Osric Barnesdale |

Thanks for the opportunity Alice! I'll put Osric's character sheet together over the next couple of days. To be honest, I haven't looked at the other folks' characters like I probably should. I'll to try to familiarize myself with y'all too.

Voren the Outsider |

I'm here. First, I'd like to say thank you. Second, my first post may be a tad late due to a meeting with a client regarding my internship.

Reknar |

Hey, hey - its pratically done! :D
Now seriously, thanks for taking me on board for this one Alice.
If you guys don't mind I'm gonna try and make some sort of roster of what we have, so I can get my bearings:
- Aurica: Ranged ranger :D (tracker and survivor on duty)
- Osric: Ranged Inquisitor (to root them out!)
- Jens: Cavalier (Honor Guard) (melee defender)
- Voren: Witch (Hedge Witch) (AVAST!)
- Lynn: Paladin of Iomedae (ye of Holy Faith)
- Reknar: Sort of undecided but likely Bard (meh)
Looks about right?

Voren the Outsider |

Yeah, Reknar, that seems to be good! Though, I'm confused on the 'avast'. Voren's pretty much the designated healer and support. I've been thinking of taking a level of Dual Cursed Oracle of Life to pick up the Life mystery, the Misfortune revelation, and (through Extra Revelation feat) Life Link. But I'm now having second thoughts. Any opinions?
Also, definitely going to Dual Mythic Path Archmage/Hierophant. Should get me what I need in terms of healing/support.
Also, is the conversation that Voren, Jens, and Aurica in continuity with our actual game?

Reknar |

The 'avast' was simply a joke because Voren is a tiefling :D
You were planning on taking the Dual Cursed Oracle level on top of Hedge Witch? Just a dip and continuing Witch, or some more levels of Oracle?
Life Link is amazing - I have played more than one Oracle and it simply rocks, as long as you can keep it up that is - I see you have a good feat and trait for it, so I would say the idea seems excellent.
Why are you having second thoughts?

Voren the Outsider |

I don't know. I guess I was concerned about the delay to my witch's Spontaneous Healing.

Flynn Palomere |

Flynn frowns at his name being turned into Lynn but keeps it to himself...
Hello all glad we made it. Thanx Alice!!
And for the healing gig, I have the Touch of Divinity. It's not much but an xtra clw 1/day is helpful. Especially since I don't start with lay on hands.

GM Alice |

Voren... if I told you that you will probably be level 4 sooner than you really will need to worry about not having spontaneous healing, would that change anything?
The levelling rate in this first adventure is craaaazy. My IRL group will be level 3 by the end of their third session.
I've got a packed day at uni today (only a single 1 hour break... otherwise 7 hours of classes straight) so my aforementioned back story tweaks/comments will not come for a while.

Aurica Firehand |

A ranged ranger is I, yar yar. And possibly skill monkey to an extent, since I think base 6 per level is the highest in the group? Not sure on how much some of the other classes get.
(Ah, never mind, Inquis also gets 6! Nice.)
But yeah, I intend to focus on things like Stealth, Perception, Survival-- classic rangery-scout things. I may stay fairly light on armor for a while just to have a not-abysmal stealth. We'll see.
And down the road I get some useful utility spells, which, given the preponderance of divine casting in the group, I won't need to give up for the sake of memorizing CLW. This pleases me!
Looking forward to playing with all of you.

Osric Barnesdale |

It should be great guys! As for skills, I'll likely take some knowledges and face skills - if I go with the "classic" inquisitor. I hope there's no prob making sure we cover our bases. I'm guessing Voren will have good knowledges as well, and if Edelhur goes bard, along with Flynn's likely good Charisma, we should be pretty good on face skills.
So yeah, Stealth, Survival, at least one of us may want Disable Device...

Aurica Firehand |

With what will probably be the highest dex in the party (16) (aaand never mind, I see Osric has just as high a Dex, hee), I'm happy to pick up DD at a later level, but I'm pretty happy with my skills as they are right now.
On a story and fluff note: Aurica is a Kenabres native, and I imagine that her father, Malkus, a dwarven smith, is well-respected for the quality of his cold-iron gear in Kenabres. Her brother Jormur, while still young for a dwarf (in his eighties), is widely respected among the dwarves of Kenabres, and viewed as a leader of the dwarven community-- he's making a name for himself as a promising warrior on the front lines, etc. As his little sister, Aurica is less well-known, but the Firehand name would probably be at least a little bit known in in Kenabres for those who are natives to the city or who have spent much time in it.
I can see backstory tie-ins for Jens, for instance, who could have helped train Jormur, or fought alongside him. Similarly, Osric and Aurica could easily have crossed paths in the city-- they have similar backgrounds in serving in the city militias, although Aurica's also been doing patrols to the 'safe' south of the city.
And I am sure Aurica has heard of disgraced Flynn...

