about it then would probably be a good idea.

Also, While I have Carina's current prepared spells listed on my sheet, Carina's spellbook has alot more in it. Would you like for me to list her entire spellbook for whenever I end up using my bonded item?

Grand Lodge

Perform Rounds: 18/22 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Gnome Bard/7 | Fighter/1 AC 19 {T 13, FF 17} HP: 57/57 | Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8;( +4) | Init +7; Darkvision 60'; Perception +12

Player Name: TriShadow
Character Name: Spackle McGapfiller
PFS Number: 151777-3
Slow or Regular track: Regular (its due to the high fiber diet)
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job Check: Perform, Comedy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Initiative Modifier: +2
Perception Modifier: +6

Sovereign Court

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life

Player Name: miteke
Character Name: Solstice Rain
PFS Number: 141936-8
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Sov Court
Day Job Check: Perform, Sing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Initiative Modifier: +12, +8 if heightened awareness not active
Perception Modifier: +0

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Unchained Monk 5 | HP 42/52 (27/37) (15 temporary) | AC 17/16/15 (21/16/19) | F +6, R +6, W +4 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 25 (27 vs. grapple) | Init +2 | Perc +11 | Ki 4/11 |
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor, 3 negative levels

Player Name: Saving Cap'n Crunch
Character Name: 'Zero' of the Golden Erinyes
PFS Number: 150618-2
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job Check: Profession (scribe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Initiative Modifier: +2
Perception Modifier: +10

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

I just wanted to let you know that my computer is dead, and so far everywhere Ive taken it has not been able to help. I still have at least my phone, which will allow me to play, but I might have less opportunity to post than I had expected until I can get it running again.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup
Archon the Divine Caller wrote:

I just wanted to let you know that my computer is dead, and so far everywhere Ive taken it has not been able to help. I still have at least my phone, which will allow me to play, but I might have less opportunity to post than I had expected until I can get it running again.

I'm sorry to hear about the computer. I hope you can get the problem diagnosed soon.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup
Carina Villasani wrote:

As for your earlier question, The Harrowed Feat just gives me an untyped +2 bonus to one roll based on the suit card I draw from the deck. I own a Harrow deck, and am willing to take a picture of my draws if it concerns you. Likewise, I could approximate the draw with a die roll on the boards.

Also, While I have Carina's current prepared spells listed on my sheet, Carina's spellbook has alot more in it. Would you like for me to list her entire spellbook for whenever I end up using my bonded item?

It's no fun owning something and not getting to use it. Go ahead and draw from your personal Harrow Deck. We'll go on the trust system with you telling me what you drawed.

Yes when you use the bonded item a list or give me a link to the spellbook please. I play with a wizard who has a google doc of her spellbook. It works well for her. Here's an Example

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

DM Beckett
Archon the Divine Caller
Silver Crusade
Day Job - Heal (Temple): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 <+10 gp>
Normal Track

Init: +3
Perception: +3 (Darkvision, Continual Flame)

Special Notes: Archon is a Reach Cleric, and depends on getting into a good position and forcing AoO's through his reach.

Dark Archive

Female CG Human (Varisian) Fortune-teller and Field Scribe 9 | HP: 59/59| AC: 12( 12Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +2 | Perc: +0, SM: +0| Speed 30ft | Active conditions:
Mage Armor(18 hour)
GM_CariMac wrote:

Yes when you use the bonded item a list or give me a link to the spellbook please. I play with a wizard who has a google doc of her spellbook. It works well for her. Here's an Example

Okay, I've added to my character page a spoiler with a list of spells that are in my spellbook.

As for my Harrowed Feat, I drew the Cyclone, which is from the Hammers suit. For the purposes of the feat, That means I have a one-time use +2 bonus on any d20 roll I make that I refer to my Strength, such as a melee attack or Strength-based skill check.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Post incoming Monday morning PST.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Saturday and Sunday are looking to be very busy days. Posting may be slow during those days. I'll be back to the regular posting schedule on Monday.

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

It may be for me as well. I'm been helping out with the evacuees from Houston, so have not been able to get on much this weekend.

