GM Blood's Age of Worms in Golarion

Game Master David James Olsen

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GM Blood - after some time turning the character over in my head, I'm going to pull out of the running. The concept wasn't really meshing for me, and you've got some fine fellows lining up fighting to get in for you as well :)

Wish you all the best and will be watching from the sidelines.

Here's the completed profile for markofbane's submission, Rauno Redpath. Just as a reminder, he's a Varisian human wizard of the divination foresight subschool.

I've added a spoiler in the profile for additional notes. I jotted down a few things there about how I would expect the character to contribute and develop if I'm selected for the AP.

Thanks for considering me for this. Please let me know if there's anything you see that you'd like to see expanded or changed to suit your game.

I'm planning the first 10 or so levels out

and I am looking at using a whip as my primary weapon (I'll be taking whip mastery at 3 level)


??: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
??: 1d12 ⇒ 5

Are oreads cool?

Another dot for AWESOME!!

No concept yet though.

This list is just to get it organized, if I missed someone let me know but I think I got everyone.

Rowena Lordail Human Qinggong Monk (Maneuver Master)
drien Wasila Cavalier (Order of the Shield or Star)
Quintus (John Woodford) Taldan human priest of Sarenrae
Lessien Nenmacil Elf Vivisectionist Chirurgeon
donato - Adelai Marketh - Human Cleric of Groetus
RHESUS GHAWN (Balodek) Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
markofbane - Rauno Redpath Human Divination Wizard
Dreaming Warforged Trevor the Yellow (Paladin of Iomedae)

Character no Stats and/or Background
flykiller Changeling Witch
Monkeygod Human (Varisian or Keleshite) Inquisitor or Ranger of Sarenrae
Kip84 Dwarf Paladin
Noxx (Rassil) Tiefling Magus
Merck - Human Magus
Josh Shrader - Slyph Wizard (Air Elemental School)
osuracnaes - Ridgar Durun - Dwarf Fighter (Two handed)

Interest nothing completed yet
Squak - Oread
Fraust - catfolk shadow sorcerer

Fraust Catfolk is OK but the more exotic the race the better the background should be

Mark Sweetman Sorry to hear that, I really liked the idea of your character. If you think of anything else please post it

Squak Oreads are ok, but same thing as I told Fraust

hmm... If I choose tiefling and get the Fiendish Heritage feat, do I choose the stuff, you choose, or random dice roll? lol. yeah. non-oread question. just weighing my options.

Squawk Random dice roll on the boards here. With the feat you can choose the heritage and take the best out of three for the variant abilities.

Many good ideas on the board--looks like plenty of front liners
Coming in late my ideas
Gnome sorceror - dragon blooded (pyromaniac-fire slinger) possibly cross-blooded if that isn't too janky - and buffer
Dwarf Zen Archer monk - Flurry of bows here we come

Concept; Elf rogue. High dex (duh..) and int. Possibly ranged but probably melee...


Lantern Lodge

as they say in Galt "Le Dot"

GM Blood wrote:

This list is just to get it organized, if I missed someone let me know but I think I got everyone.

You missed my submission, Jacopo.

I'll go with the Half-elf Bard(ARCHAEOLOGIST), I will pick up levels in either ranger after level 3, or take duelist later.

I think my character will be be very good with a whip.

Been busy at work and not had time to crunch things, I'll start crunching a bit tonight and finish it tomorrow.

I've already randomised some data.

Samnell wrote:
GM Blood wrote:

This list is just to get it organized, if I missed someone let me know but I think I got everyone.

You missed my submission, Jacopo.

SamnellSorry about that. I have it on my list on my computer but missed it when organizing.

Chainmail Either looks good (I actually play a dwarf zen archer in a yearly game)

OK -- Dwarf Zen archer on the way. LN disciple of St Cuthbert. I will be designing him for the long haul (he will have primary ability of wisdom--he becomes awesome at 3rd level as you know). I also plan on using the Wisdom made flesh trait to substitute wis mod for a skill--probably stealth. He can easily coexist in a party with another monk.

Zen Archer Dwarf -- not much time out in the world, so he will be quite naive. He has never seen a big city or even big town.

GM Blood - Submitting Kelkzar Redjaw for consideration. Kelkzar is a half-orc Inquisitor of Gorum from the Storval Plateau. He has just arrived in Magnimar from Kaer Maga after receiving a troll augury. Happy to go a different direction with the augury if you like the character and want to go in a different direction to tie him in. Full details of Stat Block, Background, Appearance, Personality, and Crunch Goals are in the profile.