Aurica Firehand |

Oh, and to answer your question, Voren-- I'd prefer not, just because I think Jens and Aurica might have already known of each other, but if you'd like to preserve the Voren-specific aspects of it, I'm fine with that!

GM Alice |

The AP doesn't expect you to know anyone, and the beginning certainly sets you up to be forced together with the other PCs, but I welcome any prior connections if you are so inclined! I would not generally assume that the recruitment thread stuff is "canon" though, largely because I really didn't read that much of it (*cough*)
Reknar, btw, don't feel pressured to play a bard if you don't want to. Same goes with Voren and any aspersions to becoming a more focused healer. I did try and get some semblance of a "balanced" party going, but if we have a tonne of fightery types and not a lot of arcane magic or what-have-you, well, you'll just have to deal with it. Play whatever you like and deal with the consequences in game. Creativity is grand.
My IRL group's best healer is an inquisitor. Soooo don't sweat it too much.

Reknar |

Phone update :)
Currently, I am wavering between ONLY three mechanical concepts - Melee Bard, Magus and Wizard/Fighter going Eldritch Knight. Thematically, the bard feels definitely more appropriate, but mechanically maybe not for the kind of character dynamic I am going for. Still mulling it over, but should be decided soon.
Hmmm, Freebooter you say....? Be right back! :D

Aurica Firehand |

Hee, I was mostly teasing. The only reason I thought of Freebooter is that it's like a (very) limited version of a melee bard-- you get to give bonuses to your allies to mess up an enemy. But honestly, bard's a lot more versatile. I love bards. So many fun archetypes.

Jens Varmodsson |

Good to see you again, Dien! It's a shame Jens never got a chance to press his overbearing fatherly habits on Sanjay :P
Well, we seem to have an interesting group here. Regarding party roles, Reknar nailed it - Jens is basically the big, beefy, mobile, mounted melee badass. Being full-BAB with high strength, he'll be a great damage dealer, but I'd like to focus just as much on making sure everyone else's hit points stay nice and high - Tanky McTankerson, if you will. Anyone in their mid-20's or younger can expect him to be a bit patronizing and over-protective - except you, Voren. No offense, he takes a while to warm up to demon-kin ;-)
I'm planning on taking the shield-bashing route with two-weapon fighting, and a couple of mounted combat feats as Jens starts to feel more comfortable in the saddle again. Mythic path will be Guardian, duh. His mount is a warhorse named Alfsigr, who probably won't come into play for a while, but when she does, it's going to be fun.
I'll start reading over all your backstories looking for potential links. Also, Alice, I'll send you a PM with a couple of questions. And don't worry, you got my name right. It's actually Veronica, but since almost nobody calls me that (unless I'm in trouble), Ronnie is just easier.

Aurica Firehand |

In another universe, I'm sure he fathered the hell out of that kid. :P
Shoot, Aurica's still young for a dwarf, even if she's lived as long as you have, Jens... but, she's considerably more self-confident than Sanjay, too, so there's that.
I look forward to watching you race around the battlefield. *fistbump*

GM Alice |

Now that we're all here, I feel obliged to do my usual intro post thingy. I've played or GMed for almost all of you before, so you'll have to excuse the repetition.
Hi! My name is not Alice despite all indications to the contrary, but most everyone knows me as that round here. I'm a 24 year old (well, 23, but it's my birthday in like 2 days) Aussie gal, currently studying Computer Science at university. I like a variety of nerdy things from anime, web design and video games through to tabletop/card games, linguistics and fantasy novels... Oh, and I play too much PbP for my own good. :P
My GMing style tends towards a heavy narrative style and I enjoy character development and interaction. I am pretty flexible with player desires and try to give my own spin on the adventure... And also allowing players to feel connected to the story and have their choices and back story matter. If there's ever anything that concerns you or you think I could do better, don't be afraid to contact me!

dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

Yarrr, who are you, get out of h-- oh, never mind.
I am dien, and I also play and run far too many PBPs, as well as playing and GMing for my local PFS. I write and I draw and I live in sunny, drought-stricken California.
And I'm a woman too, which means we have at least three ladies in the player side of things? Nice!