Grand Lodge

Human Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong) 5 | HP 42/42 | AC 24 | T 19 | FF 21 (20 | T 19 | FF 17) | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13

I'll be at a local con all day today, so won't be posting today either.

Archon - can I ask what you're doing in helping the evacuees? I do hazmat response for EPA, and am expecting to get deployed down there at some point once it's dry enough to find the hazmat.

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

I'm a medic in the army, and my base has sort of become the hub for a lot of the response, (I think). On the military side, we have been trying to prep a lot of our vehicles and equipment like that to help out, but on the civilian side, I've just been going to the local shelters around Fort Hood. Honestly, it's mostly been things like sorting through donations and heavy lifting for me. :P
I'm not actually in Houston, though, so I'm not entirely sure as far as the Hazmat or on location side of things.

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

Hello, everyone, I just wanted to say that I've been hit with a lot of work this last week, and have not really been able to get online. I just got off work again, having been called in both weekend days, and I will try to get a post in today.

I don't believe after this point that I will be as slammed, and things should be back to normal. If I am a player in your game, please feel free to bot me, and I apologize for vanishing. I just have not been able to get online much.

If I am running the game, I'll make an effort to get things going asap, and I likewise apologize for vanishing.

Sovereign Court

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life

I've been reminded that I have a boon that gives Solstice protection down to 0F. Will that apply in this situation?

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Yes that will apply. I know you have that boon. :)

Silver Crusade

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] ||

I just got word that I will be working straight until the 21st, (This is coming off of me working through the weekend). Right now, I am not sure if I will have a chance to, and if I do, just how much time I will have to post in that time. I apologize to everyone, and this is very uncommon for me, (normally it's a day or two at most).

If I am Playing:
I will have a little better chance to post, as there is significantly less involved on the player side of the screen, and I will very likely be limited to my phone the vast majority of the time. But, please feel absolutely free to bot me as needed. I will do my best to post, and it is very likely that there is at least one other player that I've DM'd for or played with enough to know just what I'm likely to want to do.

If I am DMing:
I apologize extra. This is very unexpected, and is not something I have really encountered before, so did not have a way to anticipate it. I will do what I can to post, but, at this point I honestly do not know and if I am restricted to just my phone, I may not be able to in any meaningful way. If we are a part of the Game Day, we are fine as far as making the time limit, and very easily might have time for another. If we are not part of the Game Day, well, out side of my personal sense of duty, we do not have a hard time limit, but I will still make every reasonable effort to keep things going.

Sovereign Court

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life

I like Spackle's tactic. It's a little different than the usual close and bash routine and that's fine with me. It won't always go this way.

My thought is that every character should be able to do their thing at some point, but not all times. I've been in plenty of scenarios where the blasters made the bashers inconsequential, and, likewise, where the bashers made the enchanters inconsequential or rush in and make fireballs and the like difficult.

I played in a game where my dwarf had a 'wall' mentality and liked to lay down caltrops. Another player in that game was a cavalier and I got a very similar ooc lecture to the one above from him. Understandably since it messed with his tactics. meh.

Grand Lodge

Human Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong) 5 | HP 42/42 | AC 24 | T 19 | FF 21 (20 | T 19 | FF 17) | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13

I agree - especially for an archer! Once I can see through the mist, I can just sit back and pick them off and they won't even really know where I am. It just takes a moment for us all to adjust to it in PbP.

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Unchained Monk 5 | HP 42/52 (27/37) (15 temporary) | AC 17/16/15 (21/16/19) | F +6, R +6, W +4 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 25 (27 vs. grapple) | Init +2 | Perc +11 | Ki 4/11 |
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor, 3 negative levels

Indeed, I try to discuss such things before the adventure proper starts. I've actually been building up a flame dancer of my own, he just hit level 3. I bought him a wand of obscuring mist and perhaps I'll get an eversmoking bottle once he can afford it.