Chainmail This will be in Golarion and there is no St Cuthbert

Kelkzar I'll review it and let you know

GM Blood: Thanks for the kind words :) - I'll be watching along to see what trials and tribulations you force your selected few to endure ;)

*crosses fingers*

GM Blood wrote:
Samnell wrote:
GM Blood wrote:

This list is just to get it organized, if I missed someone let me know but I think I got everyone.

You missed my submission, Jacopo.
SamnellSorry about that. I have it on my list on my computer but missed it when organizing.

No hard feelings. I've had items go missing when copying lists too.

You have me under the no stats/background part of your list for Ridgar Durgun... that info should be in his profile here.

GM Blood wrote:

Chainmail This will be in Golarion and there is no St Cuthbert

I have changed to Irori--self perfection fits a dwarven monk. Seems Greyhawk was making a comeback so I was in a retro mindset. You must have looked at my character right after I posted before the final edits. If the rich parents is too janky for a monk--I can switch, but we all know dwarves are usually rich :-) Just hoping for some help till level 3.


Rowena Lordail Human Qinggong Monk (Maneuver Master)
drien Wasila Cavalier (Order of the Shield or Star)
Quintus (John Woodford) Taldan human priest of Sarenrae
Lessien Nenmacil Elf Vivisectionist Chirurgeon
donato - Adelai Marketh - Human Cleric of Groetus
RHESUS GHAWN (Balodek) Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
markofbane - Rauno Redpath Human Divination Wizard
Dreaming Warforged Trevor the Yellow (Paladin of Iomedae)
osuracnaes - Ridgar Durun - Dwarf Fighter (Two handed)
Samnell - Jacopo Krupt - Human Paladin (Undead Scourge)
Rassil - Tiefling Magus
Klekzar Redjaw - Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
Bimbur Longstrike - Dwarf Zen Archer Monk

Character no Stats and/or Background
flykiller Changeling Witch
Monkeygod Human (Varisian or Keleshite) Inquisitor or Ranger of Sarenrae
Kip84 Dwarf Paladin

Merck - Human Magus
Josh Shrader - Slyph Wizard (Air Elemental School)
Azure Zero - Half-elf Bard(ARCHAEOLOGIST)

Interest nothing completed yet

Squak - Oread
Fraust - catfolk shadow sorcerer

This is Merck and here is the final draft of my magus. Please check if everything is ok GM Blood.

Note to GM Blood:
If I am selected and on the group there is no witch I will pick up the Hexcrafter archetype

I finally made a character. - Squawk

After juggling back and forth I decided that Half-Orc fits my concept better. Here is Zeljka, a witch with the Endurance patron. I will select an avatar and the starting spells a bit later.


Rowena Lordail Human Qinggong Monk (Maneuver Master)
drien Wasila Cavalier (Order of the Shield or Star)
Quintus (John Woodford) Taldan human priest of Sarenrae
Lessien Nenmacil Elf Vivisectionist Chirurgeon
donato - Adelai Marketh - Human Cleric of Groetus
RHESUS GHAWN (Balodek) Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
markofbane - Rauno Redpath Human Divination Wizard
Dreaming Warforged Trevor the Yellow (Paladin of Iomedae)
osuracnaes - Ridgar Durun - Dwarf Fighter (Two handed)
Samnell - Jacopo Krupt - Human Paladin (Undead Scourge)
Rassil - Tiefling Magus
Klekzar Redjaw - Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
Bimbur Longstrike - Dwarf Zen Archer Monk
flykiller - Zeljka the Green - Half-Orc Witch
Squawk - Janice Wong - Human Barbarian (Titan Mauler)
Merck -Rutilus Albus - Human Magus

Character no Stats and/or Background

Monkeygod Human (Varisian or Keleshite) Inquisitor or Ranger of Sarenrae
Kip84 Dwarf Paladin
Josh Shrader - Slyph Wizard (Air Elemental School)
Azure Zero - Half-elf Bard(ARCHAEOLOGIST)

Interest nothing completed yet

Fraust - catfolk shadow sorcerer

Thank you everyone for your submission. I originally was going to go to the end of the month for submissions but we have some really good ones so far.