Jens Varmodsson |

I'm sure he did, Aurica. I'm sure he did. =)
Well shoot if your name isn't Alice, then what do we call you? :P I also happen to be a 23 year old Aussie lass... how 'bout that! My hobbies are a bit varied - tabletop, bookbinding, cross-stitch, photography, baking - my musical tastes run on the heavy side, and I like my literature old and classic. I have a boyfriend of four years who does medieval reenacting and plays a dhampir sorcerer in my home Kingmaker game, and who enjoys intelligent stories but doesn't like the act of reading because he's a self-admitted lazy bastard (and a bit of a bogan, which non-Aussies won't understand), so we compromise - I read him my favourite books, and he sits there and damn well enjoys it. I'm unemployed, but have a Bachelor of Visual Arts with a photography major, and am volunteering at a primary school trying to get work as an SSO. I'm also an aspie with depression/anxiety, and while I know that might be a big thing to drop on a group of strangers, I'd just like to get it out of the way early, as from time to time, I enter dark moods that last a couple of days, and it has a chance of affecting my posting rate.
Most of the time, though, I'm eager and love PbP. I like characters who aren't quite perfect (my bard's a horny jerkass; Jens is patronizing and old-fashioned; my gunslinger doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut; and my sorcerer is nuts), but I like being a "big damn hero" from time to time ;-)

Jens Varmodsson |

I'm in three "real-life" groups (GMing one), and I'm the only woman in each of them, so I'm used to being an anomaly. Online, there seem to be far more lasses about, which is great!

GM Alice |

Yeah... of my two live groups (well "live", we play over Roll20), the only other woman is my girlfriend, who only got interested because I ramble about Pathfinder so much... (Successful convert, woo!) Although I have another close friend who plays 4th Edition D&D with her boyfriend and his friends, I believe.
Of the two times I've been to gaming conventions... Once, back in '09, I was pretty much the only girl playing ANY Pathfinder Society. Last year, I was one of maybe a half-dozen at best, although there were lots of people going through playing short Beginner Box intro scenarios that were likely more varied than that.
Maybe it's just Australia. :P

Voren the Outsider |

Thanks, Alice. I'm shocked that your IRL group is level 3 after 3 sessions.
I decided on my original plan to dip one level of Dual Curse Oracle of Life. Don't worry, Alice. I'll pick up some offense in addition to my healing and support. It's just that healing will be a focus to the character.
Okay, recruitment stuff is not in canon. I'm all right with that. It's okay, Jens. He'll grow to like me. ;-)
Skills do include some to the Knowledges so don't worry about that. I also got Heal. I'll also pick up on Spellcraft and UMD.
My name is Joe. I'm 22 years old. I live in Wisconsin. I'm currently in my school's Photography program, a graduate from the school's Digital Media Technology program, and am working on a training video for a client for my internship. I'm also involved in several PBPs. I'll try to keep you informed about my schedule.

GM Alice |

The pace isn't always that fast. It ramps down significantly as the chapters go by. That said, you WILL reach level 20 by the end of the AP, with I believe 9 or 10 mythic tiers to your name as well. So the pace might be faster than most APs you've played in general :)
Voren, on that note - if you intend on dabbling in Oracle, maybe a Mystic Theurge build could be possible? It's most certainly viable in this AP (since you ACTUALLY get to the high levels where it's awesome). Just throwin' ideas around.
(One day I'll get to play a Sorc/Oracle Mystic Theurge... one day.)

Jens Varmodsson |

A PFS group recently started in my area. 22 people on the FB group. I'm the only woman. *sigh* My FLGS does a "Ladies' Night" MtG, so maybe a girls-only PFS table every now and then wouldn't be such a bad idea...
Well, Voren, the AP has to take characters to 20/10 in just six books. That's a lot of XP! I'm just looking forward to playing a stupidly high-powered character >:D And yes, I'm sure Jens will warm up to you eventually... *grumble grumble* :P