Grand Lodge

Perform Rounds: 18/22 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Gnome Bard/7 | Fighter/1 AC 19 {T 13, FF 17} HP: 57/57 | Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8;( +4) | Init +7; Darkvision 60'; Perception +12

I was actually going to hold off on dropping the Mist, but the suddenness of the combat AND the fact that we collectively had poor initiative drove me to think defensively. I did not want to have our ranged/casters have to deal with people in their faces (Point Blank Master or no). In this case, it just felt that this was the safest for the party.

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Unchained Monk 5 | HP 42/52 (27/37) (15 temporary) | AC 17/16/15 (21/16/19) | F +6, R +6, W +4 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 25 (27 vs. grapple) | Init +2 | Perc +11 | Ki 4/11 |
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor, 3 negative levels

I'm likely going to be out most of tomorrow, for Yom Kippur.

Shadow Lodge

GM_CariMac wrote:
I didn't mean to cause your character to do something he wouldn't normally do. I don't see any half truths in what was said, and the guards aren't all that interested in sticking their necks out if someone else is interested in dealing with the problem.

No, no, its fine. I just meant along the lines of the "paladin" issue. I didn't want to actively participate in something the character should be against, so instead was lokking for "evil doers" the other direction.


Anyway, not trying to cause an issue, I was just explaining why I was silent.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Sounds good.

I've been having some tooth pain since Friday. I'm not up to concentrating on a battle tonight. I'll post tomorrow.

I'm hoping the dentist is working the holiday and can get me in to see what is going on.

Shadow Lodge

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||

Ouch, good luck. I had a similar issue while I was in basic training, and it was miserable. Hopefully, barring getting seen on holidays, (generally there is an on call dentist somewhere for emergencies), maybe some oral lidocaine or Orajel might help. Secondarily cough drops?

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

I took some good prescription pain meds last night, and was seen this morning.

It's not a cavity or a broken tooth. Probably an inflammation from clenching my jaw a lot and not realizing it.

End of fiscal year does it to me every time. I work in Budget for Research at VA in Seattle. He suggested Advil for inflammation and a follow up in a few days to see how it feels.

Grand Lodge

Human Monk (Zen Archer, Quinggong) 5 | HP 42/42 | AC 24 | T 19 | FF 21 (20 | T 19 | FF 17) | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +7 | Will +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13

Hi all - just a little notice on my availability: I am leaving Thursday for a week-long work trip to Colombia, and then the day after I get back, I turn around and head to Puerto Rico to help with hurricane cleanup until mid-November. I will have internet some of the time, but will be very busy so posting time will be limited.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Thanks for letting us know. Do you have botting instructions in your profile? I think I have a fairly good idea what you would do. Shoot it in the knee or somewhere higher.

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup


PFS: If you roll a 19 or 20, please roll a d4 to determine which player boon you receive.

Boon Prothero: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Boon Carina: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Boon Spackle: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Boon Solstice: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Boon: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Boon Zero: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Boon Archon: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Boon GM: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Congrats Solstice. Would you PM me your email address so I can have your boon sent to you.

Sovereign Court

Female C/N Ifrit Sorcerer (Elemental/Fire)/10 | HP: 76/76(?/? temp HP)| AC/T/FF: 20 16/12/10 | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 16 | F/R/W: +6/7/16 +6/7/16 | Darkvision | Speed 30ft | Init: +16 (+12 if HA not active) | Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Kn Arc +4, Perc +2, Perform(Sing) +17, UMD +14 | Fire Resistance 20 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life

Send to

Nice! My first boon in pbp!

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Here are the chronicle sheets. Let me know if you see any errors.

Chronicle Sheets

Grand Lodge

Perform Rounds: 18/22 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Gnome Bard/7 | Fighter/1 AC 19 {T 13, FF 17} HP: 57/57 | Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8;( +4) | Init +7; Darkvision 60'; Perception +12

WOOHOO! Looks great Cari!

Thank you for running. Are we going right into part 2?

Dragonskull |PBP Singnup

Game has been reported.

Part II Thread is located here. Go ahead and dot in. I'm not going to start until Monday.

I have a local convention I'm GMing and playing at this weekend.

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