
Rassil's page

21 posts. Alias of Dustin Ammerman.

Full Name





Magus (Blackblade) / 1














Abyssal, Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal

Strength 15
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 11
Charisma 9

About Rassil

Rassil is alone. He was found in swaddling clothes at the doorstep of a very poor orphanage. When the nursemaid moved back the blankets covering his face it was easy to tell why... The other children always hated him, and indeed spent the majority of their time making his life a living hell. If he wasn't able to run away he would be ganged up on by 5 or more of them at a time. Every time Rassil became the victim of these assaults he was also punished for starting the incident to begin with. The caretakers at the orphanage always just assumed they could beat him into a decent person if they only just tried hard enough. The whole nurture vs nature argument.

Rassil grew up idolizing the near legendary Aldori Swordlords. He sees them as the opposite of what he is. They are strong and respected. He cannot visualize them ever being picked on the way he is constantly.

One day, after successfully escaping his tormentors, Rassil found himself in an unfamiliar part of the city. As he strolled along the beaten and worn cobble streets he heard the sounds of men arguing. Curious, he quietly approached the scene. He was too late to overhear any real details, and as he rounded the corner to see what all the ruckus was about, he was suddenly splashed in the face with something warm. He gave a small sound of surprise and was noticed by a man in dark leather clothing, carrying a very bloody longsword. Frightened so badly he couldn't move, Rassil just stared, shaking, at the man who he was sure was about to end his miserable existence. The man looked at him with a strange expression mixed of amusement, recognition, and oddly, fear. He said not a word as he removed the hood of his cloak, revealing long black horns. The man raised his sword and swung as if to strike Rassil, and something happened! The man grunted and was suddenly still. A long red line appeared at his neck, and his head fell to the ground, the sword however hung in the air in front of Rassil.

Lying in bed that night Rassil was still trying to figure out how his hands and clothes were stained red. Why couldn't he hear the other children tonight? The usually stayed up late to plot the next torturous day for him. He glanced out the window and saw that it was well past dinner time but he couldn't remember having eaten either.

Some days later Rassil found a job with a merchant caravan. He didn't care where it was headed, but he figured he had to run away soon. All he'd ever wanted was to be left alone, and now all he knew was he had to escape. Who else would they blame all the other orphans deaths on, when it was well known that an "evil tiefling" lived here.

And so Rassil having earned his meager pay with the merchants guards, shoveling after their horses, Parted ways with them near the stolen lands. Carrying a few supplies he'd purchased and the sword that had come to him. He disembarked to try and make his way in the world.


Rassil is accustomed to being bullied. He doesn't expect help from anyone, and is genuinely surprised when people offer it. He is not an all out loner, just unaccustomed to friendship. He may make a wrong comment, or act strange at times, but even though he is a tiefling, he mainly just doesn't want to be seen as a weakling any more.

Rassil truly enjoys the power he has acquired. If and when he finds people able to teach him new spells for his spellbook, he is quick to whip out his pen and start practicing the new motions and incantations.

He is also curious about the nature of his blade. He has no idea where it originated or why it feels so right in his hands. He practices with it more-so than he does with his magic, for it seems to almost be a new part of himself.

Male Daemon-Spawn Tiefling Magus (Bladebound) 1
CN Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +0


AC 18
touch 14
flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)

hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4
Ref +3
Will +2
cold 5
electricity 5
fire 5


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day)
Magus (Bladebound) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) True Strike, Returning Weapon
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Light

Stats & Skills & Gear::

Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Finesse
Traits Killer, Sword Scion

Killer Trait
You made your first kill at a very young age and found the task of
war or murder to your liking. You either take particular pride in a
well-placed blow, or vile pleasure in such a strike as you twist the
blade to maximize the pain. You deal additional damage equal to
your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful
critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the
final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus.

Sword Scion Trait
You have lived all your life in and around the city of Restov,
growing up on tales of Baron Sirian Aldori and the exploits of your
home city’s heroic and legendary swordlords. Perhaps one of your
family members was an Aldori swordlord, you have a contact among
their members, or you have dreamed since childhood of joining.
Regardless, you idolize the heroes, styles, and philosophies of the
Aldori and have sought to mimic their vaunted art. Before you can
petition to join their ranks, however, you feel that you must test your
mettle. Joining an expedition into the Stolen Lands seems like a
perfect way to improve your skills and begin a legend comparable
to that of Baron Aldori. You begin play with a longsword or Aldori
dueling sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat
maneuvers made with such weapons.

Acrobatics +0,
Bluff +1,
Climb +4,
Escape Artist +0,
Fly +0,
Intimidate +3,
Ride +0,
Spellcraft +7,
Survival +1,
Swim +0,
Use Magic Device +3

SQ arcane pool (+1) (4/day
spell combat

Combat Gear Chain Shirt, Longsword
Other Gear

Backpack (17 @ 20.5 lbs)
- Bedroll
- Ink (1 oz. vial, black)
- Inkpen
- Rations, trail (per day) (10)
- Shaving Kit
Beltpouch (1 @ 2.06 lbs)
- gold

Signet ring
Traveling Spellbook

Special Abilities:

Arcane Pool (+1) (4/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Damage Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.

Arcane Pool (+1) (5/day) (Su) - 0/5
Rations, trail (per day) - 0/10
Shaving Kit - 0/50