GM Alice's #5-11–Library of the Lion (Game Day #2) (Inactive)

Game Master Alice Margatroid

Mission Impossible, Pathfinder-style! Part of the PFS PbP Game Day #2


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Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Mohok considers the puzzle a moment, then suggests, "If we have no other ideas about the order, how about we put them in the holes in the order we found them ? That would be the order most people coming into the library and making their way to this room would pass them in, right?"

He glances around at his fellow Pathfinders to see what they think.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Barring any other evidence, that does seem to be the most likely solution.

Speaking of other evidence, is there anything interesting about how the statues are located in the room? Or any visible scratches or dust to indicate that some are moved more / less than the others?

No, they seem pretty arbitrarily placed, and no, this room, like all the others, is pretty much immaculate.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

Valerio stands silently, furrowing his brow... "Perhaps... The messages themselves are a code? First, I must learn the history of Taldor; knowledge comes first. A cunning lie is never told twice; the crouching lion is second. Persevere, persevere, persevere; is three times over, so the burdened lion comes third. Finally, in the end loyalty is all that matters; so the flag bearing lion comes last?" He looks to the others, searching for any signs of support.

Sorry for being absent; I have end of trimester exams at the moment and I've been very, very bogged down with study and general exhaustion. Alice had to prod me; I think this is the most likely solution! But it might just be my exam addled mind!!!

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Oh, that's very good Valerio. Nicely done!

And it explains the odd phrasing of the legends. If that isn't the solution, it should be.

Zherohd is so confident that Valerio has solved the puzzle that he's going to begin putting the statuettes into the slots in the order Val indicated.

Oh thank god. I was worried you guys would trigger another combat encounter. Way too lazy to run another one of those. ;)

With bated breath, Zherohd slots the lion statuettes in Valerio's suggested order.

Just as the last one goes in, there is a loud click. Worried eyes go to every corner of the room searching for the traps or alarms, but in the end, the only movement in the room is nothing but the Guardian-esque lion carving swinging open to reveal another pair of double doors.

You pass through to find yourselves in a dead end. Chests of expert craftsmanship line the walls, and on the far side of the room stand two bookshelves burdened with yellow-paged tomes and sundry ancient trinkets. Banners and tapestries cover nearly every inch of the walls, each representing long-dead nations or depicting conflicts left not chronicled.

Even the briefest of glances at the tomes and parchments hidden away on the aged bookshelves reveals the wealth of information stored within. Primary, unmodified accounts of events from millennia ago; original versions of laws since replaced; records of foreign policy debacles quickly silenced in the interest of decorum; and remarkably objective (and sometimes empathetic) biographies of enemies of the state can all be found herein. Curious titles from all manners of topics jump out: The Unexpected Truth of Aroden's So-Called "Death", The Decemvirate: An Exposé of the Masked Leaders of the Pathfinder Society, Yes, the Aboleths Did It and Here's Why, The Secret Threat of Sarusan, Why the Eye of Abendego Endures... surely, somewhere in here, there is more information of the kind you seek for your mysterious patron relating to Taldan succession and the Shining Crusade.

Research Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Medium (max 5 occupants)

This is the final research room, so use all your clues! :P

Perception DC 20:
Hidden underneath a couple of incredibly detailed and annotated maps of some of the biggest cities in the Inner Sea lies a heavy bronze shield, long forgotten here in this hidden vault. Its facade is decorated with a lion's head that brings to mind your good old friend, the Guardian...

And no, it doesn't detect as magical. Yet :)

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

What's this then? Zosimos, you should show this to the Guardian. Didn't he say he liked the idea of being on a shield?

I actually do want to have another go at the main library if we have time anyhow; we did miss something back there. Even if it was probably another bonus-to-searching-for-clues-clue, it'd suck to miss the last Cipher clue if it was in there.

Zherohd is quite enjoying having access to these documents; not so much because he's a great seeker of truth or history, but simply because he enjoys gossip and finding out what people really think.

I'll use the Hand Written Notes for my roll
Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 3 = 27

That will leave us with Bibliographic References for someone to get a +5 with (I suggest Cesare) and Magical Assistance (I suggest that whichever researcher rolls lowest use this).

remaining clues to boost research with:

Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

Bibliographic References: Several relevant books have extensive indices and bibliographies that might point to even greater discoveries.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +5 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

While the other five tackle the research room, Tippy sits on the steps outside with a small piece of paper, and their notes on the cipher clues they found. He looks quite frustrated when the others come out.