**New Submission Deadline**

FRIDAY JAN 27th at Noon Seattle time. I will start to really go through all of the turned in submissions so I can have an answer sometime soon after the deadline (barring some coming in at the last minute)

Thanks again everyone, the submission have given me some ideas for changes as well which always helps.

Have you decided how many players you're taking?

Adelai Marketh wrote:
Have you decided how many players you're taking?

Originally I thought four, but set on five now looking through the submissions. Its going to be hard enough picking only 5

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Five seems reasonable. I've heard it's a very tough AP, although being 25-point characters should help.

John Woodford wrote:
Five seems reasonable. I've heard it's a very tough AP, although being 25-point characters should help.

You mean, odds are we'll end up like Krillin.

or have good odds of this happening to us.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azure_Zero wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Five seems reasonable. I've heard it's a very tough AP, although being 25-point characters should help.
You mean, odds are we'll end up like Krillin....

That's gonna leave a mark.

Character: Ingrid Anika Nina Jones

Need to finish Equipment, Description, Data and Background.

And put in converted curse.

GM Eyes only: Converted Curse: Chrono Hex:
Chrono Hex
Necro/Transmutation [temporal]
Level: Witch 8 Wizard 8
Components: V, S, and M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5 / 2 levels)
Target: One Humanoid
Duration: Permanent

This spell puts the target is a state where their age fluctuates at random from their current age (Age_O) and one that is always half of Age_O is Age_Y. (i.e. Age_O = 16, Age_Y = Age_O /2 = 8).

The target of the spell changes between the two ages at random which will affect their height, weight, and body measurements, (if Age_O’s data not equal to Age_Y’s data) but not any of their passions (including clothes and armour). The curse causes an increase in their metabolism, so they eat more food than normal. Age effects are as normal. (In Age_Y you age at ½ the normal rate (i.e. 2 days in Age_Y = 1day aging normal))

The target of the Hex gets to make a special save when the change occurs by rolling a 1d20+CON+ INT+WIS and must beat a DC of 15 to not start changing in age. If the roll result is between 13 and 15 you have a change rate of 10% to other age over a period of 5 minutes, if it’s less than 14 than they change age over the next 1-2 minutes and they can tell that they are going to change age whether they make the save or not, after they have experienced the change about 10-16 times (each change before this requires a (INT+WIS)/2 with a roll of a 1d20, equal to or lower on the roll and you then know how to tell if the body is changing age).

5 minutes after the initial save the target makes another save of DC 20 to not start or delay in changing age. If the result is between 18 and 20 you have a change rate of (10%) + any previous rate of change to other age over a period of 5 minutes, if the result is lower than 19, they change age over the next 1-2 minutes.

5 minutes after the second save the target makes another save of DC 25 to not start or delay in changing age. If the result is between 23 and 25 you have a change rate of (10%) + any previous rate of change to other age over a period of 5 minutes, if the result is lower than 23, they change age over the next 1-2 minutes.

5 minutes after the third successful save the target makes another save of DC 30 to not start or delay in changing age. If the result is between 28 and 30 you have a change rate of (10%) + any previous rate of change to other age over a period of 5 minutes, if the result is lower than 28, than they change age in the next 5 minutes with the previous rate of change if any, there is no 5th save.

If the d20 reads is a natural 1 its automatic age change, a natural 20 on the other hand is reversal of any change and then there is no need for later saves, as the age change will not occur again for at least 4 hours.

After any change the character must make a fort save DC 16, failed save makes the character fatigued, fail by 3 the character is exhausted, roll lower than 10 on the roll and you fall asleep for 1d4 hours.

Changes in age do not occur when the target is a sleep (generally (only exception would be a extremely strong nightmare (change to Age_Y) or arousing dream (depends on the two ages))), has alcohol in their system (no change over the next 30 hours), or pregnant.

Spells of the transmutation school has a chance to trigger the change and cancel the spell’s effect or a dispel magic like effect can cause the age to flux back and forth.

Fraust here. Decided against the catfolk idea (my copy of Bestiary 3 is delayed by snow...) and picked an existing alias/character. Still working on her, but this is a start. I was thinking rich parents as a trait, and wanted to check on that.

For concept, I'm thinking either making her the "special effects" girl at the Emporium, or a contact juggling performer (going to require reworking her attributes)

John Woodford wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Five seems reasonable. I've heard it's a very tough AP, although being 25-point characters should help.
You mean, odds are we'll end up like Krillin....
That's gonna leave a mark.