Flynn Palomere |

Well, I'm feeling like an old man here...
Real name is James. I've been playing one edition or another since I was 11 or 12, and am now (or soon will be anyway) 43. Just recently got into the PbP set again. Mostly prefer TTop, but seem to move to areas where gamers are scarce.
This year has been the most fun by far for PbP tho. I am in a group with Alice for PFS play, which she sometimes runs. I am also currently playing in CotCT, RoW, and have an entry for Mummy's Mask the first of the next AP. He won't finish recruiting until he gets the book tho, so kinda hanging on that one.
Playing Kingmaker in a TTop game but can only find 2 other peeps here that play so it's not that fun/easy.
I get all the Ap's in the mail, but unless I plan to run them generally read the fiction and check out the magic items and set them on the shelf. SO I know a little about this one but not much. Don't have the Mythic rules tho. ( I know they are online, but they make more sense to me in hardcopy. go figure.)
Anyway, enough rambling. Flynn is a Paladin's Paladin. He fights to disarm, not really to kill. He uses a cold iron flail mostly. No plans to mutli, just hero all the way. XD

Voren the Outsider |

Mystic Theurge does seem interesting. However, the problem I personally have is that it stops all of my class features from getting more powerful. Though, it is an option to consider. Thanks. :)
Also, I don't have any of the books for WotR. So I know next to nothing, other than what's already been talked about. Except, you know, there are demons.

Osric Barnesdale |

Well, as for introductions, my name is Derek. I've been in Alice and Flynn's PFS group. In fact, I GM'ed the first game that brought us together through a random open recruitment.
I play a bit of PFS with a local group. I live in Utah, in the general vicinity Salt Lake City. Despite what I see on TV, I've never met a RL polygamist, as far as I know ;)
I'm 34 and I work as a tax accountant. My new job is way less stressful than my old one, and I'm not currently doing 75 hours weeks, which I am grateful for.
I've dabbled in different roleplaying games over the years, but really found something doable with Pathfinder. Having PFS means I can get tabletop play and the online play here has been great too! My local PFS group actually has a good number of women. One is a regular GM and four out of about 14-15 regular players.
Divine characters are some of my favorites. I have had periods in my life when I've been very religious. I've been a pretty active member of two prominent faiths, and I enjoy getting into the deities and faiths of a campaign setting. That said, I'm not currently super-churchy IRL, so if my character gets too obnoxious for you, please let me know. Also, please forgive me if a borrow elements from RL religious figures. For example, Osric's vision of Iomedae was heavily influenced by Joseph Smith's account of his vision.

Osric Barnesdale |

I'm having a hard time with a decision on starting gear. If I buy a longbow, and a cold iron dagger and light mace I have 42 GP left after buying basic adventuring gear too. So I can afford studded leather armor. If I go with a shortbow (for now) I can afford scale mail and that very nice +2 extra AC (though lower speed). I'm thinking that might be worth dropping to a d6 damage die, especially since it shouldn't take long to grab a composite longbow. Any thoughts?

Reknar |

Apologies for the absent posting - yesterday I was completely worn out and simply crashed when I got home.
Well Flynn, you don't need to feel like an old man - I am 39, so right up there with you ;)
I have been playing RPGs for... Oh... Lets say 20+ years, but arrived at Pathfinder only about 2 years ago, and am loving it thus far. I am in Europe, and my particular region of the country (lets call it the South of the country) is really not that active as far as PFS goes, most people preferring to stay at home playing in their own groups. In the northern area of the country on the other hand, Pathfinder is soaring, and more than once I have been there to GM for a CON.
I've got your average sized family with two kids, and am back at University after all these years (hopefully it will be done soon... Its HARSH!), so I work during the day, go to Uni at night 5 days a week. Inbetween I dedicate myself to some hobbies (yesterday I barely managed to catch the last episode of Walking Dead on TV before keeling over asleep), and as the weather seems to finally be picking up, I am starting to feel the call of the beach - slippers are already out of the closet for 2 weeks, just waiting for the warm sand feeling :D
All the while, my kids try to throw themselves down from their newly acquired bunkbed, and I gotta be there to catch them.
I don't know if any of you guys had time to go over Reknar's background, but I'm planning on playing him as a dark-mood Bard (nope, no frolicking), like an army sergeant - Perform focus being on Oratory so he can bark orders (wait, no... Inspirational suggestions)- I have a really hard time to make characters without skills, so he should have a couple decent ones, like Diplomacy, Intimidate, at least two knowledges (planning Local and one other, maybe Planes, History or Dungeoneering - we can tailor it amongst each other).
I want to play him as a melee character, most likely heading towards a reach weapon, combat reflexes, spring attack, the works. But I also want him to have versatility (aka buffs like Shield, Mirror Image, Dimension Door, Blur, etc.) - hence my doubt between which one would be the best at this role - Magus, Fighter/Wizard into EK, or Bard. I am tending towards Bard because I want the guy to be a team player, and a capable leader of men if pressed into that position (it has happened before to him).
The shield spell is absolutely amazing for this character as it is built, so I am willing to bribe a spellcaster to land it on me when possible - *peers towards Voren with a grin* - at least until I can raise my UMD enough to cast it from a scroll with a decent chance of success (there are other spells in the same situation - anything that buffs melee capabilities and is not on the Bard spell list :/)
In any case, I have updated the alias, and you can all take a look - oh, yeah, one last thing, I plan to dip him 2 levels into Fighter (Probably Lore Warden, but I am still hesitating - the lore warden removes the heavy armor proficiency, which prevents me from wearing mithral full plate at 11th level, when the arcane duelist gains the medium armor proficiency - still mulling it over, but I just like the skill points from the Lore Warden :D ).
@Osric: I would go with the scale mail, since the difference in damage from Longbow to longbow is only 1 point of damage in average. BUT it would depend on how much the ACP impacts your skills... What about Lamellar (Leather) armor?

