Azure_Zero |

Character: Ingrid Anika Nina Jones
GM Blood, Given that the ARG, Blood of Fiends, and Blood of angels are coming out in a few months (with angels two months later),
would you allow swapping of racial abilities or other player options with the soon to be newly published material?

Aerandir |

Monkeyfeet228 - Here's my submission. Did not think I'd be up this late finishing this but oh well. I like it but it still feels rough for some reason so if you have any commentary please feel free to input.
(Side note: Apparently forgot to do the appearance section but it's almost 1A here so I think I'll leave that for tomorrow.)

GM Blood |

OK almost 24 hours to go. I have started going through everyone's submissions to be ready. I think this is going to be a hard cut down for me
Rowena Lordail Human Qinggong Monk (Maneuver Master)
Quintus (John Woodford) Taldan human priest of Sarenrae
Lessien Nenmacil Elf Vivisectionist Chirurgeon
donato - Adelai Marketh - Human Cleric of Groetus
RHESUS GHAWN (Balodek) Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
markofbane - Rauno Redpath Human Divination Wizard
Dreaming Warforged Trevor the Yellow (Paladin of Iomedae)
osuracnaes - Ridgar Durun - Dwarf Fighter (Two handed)
drien Wasila Cavalier (Order of the Shield or Star)
Samnell - Jacopo Krupt - Human Paladin (Undead Scourge)
Rassil - Tiefling Magus
Klekzar Redjaw - Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
Bimbur Longstrike - Dwarf Zen Archer Monk
flykiller - Zeljka the Green - Half-Orc Witch
Squawk - Janice Wong - Human Barbarian (Titan Mauler)
Merck -Rutilus Albus - Human Magus
Azure Zero - Half-elf Bard(ARCHAEOLOGIST)
Fraust - Elf Alchemist(grenadier)
Sigz- Elven Rogue-Scout
Monkeygod Human (Varisian or Keleshite) Inquisitor or Ranger of Sarenrae
Monkeyfeet -Aerindir - Dhampir paladin of Iomede (Undead Scourge)
Kip84 Dwarf Paladin
Torquil Mcloeod - Half-Elf Oracle

Azure_Zero |

They're never easy. I had a hard enough time trying to pick a replacement for a single character, but it's much harder when you're trying to put together a decent party, and can't really take each submission on its own.
Same here.
And I have to keep adding a few more tools (and NPC aliases) to my list every now and then

Azure_Zero |

Thanks GM Blood,
Now I have to decide between Aasmir, Half-elf or *Tiefling,
(*I'll be quickly viewing the tiefling options in CoT)
Or should I just roll some dice to decide?
I decided I'll change Half-elf to Aasimar.
(GM_Blood you may like the secret in the character's backstory)edit: the background will be done and posted in before midnight.

GM Blood |

Azure_Zero wrote:Thanks GM Blood,
Now I have to decide between Aasmir, Half-elf or *Tiefling,
(*I'll be quickly viewing the tiefling options in CoT)
Or should I just roll some dice to decide?I decided I'll change Half-elf to Aasimar.
(GM_Blood you may like the secret in the character's backstory)edit: the background will be done and posted in before midnight.
Would you be willing to take Disable Device if I made it a class skill for your archetype to fill that role? Also the more I think of it the more I think you should remove the curse (and you may be doing that with a race change)
Also willing to follow an Empyreal Lord?

Azure_Zero |

Azure:Would you be willing to take Disable Device if I made it a class skill for your archetype to fill that role? Also the more I think of it the more I think you should remove the curse (and you may be doing that with a race change)Also willing to follow an Empyreal Lord?
Also the more I think of it, the more I think you should remove the curse (and you may be doing that with a race change)
I would like to keep the curse with the character and as is,
as The curse altered to race change has mechanical changes and requires book keeping
Sorry, if I misinterpreted the question.
Also willing to follow an Empyreal Lord?
Don't know much about them, so Maybe?

GM Blood |

I'm thinking of adding a 6th character and if your bard had disable device that could fit a niche that they don't have yet. The archetype gets a bonus to DD as well so getting an occasional point in there could keep it worth while. (and a point at first would allow you to use it at least)
As for the curse I meant just get rid of it. I think it would be too distracting.
You can read up on the Empyreal Lords here or in Faiths of Purity if you have it. You could pick which one would fit your character the best.

GM Blood |

Sorry Aerandir I have corrected it in my notes. I woke up with a headache today and mistakenly took a Tylenol PM instead of the regular. All morning at work into the afternoon I felt really tired and distracted)
When I got home I had the headache back so when I reached for some pills it dawned on me what I did.

Kelkzar Redjaw |

Ok, background updated. Since Kaer Maga wouldn't have much in the way of campaigns for a LG inquisitor, I now have him making his way east to Lastwall and Nirmathas for a time, before coming back into Varisia through Korvosa. The prophesy is now from a mad goblin in Old Korvosa, but if you have a different way to bring people together in Magnimar, I can adjust accordingly.
I really like the way this affects his birth and provides a very good tie to a potential divine destiny. I don't think I've played a LG character since the early 80s so this would be a switch.

GM Blood |

Thank you everyone who applied. It was a tough choice and it took me a little longer than I thought, but here are the six I decided to choose (above the 5 originally)
Rowena Lordail
Trevor the Yellow
Rauno Redpath
Kelkzar Redjaw
Lessien Nenmacil
Quintus, Human Cleric of Sarenrae (John Woodford) Didn't see an alias
Please post in the discussion thread as your alias. Additional backgrounds from where you left your backgrounds to how you are at the start of the game to come this weekend.
Thanks again everyone!

Taanyth Tuilinn |

After reading through the book's preface, I may be interested in starting my own Age of Worms. But only if I get denied to my third game. I have two up, and if I get accepted into another one, I don't think I will be able to cope with it as well as work. Age of Worms is a very vague book, so a lot is up to the GM.

Azure_Zero |

if it's your first time GMing a PBP game,
I'll give you a tool that has worked wonders for me.
Generic NPC Aliases (you'll see 8 generic NPC aliases in my alias page)
The only thing you have to do is post their name in the post of the Generic
Post examples from one Generic Alias