Team Grand Lodge:

Unless they find a fourth cipher clue in this last room, Tippy shows you his work at some point on the way out of the library. Reading backwards taking every third letter gives you "QGMOEWK". Applying the shifting cipher turns that into, "TJPMCZN" and applying the substitution cipher gives, "DGSUKR?", as N doesn't have a counterpart in the substition cipher given. Applying the substitution cipher before the shifting cipher gives "H_UIFAC", since G doesn't exist in the substitution cipher given, then shifted, it reads "K_SGIYF". Hopefully, there's a fourth cipher clue to make sense of this stuff.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

I think I may have it. Working on it, will let you know.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Wrinkling his brow, his lips moving silently, Cesare suddenly brightens and begins talking. "Wait, wait! We're doing it backwards! Forget those," he says, pushing aside the first and third ciphers.

"It's this one. But we're doing it backwards. These are instructions to encode. We need to reverse it to decode!"

He starts talking at a furious pace. "K, that's...H. Y, that's...A... It reads 'HASTHEBELLOFOBEDIENCE'...'Has the Bell of Obedience'! That's it! Right? Has to be."

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

"Sounds like a snippet only, then, like there's more of the message somewhere, like somebody'y name beforehand. Somebody has the bell of obedience."

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Sorry for my absence too. I've spent the last few days on an annual field trip with my students. I thought there would be wifi. I thought wrong.

"Excellent work! Indeed this is a team I am happy to be a part of. Now, let me take a look in there."

Linguisitics: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 8 + (2) = 22. Will sift through the clues list ASAP

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

"Wow, Cesare, that's some serious thinking behind that. Nice work!" says Mohok. "Sounds like Tippy's right, though, that's not all of it."

He then begins trying to help Zherohd in his search through the shelves and chests.

Linguistics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

"Does that matter?" asks Cesare. "To us here and now, I mean? The Venture Captain asked us to translate it and we have. Now let's get everything we came for, clean this place up and leave!"

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

"The likelihood of that being a coincidence is far too high. Cesare has it, and I agree, let us maximize our gains and then get out of here."

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

As the final minutes of their allocated time seem quickly approaching, Valerio does a last minute inspection of this secret room in the hopes of finding whatever specks of lost knowledge remain to be found.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Cesare, if make a roll with the Bibliographic References for a +5, then whoever has the lowest roll can roll again with the Magical Assistance (either you or Mohok) and we'll most likely find everything in here and move on.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

The wording of magical assistance seems to suggest to me, EVERYONE can use it, but I'm not 100% sure.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

I guess it could mean that. Seems pretty powerful compared to all the others though if it does.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Cesare uses his Bibliographic References to help him double-check for anything else of value here.

Knowledge (History) + Bibliographic References: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 5 = 23

The clue's wording is very vague indeed. Luckily in this case it doesn't matter one bit.

The crew set to (carefully) tearing this final vault apart for any sign of what they had come here to find, although a few hang back to puzzle out the ciphers now that they had a chance.

The most important of these findings is one long and weathered scroll found inside a tightly-sealed scroll tube. The parchment is aged and delicate, requiring tentative and careful hands, but the ink remains clear and true. The scroll details the rules of succession throughout the history of Taldor in excruciating detail, and notes how these rules have changed to serve one successor or another throughout the centuries. Any claims to the "purity" of rule and inheritance are thoroughly put to bed with this text. In addition, the parchment highlights various times when the nation chose an heir in a way that was an exception to the rules and the reasons behind that decision, including the succession of a daughter to the throne on one occasion. This detailed expose on the lines of succession matches the description of what the Pathfinder Society was tasked to recover for... your mysterious benefactor. (And to be clear, she wants the actual copy, not just notes from it.)

Perhaps less interesting to most of you--although quite fascinating for young Valerio--is a thin journal entitled Grave Consequences that explores the origins of Tar-Baphon, studies the circumstances of his lichdom, and analyses what the author knew of his necromantic techniques from the perspective of a scholar searching for a weak spot in the Whispering Tyrant's defenses. The cleric gets quite distracted with the tome while the others are busy deciphering codes or some other silly task.


Valerio - Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

In reading the text, you determine (with some excitement no doubt) that if you carefully read between the lines, one might be able to use the author's notes to recreate several of the Whispering Tyrant's techniques. These include novel ways to command undead, methods for empowering necromancy spells, and even a few details about how to become a lich. You realise that recording a few notes isn't going to be enough; this sort of discovery needs to be thoroughly digested to get the most out of it. No doubt Zarta Dralneen would appreciate a chance to... thoroughly debrief you and examine this journal on her own terms. Perhaps in a silken bedchamber with some delectable Egorian vintage wine on hand.

As yet another crescendo begins to build above, you realise you've got maybe half an hour at best remaining before your time here is up. Time enough to clean up any mess you may have left behind...

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Time to go then gentlemen? If we lock up as we go, things should look pretty much like we were never here. It might be years before anyone looks for the history of the succession, so I see no reason not to take it.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

"Makes sense to me," says Mohok, "especially since even the guardian of the library didn't know this room was here. Let's try to get things back the way we found them and get out of here before the cat-squeezers upstairs are done."