I think that's gonna leave more than just a mark.

Character: Ingrid Anika Nina Jones

Need to finish Data and Background,

and GM do you want the curse in a spoiler in her profile?

I've got the crunch down, I'm working on his background/personality/beliefs.

Concept; Elven Rouge (scout) working as a guide. He will switch to ranger at later levels, probably 5th.

Milelal Laanilmnyirecw (Raven Starchild)
Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 1
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, perception +10, trapfinding
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 dex, +3 armor)
hp; 9/9
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2 (+4 vs. enchantment spells and effects)
Defencive Abilities: +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Immune; Magical sleep effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +3, 1d8+3, 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger +3, 1d4+3, 19-20/x2
Ranged Longbow +4, 100ft, 1d8, /x3
Ranged Dagger +4, 10 ft, 1d4+3, 19-20/x2
Space 5, Reach 5
Special Attacks Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats; Point Blank Shot
Skills; Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +10, Stealth +9, Survival +9 (+11), Swim +7
Armor Check Penalty -1
Language; taldain, elven, varisian
Favored Class; Rogue (+1 Skill Point)
SQ; sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
*Low-Light Vision Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Additional Rules.
*Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
*Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
*Woodcraft: Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially those of the forests. Elves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus onKnowledge (nature) and Survival checks. In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +2. This racial trait replaces the elven magic racial trait.
*Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
* Child of Nature (N) You have been blessed to be as comfortable in the wilderness as you are at home. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to find food and water, and a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. One of these skills (knowledge (nature)) is always a class skill for you.
* Devotee of the Green: Your faith in the natural world or one of the gods of nature makes it easy for you to pick up on related concepts. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills (Knowledge (geography)) is always a class skill for you.
Combat Gear; longsword (4), dagger x3 (3), longbow (3), arrows x40 (6), studded leather (20), potion of cure light wounds x1 (-)
Other Gear; Backpack (2), waterskin (4), explorers‘ outfit (8), thieves‘ tools (1), silk rope (50‘)(5), grappling hook (4), signal whistle (-), sack (0,5), belt pouch (0,5), flint & steel (-), torch x2 (2), chalk x3 (-), candle x2 (-), string 50‘ (0,5), bell x2 (-), trail rations x1 (1)
Carrying Capacity / Weight carried: Lt; < 66 Ibs, Md; < 133 Ibs, Hvy; < 200 Ibs / 65,5 Ibs
Wealth; 18 gp, 5 sp, 2 cp

Azure In a spoiler is best


Rowena Lordail Human Qinggong Monk (Maneuver Master)
drien Wasila Cavalier (Order of the Shield or Star)
Quintus (John Woodford) Taldan human priest of Sarenrae
Lessien Nenmacil Elf Vivisectionist Chirurgeon
donato - Adelai Marketh - Human Cleric of Groetus
RHESUS GHAWN (Balodek) Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
markofbane - Rauno Redpath Human Divination Wizard
Dreaming Warforged Trevor the Yellow (Paladin of Iomedae)
osuracnaes - Ridgar Durun - Dwarf Fighter (Two handed)
Samnell - Jacopo Krupt - Human Paladin (Undead Scourge)
Rassil - Tiefling Magus
Klekzar Redjaw - Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
Bimbur Longstrike - Dwarf Zen Archer Monk
flykiller - Zeljka the Green - Half-Orc Witch
Squawk - Janice Wong - Human Barbarian (Titan Mauler)
Merck -Rutilus Albus - Human Magus
Azure Zero - Half-elf Bard(ARCHAEOLOGIST)

Character no Stats and/or Background

Fraust - Elf Alchemist(grenadier)
Sigz- Elven Rogue-Scout
Monkeygod Human (Varisian or Keleshite) Inquisitor or Ranger of Sarenrae
Kip84 Dwarf Paladin
Josh Shrader - Slyph Wizard (Air Elemental School)

Interest nothing completed yet


Vital Statistics/Description;:
Age; 114, Ht; 6‘4‘‘, Wt; 150 Ibs, Hair; Black, Eyes; Violet /

Description pending avatar pic, though I see him as wearing the atypical elven cut leathers in dark browns and greens with a couple of feathers braided into his hair and a small animal bone fetish or three about his person.