Rosalia Lebeda |

As someone who attempted to make a very "skilled" magus, let me tell you that the task is incredibly difficult due to a freakin' awful class skill list. :P
There are plenty of Mythic abilities to help with that stuff though!

Aurica Firehand |

I really adore Lore Warden, speaking personally. I have a Lore Warden/Duelist who just hit 15th. Lots of fun. But definitely not going to do everything you want when it comes to inspiring others, or any arcane ability.
*thinks* You want a lot of things that don't really mesh easily, unfortunately-- for instance, any reach weapon other than a whip won't work ideally with magus, because most reach weapons are two-handed, so you lose Spell Combat. For that matter, any casting you do at all that has somatic requirements becomes trickier once you're dealing with a 2H weapon, depending on how much of a stickler your GM is about the whole letting-go-of-weapon-and-grabbing-it-again. And I don't really see a whip fitting, flavor-wise, the concept you've outlined.
As Rosalia says, straight magus screws you on skills, and loses out on the 'inspiring others' stuff. Multi-classing magus with bard is... well, you have to wait until level 3 to even get a BAB, which is really painful.
Personally, I'd probably go with Arcane Duelist, which I know you said you were considering. Dipping with Lore Warden is tempting but... you give up casting levels. If you're gonna go caster, go caster all the way! ;) (Just my two cents.)
Sorry, you likely know all this, I'm just babbling.
Osric: I had the same hard choice with Aurica. I went with giving her a longbow because it's such an integral part of her character, but it is pricey weapon at level 1 for sure....

Voren the Outsider |

Very nice to meet you all!
Also, Reknar, Shield is a wizard/sorcerer spell. Witches can't learn it.
Are we waiting for someone to check in before the game? I'm a tad confused.

Aurica Firehand |

I think at this point we're just waiting for Alice to have the time to throw up a proper start-post for game. Maybe some build finalization, etc. :)

GM Alice |

I will try and get the first post up today (soon maybe!) - it shouldn't take long because I (wisely) saved the notes I made for my live group's opening. currently in tutorial, alas.
I want to bug people specifically about backgrounds in some places but that will probably not matter much for the first post.

Jens Varmodsson |

Okay, Jens' statblock is updated to reflect Alice's rules. Significant changes:
-Chainmail has been changed to scale, as he couldn't afford the former.
-Bonus skill point went into Profession (soldier).
-Strength dropped to 17; dexterity and wisdom bumped up by 1 each.
-Longsword upgraded to cold iron.
-Alfsígr's feat has been changed from Run to Valiant Steed, and she has leather armour/barding.
Alice, I have a quick question. Jens' feats are Saving Shield and Shield Focus. Shield focus increases the AC of any shield he carries by 1 - would this apply when he uses the Saving Shield feat, granting an ally a +3 shield bonus to AC instead of a +2?
If anyone has any questions, or criticisms, or feedback, or anything - fire away! I want to learn!
I'm heading off to lunch with my father, so if the first post goes up while I'm gone... don't go too far without me ;-)