He sets to tidying the room they're in, as well as the previous room, and pondering whether they've taken care of all the other rooms they've visited.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Really sorry for the slow posts lately. We're basically just wrapping up at this point anyway.

Meandering back through the library, the group finds a few things they might be able to fix up on their way--a book left out here, a ladder to the higher shelves not pushed back into place there. Iliyana is escorted back to her room, and she quietly wishes you good luck in your mission.

When you return back to the main library, the Guardian cranes his stony neck to gaze upon the party with a curious smile. "Sooo, how did it go, then?"

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Tippy gives the caretaker one last hug as they leave her in her room, then follows the rest out.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Zosimos checks not only where he's been, but also makes sure his various accouterments are secure. He makes eye contact with each of his teammates before beginning the hustle back. He stops for a short bit to tidy up one more thing,

"Madam, know that you have done a Good Deed this day. May your days in this august establishment continue until Pharasma calls."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

In a voice that rumbles almost as deeply as the stone lion's, Mohok responds to the Guardian's question, "It went okay. There were a few surprises, some books that even I found interesting, and a bunch of stuff I didn't completely understand."

He turns to his companions and says, "Hey, did we find did he say it before? A 'a worthy receptacle to house his magical essence', I think it was. Did you guys find one of those?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

That bronze shield seemed to pretty much be exactly what the giant stone lion ordered. Zosimos, did you bring it?

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

"Riiiiight, the shield!" says Mohok, smacking his forehead with a meaty, mottled-green palm. "Good thinking, Zherohd."

He turns to see the Guardian's reaction as Zosimos displays the shield that Zherohd suggested he pick up in the libary.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Which I'm more than happy to unload as its slowing me down. :-)

"Ho! Hoho! This is perfect indeed!" the mighty lion purrs, his stony blue eyes glinting in merriment as he beholds the bronze shield. "Jolly good, friends! Your resourcefulness is clear as day! Bring it here for a moment, won't you?"

Once someone brings the shield to the Guardian, he gingerly grasps the shield in his mouth, closing his eyes in concentration. All those with some sense of the arcane can feel the powerful magic in the air, kind of like the brilliant scent of ozone just before a storm hits--and even those of you without such a connection feel goosebumps crawl up your arms as the lion works his magic. Observation on the magical plane (as with detect magic and the like) reveals thousands of tiny motes of glowing, rainbow energy being drawn into the shield. With a sudden last flash of bright light, the ritual is complete, and the Guardian rumbles his approval as sight returns to you all.

The shield's patina has receded, leaving a bright and burnished surface without any hint of the wear of ages. The shield also now bears the inscription "Glorymane" across the inside curvature. On a magical level, the shield glows bright with golden energy; any who hold it feel a strange, almost ticklish sensation around their ears as something seems to make a connection with their mind. Something very confident and prideful indeed...

"I have infused the shield with a spark of my awareness," the Guardian informs the group jovially, "such that I can follow along with your great adventures in the outside world. I would gladly assist in any task, so long as the cause is just or the potential glory is great."

"Oh, and yes--as you might have guessed, Glorymane is my real name." The lion smiles proudly. "Such an epithet I share only with true friends... consider yourselves lucky to be blessed with the knowledge!"

You're now free to retreat back up to the upstairs study room, or whatever else you have in mind for leaving this library... might want to figure out how you'll smuggle such an amazing shield out of here without being noticed, though!

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

What a story this would make! Cesare wonders how he could ever tell the story in word or song without winding up on the wrong end of the Lion Blades' blades. No doubt Glorymane himself will spill some portion of the beans soon enough. He resolves to ponder it some more once the group is free from this place.

"I don't suppose that one of you fellows has a spell sufficient to disguise our new friend here? If not, may I suggest that we cover him in a cloak and have Mohok wear Glorymane out on his back? Hopefully no one will notice that he's bulkier now than when we came in."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

From Mohok’s expression, it is clear he is pondering Cesare’s idea carefully. Eventually, he nods and says, ”I guess that would work, if it’s the only plan we have. But if anyone stops me to ask me about the big lump on my back, I don’t have much of a poker face.”

He then looks to the great lion head on the wall and says, ”How about you, Glorymane? Do you have any magic that would make it easier to sneak you out of here? If we get caught, they’ll bring you back in here for sure, and you’ll be sittin’ here lookin’ at the shield and wishing we had made it out unnoticed.”

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

If the librarian starts to ask questions, I'm pretty confident he can be blustered into submission. If we throw around the Arch-exarch's name and act self-important and entitled, he'll likely back down.

Glorymane blinks. "Why would I have such deceptive magics?" he asks, almost sounding offended. Doesn't take much to set him off, it seems. "Oh, but I am sure you resourceful types can figure something out!"