Raven in born and bred in a small elven comunity in the southern reaches of the Sanos Forest. A close-knit comunity dedicated to the old ways of the first world, venerating the elven pantheon and nature, taking little interrest in the world around it and the machinations of lesser races though they do trade with the nearby human comunities and the ocational dwarven caravan.

Spending his youth running around the forest, climbing the trees, swimming in the rivers and playing find-the-goblin with children of his age made for a carefree youth. Though playful and free Raven was tempered by the elders of the clan, particularly his mother who holds rank amonst the druids of the clan. Participating in rituals to old to have an age with his mother Raven developed a deep connection to the natural world, spending long hours and even days watching the grass grow, trees green in spring and fascinating over the fall of rain and the shining of the moon.

Though it was expected Raven would grow to be either a druid or a ranger he never showed any affinity for neither magics nor combat, though he was competent enough with both the bow and sword. Instead Raven developed a rare-found (in an elf) curiosity of the areas surrounding the community and the world in general, spending long hours tracking animals he never shot, visiting the human communities and talking with the visiting merchants. The elders muttered about 'wanderlust striking him'.

So it came as no surprise when Raven declared that he would be leaving home to see the world, he wanted to spend time with other races and experience different cultures. He received the blessings of the clan elders, even his mothers, who believed that one should not stand in the way of how a tree would grow. One could guide and nurture, with song, word and a light touch, but one should never force the river to bend.

And so with the clans blessing Raven set out to explore the world, gearing up with possessions and coin he looked bright eyed at the horizon and signing on as a scout with a caravan heading from Korvosa to Magnimar.

Raven is young for his kind though he has lived for a full 114 years, and as such he is full of life. Vibrant and energetic for his kind he still comes of as slow and lethargic to the shorter lived races. He considers himself humorous and quick to jest but compared to human standards he is slow whited and dull. Fresh to the world-at-large he can be gullible at times though he is by no means stupid or slow. Raven likes physical exertion, running, dancing and has even been known to kiss a girl or two though he approaches these activities in an atypical elven, time-consuming manner, unhurried and thoughtful. Though he is not particularly trustful of strangers as he's raised as half-xenophobic he is willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. /

Raven believes that the world has a natural order to things, that everything will grow to fruit in it's own time and everything has it's place in the natural world of things. He believes that community is established with common cause and that individuals should work for and with their communities to further it's need though he fully realizes that when it comes to individual needs over the communities the individual most often wins. He also wants to believe that there is good in everyone but a cancer is best cut out and burnt before it infection spreads.

Hei, I just noticed in going over my sheet that it has some serious errors. Particularly in my skills bonuses. Please let me re-submit the sheet here:

Milelal Laanilmnyirecw (Raven Starchild):

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 1
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, perception +8, trapfinding
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 dex, +3 armor)
hp; 9/9
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2 (+4 vs. enchantment spells and effects)
Defencive Abilities: +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Immune; Magical sleep effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +2, 1d8+3, 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger +2, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2
Ranged Longbow +4, 100ft, 1d8, /x3
Ranged Dagger +4, 10 ft, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2
Space 5, Reach 5
Special Attacks Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats; Point Blank Shot
Skills; Acrobatics +8, Climb +6, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (Local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +8, Stealth +8, Survival +9 (+11), Swim +6
Armor Check Penalty -1
Language; taldain, elven, varisian
Favored Class; Rogue (+1 Skill Point)
SQ; sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
*Low-Light Vision Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Additional Rules.
*Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
*Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
*Woodcraft: Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially those of the forests. Elves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus onKnowledge (nature) and Survival checks. In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +2. This racial trait replaces the elven magic racial trait.
*Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
* Child of Nature (N) You have been blessed to be as comfortable in the wilderness as you are at home. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to find food and water, and a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. One of these skills (knowledge (nature)) is always a class skill for you.
* Devotee of the Green: Your faith in the natural world or one of the gods of nature makes it easy for you to pick up on related concepts. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills (Knowledge (geography)) is always a class skill for you.
Combat Gear; longsword (4), dagger x3 (3), longbow (3), arrows x40 (6), studded leather (20), potion of cure light wounds x1 (-)
Other Gear; Backpack (2), waterskin (4), explorers‘ outfit (8), thieves‘ tools (1), silk rope (50‘)(5), grappling hook (4), signal whistle (-), sack (0,5), belt pouch (0,5), flint & steel (-), torch x2 (2), chalk x3 (-), candle x2 (-), string 50‘ (0,5), bell x2 (-), trail rations x1 (1)
Carrying Capacity / Weight carried: Lt; < 66 Ibs, Md; < 133 Ibs, Hvy; < 200 Ibs / 65,5 Ibs
Wealth; 18 gp, 5 sp, 2 cp

Vital Statistics/Description;:
Age; 114, Ht; 6‘4‘‘, Wt; 150 Ibs, Hair; Black, Eyes; Violet /

Description pending avatar pic, though I see him as wearing the atypical elven cut leathers in dark browns and greens with a couple of feathers braided into his hair and a small animal bone fetish or three about his person.

Raven in born and bred in a small elven comunity in the southern reaches of the Sanos Forest. A close-knit comunity dedicated to the old ways of the first world, venerating the elven pantheon and nature, taking little interrest in the world around it and the machinations of lesser races though they do trade with the nearby human comunities and the ocational dwarven caravan.

Spending his youth running around the forest, climbing the trees, swimming in the rivers and playing find-the-goblin with children of his age made for a carefree youth. Though playful and free Raven was tempered by the elders of the clan, particularly his mother who holds rank amonst the druids of the clan. Participating in rituals to old to have an age with his mother Raven developed a deep connection to the natural world, spending long hours and even days watching the grass grow, trees green in spring and fascinating over the fall of rain and the shining of the moon.

Though it was expected Raven would grow to be either a druid or a ranger he never showed any affinity for neither magics nor combat, though he was competent enough with both the bow and sword. Instead Raven developed a rare-found (in an elf) curiosity of the areas surrounding the community and the world in general, spending long hours tracking animals he never shot, visiting the human communities and talking with the visiting merchants. The elders muttered about 'wanderlust striking him'.

So it came as no surprise when Raven declared that he would be leaving home to see the world, he wanted to spend time with other races and experience different cultures. He received the blessings of the clan elders, even his mothers, who believed that one should not stand in the way of how a tree would grow. One could guide and nurture, with song, word and a light touch, but one should never force the river to bend.

And so with the clans blessing Raven set out to explore the world, gearing up with possessions and coin he looked bright eyed at the horizon and signing on as a scout with a caravan heading from Korvosa to Magnimar.

Raven is young for his kind though he has lived for a full 114 years, and as such he is full of life. Vibrant and energetic for his kind he still comes of as slow and lethargic to the shorter lived races. He considers himself humorous and quick to jest but compared to human standards he is slow whited and dull. Fresh to the world-at-large he can be gullible at times though he is by no means stupid or slow. Raven likes physical exertion, running, dancing and has even been known to kiss a girl or two though he approaches these activities in an atypical elven, time-consuming manner, unhurried and thoughtful. Though he is not particularly trustful of strangers as he's raised as half-xenophobic he is willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. /

Raven believes that the world has a natural order to things, that everything will grow to fruit in it's own time and everything has it's place in the natural world of things. He believes that community is established with common cause and that individuals should work for and with their communities to further it's need though he fully realizes that when it comes to individual needs over the communities the individual most often wins. He also wants to believe that there is good in everyone but a cancer is best cut out and burnt before it infection spreads.

Added the Curse into the profile, along with some data on her other state.

The background is coming along, but I am thinking it over some more.

Suleyiel -- pronounced Suh-LAY-ehl, which doesn't prevent people from calling him Sully
Male elf abjurer 1

No really I have a concept, I swear! I'm slow at making characters, but I have one already that I want to use. He was aimed at a different game, so he'll take a little adjustment (by which I mean a lot) -- but I think he's great. I know nothing about the Age of Worms, so I don't know how good of a choice he is... but he's mine. :)

Dotting. How do you feel about a Dhampir hunter of undead? Enraged by the curse left upon him, he seeks retribution through the destruction of all undead. If you let me go really crazy, I'd make him a Paladin(Undead Scourge) worshiping Sarenrae and play up the redemption aspect.

Regardless, I've already started building it and will have it done tomorrow night if you'll allow that.

Ring, meet hat.

Hat, meet ring.

Presenting a submission for an Oracle (curse - clouded vision)...

Background, personality and some crunch are available in this character (first draft, at least).

Dark Archive

withdrawing from consideration, good luck guys!

Monkeyfeet That would be fine

Josh Sorry to see you withdraw

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