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Without the faintest trace of sarcasm, Mohok responds, "This may surprise you, Glorymane, but I don't know a lot about magic. And you seem like you can do some pretty amazing things with your magic, so I thought maybe...anyway, no offense intended."

He then turns to his fellow Pathfinders and says, "So nobody's got a spell or other trick that'll be better than me just wearing the shield under a cloak?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Sorry my friend. I'm actually pretty new at this; I could make you drop it, or summon an animal to distract a guard with. But I know no illusions. We could try hiding Glorymane somewhere and coming back for him later carrying a decoy shield and switch then, but that seems excessively complicated and risky.

Something I should remind you of is the stuff Muesello gave to you...

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Thanks Alice. I'd completely forgotten about this:

Musello wrote:

"Now, this package contains several potions in case of emergency." Curious Pathfinders find the second parcel to contain a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass without trace. "This last one simply provides you with enough materials to do your job." The sachet holds several dozen sheets of paper and an assortment of writing utensils and ink vials, ready for heavy study.

Mohok, if you drink these then it will be easy enough to walk out unnoticed, and the rest of us can bluff about your absence if anyone notices it.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Mohok's ugly face splits into a grin, his red-tinged eyes glittering with delight, "Now that's a good plan! I'd be happy to do that. The potion probably won't last long, so I'll wait to drink it 'til we're close to exiting the place. And if we go quick, they won't hear me stompin' out of here over the music!"

He shifts the lion shield onto his back with a quiet, "Ready to see the world, big fella?", takes the potion bottle in hand, and nods to indicate he's ready to go.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

And on their way out, Cesare makes sure to close the doors and retrieve all of he cards from the deck of illusions.

"Let's go. I think I hear the finale starting up there!"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

As the crescendo builds, Zherohd happily hums along with it. This Pathfinding business is rather fun! And no one sushes me for enjoying the music from down here.

"Oh, you have no idea how ready I am," Glorymane rumbles, his eyes twinkling in merriment. "Good luck, adventurers! May your futures be as glorious as can be!"

It takes mere minutes for the group to make their way back up to the study room you were assigned to where your illusory selves are dutifully awaiting your return. Cesare quickly gathers up all the cards, the act of removing them from the chair enough to deactivate the magic without a trace. Mohok quaffs the potion, disappearing into the aether along with your stolen shield and the various other important documents smuggled out from the Library of the Lion, and the group heads back up to the main entrance hall with loud music booming through the hallowed halls from above.

Tobias nods at you as you head for the exit, pushing his glasses up his nose and looking over you with a smile. "Done already, are you? I hope you found what you were looking for." He doesn't seem interested in questioning you further, and doesn't even seem to notice that Mohok is not present...

Leaving the Kith is easy as pie--everyone who is anyone around here is cooped up in the grand theatre hall, after all, leaving scant but a few guards or wandering students around the place to notice your leaving (and they certainly don't appear to be bothered by your presence at all--even with the shiny lion shield hanging from Mohok's shoulders). After a brisk walk through the chill evening air of Oppara's streets, you make your way back to Muesello's bait shop and let yourself in.

The Venture-Captain is found in the back room of the secretive Lodge, warming himself beside the fire as he reads a red-backed book. He looks up in surprise followed by excitement as you enter, welcoming you back and offering you a seat before inquiring rapid-fire about your discoveries. The hitherto unknown facts about the Shining Crusade that you unearthed excite him to no end, and he begins to sift through your hefty amount of scribbled notes with great enthusiasm. "An excellent job, Pathfinders!" Muesello heartily congratulates you with a big grin. Almost lion-like, really... perhaps you've been spending too much time around Glorymane. "I will get these notes sent on to the Grand Lodge in Absalom as soon as possible. And, of course, forward this," he gently taps the scroll about Taldan succession with one pudgy fingertip, "to Princess Eutropia post-haste. ...Ugh," Muesello's eyes go wide as he realises he let that one slip at the last moment, and he whacks himself over the head. "You didn't hear that... alright? Not a word..."

For those with a particular interest in ciphers, Muesello is likewise thrilled to see you having great success in cracking it, and thanks you profusely for the extra efforts you put in to do so.

Next time you're around Absalom, you hear word that some of the best researchers had a field day with your discoveries, studying them in detail and forming a lengthy report that was then forwarded onto Mendev. Whether or not it truly provides the extra edge to the Mendevian Crusade against the invasion that threatens all of Golarion is unclear, but hey, you can feel the warmth of something good in the world...

===End of Scenario===

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

That was an excellent scenario, and very well run.

Thanks everybody, gg, as the kids say.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

My apologies for my absence towards the end. It was a great game, and very well run. Thank you!

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